Stiles let out a long groan as he slammed his head down onto his desk. He had been working on his history report for the past two nights, getting ready for its due date Friday. Aka: tomorrow. Thankfully however, he was almost done, a mere page left to type out before he could slap his name on it and turn it in.
Graduation was a month away, if that. A month. That was it. Stiles was still in disbelief he was even graduating considering his history grade. It was a miracle his teacher was passing him; the only requirement was this report. Which he was so damn close to finishing!
"You're still not done?" a voice called from behind him.
Stiles flailed, almost falling out of his chair if not for the hand tight on his shoulder. He sharply turned around to find the brooding, yet beautiful, Derek Hale staring at him. "When the hell did you get in here?" he demanded. Derek pointed over his shoulder, Stiles glancing to find his window wide open. "I really need to start locking that."
"Liar," Derek said with a smirk.
"Shut up," Stiles snorted before sitting upright and turning back to his computer.
"How much do you have left?" Derek asked, hand sliding from Stiles' shoulder to his neck.
"Too much," Stiles sighed, groaning contently when Derek's fingers carded through his hair. As Derek continued however, Stiles sharply grabbed his wrist. "No-no, off. Bad touch, onto the bed and sit quietly. I need to finish this report before tomorrow, you sneaky-freaking sexy-werewolf."
Derek merely grinned, kissing his head before obediently walking over to the bed and plopping down onto it. As Stiles continued to type out the rest of his report, Derek rolled over into the pillow before letting out a faint moan. Stiles' fingers stilled briefly but he pressed on. Derek peered an eye out before moaning again, letting it out a bit louder this time. Stiles' hand fumbled, palming a bunch of keys at the same time. Glaring at them irritably he calmly hit the back space key before retyping his sentence out. Ears twitching, Derek attempted one last time with a long breathy moan, hips grinding down into the bed.
Stiles immediately flung his key board before standing from his chair and marching over to where Derek was casually lying on his back. "Something wrong?" he smirked.
Stiles said nothing as he jumped onto the bed, straddling Derek's waist before threading his fingers tightly through his hair and slamming their mouths together. Derek slid a hand up the back of Stiles' shirt as they fought for dominance, Derek letting Stiles win as he opened his mouth for Stiles to explore. "You suck, you know that?" Stiles scowled between kisses.
"No idea, what you're talking about," Derek denied. With one easy motion he was on top of Stiles and had him nestled into his pillows. "But I know what will help."
"You're lucky-nng-my dad's not home," Stiles snorted as Derek found the sensitive part of his neck.
"Why do you think I'm here?"
"Hasn't stopped your window-jumping ass before," Stiles reminded him.
Derek silenced him with a kiss. Derek easily made due of Stiles' sweat pants, pulling them to his knees before sliding his hand beneath the elastic of his boxers. Expert hands grasped Stiles fully, Stiles throwing his head back into the pillows with a long moan. "Need something?" Derek grinned, slowly pulling him and enjoying the feel of Stiles growing in his palm.
"You dick," Stiles glared, eyes rolling when Derek ran a thumb over the head.
"You were saying?"
Stiles grabbed the front of Derek's shirt before pulling him down into a searing kiss, Derek beginning to move his hand again. Stiles moaned, Derek's pace only quickening. "Oh my Go-faster, please-Jesus Christ," Stiles hissed, bucking up into Derek's grip. Then, he was cumming, spilling hot and slick over Derek's hand.
Derek fixed Stiles' pants before giving him a chaste kiss and grabbing a tissue from the nightstand to clean his hand. "You always know how to unravel me, I swear to God."
"Mates; it's my job," Derek grinned, lying down next to him.
Stiles buried his face into Derek's chest, throwing an arm around his waist as he stifled a yawn. "You are amazing at your job, but now-now I'm so tired-"
"Would you just go to sleep?" Derek smirked.
"Can't-report-graduation,"but Stiles was asleep within minutes, Derek gently running a hand down his spine.
When Stiles woke up, there was a sharp knock at the door. "Stiles?" Mr. Stilinski called, Stiles sitting bolt right. A cold sweat rolled down him as he sharply turned to the spot next to him, only to find his bed empty, Derek long gone. "Stiles, Ellie's here. She says it's an emergency."
"I'm up! It's ok," Stiles called.
Ellie peered her head in, smiling back at Mr. Stilinski. "Thank you."
"Anytime. I'm off to work Stiles!"
"Bye dad!" Stiles called after him.
After making sure Mr. Stilinski was out of ear shot, Ellie quickly closed the door before motioning to the computer. "Up! You need to finish your report!" she coaxed, snatching the sheets from his legs.
"Oh my God," Stiles squeaked, scrambling from bed. "How much time do I have?"
"Forty five before we need to be at school. Fifty before the bell rings," Ellie explained, glancing down at her phone.
"I owe you so much for this," Stiles said, pulling his keyboard from the floor before beginning to rapidly type away. "How'd you know I didn't finish?"
Ellie shrugged as she collapsed down into the chair next to his bed. "Derek left right after our perimeter run last night, and he only comes here after runs," she said with a smirk when she noticed the back of Stiles' neck flushing red.
Ellie had become Derek's little sister, both having grown up together in North Carolina after Kate Argent killed his family. She was only a half-breed, but could stand up amongst the rest, Stiles was witness to that. A few years ago, Ellie had come to Beacon Hills after the death of her own family. She was chasing her mate, Emmett, who had returned with very dangerous intentions towards the Argents. Intentions that destroyed him, almost taking little Ellie along with him. "I thought he would be the one to wake you up this morning but there was an-incident I guess you would call it."
"Wait, what incident?" Stiles asked, turning his chair to face her as his heart leapt into his throat.
"Derek's alright, Stiles. Keep typing," Ellie said, motioning to the computer. Stiles quickly obeyed. "Remember that presence Peter and Derek had been chasing a few weeks ago?"
"That mystery werewolf scent? Did they finally catch them?"
"Whoever it is, they're fast and obviously don't want to be found out. Not yet at least," Ellie explained. "They're here for a reason but aren't ready to come out with it yet."
"We're sure they're not with the surviving Alpha Pack?" Stiles asked.
Ellie shook her head. "They aren't an alpha, that much is for sure. Peter was thinking more like an Omega."
"This isn't good, whatever it is," Stiles sighed.
"Nothing we can't come out of, Stiles," Ellie sighed as she closed her eyes. "Thirty five minutes."
Report finished, Ellie and Stiles quickly gathered into his jeep and peeled off down to school. Ellie had walked from her house, not that it was hard. It was Wednesday meaning it was their carpool day anyway. Usually Derek picked her up after school since Stiles had Lacrosse practice, but Wednesdays he had off meaning he could take her home. Since Ellie's Chevelle was smashed in by the Argent's, she had no other way of getting around. Hopefully Derek was going to fix that soon.
"I hate math," Ellie growled as she slammed her locker with a little too much force. "I loathe it with a burning passion."
"It can't be that bad," Stiles grinned, waiting for her to gather her backpack.
"Says the math genius," Ellie snorted.
They made their way down the front steps of the school, both discussing the pack training session Derek had called for that night. "Think it'll be anything like last time?"
"If he throws another boulder at me, I'm killing him," Ellie snorted.
"Hey! Yo! Jesus-would you two stop walking!?" a voice exclaimed from behind them. Stiles made a move to turn around, only for a sudden force to slam into him. He stumbled, but thanks to Ellie's quick hand on his elbow, Stiles remained standing. "Sorry!"
"Hello Scott," Ellie smiled.
"Hey Ell," Scott half waved.
"What the hell was that!?" Stiles snapped.
"I told you to wait for me after school!" Scott reminded him. When Stiles continued to stare at him like he had two heads, Scott sighed. "This morning when you bolted passed to History."
"How am I supposed to remember that?"
"So, excited for your boys day tomorrow?" Ellie sharply cut in.
Scott and Stiles both grinned. "Video game smash down. You're so losing," Stiles smirked.
"Like hell! You've gotten rusty."
"Says Allison-In-Wonderland boy."
"Yeah well, that's over and done with and you're going to eat my dust!"
"You mean you're eating mine!"
"What am I going to do with you two?" Ellie sighed. Since Scott had finally woken up from Allison Argent La-la-land, Stiles and he had begun to spend more time together, including dinner dates after Lacrosse. There were even a few sleepover all-nighters that happened at Ellie's. Lacrosse practice had been canceled for tomorrow, so the two decided to buy the new and improved game of the year and go head to head. "So, what's this I hear about McCall having a shiny red mustang?"
Scott broke out into a wide grin. "I have been saving for years to buy that car and I was finally able to get it last week! It is perfect."
"And hood scoop."
"Nice," Ellie beamed. "Go out on the town with Isaac in it yet?"
Stiles laughed as Scott's face flushed a deep red. "Dude, she so sees it too."
"I don't-I don't know what you're talking about," Scott muttered, kicking the ground sheepishly.
"Acceptance is key dude," Stiles said as he elbowed him.
"Enough of the mushy crap, I am starving," Ellie said, heading for the jeep. "See you tonight Scott!"
"Tomorrow, after school, don't forget!" Stiles called, Scott waving him off before heading for the parking lot.
Ellie slid into the passenger side of the jeep, tossing her bag into the back. "I can make you guys a snack box for tomorrow if you want," she suggested. When she realized Stiles was staring at her, she shrugged. "What?"
"You'd do that?" he gaped.
"Of course I would. Who do you think makes your lunch when Derek and you go on day trips?" she questioned.
"I love you. Have I ever told you that?"
Ellie sighed as she shook her head, unable to stop her grin. "Take me home, Stilinski."
Ellie lived just outside of town in a two story house tucked away in the trees. Stiles still isn't sure how she got a house so fast when she first came into town, but he wouldn't dare ask. Ellie looked like the silent but deadly type. When he pulled up, Derek's camaro was waiting in the driveway, Ellie immediately frowning. "He's working on it again."
"You mean your Chevelle? Of course he is; he said he wanted to get it done for you before graduation," Stiles said.
"He's spending too much time on it; he has more important things to do," she muttered.
"Trust me Ell, this is important to him."
Stiles parked the jeep, both of them making their way into the garage where they found Derek beneath the Chevelle's crumpled hood. "I thought I heard you two," Derek said, lifting his head.
"Ha, funny. Werewolf with super hearing," Stiles snorted.
Derek merely grinned, wiping his hand with a rag. "How is she?" Ellie asked.
"Been better. Whoever took a sledge hammer to the inside did more damage than I thought," Derek muttered. When Ellie frowned again, he ruffled her hair. "Come on Ell, she'll be up and running like new before you know it."
Ellie merely nodded before kissing his cheek. "I'll go make lunch," she said before disappearing into the house.
"She still thinks you're working too hard for her," Stiles said.
"Yeah, she says I have more important things to do," Derek said.
"Pssh, like that's true," Stiles said as he plopped down onto a stool.
"Oh really?" Derek questioned, stalking towards him before pressing himself between Stiles' knees.
Stiles' face immediately flushed as he swallowed. "You know I love you right? Like a lot."
"That's what I thought," Derek smirked before kissing him. "Did you get your report done?"
"No thanks to your horny ass," Stiles scowled taking his hands and threading their fingers together. "Teacher says I'll get my final grade Friday."
"Fingers crossed then," Derek said, kissing him again.
"Gross; Derek, you know you're making out with a stick right?" Erica's voice suddenly scoffed as she walked up the driveway, Boyd on her heels.
Stiles sharply pulled away, Derek merely rolling his eyes. "Who you calling a stick, marshmallow?"
"Abominable snow man."
Derek quickly clamped a hand over Stiles' mouth before glaring sharply at Erica. "Don't you two have a perimeter run to be on?" he snarled.
"Yeah, yeah. Boyd wanted food first; Ellie's home isn't she?" Erica said before dragging Boyd into the house.
"She's not your servant!" Stiles snapped.
Eventually, the rest of the pack trickled in, Jackson and Lydia the last to show up. Ellie had dinner ready, all of them stuffing themselves before Derek finally gathered their attention. "Tonight I'm putting you through another training session."
"This one better not involve boulders," Ellie hissed.
"You're going to get into teams and hunt each other," Derek explained.
"I'm with Boyd," Erica called.
"You're with Ellie this time, Erica," Derek said. "You're all going to be teamed with someone you have yet to work with."
"Oh this is going to be fun," Jackson groaned.
"You're with Isaac, Jackson, and Boyd you're teamed with Scott," Derek pointed.
"Why am I with the pompous rich kid!?" Isaac exclaimed, Scott swallowing as he glanced over at Boyd.
"Like I'm any happier about this," Jackson glowered.
"Stiles, Lydia and I will be keeping watch as each team faces the other. No excuses. Erica, Ellie, Jackson and Isaac are up first. Scott and Boyd will begin by hunting Peter down who is already in the forest waiting."
"Let the games begin!" Lydia smirked.
Erica and Ellie were allowed a thirty second head start, both girls tearing through the trees at full sprint. As soon as Derek gave them the go ahead, Isaac and Jackson were right behind them.
"Who do you think will win?" Stiles whispered over at Lydia.
"Jackson, as always," Lydia said, nose to the air as if it was a stupid question.
"My money is on Ellie and Erica," Stiles said, Derek winking down at him in agreement."
"They're coming," Erica hissed.
They weaved through the trees, neither daring to look behind and see how close the two boys really were. They didn't have to however. "I can smell them, up ahead," Jackson called.
"This hunt is going to be a piece of cake," Isaac taunted.
"Piece of cake? I'll show you a piece of-"
"Erica!" Ellie exclaimed, grabbing her arm and keeping her from ramming straight into a tree. "Pay attention!"
Both girls darted left, weaving through the trees in an attempt to at least confuse the two. "They're right behind us, Ellie! We have to move faster!" Erica hissed.
"We can't just outrun them," Ellie muttered. Suddenly, an idea sparked. "Turn here, come on!"
She grabbed Erica's arm, pulling her sharply around one of the trees before leading her back the way they came. "Are you mental? They're going to see us!"
"Shut up!" Ellie warned. "Up the tree, hurry. HURRY!"
Erica didn't argue, easily grabbing a branch and swinging herself up. She extended her hand down, snatching onto Ellie before jerking her sharply up with her. They both lay low on a branch, silently listening through the night. The two figures bolted passed, Erica pressing lower onto the branch to blend in as they waited. "What the hell?" Jackson snapped. "Where'd they go?"
"Do you think they turned back that way?" Isaac questioned.
"We would have passed them, which means their asses are hiding around here somewhere, aren't you?!" Jackson called, hoping to scare them out.
Isaac began sniffing the air, following the scent back behind them. Erica and Ellie waited, glancing over at each other until gold met blue and they nodded. Like lions in wait, they watched until the perfect moment. Erica lunged first, tackling Isaac to the ground before pinning him sharply on his face. "Jackson run!" Isaac exclaimed, Erica pressing his face further into the dirt.
Jackson spotted Ellie and turned to run, but she was right on his heels. Pushing off of the branch, she lunged at him with full force, throwing her arms around his neck before they slammed into the ground. They rolled, Ellie landed on top and pinning his arms above his head. "Gotcha, Mr. Whittemore."
"Shove off," he spat.
"Looks like the girls won," Stiles grinned as he stepped out of the shadows with Derek and Lydia in toe.
"How? We had them!" Isaac hissed.
"You refuse to communicate with Jackson," Derek reminded him.
"Why should I communicate with rich boy?" Isaac growled.
"Because he's apart of our pack," Ellie said.
"Alright now, off half-breed," Lydia said darkly, Ellie raising her hands in defense as she slid off of Jackson before helping him to his feet.
"How are Scott and Boyd doing?" Erica asked as she gracefully stood up, ignoring Isaac's hand for help. Stiles helped him instead.
"Still looking. They might need your help," Stiles grinned.
"Come on," Derek ordered, all of them following him through the trees.
"You did amazing, Ellie!" Stiles exclaimed as he high fived her.
Ellie shrugged as she removed the leaves from her hair. "Just a last ditch effort to escape, that's all. I'm glad Erica didn't fight me on the decision."
As Stiles opened his mouth to praise her again, Ellie's eyes lit up, her attention darting to his right. "What is it?" he asked. "Ellie what do you sense?"
"Someone-maybe it's just Peter," she frowned, gnawing at her lip. Suddenly she reacted, reaching forward and shoving Stiles back. "Move!"
Something slammed into her, knocking her straight into a tree with such force, it splintered. Stiles had been standing there. Which meant whatever it was had targeted him. "What the hell is that!"
"Stiles, go-go!" Ellie ordered. The figured passed again, nailing Ellie in the jaw. This time Stiles saw it disappearing through the trees, a dark shape that looked almost human. "Stiles are you alright?"
"Is that the other werewolf? The one Peter and Derek have been chasing?!" Stiles demanded.
"I don't-I don't know," Ellie whispered, staring through the darkness. "Go find Derek, now Stiles!" Ellie ordered before she took off after it.
Stiles watched her, jaw dropped. That thing was attacking both of them, not just Ellie this time. But that wasn't what scared Stiles; Ellie looked like she knew their attacker, recognized them. Remembering there was something that had just tried to kill him was still in the woods, he bolted back through the trees. "Derek! Derek! ALPHA WITH THE BROODING FACE!"
Ellie was nowhere in sight. Even after they returned home, all of them waiting in the living room while Peter and Derek did a run, she wasn't there. "Tell me once more what happened," Derek asked Stiles, continuing to pace the sitting room.
"I can't even explain it. She sensed someone and whatever it was attacked us, tried to attack me! Then, she took off after it," Stiles explained again.
"I still can't find her," Peter said as he walked in through the back door.
"Why does that mutt always do this? Does she think she's invincible just because she came back from the dead?" Erica snapped.
"You know how she gets," Scott reminded her.
"That's not an excuse! She's only a half breed for Christ Sakes, she can't keep sacrificing herself around like this," Erica fired back.
Before she could fall into a bigger rant, the front door opened, Ellie stumbling into the house. "What the hell!?" Derek demanded. "Where have you been?"
"You're bleeding," Stiles frowned, running a hand over the bloody shreds of the shirt barely holding over her shoulder.
"I cornered them but they lashed out. We fought and struggled, but they got the upper hand and the bitch stabbed me with those stupid claws," she growled. "After that they took off and I lost their trail."
"You know better than to go off alone, Ellie," Peter scolded.
"I handled it," Ellie fired back.
"Say that to your shoulder," Derek glowered.
"It's nothing that won't heal," she snarled, covering it from view with her hand.
"It looks like someone tried to eat your shoulder for dinner," Stiles pointed out.
"It's fine Stiles, it'll heal eventually and that's all that matters," Ellie glowered. "Either way whoever they are, they're dead set on staying in the shadows."
"Which means there's nothing we can do," Peter said.
"Alright, that's enough for tonight. Everyone head back home and we'll meet back up when more news is heard," Derek sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Glad you're alive Ell," Scott said as he passed, Ellie offering a small smile and a nod.
Once they were all outside, Derek turned for the stairs. "Let's get that wound cleaned up," Derek said before walking up to the bathroom.
"I'll get the first aid kit," Peter sighed, following after him.
Ellie made a move to follow too, but Stiles quickly grabbed her good arm. "You know who it is, don't you."
"No, I never saw their face," Ellie said, refusing to meet his glance.
"You're lying," Stiles whispered, "you said 'the bitch' stabbed you. You know it's a woman which means you know who it is."
She went silent to this, eyes boring holes into the ground as her grip tightened over her wound. "Right now, it's not important," she whispered. "There's leftovers in the fridge. You should eat something."
With that she pulled from Stiles' grasp before making her way for the stairs. All Stiles could do was watch her go, his frown deepening. This was not good.