
Jack slid from tree to tree, His staff gripped tightly as he jumped to the next branch. His breath came out ragged and in a frenzy, from behind he could hear the thundering footsteps following, up ahead he could see it, the great waterfall that overlooked the entire island, so close, so close! He could almost feel the water's cool touch on his face.

Quickly a black mass overshadowed him, in panic, Jack ran even faster, but it was no use. Using it's strong hind legs the black mass pushed Jack's face into the muddy ground and with a loud roar the mass reached the water edge and jumped in. Jack meanwhile, face now covered from the sticky mud chuckled and took hold of his precious staff.

"Hey! That's wasn't fair!" He whined, a smile illuminating his face, the black mass merely shrugged and made a wheezing like sound that may had resembled a laugh.

"Don't laugh, you cheating dragon!" He yelled once more in mock hurt, the black mass, or more likely Dragon ignored the boy and submerged its entire body under the water. Jack laughed once more and ran onto the water, taking a quick breath he submerged as well and smiled at his friend. Together they swam towards the bottom of the massive lake, to the hidden pocket of air that only him and the dragons knew of. finally reaching their destination, they pushed open the ferns that blocked the entrance and skillfully stepped into the giant nest.

Jack smiled and let a loud roar from his mouth, following was another roar from his friend, in which millions of other roars accompanied it.

"Feels good to be home, hu, Toothless?" He turned to the black dragon. Toothless opened his mouth in the imitation of a smile and licked his scaly lips.

"Yeah, I'm hungry too, let go eat something." Jack once again gripped his staff and began scaling the vines and tress, skillfully avoiding the smaller dragons and jumping over others. soon they neared the top where most of the food was kept and dug in, Toothless ate gulp after gulp, enjoying the slimy fish and meet go down his throat, Jack did the same, choosing to only eat the smallest pieces of fish and meat.

"I saw some of the hunters go near the lake earlier today..." He murmured to Toothless, whom had stopped eating and looked at Jack in concern.

"There's no way they could get here anyways, right?" He shrugged "But I can't help but feel nervous whenever I see them, with those weird cloth's and black sticks... And after they did to your tail too..." He trailed off, done with his food, he swung down to his own nest and laid there, contemplating, the sun's rays hit directly to his face and made him sleepy. closing his eyes, he felt the shift in weight next to him as Toothless curled next to him, ready to nap.

" Well, whatever, as long as they don't here, we'll all be safe..." With that said, Jack crossed his arms behind his head, and dozed off.

The ship rocked from side to side, the water calm and clear unlike the night before, it's shipmates ran from here to there, getting ready for when they reached the port that was not so far away, meanwhile, a certain inhabitant fiddled with his notes and drawing's shoving them into suitcases after suitcase.

"Will you calm down, Hiccup! we're nearly there!" A young female voice said from the entrance of the door to Hiccups compartment, successfully scaring the boy as well.

"A-Astrid! Geez, Don't sneak up on me!" He frowned as he picked up more of his notes from the floor.

"That damn storm from last night messed everything up! All of my notes either on the floor or god knows where!" he grumbled as the girl, Astrid, crouched down and helped him.

"Hiccup, It's fine, you can always make new notes, plus I'm sure you'll have even more once we get there, Mister dragon expert!" She laughed.

"Oh shut up Astrid! You have no Idea how excited I am for this! How much I had to beg my dad to let me come with Fishlegs! This is an opportunity of a life time! to see dragons in their natural habitat! to be able to observe them, to be close enough to draw, to study, to-"

"Get killed" Astrid finished for him. "Hiccup, I know your excited, but you have to remember this are wild animals, their only objective is to kill you on sight, and besides I doubt you'll be able to see one alive and kicking anyways, the little lizards hardly come out to play" She scrunched up her nose.

"Finish up, we'll be there at half past two, I'll inform Fishlegs, meanwhile, relax!" She ordered giving the boy a look and stepped out. Sighing Hiccup stuffed the last of his papers inside the briefcase and fetched his coat, 'This is it' he though, fiddling with his coat, and shirt straps.

As the boats horned, alarming the port, Hiccup took hold of his bag, and swung it over his slim shoulders, making his way hurriedly to deck, there he smelt the refreshing smell of ocean, he inhaled deeply, then coughed just as much, the smell form the coal was almost overbearing, the sea's smell quickly lost in it.

"Hiccup!" He heard Professor Fishlegs stumbling behind him, bags and suitcases on hand.

"Aren't you excited! we're here! I still can't believe your dad let you come, but that is to say, it's good that he did, this is a once in a life time opportunity, oh I can't wait till were there! I can see the port now! there's an awful lot of people though.. I hope they don't scare away the dragons, but ooooh, do you think we'll find the nest? oh I hope we do!" Fishlegs rambled on, and Hiccup smiled. almost there, just a little bit more, and they would be there.