"Hey Mai, long time no see." Monk said as he walked into the SPR Office.

Ayako was coming in behind Monk and by the sound of it, she was arguing with Masako. I couldn't blame her of course. Masako Harra definitely wasn't the easiest person to get along with.

"Ms Matsuzaki, maybe if you stopped wasting your money on beauty products you might have enough money to pay your house bills. I mean considering they don't have any effect, you're still as ugly without it." She said smugly covering her mouth with her kimono sleeve in the process.

"Why you little." Ayako whispered under her breath as John tried to hold her back from strangling Masako right then and there.

Naru walked out of his office and after shooting everyone a cold glare said "Mai, Tea."

"Still narcissistic as ever I see, Mai how do you put up with him day after day?" Monk asked me.

"I honestly don't know." I could tell Naru was listening because his ears did this little twitching motion. Deciding I to go make 'all high and mighty' his tea before the raphe of Naru came down on my monthly pay-cheque.

While I was waiting for the tiny kettle to stop bubbling, I overheard Naru tell everyone that we have a case. The kettle finished boiling and I took the tea out to the small coffee table in the middle of the main room.

"The case we are going to be taking is at Enderts beach in California U.S. It's very secluded and is surrounded by mountains that have been there for 2000 years and can be as high as 35 stories. There is a resort of sorts there and the owners have asked us to come and investigate."

"I wouldn't think you'd choose a case so far away from home Naru." Mai asked.

"Because there have been at least 5 people go missing in the last 2 weeks and there have been sightings of a lady in about her mid 20's with bright red hair but whenever someone sees her there's an explosion or accident of some kind. Then there's the people disappear without a trace in the forest and the children that appear in the ocean." Naru looked towards his assistant Lin and got the nod of approval before going on.

"There are local teenagers that go down to the beach and have parties every Friday night and sometimes on the weekends, but one of the kids Jared Osborn went missing 3 days ago and police were called out but didn't find anything."
'Wow, this place has some serious issues. This case will be interesting.'
"I'll expect you all to be here this afternoon at 3pm sharp for a flight at 5pm. Pack warm clothes, it's really cold and has terrible weather so it'll go from sunny and boiling hot one minute to freezing cold and gale winds the next. You're dismissed."

Naru then walked into his office closing the door with unnecessary force and everyone cleared out to go home and pack.
"Mai have you packed or are you staying here to help with the equipment?" Lin asked. He used to be stone cold to me and never even looked at me but he's warmed up and started talking to me and on the rare occasions he actually smiles! When Naru and I aren't looking.
"I'll stay here, I've already packed." Mai said.

Later That Afternoon

"Mai hurry up or were going to leave without you!" Naru yelled.
I hurried down the steps and jumped off missing the last three. Before running to the black van and before I knew it we were on our way to the airport. Monk, Ayako, Masako and John were in Monk's jeep, mostly so John can keep Ayako from killing Monk and Masako. Mai was in the van with Yasu, Naru and Lin. This was a case that would change our lives forever.

Please review! I don't know wether to continue this story or if I should just ditch it. Greatly Appretiated. :D