Wow. Its really weird reading over past work because you know you can do so much better when you look over it about a year later. Hm.

Well, this is it: continued. Still do not expect regular updates, I am a very sporradic writer and, not only do I have a life to attend to, but I have other fanfics as well. Please enjoy them too, please.

So, this is it! Hope you like it!

Percy looked up at the sign above the entrance to the neighborhood.

Godric's Hollow.

He had some kind of strange sense that someone was pushing him towards it. He took Annabeth's hand.

"There might be some room in a motel here or something." For the unfortunate two, there was no room anywhere else because other tourists have taken up hotel space in London. "Everyone seems to be here in England for Christmas."

Slowly they went into the small place. The air was chill and the snow crunched under their boots. The light in the sky was fading and changing colors. It seemed to get colder as they walked. The houses looked cozy and welcoming. They passed a church and a graveyard. They also passed a war memorial. For a moment when Percy gazed at it, it changed. It looked, for a moment, like a statue of a man and a woman holding a baby. But when he glanced back once more, it was only a war memorial.

They walked on through the lanes of houses. Down the road a family played in the snow. A half made snowman stood behind them and snowballs were flying. Shouts of laughter and joy issued from where they came.

"Ha! I got you, Lily!"

"No you didn't."

"James, you prat! I threw that one!"

"Shut up, Albus!"

"Albus! James! Don't tell each other to shut up."

Annabeth laughed quietly. "Kids never change, do they?" Absent-mindedly, Percy nodded. She looked at him in concern. "Are you okay? You've been acting strangely all day, especially since we heard about this place." Percy shook his head as if clearing out something out of it.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine. It's just—" He stopped short. By this time they were close to the shouting family and could see their faces clearly.

Silence seemed to flood their surroundings as snowballs began to stop flying and shouts became quiet. Nobody moved. Heads began to swivel back and forth between the two men as they gazed at each other in disbelief. For the two men looked almost exactly the same.

The mother of the family took a defiant step forward and said, in a brave tone, "Who are you really and what do you want?"

The man quickly turned to face her and said, "No, Ginny. They're not death eaters. If they used polyjuice potion he would look exactly like me. He would have a scar and need glasses too."

"But Harry-"

"Ginny, trust me."

Ginny glanced at Annabeth and Percy before she herded her three children into the house. They tried to protest but she silenced them with a sharp look. The trudged reluctantly back up to the house and slammed the door angrily when they got in. Ginny turned back to them and said, "Well?"

Annabeth spoke up before Percy because his voice seemed apparently petrified.

"I'm Annabeth Jackson and this is Percy. We're New Yorkers on vacation for the holidays. There are no open hotel spaces left in London so we came here hoping to find a place to stay. Could you help us?"

Harry nodded. "We have a spare bedroom open. You can have that until you find somewhere else. We're the Potters, by the way." A strange feeling came over him, and somehow, he knew that this was the best thing to do. "C'mon in."

There ya go! Yay! Please review!

Exactly. Review. And remember that I still would ABSOLOUTELY love it if you tried to review chapters here that you have already reviewed on my Thalia101 one. I am also not going to update until I have 10 reviews per chapter


I am a ninja, and I know when you read this.

And I know when you do not review.

And I know where you live.

And I know how to use a chainsaw.