Sorry this chapter took so long. Life has been really busy. I am sad to say, this will be the last chapter. Since TVD comes back this week, Damon and Elena's honeymoon summer has to end. It has been a pleasure writing this story for you all, so let's just enjoy this last one and prepare ourselves for an awesome season 5.

Damon's POV

I sit against the headboard and watch as our perfect summer nears completion. Elena flits around the room, finishing up the packing process while I watch the best thing that has ever happened to me move away. Although we've made commitments to frequent visitations of each other and late night Skype meetings, it just won't be the same waking up alone every morning.

"Have you seen my hairdryer?" Elena says, rummaging through the cupboards in the bathroom. I lazily pull the device out of her bag, holding it up for her to see.

"You'd lose your ass if it wasn't connected to your body," I tease.

"I know," she says sappily, "I don't know what I'm going to do without you."

"You got that right. God knows that Blondie can't keep her head on straight."

I can see the excitement she has for the new chapter in her life, but also the mourning of an end to an incredible summer.

"Come here," I motion for her to come lay next to me. She lies against me, with her back to my chest, so I can hold her and wrap my arms around her and whisper in her ear.

"Tomorrow is going to come. You and Caroline are going to drive to Whitmore with your laundry baskets full of girly dorm decorations, a small stash of booze, all the junk food a proper college student should have, and pictures of us."

I see Elena nod her head in agreement, which makes me smile.

"You are going to put one next to your bed, on the mirror, in your binder, and several in plain sight so Caroline can enjoy them too," I say, making Elena laugh, "And then you are going to call me whenever you feel the need or want to talk. You are not going to hesitate because you know that I will be here in Mystic Falls at the ready to make you smile and cry and laugh at the same time."

She nods her head again and I am certain that we are going to be just fine.

"You promise?"

"I promise," she says with just a little waver in her voice, "as long as you promise me something?"


"Do you promise to call me whenever you need or want to talk? Do you promise to make frequent surprise visits to my dorm room, even if it is the middle of the night? Do you promise to think about me every day and text me about what's going on in your world?"

"Absolutely, I promise." There is a long pause, where we just lay together in silence.

"Good," she says quietly before spinning around in my embrace to kiss me on the lips. The contact is gentle and loving; sweet and innocent.

"If there are any creeps hanging out around Whitmore, you also be sure to let me know. I'll drive up there any time of day and eat them." Elena whacks my arm playfully.

"You're forgetting that your girlfriend is one badass vampire herself, with a vampire best friend."

"I know, but I figured the whole damsel in distress thing might be kind of a turn on, except that I find your strength and independence hot as hell."

"I can show you, if you want," Elena bites her lip, "just how strong I can be."

I smirk lightly as my eyes narrow curiously, which is enough confirmation for her because she quickly pushes me onto my back and has my arms pinned to the bed.

Straddling my body with her hands on each side of my head, holding my arms down, she tilts her hips into me, so the only thing between us is a ruffled sheet and a thin pair of panties. I struggle a little under her hold, but her determination to keep me restrained is impeccable. She slowly lets her vampire instincts take over as she bares her fangs and the veins web out from her eyes. Taking a deep breath, she plunges her teeth into my neck, squeezing my arms tight. I struggle to remove the fabric separating me from her while the euphoric sensation of her feeding on me blurs my vision. Elena removes the sheet and connects us with such vigor while indulging in my blood. Just as I think I might pass out from the rush, she removes her fangs from my neck and rolls off of me. Sweat lingers on my forehead as I breathe heavily until I come back down from our high.

"Ah hell. You can't go to college. Not after doing that to me," I laugh, still in awe of how the sex just keeps getting better and better.

"Now you have more incentive to come visit."

"As if I didn't have some already."

Elena smiles, licking her blood stained lips, savoring the taste of my blood.

"I love you," I say, turning serious, "I know that I tell you a lot, but I want you to believe it without a doubt."

"I know," she smiles, "and I do."

"I would do anything for you, even move up to Whitmore if that's what you wanted."

"And that's why I love you so much. I know that you are crazy about me just as I am crazy about you. So no matter where we are, we can be crazy about each other from a distance. We are meant to be."

"Without a doubt," I smile that love-struck smile before kissing those lips that fit to mine so perfectly.

What did you think of the story as a whole? What was your favorite chapter? I want to hear what you all have to say. I am working on another story, so stay tuned for that and thank you so much for reading!