I'm really glad that a lot of you liked my story! (Well, technically Vocaloid's and the manga's, but I made quite a few adjustments for this chapter). Thank you to Crystalz-the-dark-angel, Minallys, Dog's Paw Burning in Hot Ash, Ms. oLaLa (such a great song, isn't it? So sad though DX), GoldenRoseTanya, PurpleSkyDragon, and Sen'ninriki!
Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Fairy Tail or "Servant of Evil" or Vocaloid!
Chapter Two: Anything for you
"So, I'll be your instructor, Natsu, and Erza will be your swordsmanship trainer," said the beautiful woman with long, wavy white hair. She cocked her head as she smiled, but her right hand held onto a ruler that she used to lightly tap her left palm with. "Oh, and welcome to Fullbuster Kingdom."
"Ah, crap," Natsu muttered under his breath, his neck shining with sweat.
"What did you just say, you little bastard?" the redheaded woman apparently named Erza said threateningly, "I don't want to hear that kind of crap spewing out of your mouth, you hear me?"
"Erza…" Mirajane, the long-haired woman, sighed, touching her forehead with her hand. She laid down the ruler onto a desk, and smiled brightly at the pink-headed boy. "What's the problem, student, dear?"
"I- I'm sorry, malady," Natsu stammered, "but I think that, maybe, I have the wrong address."
"And why do you think that, Summer Boy?" Erza snorted, adjusting her armor.
"The king of Heartfilia Kingdom sent me here to be exiled from away from his daughter. Would he really give me an education and the training to become a better fighter, as well?"
"No," Mira smiled, her long gown rustling as she went to the other side of the large library that they were in. "He would not."
"But Her Majesty Queen Layla would," Erza said lazily, gesticulating with her arms. "She intends to bring you back to the kingdom when your learning here is done."
"And when will that be?" Natsu asked, his voice filled with anxiety.
"We're not entirely sure," Mira said before Erza could cut in with a sharp response. "It may be years, decades."
"The Princess…"
"And what about the Princess?" the scarlet-haired woman asked, smirking. She twisted her hair up into a ponytail.
"I," Natsu hesitated, and then bowed, "Please teach me with all you've got."
Mirajane sighed, "It must be nice…this young love I've heard about."
Natsu stood, his gaze fixated on the ground. "What is between Lu – the Princess…and I is not love. Do I want to see her? Yes. Do I want to meet her again? Yes. Do I love her? Not as a man would love a woman. I just wish to protect her with all I've got. I would do anything for her."
Erza grunted, and stood from her chair, flipping her ponytail behind her shoulder. "Well, even if it's love or what you speak of, I've got to go. There's a couple of robbers that His Royal Majesty King Simone Fullbuster demands I take care of. Have a nice day, you two."
"Be safe," Mira called as Erza shut the front doors behind her. Then, she turned to Natsu in a huff.
She retreated to a bookshelf, and proceeded to pull out a dozen books. She then came over to Natsu's desk and lay the books heavily upon it. She tapped the topmost one.
"Let's get started with the basics, shall we?"
Natsu took hold of the one she had been hitting her fingers against. "This one?"
Mira smiled and laughed. "No…all of them."
Eight Months Later…the Heartfilia Kingdom
"So, it's been decided then? Lucy Heartfilia will be the next heir for the throne?"
"Yes," Jude sighed, his fingers rubbing his eyelids.
"Yes…thank you, Your Majesty," the royal worker bowed, and the left, taking with him the document that finalized Lucy's coronation a few years into the future.
"What is the meaning of this?!"
Jude continued to sit in silence, rubbing his forehead with his fingers.
"I am your younger brother! I am a male! Aren't I more fit to be the net heir?!"
The king finally stood up, his chair scraping against the marble floor. The cleaning maid almost tsked at the way the legs left marks on the shiny floor.
"In qualifications, yes, you are. But in the desired elements of a ruler…you are far from them."
Eric spluttered, his plump face growing purple with rage. "Well, what of the little wench-?"
"Princess," Jude's voice rose just a notch.
"Yes, yes, Princess…she doesn't exactly fit the model to be a 'king', either, does she?"
The king drew his fingers through his hair, and opened his mouth to answer when the oaken doors to the room opened.
"Lucy," Jude nodded to her. "Good timing. I was just about to call someone in to escort your Uncle out. Could you do so, please?"
The blonde princess looked unpleasantly at her father's uncle, but bowed deeply. "As you wish, Father. Your word" –and unseen to the people in the room, a delicate little smirk crossed the girl's porcelain features – "is absolute."
Uncle Eric scowled, planting his feet into the ground.
"Eric," Jude growled, "Leave my presence at once."
The plump man obliged reluctantly, stepping out into the hallway with the princess. He stared at her disgustedly.
"This way, Uncle."
They walked in silence, and the young girl almost thought that the Uncle wasn't going to do anything nasty. She should have known better.
When they got to the marble flooring of the hallway right next to the garden, he pushed her down, cackling as he did so. Several maids around him snickered at the fallen girl, their faces twisting in satisfaction.
He waltzed over to the sprawled out girl, grinding the heel of his shoe into her hand evilly.
"Helpless now without your little servant boy, aren't you? If he was here, he would have saved you already. Really, that piece of crap was worthless, nothing but a bunch of stinking garbage waiting to be thrown into a pile of horse manure. Even if he hadn't been exiled out of the castle by my older brother, he would have been thrown out by me. You know where? In the stables, 'cause that's where a piece of-!"
"Shut up!" Lucy screeched, yanking her hand out from under her Uncle's foot. She looked up at him ferociously, her eyes wild. "When I become Queen, those who dare push me to the ground will have their hands done away with, those who dare step on me will have their legs rendered useless, and those" – she looked at the maids –"who dare laugh at me will have their mouths sown shut!"
Everyone was silent, and Lucy stood, her hair disheveled. She looked at her uncle and smirked, bringing her arms across her chest. "Well? What are you waiting for? The next heir of the Heartfilia Kingdom stands before you. Kneel before me!"
Around her, she could hear all the maids and servants crouching, but her eyes were only trained on her Father's brother. Trembling, he dropped to his knees, and looked up at her, his eyes full of hate.
"My apologies, Your Majesty."
Lucy smiled, but the act never reached her eyes. "That's what I thought, Uncle. That's what I thought."
Three Years Later…
It was that girl, again. She had long black hair, pulled back into a chignon, and always wore a deep, navy blue dress. Actually, there were tons of girls like this everyday. Natsu stared blankly at them as they struggled to get a look at him. He had just finished sword practice with Erza, and had knocked her weapon out of her hands when the squeal of the girls started to get to him. He was sweaty, and he took a swing of water from his bottle as he sat down for a rest.
Erza-sensei leaned on her sword, giving a low, long whistle. "Look at the many fangirls you've got there, Natsu. You've grown so handsome over the years."
The boy wrinkled his nose. "That sounds gross coming from you."
She hit him with the butt of her sword. "And you've acquired quite a cold attitude."
He sat back, dumping the rest of the water over his head. He stood up, shaking his head free of any droplets. "Mirajane-sensei told me to get new books for out lessons. I have got to go now."
"Right, right…so, see you tomorrow then, Natsu?"
"Yes, of course. Have a pleasant day, sensei."
Erza chuckled, watching as the boy slipped off his button down shirt to get ready to go to town. That seventeen-year-old could be such a smart aleck.
The books Mira had ordered for him to purchase were extremely heavy. He lugged them along, ignoring the stares he got from many young – and attractive – women. His hair had grown slightly longer over the last couple of years, so he had taken to chopping it off himself. It was weirdly cut, but the messy hairdo suit him.
The sun beat down on him relentlessly. Finally, he decided to take a break. He set the bag of books down on the ground, and wiped his forehead off with a handkerchief when something caught his eye.
A trail of white hair. His eyes follower the strands until he saw a face. And what a face it was.
She was delicate, her skin white as milk, and her lips were the color of rubies. When she smiled, her teeth shone like pearls, and her eyes sparkled like sapphires. The skin of her body seemed to glow with the radiance and beauty of diamonds, and her long eyelashes were like vines of jewels and gems. Her pure white hair – waist-long and silky – cradled her face, and she wore a wide bonnet to protect herself from the sun's warm rays. She was dressed in a pink dress that exploded out at the bottom. She laughed at something, and turned her head slightly. Her gaze met his.
For a moment, she did nothing, and then slowly…she smiled. Natsu grinned back, and felt slightly disappointed when the boy next to her – who had raven black hair, and drooping eyes – took her away into the busy streets.
"Beautiful, isn't she?"
Natsu turned to look at a wizened old man who was standing next to him.
"The mistress with the white hair?"
"Yes. They call her the 'Jewel of the Country', or at least, she would be, if she married the man who was next to her, His Royal Prince Gray Fullbuster."
"Isn't the prince of Fullbuster Kingdom arranged to marry the princess of…Heartfilia Kingdom?"
The old man nodded sadly. "Alas, his Royal Prince has fallen head over heels for the young Ojou-sama of Strauss Kingdom, Her Royal Princess…Lisanna. And she in turn, loves him as well."
Lisanna. What a pretty name for a…magnificent girl.
"Don't tell me you've fallen for her, my lad."
Natsu smiled. "I have."
And he walked away.
Meanwhile, in the The Heartfilia Kingdom
"I am afraid that His Royal Majesty has fallen…deathly ill."
"Oh dear."
Layla ducked her head down, her eyes shimmering with sadness. Tears threatened to drop out of her eyes as she sat beside Jude's bedside. In contrast, the young princess stood with complete serenity at her father's side, not an emotion licking her face. Her blonde hair was twisted back into a bun that was held up by a fancy yellow and black hair adornment.
"Lucy, don't you have anything to say?" Layla sobbed, bringing her face out of her hands.
The princess brought out her hand to touch her father's chin. "Of course."
The king looked at her, and waited for what she had to say.
"When I become Queen, I will bring Natsu back."
She smiled sweetly, and left the room.
Weeks Later…the Fullbuster Kingdom
Natsu was studying when Mirajane came into the room, her features graced with a strained smile. The boy looked up from his books, setting his quill down onto the desk. Mira and Erza always told him he paid too much attention to studying and training, and not enough time enjoying his life as a young man. But he always returned back to his bookwork after their lectures, anyway.
"What's wrong, Mira-sensei?" he asked, standing up from his chair. Mirajane wrung her hands together, still smiling.
"What makes you think there's something wrong, Natsu?"
"Your face looks horrible."
A look of utter anger crossed his teacher's face for a moment, before it sagged down with sorrow. "His Royal Majesty Jude Heartfilia of Heartfilia Kingdom has passed away."
Natsu froze and stammered, "H-Heartfilia…?"
"The Queen has asked for you to return."
"The Queen…"
Mira started to cry, smothering her face with tears. "Don't go, Natsu! Nothing awaits you there but grief and sadness. Here, you have Erza and I, and you've also found someone you love!"
Natsu stares at his weeping teacher, until he does the unexpected. He walks over to her and hugs her.
"I have to go back, Mirajane-sensei," he whispered, and pulled back. The woman was now trying to wipe off her face, and she smiled forcedly through her sadness.
"You have to, or you want to?"
"I want to."
"Yes. I figured."
"Are you done?" Erza asked suddenly from the doorway. "'Cause you've got a lot of packing to do, Natsu."
A few weeks later…
"The Queen gives her permission for you to enter the royal drawing room," the butler said, stroking his mustache. He eyed Natsu with a disgusted look. "Though I do not know why she has requested the presence of a varmit like you."
Natsu smiled pleasantly, "Nice caterpillar, sir. Though your upper lip is an odd place to keep a pet bug, isn't it?"
The man scowled grouchily, and gestured for him to come in. Natsu followed, looking around at the castle as they traveled through the hallways.
"The Heartfilia Castle has not changed a bit," he commented to no one in particular.
Despite that, the butler still responded, "Ah, yes, ever since the king passed away, Her Ladyship had been under a great amount of stress that she has not been able to renovate the quarters. She has asked the Princess to help, but the young girl would not comply."
"I see."
Lucy was not one to submerge herself in something like house redecorating, anyways. She'd much rather read books, or sit in the garden…do anything but remind herself she lived in a gargantuan mansion with a couple of rooms she probably didn't know about.
"Your Highness," the butler suddenly said, opening a pair of huge oaken doors, "The...new servant is here."
And with that, the man ushered the boy in, and left.
Queen Layla Heartfilia sat in the velvet sofa chair, her blonde hair turning a slight white, and her eyes sagging. Yet, she still smiled forcedly, and gestured for him to sit down. He obliged, and looked around warily.
"Welcome back, Natsu," the Queen welcomed warmly.
"Thank you, my Lady," he said, bowing awkwardly in his sitting position.
She laughed. "No need for formalities…oh."
She touched her forehead lightly and swayed.
"Are you okay, my Queen?" Natsu asked urgently, as he supported her with his arms.
"Yes…actually, no. I am not okay. I'm afraid it is only a matter of time before I come down with the cold. I really should rest…but first, I must talk to you."
Natsu backed up, and sat back down where he had been sitting.
"You see, Natsu, I know you are very close to my daughter."
"Yes, my Lady."
"And that is just the trouble. Now that you are back, and fully trained, I need you to be just a servant. The arrangement for the marriage between Lucy and the young Gray Fullbuster has already been decided. We cannot have interferences."
Too late for that.
"I know. I do not mean to sound rude, Your Highness, but I intend to be nothing more that the Princess's tool, and slave. As long as I can protect her, I'm fine with being a whole social level below her."
Layla smiled. "Thank you for being…so understanding, Natsu. And now if you will excuse me…I will retire to my bedroom. You may go see Lucy for the time being…"
Natsu waited until the Queen had left the room, and then stood up. He ran out the doors, past the protesting butler, and went to the one plase he was sure that girl would be.
When he got there, he was right. Surrounded by the royal garden's peonies and tulips was the Princess Lucy Heartfilia, seeming to wait for him under the bright sunlight.
The blonde was wearing all black, and her hair was pinned up with gothic black hair assortments…very different from what the past princess would wear, but Natsu brushed the thought away as she came running towards him.
"Natsu!" she cried and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I'm so glad you're back!"
He hesitated a moment, before he finally hugged her back…
She is the Daughter of Evil…
"I will be back shortly, Natsu," Lucy said, smiling as she left the library. "I'll be getting some tea from the kitchen."
They had been sitting in the room quietly as the girl had reread a favorite book of hers. Natsu had been standing off to the side, catching up on his studies diligently.
"All right."
The door shut, and he went back to his textbook.
To conjugate French verbs, you need to…
The door open again, and Natsu looked up quizzically; the kitchen was a long way from the library. Lucy could not be back so soon, could she? And she wasn't. It was that shy, little maid named Wendy. She looked like a child, but her ability to bring food from place to place was quick and efficient.
"Hello, Wendy," Natsu greeted.
The blue haired girl, whose long locks had been pulled back into a neat braid, nodded to him, stammering, "H-hello, N-N-N-Natsu- s-san."
The boy ducked down his head to continue his reading.
Exercises, he wrote out on his piece of parchment.
A cup of tea and biscuits were set down in front of him.
"Ah, if only you were here a second earlier. Lu-the Princess has ran off to get some tea."
Wendy clasped her hands together, and looked around, as if she was scared that she would be punished for talking to him. But it was just a servant-to-servant talk, nothing else. "U-um, I r-ran into h-her in t-the h-h-hallway. She t-told me to g-go on to the l-library, and w-went s-s-somewhere."
The little girl held his gaze and then asked softly, "Aren't you scared?"
Natsu cocked his head. "Of what? Studying French?"
Wendy shook her head, her blue eyes seeming to tremble, "Of her. Of the Princess. Are you not scared of –" she looked around fearfully – "the Daughter of Evil?"
"The Daughter of-? What in the world is that?"
"The Princess, evil daughter of the king and queen of Heartfilia Kingdom. She prays on the fear of the innocent and revels in the pain of the sinners."
"What?" Natsu laughed. "What a poor description of Lu- the Princess. She's very down-to-earth."
Wendy's eyes lost its frightened state for a moment, and filled with pity. "I've seen it. The man who used to care for the books in the library. He accidentally ripped one of the Princess's favorite books. She had him killed by an assassin. His name was Simon."
'I used to have a friend named Simon, he was very kind even though he looked very tough…just like you, Natsu' Erza said, smiling.
'What happened to him?'
'He was killed.'
Natsu blinked, and then laughed nervously. Both at what the little girl had said, and what he had just remembered. "That can't be true."
"It's okay if you don't believe it. She won't harm you. She's very fond of you," Wendy whispered, and smiled, "Too bad I can't say the same for me, though."
Suddenly, the door opened, and Lucy came in. "Oh, Wendy, what are you two talking about?"
"Fr-Fr-French," Wendy stuttered, "I-I d-don't understand i-it at all. I thought I-I'd ask N-N-Natsu-san to h-help me."
"Oh. Good choice. Natsu's very good at French."
"Y-yes, thank you Princess."
Wendy gave a little curtsy, and hurried to bring the blonde some tea. When she had finished, she wheeled the cart to the door. Just as Lucy sat down, she called out to Wendy, who had already opened the door.
"Oh, and Wendy?"
"Y-yes, Princess?"
"You now have to take care of a job in the kitchen, as well. There's suddenly been an opening," Lucy smiled, and Wendy nodded, then hurried out.
When the girl has left, Natsu turned to the blonde, who was already going back to reading. "Why is there suddenly an opening?"
Lucy looked up, and met his gaze. She chuckled under her breath. "Deciding when to bring tea to me…oh, what a naïve kitchen maid she was."
And that was all. That was all she said.
But Natsu kept asking, "Princess, is it true that a man used to work here?"
The princess looked up again, and smiled amusedly. "You've heard the story? Of course there was…and yes, before you ask, I did order someone to kill him off."
Lucy sighed, as if the pink-headed servant just wasn't getting something very, very simple. "He ripped one of my favorites."
"And what else? It was by Zekua Melon, for goodness sake. One of his limited edition collection of fairy tales! Do you think you can just get that anywhere? Our castle was one of the few who actually had it…and he ripped it, that clumsy fool. Though with his big muscles, I can't imagine why Mother appointed him a position in the Castle Library."
Natsu said nothing, and just stared at the girl. Lucy, seeing no reaction from him, frowned.
"Natsu, did you not say you would do anything for me?"
"I – yes, I did."
"Then, prove it. Prove you would do anything for me. Support my side of the argument. That I was completely right to have an assassin off with Sid – or was it Simon?"
Natsu about to defy her, say no, that it was wrong to kill someone, but then he remembered. His parents, lying dead as blood seeped out of them, his whole village ransacked and destroyed as the vile destroyers wiped everyone out, his little sister, taken from his arms as they slit her throat…then nothing. He felt nothing. Then the smiling face of the blonde, her kiss on his cheek, and her thin voice as she said, "…so I love you lots, Natsu."
He opened his mouth, smiled, and said, "Of course Princess. You were right."
Lucy smiled back at him. "Yes, I know."
Then they went back to their activities.
Later that night…
"Sweet dreams, Princess," Natsu said, bowing as he left Lucy to her room. She smiled at him, bade him good-bye, and fell out of sight as he shut the door.
Black clothing. Black Hair Assortments. Black personality.
What had happened to her?
Natsu pushed the thought away as he made his way back to his old quarters. But he was feeling rather famished. So, in the end, he decided to go to the kitchen instead. His steps rang in the hallway as he walked past the library, some empty bedrooms, a few guestrooms, and then finally…the kitchen. He pushed the door open, and froze as he saw the scene.
A man with bright, neon orange hair was standing in the middle of the dark kitchen, and his tinted glasses hid his eyes. In his hands was the kitchen maid, but she was entirely different from all the other times Natsu had seen her.
The orange-haired killer glared at Natsu, as if he was the wrongdoer. Blood was smeared all over the stranger's front, and in the maid's chest was a knife, plunged hilt deep into her. Warm, red liquid was dripping everywhere, and the woman's eyes were lifelessly open. Her mouth was slightly agape as well, as if she had been in the middle of trying to scream.
"You saw," the stranger said needlessly. Natsu stared at him emotionlessly. The kitchen maid…the opening for Wendy…Lucy.
"I guess I'll have to kill you, too," the man said, pulling the weapon out of the woman. Her body fell to the ground with a thud and squelch.
Natsu didn't move, but kept on staring as the orange-headed male swung the knife down on him…
The familiar voice stopped the weapon, and Natsu looked at Lucy behind him, her breath coming out in tired puffs.
"Don't do that, Loke. Don't ever try to kill this boy."
The man named Loke stepped back, running the point of his bloody knife against his finger. "It's my job. I assassinate. People see me. I assassinate them."
Lucy ignored his remark and looked disgustedly at the ground. "Did you have to get the commoner's blood all over the ground? Couldn't you have found a less messy way?"
The blonde glared at him. "No, Princess."
"Whatever I call you, the answer's still no. The knife..." he waggled the weapon in the air to stress his point, "is my forte."
"Well, good job," the blonde said calmly, "but next time, do not try to kill Natsu."
"I cannot guarantee anything."
"I mean it," Lucy said softly, "or I will have you as a very fancy pole decoration, hung right around…" She pointed at her neck.
"Yes, Princess," the man said sarcastically. "I shall have to leave now. And remember, keep him out of here next time. If he witnesses anything again, I'll kill him, I swear."
And with that, Loke climbed out of a window, leaving the remnants of his work behind.
"Shouldn't he clean it?" Natsu asked.
"It's fine. The sight will strike fear into the servants' hearts," Lucy said. "People will not be able to prove it was me."
She handed him something. "Your textbook. You left it behind."
"Oh, right. Thank you."
Lucy smiled, and gestured for him to follow her. He obliged, not sure of what he was feeling inside. They entered her room after a few moments of silently walking. She finally shut the door and sat on the bed, smirking at Natsu all the while.
He stood, very uncomfortable, but gave his full attention to her.
"Loke," she said slowly, smiling, "That piece of crap."
Natsu listened, watching as Lucy spoke.
"He thinks he can disrespect me because he does the filthy deeds I do not want to dirty my hands with. Oh, is he ever wrong."
Lucy sat back, smirking, but sitting properly, "One day, he will try to blackmail me, and take advantage of what I have ordered him to do. Proof, he will say, I have proof. Then, I shall be killed by the people of Heartfilia Kingdom. So, we have to prevent that before that happens, Natsu."
He blinked, then suddenly became aware of what she was implying. "Prin-!"
"Besides, that bloke is far too close to the Fullbusters than what is normal. He is associated with them, I believe. He will one day tell them what I have done, and Fullbuster Kingdom will become the dominant country as everyone turns against me." Lucy cocked her head. "I will be the antagonist, Natsu. The whole world will turn against me, and I will be hated. I will be executed. So we have to stop that before that happens. Do you understand what I'm saying Natsu?"
Natsu blinked and said, "Yes, I understand." And then he bowed, "It shall be done. Anything for you, my Princess."
Lucy smiled approvingly, "He should be at the first bar you get to when you leave the castle to go into town."
The pink-headed boy nodded, and bowed again. He left the room.
Next morning…
"And so I said to my darn lazy sister dat dere ain't anybody who willin' enough to clean that stinking horse of yers for only ten Jewels! And she got out dare, and she cleaned it 'erself!"
The bar owner nodded as he listened to his plump wife's ranting about her little sibling. He sighed as he went around back to get the next crate of ingredients to make his beer. His wife followed him, apparently still not done with her chatter.
"And then-!"
Something was malodorous back here. Something very ominous-smelling.
The bar owner, whipped around, then turned back around to see what was next to the crate. There, hidden by shrubbery and grass was a body of an orange-haired man, his mouth open in a scream as someone had slit his throat.
His body was all twisted around, so that his left arm was under him and his right hands was slouched over his back. A couple of flies were already being attracted to him. His blood was still leaking into the ground, not completely dry yet.
"Bonnie," Jim said real slowly, "Get the law over here, NOW!"
That morning, when Lucy saw Natsu cutting off the bloody cuff of his button down shirt, she smiled, and said three words.
"Good job, Natsu."
"Anything for you, Princess."