Ohayo, Minna-san! This is Happy Camper27 here, with a new fic! I know, I know, I'm supposed to be working on SotV and AJoTT, but this plot bunny would not leave me alone! So, here is the 'Prologue' chapter of the fic, a tester—like my other fics. Let me know if I should continue it!

Warning: this takes place after TLO in Percy Jackson and the Eve Wars in Gundam Wing/AC; possible OOC-ness; possible clichés; overused plotline (maybe); possible shounen-ai/yaoi.

Also, just a quick word: I do not know Gundam Wing/AC as well as I know PJO—I can tell you most of what happens in PJO, but I really only know the basics of GW due to the fact that I simply have not been able to watch the anime or read the manga—I have, however, been able to get an idea of the characters from fanfictions I have read and the information on the internet. You have been warned.

Disclaimer: I do not own PJO or Gundam Wing/AC. So do not let the soulless fiends known as lawyers fall upon me!

Prologue—A Flash, and Now We're Meeting Myths!

Duo Maxwell of the L2 colony, Pilot of the Gundam Deathscythe, Preventer Agent 02*, and self-proclaimed Shinigami, was humming happily, slipping down the staircase. He, along with the rest of the Pilots, was staying in one of the Winner Estates, a mansion just on the outside of New York. He was bouncing downwards, his stomach already growling from the smell of food.

He entered the dining room, and saw Heero Yuy and Chang Wufei, two of his fellow Pilots, already sitting at the table eating quietly. "Mornin' Hee-chan, Wu-man!" Wufei glared at him. "I do not appreciate the butchering of my name, Maxwell," he snapped. Duo just laughed it off, sitting down and digging in. After a few moments, Quatre Raberba Winner and Trowa Barton came down to breakfast—Quatre not-quite-impeccable with his bed-head, and Trowa his usual silent self.

"Morning," Quatre said, cerulean eyes bleary. "Mornin', Quat!" Duo grinned, sipping at his coffee. The Pilots all dug into the food, eating in their usual way. However, just as Duo reached for another pancake (they were all eating eggs and pancakes), a brilliant, sharp blue light flared out, and engulfed the five Pilots.

They tumbled, their war-enhanced abilities helping—minutely. Finally, the blue light faded. That, thank god, was good. The falling from fifteen feet in the air into a dog-pile? Not so much.

All five of them were on their feet, completely on guard, their paranoia placing them back to back. Their weapons were out, but all—except one—were stunned speechless. They were surrounded by giant people on thrones, each one personalized, and there were quite a few other people (normal-sized, thankfully) in the…room? Or maybe hall was a better description.

Only one of the Pilots spoke.

"I didn't get my pancake!"


Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon, Retriever of Zeus' Bolt and Hades' Helm, Sailor of the Sea of Monsters, Retriever of the Golden Fleece, Bearer of the Sky, Wanderer of the Labyrinth, Defeater of the Minotaur (twice), the Three Furies, Medusa, Atlas, Hyperion, Antaeus, Hades, Ares, Kronos, many others, and Child of the Prophecy, was not having a good morning.

First, he and several of the other senior councilors for the cabins at Camp Half-Blood had been engulfed by blue light. Then—Tyche hating him as usual—he had ended up at the bottom of a dog-pile of the others. (He only later noticed that Thalia, for whatever reason, was with them…)

Then they found out—by way of Zeus shouting at them—that they were in the past at a meeting on the Winter Solstice, and that they were there courtesy of Apollo, Hermes, and the Three Fates. Of course, as if that wasn't bad enough, he had found out that they were going to be reading about his adventures/quests from HIS point of view. All of them would be able to hear his thoughts about them. Ooohhh yeah.

Percy Jackson was so not having a good morning.

Of course, it was all compounded by the fact that complete strangers—apparently from even farther in the future than Percy and co.—would be reading his thoughts. After they had arrived—the note had told them not to tell the Olympians of their identities until they were the ones reading—a flash of white light had given each of them a mini-throne, with their godly parent's symbol above their heads.

'And,' Percy mused irritably, 'of course they arrive now…'

Blue light had announced the arrival of the newest additions to the group. They were (Percy happily noted) in a dog-pile like he and the rest had been in when they arrived. They leapt up, drawing what could only be mortal guns, before gaping (still with the guns at the ready) at the scene around them.

One of them, a brown-haired guy with a long braid down his back, spoke up.

"I didn't get my pancake!"


So, how was it? Do you like the idea? This is a 'characters read the books' fic. Let me know in a review, please!

~Happy Camper27