Chapter one is a recap/follow on to Elaine's Big Day. Following chapters will include more development/dialogue etc :D

*Update - corrected typos/minor changes

Slowly yawning and prying her eyes open, Jess surveyed her surroundings. She was lying naked on her comfy queen sized bed; pillows, comforters and clothes were scattered around the floor and curled beside her was the warm, delicious body of her roommate, Nick Miller. She turned to look at him; he looked so peaceful. The gentle rise and fall of his chest highlighted the sprinkling of hair that peeked out from the bed sheet that barely covered his body. His hair was mussed up in a sexy post coital way. Leaning forward, Jess brushed a soft kiss against his forehead. Wow, Jess thought. That was one crazy day.

It had all started out as planned. Cece was getting married and Nick was going to be her date to the wedding. But then Schmidt and Winston had decided to get involved and a crazy caper of horses, Cotton Eyed Joe, badgers and air conditioning ducts ensued. Cece's fiancé had eloped with another girl and Cece herself had decided she wanted to be with Schmidt (who was at the wedding with his old flame Elizabeth). What a mess Jess thought.

At least something had turned out well, at least in the end. Initially, Nick had been the perfect date, but as time went on he seemed convinced Jess thought he was a childish mess. How could she explain how she felt to him? Jess knew him better than most people; she knew he wasn't perfect, but he had so much potential. He made her laugh, he was always looking out for her, she loved spending time with him. And he was a great kisser. And fantastic in bed. Really fantastic.

Despite wanting Nick to tell her how he felt, Jess had put herself out there and asked Nick to keep trying. It was hard not knowing exactly how he was feeling, but her own emotions were so overwhelming she had to try. She still had no idea what this was. It was strange falling for someone who she knew so well. It was also scary – what if things didn't work out? But for now she wanted to live in the moment and enjoy it. His response to her declaration had been to take her and kiss her like she was Scarlett O'Hara and he was Rhett Butler, determined to have his wicked way with her. Her legs turned to jelly, her heart leapt. But then he made her laugh with a little joke. Typical Nick.

But last night…Jess began to remember.

Giggling, Nick and Jess had tumbled into the apartment. After a heated yet playful argument it was decided to head back to the loft; Nick's promise to make right turns only had extended the journey excruciatingly and once her car had been parked in it's usual spot the two had raced towards the elevator.

They paused their kisses only to press the elevator button and fumble with the keys to the door of apartment 4d. Jess prayed that no one else was home.

'Winston? Schmidty?' Nick called out. No reply. Thank God.

Their first night together was in Nick's haphazard, mismatched room and this time Jess wanted him on her turf. Let him do the walk of shame across the hall tomorrow. As they paused in the threshold of the apartment, she locked eyes with Nick. Slowly, she reached out drawing the fingers of her right hand down the length of his tie. Nick caught his breath, Jessica raised the corners of her mouth in a mischievous smile before grasping the pointed bottom of the tie, walking backwards heading towards her room, not breaking eye contact. Visibly startled, Nick had made no objection to her assertiveness and obediently followed. Once inside, Jess closed the door behind her and with a playful shove pushed Nick down onto her bed.

"Hmm," she wondered, "What am going to do with you now?"

"Err, I have some ideas…" Nick replied, his voice hoarse.


"Well," he said, moving his body so he was resting on his elbows, "First I think we need to get more comfortable."

"You read my mind," Jess began to unfasten the more complicated parts of her Sari. (She has seen Nick try to open doors, letting him negotiate a complicated piece of clothing seemed unwise) until there were only zips to contend with. He began to unbutton his sexy white shirt (God, he should never wear anything else she thought), loosening his tie and carelessly throwing it over his shoulder. She quickly unpinned her hair so the soft waves cascaded around her naked shoulders and moved towards the bed, crawling over to him, giving permission with her eyes to finish the job. As she began to make short work of the rest of his buttons and fly, he began to remove the last parts of her sari.

Finally, stripped down to their underwear, they lay facing each other on top of Jess's colourful comforter, hands supporting heads.

"And what are you going to do with me now?" Jess asked flirtatiously, although she had initiated the proceedings she much preferred a man to take control. It made her feel desired, feminine.

"This." He replied gruffly.

Swiftly he grabbed her body by her delicate, tiny waist and pulled her towards him. His warm, sort lips clashed against hers hungrily. Pulling her on top of him his hands searched up and down her body before quickly flicking her bra strap undone. His slightly calloused hands worked their way to her firm, supple breasts. She let out a little moan as he massaged them before his tongue sought out her tight, pink nipples and sucked, flicked and teased them until she could take it no longer.

Feeling her excitement, Nick moved lower, kissing her soft, white skin until he reached her lacy panties, which quickly ended up on floor as he turned her onto her back; his warm hands tracing the insides of her thighs and spreading them apart. The feel of him against that rarely touched part of her body sent a shudder of electricity down her spine. Eagerly he began to use his tongue to kiss, lick and tease her. He gently slid one finger inside her warmth. He caught his breath, aching to be fully inside her. Another finger followed and he began to twist, kiss and twirl until he could feel her coming undone. He looked up her body and saw her lips parted in a sexy moan, her back arched and her eyes closed.

After what felt like and eternity to Jess she shook herself back to reality "Oh God Nick, that's amazing. But it's your turn now". With that she wriggled free (reluctantly) of his grip and moved her way down his body until she was face to face with his blue (originally white) boxers. She quickly pulled them down over his strong, sexy legs and without hesitation grabbed his hardness between her hands, massaging it slowly. Hearing his slow breathing, she moved her mouth closer and encased her lips on it's tip, continuing the movement with her hand. Her tongue flicked and swirled around him and she could feel his hardness increase exponentially.

The warmth and softness of Jessica's mouth felt like heaven to Nick. Within minutes, he couldn't take it any longer. "This needs to happen now Jessica or it'll be over in 2 minutes". Smiling, she felt pleased at a job well done. Reaching into her bedside table with grabbed a condom and threw it to him. He made short work of the unwrapping and unraveling it.

She lay back on her back, expecting him to move on top of her. "No uh," he said shaking his head, "On top. I want to watch you". Normally Jess felt incredibly self-conscious naked astride a man but tonight Nick was making her feel so wanton, so desired, she needed no second asking.

Moving up his body, she straddled his hips before gently maneuvering him inside of her. She could feel him filling her, stimulating her. She clenched her muscles and grabbed his muscular shoulders. He reached out and cupped her breasts, arching his back to increase the penetration. She gasped and cried out, "Nick". With that he began to move rhythmically, she rolled her hips in time with him, gradually moving her body parallel to his and engaging him in a deep, sensual kiss. They were fully connected, intertwined.

Their bodies molded together and moved for each other, hands explored, lips caressed. It seemed like a never ending moment.

Jess could feel Nick's mood change. His kisses became more urgent, primal. She wanted him to take her. Make her his. "Make me come Nick," she said.

He needed no second asking. They rolled over so that Nick was in control, her legs splayed out and before wrapping firmly around his hips (hell he found that sexy). Roughly, he moved faster and harder. Her eyes closed and she moaned in delight. Nick grasped her face with one large hand and whispered, "Look at me, I want to see you".

With that she flashed open her watery blue eyes and locked her gaze with his. The build up intensified until they could both no longer take it and gave into to the feeling. Their eyes bore into one another's soul, as fulfillment and satisfaction shuddered through their bodies…

"Jess are you watching me sleep?"

Nick's voice shook Jess from her reminiscence and she looked down to see Nick's warm eyes searching her face. A small giggle escaped her mouth as her arm sought Nick's warm stomach underneath the sheets.

"Sorry. I was just thinking about what a crazy 24 hours I've had. Actually, make that a crazy 48 hours," Jess replied locking eyes with him.

"Yeah, it's been wild Jess. But really fun. Amazing. You're amazing." Nick reached his arm out to her neck and pulled her into a soft, warm sensual kiss.

"I think I'm still processing everything. It doesn't seem real, y'know?" Jess said breathlessly as she finally disentangled herself from their embrace.

Nodding his head he loosened her hard from its grip on his stomach and entwined his fingers in hers.

"Yeah I get that, I must admit I'm finding this weird too. But good weird." He gave her that amazing, megawatt smile of his and she intuitively snuggled into him.

"I think we have a lot of things to talk about. But I guess we need to take our time. Figure out what this actually is." Jess pondered, leaning into his warm embrace.

Just then, Jess heard a loud snoring noise and the sound of a body shifting on an air mattress from the hallway outside her door. "Damn," she said, "my dad is outside, he was really serious."

"Should I try and sneak out? I really don't want my memorial to read 'killed by Bob Day for giving his daughter the most amazing pleasure she has ever had…'"

Jess grabbed the small throw pillow from behind her head and swiped Nick's head with it, "You have an awfully high opinion of yourself Miller!"

"It is what it is," he replied fixing her gaze with a wry smile.

"In any case, you are not going anywhere for the moment," she flipped over and onto her front and moved closer to Nick, bringing her soft, pink lips close to his ear, whispering "I'm not done with you just yet…"