Hey you guys! I'm back and with a story that is based on Len Kagamine's "Servant of Evil". This is a Vocaloid song that is extremely sorrowful. I changed a few parts - like where the main charaters are twins.

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or "Servant of Evil"!

For Lucy, who gave meaning to Natsu's life, he will do anything. Even kill…

Chapter One: The Princess and her Servant

"Once upon a time…"

This is the tale of a royal princess and an orphan servant boy who were brought together by fate. At first, happiness was in the palms of their hands, and then…

"Mistress," the Nanny said, her face hidden by the shadows of the castle, "this is the new servant boy who will be assisting you. His name is Natsu Dragneel. You may order him as you like."

The young blonde princess, with her six-year-old naivety, looked at the boy before her with curiosity. He was a bedraggled thing, just her age, and his whole face was smeared with dirt. His eyes were glazed over, dull, as if he had had his life sucked right out of him. His pink hair hung above his face in scraggly ropes, and his clothes were tattered and torn, just bits of cloth that hung off his body. His hands were scratched and stained with dry blood, probably his own, and his feet were blistered, smeared with grime and mud.

He didn't look up as he was introduced to Lucy, but instead looked down at his feet silently.

"Hi!" Lucy trilled, stepping up to him. She took his hands into her own, and his head snapped up. His onyx eyes dug into her brown ones; he was wondering, wondering why she was here, next to him, holding his hands as if they were close to each other. "My name's Lucy Heartfilia! What's yours?"

"Mistress, I told you-"

"Natsu." The boy's voice was hoarse and croaky, as if he had not drunk any water for a long time. "My name…it's Natsu."

The Nanny pursed her lips at being interrupted, but let the disturbance slide with a sigh. "Natsu, why don't you show the Mistress up to her room?"

"Nana, won't I be the one doing the 'showing'?" Lucy asked innocently, "It's Natsu's first time here-!"

"Mistress," Nanny said slowly, but with a hint of impatience in her voice, "He is nothing more than parentless trash. You shall not get close to him. He is only meant to be here to serve you...but he'll be doing courtyard work most of the time, so you won't get to see him very often."

Lucy frowned, and hunched her shoulders forward. "That's rather mean, isn't it? To call someone trash; that's ridiculous."

"Show the Mistress to her room, Natsu."

The boy nodded weakly, and gestured for the young girl to follow him. She obliged, but her questions poured from her mouth as they walked along.

"Are you from Fiore?"


"What town?"

"Does it matter when it doesn't exist anymore?"

Lucy stayed quiet after that, but her excitement grew as they entered her room at last.

"That's my bed, those are my books for learning, and that's…"

"…a piano."

The blonde miss looked at Natsu, whose hands stroked the instrument gently. His fingers, although still scarred and dirty, looked strangely beautiful in the sunlight that streamed into the room.

"Do you want to play it?" Lucy asked him quietly.

He looked at her in alarm. He wordlessly shook his head, trying to back away. "I won't be allowed to."

"Go ahead," Lucy urged. "They'll think it's me, anyways."

Natsu hesitated, before sliding onto the bench, and lightly placing his hands on the keys. He pressed down.

A soft music filled the room, and Lucy closed her eyes slowly as the melodic sound caressed her ears. She started to sway her head to the rhythm of the song, and almost began to sing when loud footsteps echoed from down the hallway.

"Get up, quick!" she hissed to the boy, and he did so obediently. By the time the door opened to reveal the Nanny, Lucy was seated at the piano and Natsu was standing in the middle of the room, as if he watching her play.

"Get…out, you vagrant!" Nanny snapped at Natsu, who quickly exited the room.

Lucy listened as the old woman scolded the boy right outside her door, and smiled as the lady's footsteps disappeared. The princess opened her door just a crack, and grinned when she saw Natsu standing there.

"See you tomorrow," she whispered to him, and just for a moment, a hint of a smile crossed the boy's face.

Two months later…

"Today's so beautiful," Lucy said quietly. "Look, Natsu, there's a bird. I think that one's a sparrow."

Instead of laying on the grass right in the middle of the Royal Garden, Natsu, now dressed in breachers and a sharp vest, was sitting, amazed by the brilliant blue of the sky, the sound of the birds, and the drifting clouds overhead.

"Isn't the sky really blue, today?" Lucy chirped, and Natsu looked at her, nodding slightly.

"That's a flower."


"That's a cloud."


"That's a tree."


"Hey, Natsu…"


"Do you know how to read?"

He looked at her, his eyes sparkling. A light was slowly returning to the young boy's eyes each time he spent time with the young princess. He still had yet to smile, though.

"No. Why?"

"I have this really great book that I should like for you to read…" Lucy smiled shyly. "We could read it together if you'd like."

Natsu cocked his head, and then…he smiled. The sunlight seemed to create a halo around his head as he did so, creating a crown of light. "I learn through my music. I love it when I play the piano and you sing, Lucy."

The blonde hesitated for a moment before leaning over and giving the boy a kiss on the cheek.

"Mommy says that a kiss means 'I love you'. So…I love you lots, Natsu."

The boy stared at her for a moment, and then he showed her his smile again.

Four months later…

"Gray!" Lucy squealed as the black-haired boy rammed into her, hugging her with all his might.

"Lucy!" he yelled, pulling back. His six-year-old face beamed with delight.

"How long are you going to stay over?"

"Dad says that I can stay here at Heartfilia Kingdom for a few days, but then I have to return to Fullbuster Kingdom. How have you been doing?"


From inside the castle, a man with blonde hair and an exquisite suit leaned against a window, watching the young prince and princess interact.

A woman behind him, also blonde and adorning a pink gown, stared at him, hands clasped together patiently.

"The engagement between Lucy and the young prince of Fullbuster Kingdom have been made," the man said finally, rubbing his eyes in exhaustion.

"But Jude, they're still so young!" the woman said, her voice filled with anxiety.

"Every kingdom has turned their back to us - the most powerful of them all. Our only hope is the Fullbuster Kingdom – it was only a matter of time before they, too, betrayed us."

"You are only using Lucy as a coin, a tool – to maintain your power."

"And what is wrong with that?" Jude spat, turning his eyes on Layla, the woman. "I have gained this almighty kingdom through sweat, tears, and…blood! If I lose this kingdom, I lose my life's work! What about that can't you understand, woman!? If you should ask me, I think we have bigger problems, like how that filthy servant has been hanging around Lucy-!"

"You mean Natsu? You know that he's entirely devoted to her-"

"I do not care! He is a wimp! The only thing he is doing is getting close to her…just on the edge of ruining the arrangement between our kingdom and the Fullbusters'!"

"Dear! Calm down!"

Layla's voice echoed in the empty recesses of the castle, and the silence that followed was eerie.

"Of course. I will calm down. But if that piece of crap gets any closer to our daughter, I'll have him hung by his neck on the nearest pole."

Layla tried to find the words to change her husband's mind, but came up short. Instead, she ducked her head. "Of course, Your Majesty. Your word is absolute."

"You're leaving, huh?" Lucy asked Gray as he mounted his horse.

"Yeah," the boy replied. "I have to attend to some business in Father's kingdom. But I promise I'll be back soon-!"

"Alright then! Bye-bye!"

The blond girl was already running away, and Gray stared after her as she went.

"She used to cry when I left," he muttered under his breath.

"Well, are you feeling lonely there, little Highness, sir?" Loke asked, the companion on Gray's trip.

"Shut up! Could we just go, please?"

"Natsu!" Lucy called. "Natsu!"

"I'm right here."

The girl turned into the garden, where Natsu was ripping weeds from the ground in Queen Layla's daffodil bed. Lucy came up to him.

"What are you doing?"


"Oh, okay!"the young girl said cheerfully, smiling as she grabbed onto a weed.

"Wait, Lu-!"


Lucy winced as she injured her finger on the weed's prickly leaf. She lifted her hand to her face as blood started to squeeze out of the wound.

"Natsu…what should I do? It's bleeding-!"


Before, Lucy could stop him, the pink-headed boy was already bringing her finger into his mouth, where he sucked at the blood and spat it out onto the ground.

"Natsu! I just touched the ground with this hand! It's…it's dirty! You could get sick!"

The boy lifted his face to gaze into her eyes. "If it's for you, my Princess, I would do anything at any cost."

He went back to sucking her finger, unaware of the girl's shocked reaction…and the way his words would always be engraved into her mind.

Eight years later…

"Have you heard?" the ladies-in-waiting whispered, "The Princess has been decided as the heir to the throne!"

"Are you serious?" the sewing lady asked, disgusted, "That wretch? She's entirely weak-willed. Shouldn't the next ruler of the kingdom be someone more capable?"

"I heard that the king's younger brother has been dying to get the title of heir for a long time now. He isn't all too pleased about the official decision being that Young Mistress Lucy will be the one getting the name."

"Oh please, you mean Master Eric? He absolutely hates the child now. I can see why…she's very spoiled. It'd be better if she fell off a cliff or something."

The ladies-in-waiting laughed, "How horrible of you to say such a thing."

"Well, who doesn't feel the same way?"

Unknown to them, just outside their chamber, a fourteen-year-old girl, blonde and beautiful, was listening to them very intently.

Natsu was working on patching the Princess's riding dress when she came bursting in herself, full of tears and stories. Patiently and calmly, he turned away from his work, brushing his pink hair from his eyes, and adjusting the sleeves of his button-down shirt. His vest was a little too tight again – he would have to inform the "Nanny" about that. But for now, he stared as Lucy stood before him, sniffling. A quiet rage towards the person who had made her like this burnt within him, but he only stood up and pulled the Princess to him.

"What happened, Lucy?" he asked gently.

"Nobody likes me," she sniffed, hiccupping, "They all want me dead! They all hate me! And just because Father wants to make me the new, stupid 'king' of the kingdom!"

Natsu pulled away, smiling at her as she pouted.

"Here, look, I fixed your riding gown." He swept the dress off the table and dangled it in front of her. "So, don't cry anymore, okay?"

Lucy stared at his fingers. "You pricked yourself a couple of times."

Natsu looked down at them, and saw she was right. "Well, I can't defend you from attackers, and I can't fend off swordsmen, so this is the best I can do…and I'm not very good at it either."

The blonde stared into his eyes. "I don't want you to get wounds all the time just because you're doing something for me."

"If it's for you, I'd do anything."

"Not this again…"

"Lucy…without you, I would still have been lost, and dead inside. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't really be living right now. Because I've got you, I have something I want to protect. So, that's why, no matter the risk, no matter the cost, I'll do anything for you."

He shoved the dress into her arms. "So how about you go riding, hmm?"

She smiled at him. "All right, Natsu Dragneel. You get your way, again."

He watched as she ran away to the stables; he looked down at his hands, and sorely wished that instead of sewing something up, instead of picking weeds from her favorite gardens, instead of playing the piano for her…he wished that he could protect her, instead.

"Your Majesty!"

Layla's voice ripped through Jude's head. He looked tiredly up at her from his desk.

"What is it?"

"It's Lucy…she's fallen off her horse!"

The man stood up, his eyes wild. "Is she injured? Any permanent damage!?"

"No, she's just unconscious-!"

"Then that's a relief."

Layla stared at Jude, wide-eyed. "What?"

"If she were to have any distortions in her features, the Fullbusters would call off the marriage and turn on us. Our kingdom could have been doomed."

The Queen looked at her husband, a hot, red rage bubbling inside of her. But instead of letting it explode, instead of throwing it at him, she ducked her head, and murmured, "Yes…a relief."

"Have you heard? The poor mistress has been injured."

"What happened?"

"Seems that she fell off her ride…"

Natsu jerked away from the tedious work of organizing the spice rack, and stared at the passing servants before him. His head buzzed noisily as he made the connection. He had told Lucy to ride her horse, to go out and ride…it was his fault that she had…

Before anyone could stop him, he ran out of the kitchen.

A hot fear grew within his chest as he crossed the front hall, and twisted onto the stairs; he climbed them two at a time, his breath catching in his throat as he turned onto the familiar hallway leading to Lucy's room. If Lucy was dead, what would he do? He'd be lost again, just like when he came here. His life would lose its meaning…

Without thought, he slammed the door open.


"Na – servant?" Layla said incredulously, watching dumbly as the pink-headed boy made his way to the princess's bedside. He jumped onto the mattress, his hands shaking the unawake Lucy.

"Lucy! Lucy! Please! Wake up!"

The flawless eyelids fluttered, and then opened, revealing warm, chocolate brown eyes that stared groggily up at the young boy's face.

"Natsu…" she whispered. "Why are you crying?"

He lifted his hands to his face, but Lucy beat him to it. Her cool hands brushed his cheeks and brought away a tear that rolled down it. Natsu cupped her precious hands to his face, and started when the bedroom door slammed open yet again. This time, the open doorframe revealed a much more frightening character; someone older, manlier, angrier…

"Father!" Lucy gasped, and struggled to get up. Natsu helped her, and yelped as Jude grabbed onto his hair and yanked him out of the bed.

"Don't touch her with your filthy hands!" Jude screamed, stomping down on Natsu's hand with his boot.

"No! Stop! Daddy!" Lucy wailed, trying to climb out of bed, but pain wracked her body, and she was immobilized.

"I heard you play piano for her?" Jude whispered crazily, "Would this bring the end to that?"

The heel of his foot ground into Natsu's hand and the boy screamed in pain. Lucy's cries filled the bedchamber, her miserable moans echoing in Natsu's head.

"Stop," he moaned, and Jude leaned in to looked him in the eye.

"What was that?"

"You can do whatever you want to me outside," Natsu said hoarsely, trying to look the man right in the eye. "But not here. You're making Lucy sad. She's not smiling. Don't do anything that will make her cry. Kill me if you want, but not in front of her."

Jude's right eye twitched ever so slightly and he growled in a low voice, "You would go that far just to keep her happy?"

Natsu gave the king a smile. "For her, I would do anything."

The blonde man straightened up and gestured to a maid. "Bring him to the drawing room. I will come with you. To take care of things."

The pink-headed boy gagged as the servant woman gently picked him up, and dragged him outside. Jude followed closely behind, his face darkening with every step.

"No!" Lucy screamed. "Don't kill him! Don't kill Natsu! DADDY! DON'T KILL HIM! MOTHER, DON'T LET HIM LEAVE! I CAN'T LIVE WITH NATSU! DON'T LET THEM TAKE HIM!"

The door shut, and muffled her screams, but they still haunted the boy as he was escorted down the hall. When the trio had reached the bottom of the stairs, Jude turned, looking the maid in the eye.

"Get Layla to send this trash somewhere far away. Somewhere where he won't interfere with Lucy and the young prince of Fullbuster Kingdom."

"What-?" Natsu began to say.

"Or do you want to die, boy?" Jude spat, his anger sparking as the boy tried to defy his words.

As long as I stay, Lucy will cry. As long as I stay, Lucy will be spending her time with someone as weak as me.

"I will go," he whispered. "Anything for the Princess."

Lucy crept out of her room. The stillness of night had completely washed over the castle, and she silently made her way towards Natsu's room. She tiptoed across a great doorway that led to a room that housed Uncle Eric, and almost started to run after going past it…until she heard voices.

"That wretch should have just been killed off right there and then when she fell off her darn horse!"

Uncle Eric.

Women's voices purred from within the room.

"Did you set it up?"

"I wish. If I had, I would have made sure the job would have been done correctly. That little brat of a niece is in my way to being the ruler of the kingdom! It wouldn't make much difference if she was assassinated today or tomorrow."

The women laughed. "That spoiled brat…the only difference would be the freedom of the many servants serving her."

"No one would miss that bitch," Uncle Eric bubbled, and started to laugh with his company.

Lucy swallowed back the hurt, and began to run.

Natsu stirred as light fell across his face. He sat up as a figure stood in his doorway, and froze as the possibility of the person being dangerous dawned on him.

"Wait…is that you, Lucy? What are you – are you crying?"

The girl ran across the length of the room and buried her face into the boy's shoulder. Her tears soaked his sleeve, but he only wound his arms about the girl as she wept.

"I'm unwanted…" she whispered.

"Was it your uncle?" Natsu asked her, and she nodded.

"Lucy, it's okay. I think you're important. You mean something to me, you're precious to me. It's all right."

The girl stopped her sobbing, and pulled away from him, smiling. "As long as I've got you, Natsu, I'll be fine! I was so happy when I heard you were still alive."

For a minute, it seemed that his heart had stopped, and he had forgotten how to breathe. When everything returned to normal again, he ducked his head, and put his head into his hands.

"What's the matter?" the blonde asked, her tone suddenly filling with fear.

"Lucy…I'm going somewhere far away. I don't know when I'll be back, if I'll ever be back…I'm going tomorrow."

"No," Lucy whispered, and then said more loudly, "No!"

"But it'll be all right," he said, his voice calm as he grabbed onto the girl's elbows, "because I'll find my way back to you, no matter what."

Lucy grabbed onto him as well, her voice tainted with sobs, "Do you promise?"

She extended her pinky as her hand trembled.

Natsu smiled. "Anything for the Princess."

He hooked his pinky onto hers.

"Once upon a time, in the faraway kingdom of Heartfilia, there was the princess and her servant – brought together by fate, perhaps. They were happy and content to spend their time together. But they were soon separated, and the good times ended as they sometimes do.

As the boy was sent to a foreign land, he trained to protect the Princess, and he fell in love.

And back at the kingdom, the Princess was well on her way to becoming the Queen. But the darkness came down, it crashed down on her with a thud, the start of the evil spread to her.

There was a chance that she would survive when the young servant came back…but the darkness ate her up faster and faster.

'Anything for the Queen. I will do anything for you.'

The next chapter of her life…she was called the 'Daughter of Evil'…

I hope you guys liked this. I know I rushed, but I didn't want go slowly over the young part of their lives. It goes this way in the manga for 'Servant of Evil' as well.