A/N: This chapter is coming to you a little earlier than expected, partially because I really really wanna write this part because thinking about it makes me happy (the first part anyway), but also because I forgot to mention something: the ask blog I run. It's called askthedirectoranddaughter, and it's basically an AU from my Fic Forgotten, except that in this story Billy didn't move on. I got a few reviews concerning Wendy being the same character, and I realized that I forgot. No more writing late at night, haha.

(If you still have doubts, read the latest post on the aforementioned blog)

Anyway! Enjoying the Billy and Wendy bonding!

Billy yawned as the elevator doors opened, stumbling sleepily into the kitchen. He had barely gotten any sleep the previous night, and what little he did manage to get had been fitful, full of dreams of what might have been if he hadn't been an idiot five years ago. He'd told Spencer that he understood why he didn't want them to be together, and although that wasn't at all a lie, it was still painful to know that the other man didn't feel he could trust Billy.

He'd expected it, of course. Hell, he had expected to be thrown out immediately, or yelled at, or... really anything except for what had actually happened. He supposed that was part of what made Spencer so perfect to him; he was always a little bit unpredictable.

It was part of the reason that he'd fallen in love with Spencer.

It was part of the reason he was still a little bit in love with Spencer.

He sighed sadly, opening the door to the refrigerator in an attempt to find breakfast.

"доброе утро- I mean, good morning."

Billy screeched in shock, jumping and hitting his head on the ceiling of the fridge. "Dammit!"

When he turned around, Wendy gave him an amused look from her spot at the counter. Her right eye (which had been black and nearly swollen the first and last time Billy had seen her in person) was now covered by a bandage, and her nose was purple around the nostrils. In front of her was a small mess of wires and circuits, her almost-finished breakfast having been pushed off to the other side of the counter.

"Jesus, kid, don't you know better than to sneak up on people like that?!" Billy scolded as he rubbed the back of his head gingerly.

"I hawe been sitting here since sewen tventy-tvo this morning. If anything, you are the one vho vas doing the sneaking." Wendy deadpanned as she went back to her project. "Nice pyjamas, by the vay."

Confused, Billy looked down at his pants, frowning when he realized that they were those Star Trek pyjamas his sister had given him for his 27th birthday. "Oh, ha, ha. I see that your father has had time to teach you sarcasm."

"It's more like instinct in my case. Vho are you, anyvay? Dad's newest boyfriend?"

Billy smiled, then frowned as he remembered the previous day's conversation. "Well... not exactly. More like... an old friend, I guess."

The inventor glanced up at him, looking skeptical, but said nothing of it.

"Oh, um, my name's-"

"Barry J. Cohen, I know. I vatched the Tony's vith Dad. Congratulations."

Billy smiled. "Heh, thanks, ki-"

"You are also knovn as Billy Joe Cobra, the famous dead rockstar, yes?"

The actor went pale as a sheet in record time.

"I'm Wendy, by the vay."

"H... How did you-?!"

"Please. A different haircut and some gray hairs is rather lousy disguise. I'm sewen, not stupid."

"B-But I-!" Billy blinked. "Wait... what gray hairs?"

"You hawe not noticed? They are all ower the place!"

Billy started to panic, brushing as much hair as he could in front of his face. "No, I didn't! I can't... I'm only thirty-seven! Mom didn't start going gray until she was... she was..." Billy faltered when he saw the mischievous smirk on the girl's face.


Billy glared at her. "That wasn't very funny."

"It was a little funny, sir." Cecil commented as he floated into the room.

"Not helping, Cecil."

"I am not attempting to be helpful, Mr. Cohen."

Billy made a small, frustrated noise in the back of his throat. "Alright, here's something that you can help me with: what time is it?"

"Nine twenty-one, sir." He replied.

"You tell him ewen though there is clock that he vould see if he only turned his head a mere tventy-three degrees to left." Wendy commented, not looking up from her project.

Billy shot her another glare, then rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Huh, I guess that means that Spence already went to work..." He looked at Wendy again. "Wait, doesn't school start at like eight thirty?"

"Eight forty-fiwe. Not that it matters, as I hawe been suspended."

"Oh, yeah. What did you do again?"

"I broke pig-headed fifth-grader's stupid нос."

Billy stared at her blankly.

"That means nose." She clarified as she snapped the metal shell of the project together. Once she was sure that the small robot was put-together correctly, she got off of her barstool, setting it down on the floor gently.

"You may vant to step back."

"Why?" Billy asked carefully, bemused by this suggestion.

"Project is new. Is unpredictable. There is chance that it vill burst into flame, or explode into million tiny pieces."


Wendy grabbed his arm, pulling him behind the safety of the marble-topped counter before going and dragging a barstool behind it. "Cecil, activate security protocol 'Big Boom'."

With a small click, a box of perfectly polished plexi-glass popped out of the ground, surrounding the robot as Wendy climbed onto the stool, reaching over and grabbing a small remote.


"Language. Preparing to test in three, tvo..."

Wendy pushed the button, and the tiny robot whirred to life inside the glass. It beeped faintly, taking a single step forward, followed by another, before stopping entirely.

"Uh..." Billy asked after a moment. "Shouldn't it be... y'know, doing some-"

Suddenly, the robot's head started to spin uncontrollably, followed shortly by its torso. It began to beep frantically, becoming louder and louder. After a moment, it stopped moving entirely, the beeps slowing to become just one long, drawn-out whine before the machine proceeded to explode.


The box disappeared into the ground with a loud thump. The area that had once been inhabited by the robot was immediately swarmed by a herd of robotic fire extinguishers, followed shortly by what looked to be an automatic toy dump truck taking the charred remains away, which was in turn followed by a Roomba-like robot that scrubbed the black stain out of the tile.

"Hmm. Vell. That didn't vork."

"'Didn't vo-' I mean 'work'?! The thing exploded! The floor caught on fire!"

"Vhy do you think I created clean-up crew?" She replied, running her hands through her hair and sighing. "Looks like it's back to draving board-!"

A loud click signalled the TV turning on in the other room, making Wendy pause. "Or not." She said as she walked into the living room.

"Where are you going?"

"My show is on!"

Curious, Billy followed her, sitting down next to her on the couch. He remained quiet as the show began, then grinned hugely as a few familiar faces came on screen.

"Oh, hey, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! I used to watch this when I was a kid!"

Wendy looked at him incredulously. "This show came out vhen I was less than year old. You couldn't hawe vatched it as child."

"Well, yeah, this version. The one I watched as a kid was the original, the 1987 cartoon."


"Yeah, it was the best! Well, okay, it was pretty bad by virtue of being a cartoon from the late 80's, but I was also, like, five or six." He jumped up from the couch. "Hey! I think I still have the series on tape!"

Wendy cocked her head to the side. "'Tape'? I do not understand how sticky glue-substitute is relewant."

"Not that kind of tape! Like on a VCR?"

She gave him a blank stare.

"Er... The thing people watched movies on before DVD or Blu-Ray?"

More blank starting.

"... It kind of revolutionized home entertainment?"

"I vas born in 2011, I don't know vhat you're talking about."

Billy just sighed, then started towards the elevator. "Just stay here for a minute, I'll get the tapes and you can see the turtles I grew up with!"

Once he was gone, Wendy turned her attention back to the CGI turtles.

"But- what's really important is that we all did our best. Good job everyone!" Raphael choked out hurriedly onscreen, gasping in relief and stumbling forward once Splinter released him. Both the master and Wendy chuckled at that.

The phone rang, and Wendy sighed, grabbing the remote and pausing the show before getting up and picking the phone up.

"Hallo, Dad. I like your new boyfriend."

She could hear her father choke on his own spit on the other end. "B- Boyfriend?! He's- Billy's- er, Barry's not my boyfriend!"

Wendy rolled her eyes. "First of all, I already know that he's dead rock star man. As I told him earlier, I'm sewen, not stupid. Secondly, he should be. He's funny and he likes ninja turtles. Plus, he's rather obwiously in love vith you."

More choking. "WHAT?! How can-?!"

"How can I tell? Vhen I asked him earlier if he vas new man in your life, he smiled, then looked rather sad before telling me no. An old flame, yes?"

His silence confirmed her suspicions.

"I'm guessing it ended badly, but so suddenly that nothing got vorked out?"

"... Yeah."

"Hmm..." Wendy responded. "And you're still a little in love vith him, da?"

Spencer choked again. "WHAT?! NO!"

"You are, aren't you?" Wendy teased.

Spencer groaned. "I... No!" He paused. "Yes..." He mumbled after a moment. "Probably more than just a little."

"Mm. Vell, if it helps at all, I like him better than prewious men."

"I thought you liked Jonah."

"I tolerated him. You vere going to marry him, I didn't see a reason to be acting like I hated him."

Her father sighed. "Well, anyway, I was just-"

"Calling to make sure that I am still aliwe?"

"Pretty much." There was a muffled call in the background. "I gotta get back to work. Say hi to Billy for me, okay?"

"Okay. Love you."

"Love you too. Bye."

"Bye." Wendy clicked 'hang up' just as the former rockstar came blundering down the stars, overstuffed cardboard box in his arms.

"Found 'em! I even found my old VCR!"

"So that's vhat that looks like!"

Billy grinned at her as he set the box down heavily, pulling out the machine. "This could take a couple of minutes."

One hour and at least two new blueprints later, Billy had finally set up the VCR.

"You know that it vouldn't hawe taken half as long if you had let me help, right?" Wendy commented as Billy turned the TV on.

"Hey, you didn't even know what a VCR was an hour ago!

"... Touche." Wendy turned her head, narrowing her eyes in confusion. "Vhy is it doing that?"

"Doing what?"

She pointed at the machine. "The clock, vhy is it blinking like that?"

"Oh, that. See, VCR's came with a clock built in, but nobody could ever figure out how to change the time on it, so they all just blink twelve all the time."

"Shouldn't something like that be in manual?"

"Pfft. Like anyone reads those things." Billy scoffed. "Alright, kid, here we go."

They sat in relative silence for quite some time ("Vhy does Raphael sound like Donnie?" "Because Rob Paulsen, now shh!"). After about three episodes, though, Billy felt a sudden, lingering pressure on his shoulder. When he turned his head, he found Wendy, fast asleep and clutching a Donnie plush.

"Hey! Kid, what the-!" He paused, then smiled. "Aw, you're too cute to be mad at."

Wendy let out a loud, nasally snore.

"... Cute-looking, at least."

She snuggled in closer to his arm, mumbling something about bones and robots.

"You're pretty weird, kid." He said quietly as he replaced his arm with a pillow. "But then again, so am I."

"Don't even think about it."

Spencer didn't need to turn around to know that the pair were frozen in place.

"I thought you said he wouldn't notice!"

"He usually doesn't!"

"I can hear you, you know." Spencer sighed, turning to face them. Billy and Wendy looked up at him, wearing matching nervous smiles.

"I told you two, no eating until everyone's here. This is supposed to be a celebration for Shanilla. You know that she worked really hard to pass the bar exam!"

"Well, actually-"

"Shut up, Billy, you don't count."

"But Daddy," Wendy started, "We're huuuuungry."

"Yeah, huuuuungry!" Billy agreed.

"Huuuuuuungry." They groaned simultaneously.

Spencer's hand flew up to his face. "Why do you only ever call me Daddy when you want something?"

"I never call you Daddy. Do you want me to start?" Billy teased, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Not. Talking. To. You. Buttmunch."

The doorbell rang, and Spencer sighed again.

"Look, just do me a favor and get the door. It's probably Rajeev and his girlfriend; they said that they were gonna help out."

"Ah, so finally I'll get to meet this mysterious girlfriend. I've been wondering what woman could be crazy enough to go out with the guy." Billy commented as both he and Wendy stood, heading towards the front door.

Wendy ran up to the door, pulling it open. "Hi, Raj- Shay? You are early!"

"Well, I got finished with my paperwork ear- Billy?" Shanilla's eyes widened the moment that she saw Billy.

He swallowed nervously. "U-Uh, hey, Shanilla! It's... It's been a while, huh?"

Shanilla's eyes narrowed, and she handed her purse over to Wendy. "I don't suppose you remember our little chat from when Spencer first fell in love with you, do you?"

Billy tried to smile. "U-Um... y-you mean that one about occasionally having to take out the trash?" He managed as Shanilla got dangerously close to him.

"Uh-huh." With that, the lawyer lifted her right foot, slamming it down on Billy's foot.

He screamed in pain, then clenched his mouth shut, gripping his pants as his eyes watered.

"I thought I made myself abundantly clear what I'd do to you if you hurt Spencer."

"Y-Y... You did... shit..."

Wendy sighed, running into the kitchen to grab some ice.

Billy sighed heavily, leaning back in his chair.

His foot still hurt, but not so much that he couldn't walk. Still, he was going to hide out in his room until more people arrived, because Shay wouldn't be so abrasive as to do something like that again when other people were around.

Also he wanted to sulk because Spencer wasn't sympathetic to his plight.

He looked up, then over, then groaned.

"I'm soooo booooored."

He paused, then turned in his chair, glancing at the guitar on the wall. Billy grinned, getting out of his chair slowly and pulling it off the wall.

"I am what you want me to be, and I'm your worst fear, you'll find it in me," he sang as he started to play. "Come closer, come closer."

He lifted his leg onto the chair. "I am more than memory, I am what might be, I am mystery. You know me, so show me."

Without missing a beat, the former rock star turned on one of his stereos. "When I appear, it's not so clear if I'm a simple spirit or I'm flesh and blood. I'm alive, I'm alive, I am so alive, and I feed on the fear that's behind your eyes! And I need you to need me, it's no surprise! I'm alive... so alive... I'm alive..."

Billy kept on singing, swaying his hips as did. He was so lost in the music that he didn't notice the door creaking open behind him.

"... And though you made me, you can't change me! I'm a perfect stranger who knows you too well! I'm alive, I'm alive, I am so alive, and I'll tell you the truth if you'll let me try! You're alive, I'm alive, and I'll show you why I'm alive... so alive... I'm alive! I'm right behind you! You say 'forget' but I remind you! You can try to hide, you know that I will find you! Cause if you won't grieve me, you won't leave me behind! Oh-woah..."

If he had turned around, he would've seen her.

"Woah... woah... no, no, no! I'm alive, I'm alive, I am so alive! If you climb on my back, then we both can fly! If you try to deny me, I'll never die! I'm alive, so alive! I'm alive! Yeah, yeah! I'm alive! I'm alive! I'm alive! I'm alive!"

He took a deep breath, grinning. "Still got it."

"B... Baruch?"

He froze, his eyes widening.

That voice... it couldn't be...

Could it?

Slowly, he turned around, his heart beating wildly.

"R... Rachel?"

A/N: Um... plot twist?

So! Rachel finally shows up in person! And also I finally got to put in the song I named this fic for!

(This fic started out as Reason number #253461 that Kate should not listen to the Next to Normal soundtrack right after watching DTMG)

(Kate is me)

(And yes, Jonah is exactly who you think he is)

(Why am I still using parentheses? Oh, well.)

(Remember to review~!)