Robin (now known as nightwing and know is in a new team called young justice) was in his room bored, he looked around his room and then he spotted something underneath his bed, he pulled it out and opened it, it had pictures of him when he was young and when he was the team leader of teen titans, he decided to take the box to the lounge and show Kid Flash, Beast Boy and Roy (who is now known as Red Arrow)
"Hey Wally, Roy, Beast Boy come here!"
Roy and Wally ran to him
"What's up?" asked Wally
"Look what i found" replied Nightwing
"Oh My God i remember them!" shouted Wally
"Yeah the Teen Titans" said Roy
then all the Young Justice members walked in
"Who are the teen titans?"asked M'gann
"We were a team when we were younger" replied Beast Boy
"You guys were a team when you were kids?" asked Conner
"Yeah, and we had awesome team mates as well" said Nightwing
"Dude we should invite them here" said Wally
"Yeah, we haven't seen them in a long time" replied Roy
"Good idea Wally i'll contacted them with our communicators" said Nightwing
"Yay, we get to meet your old team!" cheered M'gann
"Well what are we waiting for, come on!" shouted Beast Boy