"Did you think I would give up that easily?" laughed Plasmius.
A blast hurled him onto the pavement. The ghostly teen lifted himself off the sidewalk, straining as he did.
"Need a hand?"
Phantom looked at the dark haired boy next to him, offering him a hand. A grin stretched across his face as he grabbed it.
"Could use one."
Danny pulled one of his parents' inventions around his waist.
"Hey, you promised you wouldn't try that on me!"
Danny rolled his eyes. "It's been programmed not to work on you!" He produced a blaster from his pocket. "Ready?"
Author's Note: And it is finally completed! Thank you all for staying with me for this entire story. I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have. I never actually expected it to garner any attention. I'm really grateful for all the reviews you've sent me. Once again, thank you so very much.