Hey guys, I'm back. Can't believe it's been almost a year since I updated this story. How time flies. I've had a bit of writer's block for this story, but now I'm back and ready to update. And to C-Vegetto, thank you for sharing your idea. I might actually use it in a future chapter. Now, after a very long break, let's start the extremely overdue Chapter 11 of: The Ninja.

Gumball Watterson, eldest of the Watterson siblings and leader of his team of ninjas, was sleeping soundly in his bed. It was the first time he had had a good night's rest since becoming one of the protectors of the planet. He slept so well that he was able to wake up at 8 o'clock sharp. He then rose from his bed and stretched out his arms with a yawn.

"Aw man, haven't slept like that since I was kitten" he said with a quick pop of his spine. Gumball then hopped out of bed and got dressed in his new outfit: and black hoodie and dark blue jeans.

He would then proceed to the bathroom where he would do his personal business and brush his teeth. When he was done with that he looked at himself in the mirror. He peeled back the bandage that on his cheek back a bit and saw that the wound had completely healed.

"The wound is gone. Even my fur has grown back. Then again, it has been a week or so since I got it. Plus the slightly accelerated healing we get from our ninja powers helps a bit" Gumball thought to himself in his head. "Should probably keep the bandage on just in case…" he said, putting the bandage back on his cheek.

Due to his hunger, Gumball headed downstairs for some breakfast.


Gumball sat at the table in his usual seat. Despite being a good cook himself, he didn't want to go through the hassle of making something on the stove, so instead he made himself a bowl of cereal.

It was at that moment that his mother Nicole came in dressed in a purple robe.

"Morning, sweetie" Nicole greeted her son with a rub of his head as she walked past him into the kitchen.

"Morning, Mom" he greeted back with a light smile, although Nicole didn't seem to notice. "Have any plans for today?" Gumball asked her.

"I have the day off and I planned on going to the grocery store. Wanna come with me?" She asked while putting a cup of coffee into the microwave.

"Eh, I've got nothing better to do. Sure, what the hell" he replied acceptingly with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Excellent!" Nicole took her coffee out of the microwave. "You know, I'm really happy that you've opened up more towards me" she said as she took her seat next to Gumball.

"Yeah, it almost feels like the days when I was still a little kitten" Gumball said, and then gulped down his bowl of milk, sighing in relief once it was all gone.

Nicole giggled to herself. "Oh come on, Gumball, you'll always be my little kitten" she said, lightly pinching the cheek that wasn't bandaged up. Gumball playfully scoffed with a smirk and a roll of his eyes.

"So when do we head out?" he asked.

"Just let me finish my coffee, get dressed, and then we'll head out" she told him, taking a sip of said beverage.

-The grocery store-

Gumball and Nicole were now at the grocery store to pick groceries, as stated before.

"So what do we need exactly?" Gumball asked as walked beside his mom who was pushing the cart.

"Well, we need bread, eggs, milk, cheese, cereal, and lots of other stuff" Nicole told him.

"Thanks to dad" Gumball said mockingly.

"And you. Both of you have huge appetites" she replied.

"Yeah, but at least I know when to stop" he said back. Gumball had a point and Nicole knew it. Gumball may have been a growing boy, but at least he didn't eat as much as her husband.

It was at that moment that Nicole crashed into another cart. The other cart belonged to a preteen wolf and his mom. And not just any preteen wolf, it was Blast, the ninja of fire and Gumball's teammate.

"Blast! What's up, dude?" Gumball asked his friend.

"Hey, dude" Blast replied with a smirk, quickly pounding fists with his leader and friend.

"Forgive me, I didn't mean to-" Nicole cut herself off when she saw the adult female wolf before her. "Claudia?" she questioned.

"Nicole? Oh my god, it's been awhile" Claudia said, leaning forward on the handle bar of her cart.

"You two know each other?" both boys asked simultaneously in surprise and confusion.

"Oh yeah, Nicole and I knew each other in our teenage years" Claudia said to them.

"She and I were friends just like you two boys are friends now" Nicole added.

The two boys glanced at each other with raised eyebrows. This was just plain weird. Not only were they friends, but their mothers were as well. As if thing weren't awkward enough.

"Uh, can is it ok if Gumball and I hangout for a bit?" Blast asked his mother.

"Yes, go ahead, baby" Claudia said, rubbing the top of her son's head.

The two ninjas walked past their mothers. Once they were far enough, they began to talk.

"Isn't this weird?" Blast asked Gumball.

"Our moms knowing each other? Yeah, that is kind of weird" Gumball replied. "So how's your training been going along?"

"Pretty well. I've finally learned how to use my newest attack: lava shurikens" Blast said with a confident look on his face. "What about you?"

"I haven't really been working on attacks. I've been working more on my speed and defense" Gumball said to him. "I've also been- gah!" Gumball held his head in slight pain. He gasped as his eyes widened and glowed white.


Gumball was having a vision of the future. He was in his ninja form and was breathing heavily, having lost a lot of power. To make matters worse, his mother was behind him.

Gumball powered down, not noticing his mother behind him.

"Gumball?" he heard Nicole's voice. His eyes widened and he looked over his shoulder to see her. "You're the ninja of thunder?!" Nicole said, speechless.

[Vision ends]

"Oh crap…" Gumball said, holding his hand to his head after his vision ended.

"What? What did you see?" Blast asked.

"My mom…" he replied. "I saw myself power down from my ninja form and she was right there behind. She's gonna find out that I'm the ninja of thunder"

"Well that's the advantage of seeing the future, you can change it" Blast told Gumball with a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah, but the disadvantage is that I don't know when it's gonna happen" Gumball said a raised eyebrow.

"Hey, I know what'll take your mind off of this" Blast took out his 3DS. "How about a few rounds of Smash Bros.?" he suggested.

"Yeah, ok" Gumball said, taking out his out his own 3DS.

-Meanwhile with their moms-

"So, is Blast an only child?" Nicole asked Claudia as they walked down the same aisle.

"Oh yes. My one and only pup" she replied. "He can be a bit hard on himself sometimes, but he's still a good boy" she added. "What about Gumball?"

"Uh, I'll admit that my relationship with him has been a little rocky the past few years, but lately we've been getting along alright" Nicole said. "I just wish he got along better with his sister"

"Don't worry, I'm sure they'll sort things out someday" Claudia said with a reassuring smile.

"I know" Nicole said. It was then that she thought of something. "Say Claudia, have you seen or heard anything about ninjas running around Elmore?"

"Hmm. The only thing I know about them is that there are three of them" she began. "There's one of wind. One of thunder. And one of fire"

"So I wasn't imagining things that day…" Nicole thought to herself.

"It was on the news once. Why?" Claudia asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh, no reason, just curious" Nicole said while looking suspiciously of to the side. Claudia raised an eyebrow at her friend.

-Later that day at Blast's house-

When their grocery shopping was done, Gumball asked his mom if it was ok to hangout at Blast's house. She gave him her ok and the two boys were hanging out in the young wolf's room. The two were playing Rock Band on the tv.

"Dude, if Lexy were here she could total be the singer" Gumball said while playing the drums.

"I know, but then again, that isn't really necessary" Blast replied, hitting every note that appeared on the screen with his plastic guitar.

"Hey, I'm just saying" Gumball said.

"After this, you wanna do a livestream?" Blast asked.

"Sure" he replied.

There's chapter 11. I know it's short, but I couldn't think of anything better at the time. Plus, I wanted them to have a normal day for a chapter. Next chapter might have a bit more action in it.

I'll try to update this story more frequently.

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