Hey look more Scraps yaaaay! Because when you have a lot of homework and three books to read for school and a writing assignment due tomorrow, the absolute best thing to do is write fan fiction! (Shhh don't question my judgement). I don't think I need to warn any of these, except maybe a warning that I'm really tired so if they don't make sense, sorry. Enjoy!


When Alec said he wouldn't mind being somehow magically ten years old again, he didn't mean it literally.


Magnus looks up quickly from the very delicate spell he is concocting at the sound of several thuds, two shattering crashes and several rude words from the bathroom. Seconds later Alec appears at the doorway, sparkling from head to toe and growling, "Magnus, you own entirely too much glitter."


After eighteen years of feeling invisible, Alec thinks, it's kind of nice to have someone who looked at him like he was the only thing in the world.


Magnus has refined many skills and talents over the years; math, however, is not one of them.


Magnus knew he'd done the right thing, he knew it was the only option, he knew he had to take his well-being into account. So why was it, as he walked away from the light in the subway tunnel, that he felt he done something irrevocably wrong?


As Magnus and Dr. Valentine watch Alec through the one-way window of his little room, so lost in his little made-up world of magic and demons, Dr. Valentine asks, "Doesn't it make you sad?"


"Magnus, I know you like old things and I know you like collecting things. But nine hundred and eighty seven old keys is too many keys."


He'd kept it, all these years, locked away in his trunk full of valuables, so that when he couldn't quite recall his lover's face, he could pull out the scarf and remember the exact color of Alec's eyes.


"Alec," Magnus remarked late one night after having changed the soiled sheets for the third time that week, "children are an awful lot more work that I bargained for."

Ice Cream

Magnus and Alec both agree that the look on the waitress's face when the ice cream began turning rainbow colors was definitely worth getting kicked out of the parlor.


It turns out that the side effects of medication are slightly different when one is part demon, as Magnus finds out the only time he tries taking Nyquil and wakes up with a few extra noses.


"Just remember, warlock, he's my brother and if you hurt him in any way I will personally put my stiletto through your skull. Got it?"

True Love

Magnus knows he's found The One when Alec stays all day at his flat because Magnus has to work, nursing Chairman Meow back to health after the idiot cat ingested an entire bottle of mint essential oil.


Alec soon finds that, having lived through many prominent events over the centuries, his boyfriend is more useful than any history textbook.


"Dashing through the snow on a one-horse open sleigh—!"

"Magnus, it's August."

Okay, so I don't usually beg for reviews because that's really not my style, but I am going to ask you to check out the few stories I have posted on my FictionPress account, just to tell me if they're any good. I'll post more stories periodically and I'll try to let you know when that happens just in case you're interested.

Account: u/928164/Jessaca-Rose-Lewis

