Hey guys it's me Sunblast X and welcome to Chapter 1 of: The Ninja. Let's get started shall we? Our story begins in the Watterson house…

The scene begins with our main protagonist, Gumball in his room. The sun had risen, waking gumball from his sleep. Gumball groaned as he slowly woke up. He turned his head to the clock on his dresser.

"Guess it's time to get up" Gumball said. Gumball got out of his bed went to his closet and to put his clothes, which consisted of a tan sweater and black pants. Gumball stretched to wake his body up. He then went to the bathroom to go brush his teeth. Once he was done with brushing his teeth he walked downstairs to the kitchen to get some breakfast.

"Morning honey" Gumball's mother, Nicole greeted him at the table, sipping her coffee. He said nothing, mostly because he hated mornings. Gumball starting his cereal, when his 4 year old sister came in. "Anias! how's my little genius?" Nicole said, happy to see her daughter, setting her on her lap.

"I'm fine mom" Anias said. Gumball growled lightly, annoyed at his sister.

"I've lost my appetite" Gumball said, pushing his bowl away from him. He then went back upstairs to get his phone which was a Galaxy X7, his ear buds, and his red backpack. Gumball came back downstairs. His mom was talking to his sister. His mom heard the front close, not knowing Gumball left for school.

"You should probably get going" Nicole suggested to Anias, knowing the bus would be here soon. Anias got her yellow back and left the house after Gumball. Nicole sighed and returned to drinking her coffee.

-At the bus stop-

Gumball was already at the bus stop and Anias was running to catch up to him.

"Hey Gumball, wait up!" Anias said. She had finally caught up with him and greeted him with a smile. "Hey Gumball, what's up?" Anias greeted him. Gumball looked at her without turning his head. He said nothing. "…Waiting for the bus?" She asked. He said nothing again. She was about to say something, when the bus pulled up and the doors opened. Gumball got on the bus with his sister right behind him. Gumball took his usual seat in the back of the seat, while his sister took her seat in the front. Neither of the siblings said anything the ride.

-At the school-

The bus had just arrived at school. Anias got off first and Gumball last. Anias looked up at her brother with a smile, but Gumball had a serious look on his face and didn't look at her at all, saying nothing. Gumball walked in to the school leaving his sister to give him a worried look. Gumball was in the hallway putting stuff in his locker, when someone pushed him in.

"What the…?" Gumball said in his locker, seeing who it was. It was Tobias and his gang.

"Take that, loser!" Tobias said, and then laughed evilly. Gumball banged on the inside of his locker trying to get out, but it was no use, he then sighed.

"Don't worry, we'll get you out" A voice said to Gumball. Gumball's locker opened and Gumball fell to the ground. He looked up to see a male gray wolf and a female pink cat, both of which were the same age as him. Gumball then got up and dusted himself off. "It must suck getting stuffed into your own locker. Hi, I'm Blast" The gray wolf known as Blast greeted himself, extending his hand for a handshake. Gumball was hesitant, but accepted his handshake.

"…I'm Gumball. Nice to meet you" Gumball said shaking Blast's hand.

"I'm Lexy" The pink cat known as Lexy greeted herself as well. Gumball shook her hand as well.

"It's nice to meet both of you. Hey, I've never seen you two around her before. Are you guys new?" Gumball asked.

"Uh, yeah, Lexy and I just started here. The two of us will be in Miss. Simian's class" Blast said, telling them that they were new to Elmore Jr. High.

"No way, I'm in her class too!" Gumball said, surprised that his new friends were in the same class as him. "I guess we'll be seeing each other a lot then, huh?" Gumball said.

"Yeah, guess so" Blast and Lexy said in unison.

"This will be interesting" Gumball said with an interested look.

-In Miss. Simian's class-

Class had started and Miss. Simian was being her usual bitchy self as always.

"Alright, settle down class. Today we have two new students" Miss. Simian said motioning to Blast and Lexy, who were in the front of the class. Blast wore a black sleeveless jacket, and underneath it was a red T-shirt with a wolf paw print on it, wore black pants, and black wristbands on his wrists. Lexy wore a black shirt, and a blue skirt.

"Hey guys, it's nice to meet you all" Blast greeted his classmates.

"Hello everyone" Lexy greeted everyone as well.

"Alright, that's enough, the two of you take your seats" Simian said in an irritated tone, already not liking her new students. Then again she didn't like anybody except her boyfriend, which is understandable, which is why everyone in Elmore hates her guts. "You'll be sitting on both sides of Gumball" Simian instructed them. How fortunate, the two people who Gumball had met earlier and made friends with were not only in his class, but they were sitting next to him on both sides as well. Blast took his seat on Gumball's left, while lexy took her seat on Gumball's right.

"Geez, what a bitch" Blast whispered to Gumball. Gumball scoffed.

"Yeah, I know right?" Gumball whispered back.

"Come on guys, I'm sure she's not that bad" Lexy whispered to the boys.

"Is there anything the three of you would like to share with the class?" Simian said with a raised eyebrow.

"No Miss. Simian" all three of them said in unison. Simian stared at the trio with a suspicious look. She then turned and went back to her desk. The three of them sighed in relief.

-At Lunch-

It was lunchtime, and Gumball was eating his burger, when his new friends showed up with trays of food in their hands.

"Hey dude, what's up?" Blast asked, sitting down next to Gumball, setting his tray on the table.

"Nothing much, just thinking" Gumball replied.

"What's wrong?" Lexy asked him, sitting next to Blast.

"…It's my family" Gumball said.

"Wanna talk about it?" Lexy asked.

"No, I'd rather not talk about my family problems right now" Gumball said, looking down at his food. Blast patted his back to reassure him.

"Don't worry about it buddy. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to" Blast said, giving him a sympathetic look. Gumball thanked him. All of a sudden a rainbow colored cloud kid showed up at their table.

"Well, well, well, looks like the poor little pussycat found his way out of his cage" the rainbow kid said. The three of them gave him irritated glares.

"Lay off Tobias! My life is bad enough without you trying to fuck it up even further" Gumball said, looking down at the table. Tobias scoffed, shook his head, and then looked at Lexy with a sadistic smile.

"Hey baby, why you hanging out with losers like these? When you could be like me!" Tobias said, trying to flirt with her.

"Oh please! Like I'd ever go out with someone like you! Picking on an innocent kid like Gumball" Lexy said, motioning her right hand to Gumball.

"Yeah, he never did anything to you!" Blast said, standing up for his friend. Tobias just chuckled, and then snapped his fingers, causing his gang to show up behind him. He nodded and they went behind Gumball, grabbing him by the arms.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?!" Gumball shouted, struggling to break free.

"Joe, Jamie, go to the playground so I can teach him a lesson in humiliation" Tobias said. Gumball was wide eyed.

"No! Stop! Stop!" Gumball pleaded. Blast and Lexy's jaws were wide open in disbelief.

"We're not gonna let you hurt our friend, you sick BASTARD!" Blast said. Just then I giant T-rex showed up, snarling.

"Tina, take care of these two will ya?" Tobias said, and then walked out of the cafeteria and to the playground. Blast and Lexy looked up with both shock and slight fear.

"Oh shit!" The two of them mumbled in unison, preparing for a fight with Tina.

-At the playground-

Gumball was being held by his hands against his will. He was struggling to break free; when he heard footsteps… it was Tobias. Tobias slowly walked up to Gumball, having an uncomfortable smile on his face. Gumball had an angry look on his face.

"So? Ready for your beat down to begin?" Tobias said with his hands behind his back with an uneasy smile. Gumball growled at him. "Let's begin, shall we?" Tobias said. Joe and Jamie lowered Gumball to his knees then let Tobias wail on Gumball. Tobias started by punching Gumball's left cheek with his right fist. Then his right cheek with his left fist. He kept punching his cheeks right and left, over and over again, causing bruises. Eventually he punched him so much that his cheeks were swollen, bruised, and red. Blood then started coming out of Gumball's mouth and nose, and he had a swollen black eye that had and white part of his eye turned red. Gumball head fell, looking to the ground. "So? Had enough?" Tobias asked.

"Is that all you got, bitch?" Gumball quietly said.

"What was that?!" Tobias said in anger.

"I said: is that all you got, BITCH?!" Gumball shouted in rage. Tobias grew angrier and kicked Gumball in the face, causing Gumball to roll a little and land on his side. Tobias walked up to him and started kicking him in the gut. Gumball started coughing up blood, for the repeated kicks to the gut caused some internal bleeding.

"How do you like me now, cat boy?" Tobias said, still kicking him. Tobias was about to kick him again, when he was knocked unconscious by someone hitting him in the back of the head with the back of their fist. When Gumball saw Tobias fall to the ground, and then he looked up. When he saw who it was he smiled. It was his new friends who saved him. Blast pulled out his hand and offered to help Gumball up. Gumball grabbed his hand and was pulled up.

"You guys… helped me" Gumball said in disbelief.

"Of course we did" Blast said.

"Were friends, aren't we?" Lexy finished. Gumball began to tear up, happy to see his friends.

"No one's ever stood up for me like that, thank you. But what took you guys so long?" he asked. Blast and Lexy looked at each other.

"Let's just say we ran into a big situation—"

"It was Tina, wasn't it?" Gumball interrupted.

"Yeah" the two of them said in unison. Just then the final bell rang, dismissing the students to go home. "Well, that's the final bell. We all should be getting home now" Blast suggested.

"Yeah, let's get going" Gumball replied.

-At the bus stop-

"So I'll see you guys tomorrow?" Gumball asked, hoping he'd see them again tomorrow.

"Sure" Blast said.

"Definitely" Lexy added. Gumball smiled, and waved as the school bus left.

"…So what was that all about" Anias asked. Gumball expression went from happy to irritated, the second Anias started talking. Gumball looked back without turning his head and said nothing to her. He then walked pass her and headed home. His sister followed him despite the silence.

-That night at the Watterson house-

The Watterson's were having tacos for dinner. Nicole then started up a conversation.

"So what did anything exciting happened to anyone today?" Nicole asked.

"I—" Gumball was about to tell her about his day, when he was interrupted by his sister.

"I achieved the honor roll for straight A's and perfect attendance!" Anias said with excitedness.

"That's great honey. I'm so proud of you" Nicole said. Gumball gave an annoyed and irritated look.

"I—" Gumball was about to say again, but this time he was interrupted by his father, Richard.

"I reached level 40 on karate choppers 3" Richard said.

"Good job… I guess" Nicole said. Gumball quickly became annoyed. Nicole then noticed Gumball's face. "Gumball, what happened to you? Your face I mean?" Nicole asked. She hadn't seen him until dinner and just now noticed his jacked up face. Gumball huffed angrily. He then scoffed his mother.

"Like you care!" Gumball said in a pissy tone. "Forget this! I'm going to bed" Gumball said throwing his napkin to the table then stormed off angrily.

"Gumball!" Nicole said with worriedness and surprise.

-In Gumball's room-

"Stupid mom, stupid sister" Gumball said walking to his bed. "Why does my life always have to suck?" Gumball asked himself. "It's not fair" He said to himself again.

"It doesn't have to be this way" Gumball heard a voice in his head.

"Wha- Who said that?" Gumball asked, sitting up and looking around to see where the voice had come from.

"It doesn't have to be this way, Gumball. You can change your destiny, if given the chance" Gumball heard the voice talk to him again.

"Who are you? How do you know my name? And how can I change my destiny?" Gumball asked the voice.

"Just go to sleep and your all your questions will be answered" The voice told him. Gumball did as he was told and fell asleep.

Well that's it for Chapter 1. Be sure to stay tuned for Chapter 2. Who was the voice Gumball was talking to? How does it know him? And what destiny was he talking about? Find out in the next chapter of: The Ninja. This is Sunblast X signing off!

Disclaimer: I don't own TAWOG, Cartoon Network does.


Blast: A 12 year old gray wolf, and Gumball's newest friend. He and his best friend Lexy are the new students of Elmore Jr. High. What adventures will these three get into?

My friend's OCs:

Lexy: A 12 year old pink cat, and Gumball's newest friend. She and her best friend Blast are the new students of Elmore Jr. High. What adventures will these three get into?

The character Lexy belongs to a friend of mine, who shall remain nameless.

Please Read, Review, and Follow/Favorite. Ok guys, see ya in Chapter 2!