Journey to Greatness Chapter 82

The ceiling was lifted by crazy looking people in green and black outfits and when Lori, Raya, King Melion, and Princess Selina saw them they all noticed the green rings on their fingers and they didn't know what to say or how to react.

John however recognized them as the green lanterns, part of the green lantern core and John said angrily

"What took you guys so long to get here, couldn't you sense the oppression happening on this planet" The apparent leader of the group came down first, he was a creature with human characteristics but whose body was purple and he said

"My name is Kylo, I am the leader of this squad of lanterns, and yes we did sense the oppression happening here but we did not have the numbers necessarry to fight the military force that was here" John then replied angrily

"So the four of us come to this planet and fight off Monguls forces, but the green lantern corps was nowhere to be found to help when needed" Kylo looked down in shame and King Melion looked at Kylo and said

"Our kingdom, and our planet have been suffering, if it hadn't been for these four heroes we would never have escaped Mongul's forces" King Melion looked at John, Raya, Lori, and Clark to signify the heroes that he was talking about. Princess Selina pointed toward Clark and said

"And if it hadn't of been for this one all hope would have been lost, his power saved us from tyranny". Lori was on the ground close to Clark, holding him and kissing his cheeks and his temples trying to give him love and comfort. Raya was on the other side of Clark holding his hand and though she felt a pulse she still worried for Kal-El and she said

"Please wake up Kal-El, we did it, you did it, you defeated Brader and Golgo, You helped us save the kingdom of Trepaz and free the planet of Zyco". The green lanterns all looked on in hopeful silence as well as King Melion, Princess Selina, and John and within a few moments Clark started stirring and he woke up much to the joy of everyone in the room and with the help of Lori and Raya he managed to get to his feet and stand.

"Thank you so much for saving our kingdom Kal-El" King Melion said hearing Raya say his name and Clark smiled and nodded his head weakly and replied

"I'm glad that we freed you people King, but now I have a favor to ask, may we have a small amount of cure X, if we don't find it then planet earth's population will be destroyed". King Melion and Princess Selina looked at each other and smiled and King Melion then handed Clark some Cure X and replied

"Anything for the heroes that saved our people from tyranny". Clark, John, Lori, and Raya all smiled knowing that they had completed their mission, and knowing that earth would be safe.

It was in that moment that a hologram opened up in the middle of the room and everyone turned to see the image and what they saw made them all angry as it was none other then Mongul. Mongul stared at Clark and started laughing evilly and said

"You fool, you fight to save the little human race after they have already betrayed you". Clark looked at the hologram of Mongul and replied

"This may be the first time we met but do not think that you will get away with what you did to the innocent people here on Zyco". Mongul smiled and replied

"I wonder what you will think of this". In that moment the hologram changed and what happened next brought horror to Lori and Clark as they saw what happened and Lori felt her heart break and her hate fill more then she ever thought possible at what she was watching. They both saw the image of Lori's mother in a room with Lex, Lana, and Morgan Edge and Lana saying to Lori's mother

"Don't worry we will tell Lori goodbye for you" and then Lana shooting and killing Lori's mother. Lori broke down in tears as her heart filled with hate and sadness... and revenge and Clark held her close as she broke down in tears.

Raya and John looked on in disgust at what they saw along with King Melion and Princess Selina, and the Green lantern corps, they were all disgusted. Mongul then appeared again on the hologram and boasted

"You fool, you just fought for a cure so that you can save them, humans that killed the mother of the woman you love, that is what you're actually fighting for, you fool". Clark stared at Mongul with hate in his heart as Mongul continued to laugh at Clark and Lori, Clark had hate for Lex, Lana, and Morgan Edge for killing Lori's mother and he wanted to punish them. Lori was distraught and broken and Clark held her close along with Raya and John rubbing her back to try and comfort her as much as they could even though they both knew nothing could help her in this moment.

Clark whispered in Lori's ear

"We will make them pay, I promise you they will pay for this Lori".

"Count on it Lori, they will face justice" Raya said to her friend.

"We won't let them get away with this Lori, they will be stopped" John said trying to be helpful.

Princess Selina was silent as she thought and she realized that what she wanted to do and she turned toward her father and said

"Dad, I want to go with them back to their world". King Melion looked at his daughter with surprise and said

"You belong here with your people, don't be foolish". Princess Selina then replied

"I don't want this to happen to anyone else, I don't want what happened to our kingdom to happen anymore and I want to help fight it if it does and I know that I can do that if I go with them". Melion with tears in his eyes nodded his head, The lanterns knowing that their business there was done also left.

Clark, Lori, Raya, John, and now Selina all joined hands as Clark focused his watch and he used his watch to teleport them all back to earth with cure X and a new mission of vengeance.