Fine I'll update gah!


I didn't sleep that night, I was to anxious about my gym battle tomorrow. My thoughts trying to process strategies against the rock type leader. Yesterday I had asked my fellow trainers about the gym in town and had learned that the gym leaders name was Roxanne and what two Pokémon she seemed to favor for going against newbies. Geodude and nosepass. My team had grown much stronger and while I haven't caught any new team mates we did battle against other trainers, and other than the kibble mishap, the training had gone rather well.

I felt good about this fight, I could do this, I could win!

I'd been telling my self that all morning trying to build myself up and force the pit in my stomach closed. It wasn't working, in fact each boast was accompanied by a even worse worry. 'What if I fail, or what if one of my pokemon gets hurt oh I couldn't take it if little Marcy got hurt somehow.'

I had been so lucky to catch such a rare pokemon early in my journey but she just seems so fragile, as if she were made of the thinnest of glass. She hadn't any offensive moves when we found her, in fact all she could do was a cute little growl and a lot of pokemon around here have a type advantage against her. She was just so hard to train.

Then there was simon who was flying type and was weak to rock, he'd have to sit this out completely if it was a two on two match. I couldn't afford a pokemon from a breeder for a starter so I had to catch one myself. He was the only thing I could weaken enough to catch in a pokeball. That whole ordeal had left me soar and stuck in a tree, but I got him and, while not my strongest fighter, he was certainly the fastest.

Then there was Joe. He was my best bet against her, him being a fighting type and all. But he was so uncooperative half the time he doesn't listen and the other half he mouths off to me. In all respects he should be a blessing from Arceus, he talks, is a rare pokemon from an entirely different region and had a wide array of knowledge about human culture if anything he should be perfect. Was he mad because we never actually battled and caught him fairly, I'd heard stories like that a few times. He had to have had a previous trainer that must have released him here, maybe he feels betrayed by his old master and is taking it out on me. Either way he was stuck with us now.

I turned over for the countless time that night trying to find a comfortable position. I was unsure of the how long I had been awake. It felt like it had been days.




Or it could have been a few hours, is it really seven o clock already? Darn first gym battle and not a wink of sleep, not good.

I sat up straight not feeling my normal tiredness in the morning. This kind of tired seemed more like a steady stream of sand, if that makes any sense. Great now I can't even get ahold of my own thoughts, I'm not fit to battle today. No, its now or never, if I try tomorrow the same thing will happen and it'll just get worse.

I quickly snatched my pokedex off the counter and silenced it.

Now or never, let's just hope I don't fail miserably.

#&-*$ #&-*%*#*$-# %-##$&-

Something pushed my shoulder trying to wake me up. I didn't want to wake up, I was having a great dream about home, Kanto, and bitches. Odd, you'd think turning into a pokemon would have more psychological effects and mess with your dreams and stuff but I'm just moody, but then I've always been moody.

Another shake accompanied with a name.


Another shake


I growled at the disembodied voice, its to fucking early for this shit. I don't know why he insisted that the ass crack of morning is a great time to get up and do things, but he should go suck a dick. I need to rest off the tacos from last night.

One last hard shove finally dragged me from my comfy slumber.



He backed off for a second flinching from the harsh child like voice before composing himself once more seemingly trying to take charge.

"Get up! today's the big day" I don't know what he's doing but it sounds peppy and sickening. "Today we prove that were not common street rats or just some lowly team who can't get along. That we will rise to the top and one day become the champions of all champions. Today we fight for honor glory and power. Today we prove that we are more than mere boys but on fact that were men!"

I stared at him for only a few seconds before my brain could register that, and another two to formulate a response

"Mew, you sound like your straight out of a damned cartoon or some shit. Go back to bed or I'll kick you in the scrotum." Or at least let me sleep. "I don't care if your balls finally dropped or whatever's going on just fuck off." And with that statement I rolled back over onto my pile of taco wrappers and someone else's clothes. He let out a tired and dejected sigh before I heard his foot steps lead out of the room, good now I can go back to my bitches.

#%*&$##$*-*$##&$ &&#

I watched as master walked out of the laundry room with a dejected look on his face. I hadn't heard the full conversation but I had gleaned enough from that dirty rilou to know that he was the cause.

I stomped as hard as my tiny feet would let me and headed for the door. Someone needs to put that jerk in His place and make him stop upsetting master. It might as well be the one who can mess with his mind a little bit.

Despite my stomping in he hadn't seemed to have heard me, in fact he seems to have already fallen back asleep. Let's fix that, after all today's the big day!

I concentrated on his form feeling with my mind each individual part and carefully lifted him up out of his greasy nest making sure that the pressure applied from the pile of refuse remained in tact as if it was still there. He got to about the middle of the room looking for all the world at peace.

Well at least until I slammed him into the tile flooring a few times

#&*&$# $&*%# $&*&$##$&# $

First off I hate Mondays mostly because bad shit seems to happen on Monday. Mondays the day of the week when I ran from that gyrados. Its the day that I ended up in a hospital for drunkedly trying to fight a group of mankey. Its also the day I turned into a pokemon, so when I woke up to a face full of pain and floor I didn't even ask what day it was, because pain equals Monday. And I'll bet a mouthful of shit that this much pain could only mean Monday.

"You little bitch." I spat at her. She seemed pretty smug for someone who's about to get the ass kicked.