Chapta 6! I can't believe that I made it this far! Thank you peeps out there for reading! I really appreciate it!


"Oops." Mikey's voice came.

"What. Happened?" Don asked through grit teeth.

"I dunno." Mikey answered, stepping forward. He was only a head shorter than Don.

"Mikey!" Don yelled, grabbing the turtle by the shoulders, "You're fifteen!" Mikey looked down at himself.

"Huh, I guess I am. My knee still hurts." He said. Don was so happy that this could be reversed that he bumped into his work table. The young gun fell to the ground and smashed to pieces.

Don fell to his knees.

"Too bad dude." Mikey said, "Well, I'll be skateboarding." He turned to leave.

"Oh no you don't, now you get to babysit while I fix this," Don said, stopping him. Mikey made his puppy dog eyes, "That doesn't work on me now." Mikey over-dramatically sighed as Don led him into the TV room.

Raph was up now and was sitting on the couch looking at the pictures in a comic book.

"Mikey is going to watch you guys while I work on something." Don said, "And Leo, no more TV, it'll rot your brain." Leo pouted and turned off the TV.

"What do we do now?" He asked.

"Play a board game or something." Don said, leaving to his lab.

"You're bigger." Leo pointed out to Mikey. Mikey nodded. He held back all his laughter until they were back to fifteen too.

"Can we go lay in the dojo?" Raph asked.

"Sure." Mikey answered, standing. He felt so good to actually be taller than them for a change.

"Can we use real weapons?" Leo wondered.

"Uh, I don't think so." Mikey said. Don would have his head on a platter it he let them use real weapons. As Mikey's mind wandered, Raph grabbed one of his Sais. He began swinging them around.

"Raph! No!" Mikey yelled, dashing after him. It was too late; Raph had already swung it and hit Leo on the arm. Leo fell to the ground and held his arm as he cried.

"Sorry." Raph said as Mikey snatched the sai away.

"No weapons!" Mikey yelled. He bent down next to Leo. Raph stood behind him with his lip quivering. Mikey placed a hand on Leo, trying to be a big brother (though he had no experience doing so).

"Let's see the cut." He said. Leo removed his hand. His whole hand was covered in blood and it was running down his arm.

"Donnie?!" Mikey yelled.

Just a little more glue and— Don thought to himself as he fixed the young gun. Again.

"Donnie?!" he heard Mikey yell. Don jumped and almost dropped the device. Again.

"What?" Don yelled back.

"DONNIE!" Mikey screamed. Don sighed and sat the gun down.

"Coming!" He yelled as he stomped into the dojo, "What?" He looked around; Mikey was on the ground with an arm around Leo and Raph was standing off to the side, wiping his eyes.

"What happened?" he asked Raph. Raph sniffled and wiped his nose.

"Me and Leo wanted to play in here so we came in here and I didn't want to use wooden swords so I got my sai things and accidentally got Eo with one." Raph answered. Don sighed and turned to Leo.

"Let's get you patched up," He said, picking Leo up, "Mikey, Raph, go into the TV room and sit down. I'll deal with you two later." Raph obeyed and left. Mikey crossed his arms left. Don walked into the kitchen with another hurt turtle tot.

He sat Leo on the counter and got a damp towel to clean the wound up, and then he got a band-aid and stuck it on the cut. Finally, he grabbed a cold icepack and placed on Leo's arm.

"It's gonna be cold." He said. Leo jumped a little as the icepack touched him then calmed down, "Hold this for a sec." He said. Leo nodded and held it. Don walked out of the kitchen and closed the door; he didn't want Leo to hear him yell. He entered the TV room.

"You let Raph use a real weapon?!" Don demanded from Mikey, "And Raph, I told you that you're too small to use real weapons!" Raph stared at the ground.

"Actually, you told Eo." Raph said softly.

"I meant all of you. You should've known that." Don said, rubbing his temples.

"Yeah, you weren't very specific." Mikey said. Don slapped his face.

"Just go to your rooms." He said, pointing. Raph stood and left, Mikey still sat there.

"I'm fifteen. I don't have to listen to you." He said.

"You sure aren't acting like a fifteen year old." Don replied. With that, Don left to the kitchen.

Leo still sat on the counter with a melting icepack.

"You should be okay now." Don said, helping Leo down.

"I'm hungry." Leo said, rubbing his arm. Don looked at the clock. It was already 5 o' clock.

"Okay, go get Mikey and Raph." Don said. Leo nodded ad ran away.

"Waph! Mikey! Time for dinner!" He yelled. Soon after, the three turtles came walking in.

"No pizza!" Don said, knowing that was what they wanted.

"I'll make some algae and worms." Mikey said, going over to the stove. As Mikey started dinner, Don ran into his lab and finished the young gun. He glued on the last piece and darted back into the kitchen.

Pleas work. Please work. PLEASE WORK! He thought as he aimed it at Leo and Raph

FLASH! Again.

"Leo! Raph! Are you fifteen?" Don asked with his eyes closed

"I don't know, you tell me." Raph said. Don opened his eyes.

"Raph! You're not a little kid!" Don yelled, grabbing Raph's shoulders.

"I'm not either." Leo said.

"Well, yeah, but you weren't glued to me the entire time." Don replied. Raph's face turned red.

"It wasn't my fault! I was three!" Raph yelled. Mikey started laughing.

"You were a little cry baby!" He mocked a giant bucket of algae and worms in hand.

"You're gonna regret sayin' that!" Raph yelled, "Now I can use real weapons!" Raph said, twirling his Sais. Mikey screamed and dropped the bucket. Raph chased him around the room.

"I see that everything is back to normal." Splinter said, entering the room. Raph and Mikey stopped fighting.

"What was that lesson?" Don asked.

"Have patience. A lot of patience. And always stick with your brothers." He said. Don smacked his forehead. Mikey pulled the four brothers together.

"Awww, so sweet!" He said with a huge smile.

I really hope you enjoyed this fanfic! Thank you guys so much for reading! Watch for my new fanfics! Please review!

Double M B out, pease!