A/N: Before I begin, some basic guidelines to my approach. In the original Pride and Prejudice, the book is divided into three parts- this story as a result will have three chapters. Each of the chapters roughly reflects the same divsions reflected in the book. In my story, Lizzie's character (Kagome) has only two siblings- one older brother who will slightly paralell Mr. Bennett, and Kikyo who is based off of Lydia. The story takes place in Japan and England with Sesshomaru being half-Japanese and half-English. Also the relationship between Wickham and Georgiana (Inuyasha and Rin respectively) is altered a little. Hopefully, I'll have all three chapters up within a month's timing- I have part I done and am working on part II. And if there are any questions/ suggestions/ comments/etc. please feel free to let me know! I'm quite sure I glossed over quite a bit.

I do not own Inuyasha. I am also not the owner of Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.

Kagome stayed by the wall watching as others around her walked by with drinks in their hands laughing and having a good time at the Halloween Party. Kagome was having a good time too because she was not alone at the wall contrary to popular belief. Her friend Ayame, who'd kept her company for most of the night had just gone to get them both drinks so it had only been a short time since she'd been by her lonesome doing people watching- which in itself was quite fun especially at a drunken college party. As her eyes scanned the dance floor Kagome spotted a tall black-haired man dancing with a rather athletic girl with long hair. Kagome recognized them immediately as Sango, her best friend, and Miroku the boy that she swore was going to be Sango's boyfriend soon. The two had met during the first week of college at a meet and greet hosted by the residence hall and had hit it off immediately. Miroku was always hanging out with her since then. Every time Kagome saw Sango, she was with him- eating a meal together, studying together, etc. They were by far one of the cutest couples Kagome had ever seen and she just wished that one of them would ask out the other already. Miroku said something and Sango shyly averted her eyes before nodding. Whatever it was she was nodding at it seemed to make Miroku happy because he promptly hugged her. Kagome looked away at that and sighed wondering what was taking her friend so long. Really, it didn't take this long to get two cups of PJ.

When she turned her glance back towards Sango and Miroku she was surprised to see Sango gone. Probably met someone she knew Kagome mused watching Miroku walk towards her general direction. Wondering where he was going she followed his movements and saw him come to a stop in front of an imposing, eye-catching figure. Kagome had seen this man be on the receiving end of quite a bit of female attention all night not that she blamed any of them for it. He had silver hair and was adopting a cold-shoulder, debonair, I don't care about you look but he was tall and obviously well-built making him some quite nice eye candy. Kagome walked closer to say hi to Miroku- and perhaps get introduced to the Adonis- and couldn't help but overhear their conversation.

"You know- a smile isn't the end of the world Sesshomaru." The taller silver-haired man scoffed scanning the crowd some more.

"There's nothing to do here but dance and get drunk."

"It's a college party- that's kind of the point." Miroku stated rolling his eyes. "Listen, you should at least talk to someone; after all you've gotten the attention of quite a bit of the female population here." Sesshomaru rolled his eyes and slumped further against the wall he was currently leaning against.

"And why would I want that? I prefer women who can hold intelligent conversation with me." Miroku laughed and gave his friend a pat on the shoulder. Sesshomaru glared at the hand when it stayed as though silently wishing it would disappear.

"Listen, Sango's best friend is here- not a bad girl- why don't you try talking to her?" Kagome had approached them now and was curiously waiting to hear what the answer to Miroku's question would be having heard the tail end of the conversation. Miroku had his back to her so he didn't see her coming but the man did and he gave her a disgruntled glance before replying.

"I'm sure she's not worth my time. She's probably as vapid as the rest of the girls here."

Kagome was right next to him when he hurled the insult and she fumed. How dare he? He hadn't even met her and yet he had the galls to insult her to her face! She'd show him and knock him down a peg or two. Mr. High and Mighty needed a reality check and he was going to get one from her!

"Miroku!" She greeted catching the other man's attention. "How are you?"

"Great Kagome!" Miroku stated grabbing her in a quick hug. "And you?" He silently prayed that Kagome hadn't heard the most recent conversation he'd had with Sesshomaru. In the few weeks that he'd known her he'd quickly learned that she had a quick temper and that being on the wrong side of it would never be a good thing.

"Good, or at least as good as it can be with vapid girls everywhere." She replied turning her last statement at the man who was eyeing her closely. "Oh and who might you be Mr. Cold Shoulder?" The man bristled and Kagome inwardly smiled trying not to notice Miroku's nervous shuffling. It was obvious that he was trying to not escalate the tension and she figured she'd humor him for a bit. After all, she didn't want to get into a fight at a party anyway.

"Sesshomaru Wentworth- this is Kagome Higurashi- Sango's childhood and current best friend. Sesshomaru is my good friend Kagome." Kagome nodded her head doing her best to remain civil even if she wanted to do nothing but yell and throw things at him. So when he held out his hand she harshly snubbed it off turning to Miroku.

"Do you know where Sango is? I haven't seen her in a while." Nodding, Miroku indicated to the drinks table where she was talking to Ayame. Oh, was that what had kept Ayame preoccupied?

"Thank you then. I'll see you later." Turning she disappeared leaving the two men to stare after her. Sesshomaru, who was still miffed at her earlier greeting growled. How dare she snub him off like that! To show such blatant disrespect towards him! He wanted to demand an explanation out of her when laughter to his right caught his attention.

"What is so funny?" He asked clearly not seeing any amusement in the situation.

"She got you good!" His friend wheezed in between laughter. "Now don't look at me that way. You know she had every right to be angry about your comment earlier. What you said was kind of rude Sesshomaru."

"She is uncouth but you do pose a point."

"So you'll apologize then?" Miroku asked ever the optimistic one. Sesshomaru scoffed hearing this. Him apologize to her when she'd been that rude?

"We'll see." He answered noncommittally as his friend walked away to meet the woman he had spent most of the night with. He had some people watching to do and with a scowl printed on his face proceeded to do just that.

Two days later Kagome squealed as she walked down the path to meet Ayame for lunch. She ignored the looks she got from other students as they all walked around during class change- either to go eat lunch or to another class-and immediately sent a text back to her best friend. It was about time she mused. If either Sango or Miroku hadn't done something soon she was sure she would have. It was getting annoying seeing the two flirt with each other so much and not act. Quickly walking up the path to the dining hall she took the back entrance and saw Ayame waiting for her by the doors.

"A little late today aren't you?" Ayame admonished walking inside. Luckily, for them, the back entrance to the dining hall was never too crowded. Nonetheless, with the noon rush it was always hard to find a seat at the tables.

"I just got a really important text from Sango." Kagome defended handing her campus card to the lady at the register so she could pay for her meal.

"Oh and what was it about?" Ayame mimicked her friends' actions before following Kagome up the stairs to the second floor of the dining hall where the easy to get buffet style food was compared to the restaurants down below.

"Miroku finally asked her out. They're going to have dinner Friday followed by a movie. I swear, if those two acted any slower!" Ayame giggled but nodded her head agreeing with Kagome. She knew her younger sister Sango wasn't that assertive of an individual and it appeared that neither was Miroku. To finally see them together after weeks of blatant flirting put both girls at ease.

"Kagome, Ayame!" Upon hearing their names, both girls turned to the sound and saw Miroku waving them over. Next to him were two girls- one Kagome recognized as Kagura, the senior class president and Miroku's sister. The other was her twin- Yura. And right across from her was the one person Kagome wanted to avoid: Sesshomaru.

Kagura was known on campus, not only because of her position as president but also because of her dating history. She always dated rich guys. It wasn't anything bad personally just that she was a product of high society and more often than not tended to be in those crowds. As a result, she saw dating as a way to marriage to a comfortable rich man that would give her the same life she was used to living. Yura on the other hand was already engaged. The man in question had graduated last year and was currently getting a masters from the LSE. Yura unlike Kagura was an introvert and so most of the campus only knew her as "Kagura's twin." She was okay with the label given to her, never having liked the limelight too much. Sighing Kagome approached them with Ayame in tow.

"Hi Miroku!" Ayame greeted turning her attention to the other three at the table with a smile. "How is everyone?" Kagura smiled- four years of being popular on campus had honed her social skills- and greeted her.

"Good, and you?"

"Eh, it's Monday. Both Kagome and I could use a pick- me up right 'Gome?" Kagome nodded. She noticed that Sesshomaru was looking at her constantly and suddenly felt self-conscious. Was there something on her face?

"Mondays are tiring." Kagura amended before standing up. "Well Yura and I are about to leave for class so if you want the two of you can take our seats. That is, if you boys don't mind?"

Miroku shook his head. He didn't mind- the girls were after all the people who were undoubtedly going to be Sango's confidantes and the sooner he got on their good side the better. After all, he wasn't sure where he stood with Kagome currently considering the fiasco from Friday night. Turning to Sesshomaru, he gave him a nudge as Kagome took the seat closest to him. Perhaps it would encourage his friend to apologize as well. When Sesshomaru didn't say a word it was taken as acceptance and the two girls settled into the now vacant seats.

"I guess congratulations are in order." Kagome stated giving Miroku a knowing look once his sisters had left. "Honestly, if both you and Sango moved any slower I think Ayame and I would have done something to get you two together." Miroku sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.

"Have we been that obvious?" He asked shooting his friend a glance. It hadn't occurred to him how obvious he may have been acting and that scared him a little. He hoped that he hadn't kept Sango waiting in anticipation for a long time.

"Relax." Kagome chided seeing the expression on his face. "Considering she's just as dense and slow as you are, you haven't kept her waiting long." As she said this, she failed to see Sesshomaru's eyes flicker towards her briefly.

"Thanks Kagome." With a nod in his direction, the two girls got up and left to get food. When they came back, Sesshomaru eyed Kagome's plates carefully: A salad, soup, and tempura. Where was the meat and rice for her dish? He didn't realize he had voiced this aloud until she turned large brown eyes to him.

"Excuse me?"

"Is that all you are eating?" He asked carefully. Ayame, who knew how Kagome felt when somebody commented on her food choices was about to step in when Kagome began speaking. Biting her lip, she hoped that Kagome wouldn't yell at the poor guy.

"Do you have a problem with what I'm eating?" Kagome asked carefully grinding her teeth. If there was one thing she hated it was people criticizing her food choices. Being a vegetarian on college campuses was sometimes hard and some days she had to settle with what she found. As a result, people who insulted her eating choices were severely criticized.

"Most people just usually add more sustenance to their food." Sesshomaru remarked. "Are you sure this is a fulfilling meal?" She opened her mouth to retort in anger some more when Miroku cut in.

"Sesshomaru's minor is in Nutrition studies Kagome. He's always like this. I mean look at my plates!" Kagome averted her gaze from Sesshomaru's long enough to look at the remnants of what looked to be a full decent meal on Miroku's plate. Still, most of the ire hadn't left her. After all, Sesshomaru still hadn't apologized for insulting her at the party the other night.

"Still, I'm a vegetarian and sometimes I don't have that much of an option when it comes to eating here at the dining hall. It's not my fault they only have Meatless Monday."

That said Kagome began to dig into her meal with flourish leaving the rest of them silent. Conversation however picked up again when Ayame began engaging everyone in discussions about what was happening with their classes and so on. As they were leaving, Sesshomaru took Kagome aside. Still fuming about his insult and the criticism she had received for her food choices she glared hard at him and promptly told him that he better get going with what he had to say. She had a class after all.

"I apologize for my earlier indiscretion. I did not realize you were a vegetarian." He cleared his throat and then continued awkwardly. "I also apologize for Friday. I was dragged to the party against my will and had a test today that I wanted to study for."

"It's all right. Some people just don't know when to keep their opinions to themselves." Kagome answered feeling that he was insincere in his apology. She knew that it was rude of her but honestly- the guy had waited three days to apologize to her! You think he would have done it sooner!

"Now if you excuse me I have to get to class!" That said she walked past him without another word. Miroku who saw her storming off approached him with Ayame in tow.

"What happened?" He asked slowly.

"That girl! If she thinks she'll ever disgrace me like that again after I've apologized to her!" Fuming Sesshomaru shook his friend off and headed towards his own class. He'd show her!

Kagome hated November. She hated it because it was a month that really had nothing to give her but work, work, and more work in the form of tests, papers, and piles upon piles of homework. So when Sango kept inviting her to double-dates with Miroku her already busy schedule was now overflowing. On top of it all, on all three of the double-dates she had been on Sesshomaru Taisho had been her partner. Kagome was understanding of the fact that Sango was a very reserved individual and wanted the training wheels per say on the relationship before she delved farther into it with Miroku, but after the third double date, she had cornered her friend and told her that she was done. Sango and Miroku were at this point comfortable enough to date openly and she was frankly put much too busy right now to help out her friend anyway. Plus, she had enough of being in Sesshomaru's presence in a date-like setting.

"I guess you're right." Sango stated as the two sat around in Kagome's on-campus apartment on a cold Wednesday. Kagome lived there with Ayame since Sango had opted to become a Resident Advisor and live by herself in one of the other dorms on campus. "But honestly Kagome, please dear- at this week's Friday dinner can you try not to throw your food at Sesshomaru?" Sango was referring to both the date from earlier that week on Monday and the dinner that the three girls regularly had together every week.

The last double date had been nothing short of a nightmare for Miroku and Sango and was the main reason the two of them had decided to never invite these particular friends for a double date ever again. Both Sesshomaru and Kagome were hardly ever civil to each other. Sesshomaru was still smarting over Kagome's abject refusal of his apology while Kagome was stewing over his pretentious arrogant air. One was overly prideful of the respect he thought he should earn, the other so prejudiced regarding rich young men. They had been, at least until Monday, not physical with each other. Both would come to the dinner and throw veiled insults at the other throughout the course of their meal and Sango and Miroku would try their hardest to tune them out to hopefully continue with their date. The now quite smitten couple didn't trust any other friend as close as they did these two so it was no wonder that they were asked again and again for repeated dates. Unfortunately, Sesshomaru's rather scathing comment the other day had resulted in a physical altercation. Neither girl wanted to remember it but Kagome found herself doing so.

Kagome sat next to her best friend at the small round table inwardly counting the number of minutes she had left to bear in Sesshomaru's presence. Honestly, she had had enough of his insults and was not looking forward to spending the rest of the night in the library finishing the paper she had due tomorrow- the paper she was supposed to be working on currently.

"Kagome, just because you have no one interested in you like Sango does, it does not give you the right to grit your teeth at her all night." Sesshomaru remarked during a rather tense silence.

Kagome stared at him in shock when he spoke and both Sango and Miroku shared a worried look. They were used to the rather argumentative nature that the relationship between Sesshomaru and Kagome had taken but neither had ever expected it to go this far. And this was too far, even for Miroku, who had tried to make up for his friend's impolite nature towards Kagome on more than one occasion.

"You know what Sesshomaru- I don't think I've met a bigger jerk than you ever before in my life." Kagome eyed the glass of frigid ice water in front of her for a moment and Sango panicked. She was too late in intervening however and before any of them could stop what was about to occur, Kagome had picked up the glass and dumped its contents on Sesshomaru's head.

"How dare you!" He roared when she had finished. Kagome only smirked before turning to the other two occupants at the table and bidding them adieu ignoring the looks she was getting from the restaurant's other patrons. She hadn't made it that far however before her arm was grabbed and Sesshomaru towered over her with an intimidating scowl on his face.

"You will apologize right now Kagome!" He growled uncaring of the attention they were receiving or the water dripping down his hair. Kagome glared back at him and wrenched her hand free of his hold.

"And why should I Sesshomaru? Especially after you insulted me in that manner?"

Sesshomaru growled and snatched her hand again but this time Kagome was ready. She reared her other hand back and slapped him. The slap was enough to shock him into silence and he watched her leave, cheek stinging from the impact, and pride crushed from the humiliating encounter. He turned to look back at Sango and Miroku. Stalking forward, he dropped money from his wallet on the table - enough to cover both his and Kagome's meal along with Sango and Miroku's- and left without another word. Sango and Miroku in the meanwhile were still trying to process what had happened and decided that they too should probably leave. Never again were Sesshomaru and Kagome allowed to be in each other's vicinity in a restaurant was the secret pact that both made that night.

Kagome had to admit that she did feel a little guilty when she'd come home from the date but still her anger towards Sesshomaru was ever present. He had never really seemed to care about her and it irked Kagome more than it should have. She didn't care if he didn't want to date her but she figured she was at least worthy enough for his grudging respect or perhaps even acknowledgment. Miroku was perfect- he was friendly, nice, and charming. Whatever had enabled him to befriend Sesshomaru Kagome would never know. She could hardly believe the two were friends anyway.

"Kagome!" Sango stated snapping her out of her thoughts. "Someone's knocking on the door; do you want to see who it is?" Standing up, Kagome walked over and opened the door cursing herself for not looking through the peephole before she opened it.

Standing on the other side of the door was Hojo Akitoki. Hojo had been and continued to be a bothersome individual in Kagome's life. He didn't pester her for notes on a constant basis or insult her so blatantly like Sesshomaru but he did have a nasty habit of asking her out over and over again. At first, it had been kind of sweet when he'd kept trying. Soon however, it had turned to becoming a bother and now she couldn't help but want to just smack him on the head and yell something along the lines of 'Get out! Can't you see when you're not wanted?' He also had a rather nasty habit of boasting about his Aunt Cathérine in London and her rather affluent status. Needless to say, Kagome had not been impressed.

"Kagome!" Hojo exclaimed upon seeing her at the door. "Just the person I wanted to see. I heard that you're still hosting those Friday night dinners and I was going to make sure that it was okay for me to arrive a little late." Kagome only blanched before assuring Hojo that it was okay. Maybe they could have dinner just a little earlier so that when Hojo arrived he'd only be able to stay for dessert. She sincerely regretted having invited him to the dinners in the first place last year.

"It won't be a problem Hojo. Was there anything else you needed?" Hojo looked around the apartment corridor before talking again.

"Well, there's actually something I wanted to ask you. I heard that there is a rather interesting performance this Saturday- a local band is playing at one of the bars nearby, perhaps you would like to go see them perform with me?" Kagome who was already quite aggravated from a stressful day and recalling the memory of Monday's date let her temper fly.

"Look Hojo- get a clue! I don't give a shit about you and your dates. I have rejected you from the minute you asked me out and I will continue to do so! You and your aunt's money can hightail it away from my door. In fact, I'd rather prefer it if you would do that right now actually!"

Hojo scowled at Kagome! Maybe his Aunt Cathérine was right! Kagome was no match for some of the other Japanese girls he could have in his presence. Who was she to disdain his aunt in such a manner? The lady that Kagome had just insulted had practically raised him and was quite powerful in London society. With a sneer aimed Kagome's way he left but not before uttering a few parting words.

"You will regret ever saying that about my Aunt Kagome! There are much better women than you that I can find. Don't ever come sniveling to me when you need my help! I sure won't be willing to offer it you after such a cruel rejection."

"Well, I don't want it anyway!" Kagome yelled out to his retreating back before shutting the door. "Pompous, butt-kissing jerk!" She turned back to her guest annoyed to see Sango breaking out into laughter.

"Oh my god Kagome, I don't think I've ever seen his face turn so red before! He must have been quite embarrassed!" Sango wasn't one to be rude but Hojo had been a grating presence in their college lives for far too long. "Do you think he'll finally leave you alone?" Kagome collapsed into the couch next to her friend.

"One can only hope Sango dear, one can only hope!" Laughing the two girls spent the rest of their time together in relative peace until Ayame came back home and a romantic comedy plus dinner date was abruptly planned between them.

Two days later Kagome sat at a large round table in one of the local restaurants with a grimace. Sango had told her- in quite adamant wording- that both Miroku and her had mixed feelings about this outing. They had apparently decided to make it so that Sesshomaru and Kagome never met in a restaurant again but for the sake of the pre-planned Friday dinner had foregone this deal in hopes that their best friends would act like adults. Kagome huffed- she would act like one but it was Sesshomaru who continued to be a spoiled rich kid. The attitude didn't fly with Ayame and Sango however who reminded her that she was acting like a little kid herself. That was enough to make Kagome more compliant. She wore the black dress Sango had picked out for her and decided that she would ignore Sesshomaru as much as she could- there would probably be times that she would have to talk to him but she was going to avoid it at all costs.

"Are you ready Kagome?" Ayame yelled out as she put the finishing touches on her outfit. As much as neither girl was looking forward to it, Hojo had come last night, apologized to Kagome and offered to drive them to the restaurant. Considering that it was a normally a thirty minute walk to the place and that the area was expecting snow sometime early tomorrow the girls had accepted his invitation.

"Almost – hair up or down Ayame?" Kagome walked out of her room, hairbrush in hand to meet her roommate in the living room.

"Down." Ayame answered taking a quick cursory glance at her friend. "That dress does not need an updo girl!" Kagome merely rolled her eyes before finishing the final touches on her outfit just as Hojo knocked on the door. Grabbing their things the girls locked their door and were seated in Hojo's car moments later.

When they walked into the restaurant, Hojo made a grand show of escorting both Kagome and Ayame in. Both females didn't feel like putting up a fight against him with this action so they merely accepted it and walked with him to the large table that was waiting for them. When Sango had invited Miroku, he had explained that he regularly had a weekly dinner with Sesshomaru and his sisters on Friday as well. Sango had thus asked him if he wouldn't mind combining both their dinners and the large group dinner of eight people was born. Sango, Miroku, Kagura, Yura, and Sesshomaru were already seated. Kagome took a seat unfortunately next to Sesshomaru. The only other available seat was next to Sango or in the middle between those other empty seats. For some reason, putting Hojo next to Sesshomaru seemed like a bad idea and putting him next to Sango would not have soothed anyone's temper. Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow at her comment but noticed that the two girls had placed their guest in the middle. He couldn't help but wonder about it.

"How are you Kagome?" Kagura asked politely shooting a quick furtive glance towards Hojo. She knew about Hojo Akitoki; the entire female population of their University knew about Hojo Akitoki. He was known to pine over Kagome Higurashi who spurred his advances with no result. He was also known to brag about his wealth. While Kagura respected wealth and understood it- she was born into that society- she didn't appreciate his flaunting of assets. She wasn't entirely happy to see him at the dinner but judging by the expressions on the faces of the girls who came with him, his presence had been unavoidable.

"Good I guess. I had two papers due this week and I have a test on Monday so tonight's my night off. And you- how's your week been?" Kagura smiled, she liked Kagome even if she was closer to Sesshomaru than she was. Plus, it seemed that she had another suitor who was more interested in her anyway so she was starting to care less about Sesshomaru as a potential dating partner.

"Busy in job hunting." Kagura answered. "I never thought the journalism industry would be this hard to tap into even if I'm asking for even the bare minimum of jobs. I feel like people just see my name and expect me to just never work. I didn't put myself through school for nothing and I wish people would see that." Kagome could understand what Kagura was talking about. She was working towards a degree program that allowed her to study abroad in the London School of Economics next Spring and it was competitive.

"Good luck." Kagura smiled back at her.

"Thanks, now why don't you introduce me to your guest here?" Kagome flushed at having forgotten to introduce Hojo. She normally wasn't so inattentive.

"This is Hojo Akitoki- a er friend of mine." Kagura nodded and everyone else at the table made introductions as well. Soon after orders were given and dinner passed by with relatively little problems.

Hojo being Hojo spoke and spoke and spoke all about the same thing- his Aunt Cathérine. Sesshomaru bristled at the name and save for Kagome no one really noticed it. She wondered why that was. Did he perhaps know the lady or was he friends with her? Kagome wouldn't put it past him- it seemed like something he would do. She was also unnerved at the glances he kept shooting her- what was his problem? Kagome was getting ansty and by the time dessert came she was more than ready to leave. She sighed when the dessert was finally set in front of her but stiffened again when Sesshomaru leaned close to her. What did he want now?

"You look beautiful tonight." Sesshomaru whispered as conversation around the table picked up. He moved back to his position and save for Sango no one really saw the interaction between him and Kagome. Kagome was shocked and unable to think of a reply for a while. Finally, as the waiter came by to pick up the empty plates and deliver the check she turned to Sesshomaru.

"Thank you Sesshomaru, you don't look too bad yourself." And that was the last nice conversation that occurred between Sesshomaru and Kagome for the rest of the semester's duration.

Before the girls knew it, November had turned into December and finals were just around the corner. Students occupied the libraries and coffee shops as they worked towards finishing off their semesters and taking a relaxing break back home over the Winter Break. Three girls sat around a table discussing what they were planning over the holidays and taking a much needed break form studying. It was a cold day outside so the coffee shop was busy but the girls had chosen a relatively secluded corner to conduct their studying and subsequent talk to avoid being disturbed.

"Miroku invited me to visit his parent's house in Hokkaido for New Year's." Sango announced blushing slightly. The other two girls immediately leaned closer to her wanting to know more about this information. Sango and Miroku had grown considerably closer in their relationship and were nearly inseparable these days. It was cute to see them so involved with each other and both Ayame and Kagome were beyond excited to see what would happen in the future. They had even already joked about wedding bells in the couple's future.

"Oh, this sounds good, dish girl dish!" Kagome stated. "But will your parents let you go?"

"Kagome, our parents want us home for Christmas, what we do with the rest of our break is up to us." Ayame assured her before turning back towards her sister with an expression that clearly meant she wanted to know more about this plan too.

"We were talking last night and he invited me over. Of course he also said I could take someone with me if I wanted and I was hoping that the two of you wouldn't mind coming with me?"

"I'd love to go support my little sister hon, but I already made plans to meet someone in Osaka. What about you Kagome?"

"I'll have to ask Mama but I think she'll be fine." Kagome came from a small family that consisted of her older brother, her mother, and her younger sister. She was sure that her mother wouldn't mind letting her go but she'd still try to be back in Tokyo later on New Year's Day to celebrate with her family.

"Oh thank you Kagome! I just don't want to be alone with his family- I know it's not something to be so worried about but I'm still scared since it's his parents. And well, you won't necessarily be by yourself- Sesshomaru's coming."

Kagome made a face and rolled her eyes- an action that wasn't missed by the other two girls. While both didn't necessarily think Sesshomaru was the nicest person around they could never understand why Kagome disliked his presence so much. They may have gotten off to a rocky start but Sesshomaru had apologized and Kagome had refused his apologies. They decided to attempt getting along for the sake of their friends but when placed together in a room alone for longer than ten seconds they would fight and hurl insults at one another. Neither Sango nor Ayame really understood how to get them to reconcile because every time they attempted to try reasoning with Kagome she stubbornly refused to listen to them and then told them that if Sesshomaru really wanted to apologize he should try to actually talk to her and not insult or glare at her. That or, she brought up the incident at the restaurant on the last double date outing that both she and Sesshomaru had been on.

"I don't want to go if he's going to be there." Kagome growled out looking darkly at Sango and trying not to feel betrayed.

"I know, but please Kagome! I'll try to make it so that you won't have to spend too much alone time with him!" Kagome sighed but then nodded- while she vehemently loathed Sesshomaru she cared about Sango and knew that the girl was dreading the meeting with her boyfriend's parents.

"I'll go, now what are you doing Ayame? It's obviously more important than Sango here." Ayame blushed and made a face at Kagome but answered nonetheless.

"I'm going on a trip with Hojo- we're just going as friends right now so don't you dare say a word Kagome! This plan was made a while back and I already have tickets and everything so I'm not going to cancel now all right?" Kagome never really liked Hojo- he had chased after her for the better part of her college career and while she was happy that he had finally moved on from her she wasn't too happy that Ayame was planning things that resembled dates with him. Ayame deserved much better than the sniveling man who didn't know when to quit and stop gushing about his aunt.

"Have fun and take lots of pictures." She finally stated. Ayame smiled, glad that her friend accepted Hojo at least a little. He wasn't her ideal man but she had to admit that she was a practical girl and so she'd settled when the first decent guy showed up in her life.

"I will Kagome, now I think we need to get back to studying." Groaning the girls pulled out their books again and began another round of studying.

Two weeks later Kagome found herself enjoying the massive library that the Kanazawa family had. Mr. and Mrs. Kanazawa- Miroku's parents- had assured her that she was welcome to use it to her hearts content and Kagome found herself doing just that. She'd picked Pride and Prejudice for her reading today since it had been and still was one of her most favorite books to read. A shadow fell across and she looked up only to make a face. Sesshomaru was in the library disturbing her quiet solitude.

"What are you doing by yourself in the library?" He asked taking a seat across from her. "All of us were going to play some pool in the game room. You should join us."

"I was reading before you interrupted me. Why don't you go play with them?" She asked with a nervous tick on her face. The past two days with Sesshomaru he had been nothing but nice and it was getting harder and harder for her to keep her dislike for him. Neither of them had apologized nor mentioned any of the rather calamitous encounters they had had over the course of the past semester.

"I'm not a big fan of pool. Besides, I wanted to make sure that you weren't bored all alone by yourself." Kagome scoffed but pointed to the rows of bookshelves behind her.

"Trust me I'm anything but bored. If you really want to keep me company grab a book and sit down to read."

Sesshomaru seemed to contemplate her words for a minute before he did just that. Kagome who hadn't expected him to listen to her was surprised but let it slide. After all, if he wasn't going to be a bother then she'd leave him be. Still, it was unnerving to be in such close proximity with him and not find herself in the middle of a verbal battle. She finally gave up on reading and stood up around twenty minutes later; there was something about his presence that distracted her from concentrating on her book.

"Leaving?" Sesshomaru asked causing her to stare in his direction.

"Yes, I need a drink and a snack. What book did you choose to read?" She asked curiosity getting the best of her. She didn't really know Sesshomaru that well but even she had to admit that she did find it nice that he could relax with a nice book.

"Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451. Are you a fan of Austen?" He asked bookmarking the page he was on and standing as well.

"Sort of- I'm more partial to Pride and Prejudice than I am to any others by her though. Are you leaving as well?"

"Yes, I promised Miroku that I'd talk about something with him. Shall we?" Nodding Kagome followed but kept her pace behind him and was glad when they parted ways. He had been nothing but civil to her and she wasn't sure how to take it considering the snide glares and hurled insults he had been shooting at her all semester. What had changed his opinion of her so easily?

Sesshomaru meanwhile sighed as he walked to meet Miroku in the game room. Kagome Higurashi was in a nutshell intriguing. His first impression of her hadn't been great but as he got to know over the course of the semester, mostly because of her interactions with Miroku, he'd come to learn more about and begin to see more about who she was. She was fairly pretty with a nice athletic build and her hazel eyes only added to her looks. She was also quite intelligent and though most of their interactions had been arguments, they were intelligent ones and he appreciated that about her. He liked women who could hold a conversation with him and as much as he tried to not admit it, he found that he liked Kagome. He'd found himself falling for her and was elated when he found out that she'd be joining Sango at Miroku's place giving him a chance to get to woo her though it wasn't working nearly as well as he hoped it was. Seeing Miroku, he made his way over to his friend.

"Sesshomaru!" Miroku greeted. "Did you end up finding Kagome?" Sango smiled hearing her boyfriend's question. She had seen Sesshomaru's growing interest in her friend and had to admit that she found it cute to see him going after Kagome. Now if only Kagome could actually stop disliking him long enough to fall for him! Or at least, if not fall for him, she'd like it if Kagome could try to befriend him.

"I did, we spent some time reading in the library. Didn't you need to ask me something Miroku?" Miroku nodded ushering his friend out of the room and towards the stairs. After a while, the two found themselves in Miroku's room. Miroku was pacing while Sesshomaru sat at Miroku's desk patiently waiting for his friend to speak. Finally, Sesshomaru told his friend he wasn't going to wait forever and Miroku paused in his pacing before turning to his friend and speaking.

"Kagura said something to me over break before Sango came by to visit. She asked me how serious I was with Sango and whether it was right to lead her on before I leave to study abroad next semester. What do you think Sesshomaru? Am I leading her on?" Sesshomaru idly played around with one of the pens on his friend's desk as he thought about the question presented to him.

"Miroku, you need to think. I've never seen you this serious over a girl before. I'm not saying that Sango isn't a great girl but I want you to think things through. Are you really in love with her? Are you really going to be faithful to her when you study abroad? Sango's a really sweet girl Miroku and I'd rather not see her hurt because of something you did."

"So you're saying I should dump her then?" Sesshomaru ran a frustrated hand through his hair as he tried to reason with his friend.

"Do what you think is right Miroku. I honestly don't think you should continue your relationship with her when you're going abroad and your previous track record highlights your unfaithfulness. Your parents like her and so do I but we all are waiting for you to show us that you're serious about her." Seeing his friend's distraught expression, he continued. "Look, it's not my decision to make but if you're really serious about this Miroku, prove it to me and her."

Miroku took Sesshomaru's words into consideration as he continued pacing around the room. Tonight was New Year's Eve and he wanted to make his decision tonight. Whatever decision he made, he wanted it to reflect the rest of the choices he was going to make the rest of the year. Sesshomaru stood and placed a hand on his friend's shoulder giving him a reassuring touch before he left the room. Still Miroku was at a loss of what to do. He didn't want to hurt Sango but a lot could change over the course of a study abroad. What if he fell for another girl in Paris? The thoughts continued to plague him and he sighed before finally making up his mind an hour later. He'd deal with the consequences of his decision later.

Kagome noticed the rather tense atmosphere between Miroku and Sango during the New Year's Eve celebration in the family room of the Kanazawa residence. She turned to Sesshomaru and noticed that he seemed quite unsure about what the problem between the couple was. Shrugging her shoulders Kagome watched the celebrations on T.V. and cheered with everyone when midnight struck. The Kanazawa family had a tradition of cutting a cake on New Year's and Kagome thought it was nice. The cake was a good way to eat out some of her presentation from the day. A few hours later all the residents had decided to call it a night and Kagome was upstairs in the room she was sharing with Sango for the duration of their stay. She had just gotten ready for bed and was about to sleep when the door opened and a sobbing Sango stumbled into the room. Kagome immediately rushed towards her friend wondering what was wrong.

"Sango?" She asked quietly. Her friend only sobbed harder and Kagome gently held her while kicking the door closed with her foot. Whatever it was that was bothering Sango it was obvious that it had something to do with Miroku and that it hurt her deeply.

"He broke up with me!" Sango finally managed to say in between tears. "He said that he wasn't sure if we could do a long distance relationship and asked for a break. I told him I didn't do breaks and then he told me that meant we were no longer together! Kagome, I don't know what to do!"

Kagome held her friend close as she thought about what could have spurred Miroku to doubt his relationship with Sango. Hadn't Sesshomaru mentioned something about talking with Miroku earlier today? And wasn't it right after that she noted the tense atmosphere between Miroku and Sango. She fumed silently thinking of all the insults she wanted to hurl at the man. What gave him the right to interfere in a relationship that he obviously didn't need to interfere in? But right now, she had to comfort her friend and so she pushed thoughts of Sesshomaru out of her head.

"Shh Sango, just cry it out. I'm here for you dear, I'm here for you."

The next morning Miroku didn't show up to say goodbye to Sango and Kagome as they left for the train station. Sesshomaru had offered to drive them to the station and upon finding himself on the end of Kagome's spiteful glare wondered what he had done that made her hate him so much. Nonetheless, Sango accepted his offer and he drove them to the train station. All of the family and Sesshomaru wondered why Miroku hadn't showed up but when Sango had told them that they had already said their goodbye's they let him be. Still, they all knew that something had happened with the couple.

"I hope you have a good New Year." Sesshomaru wished Sango as the two girls grabbed their bags before heading into the station. She nodded still emotionally drained to do anything more and turned to walk into the station. Turning to Kagome Sesshomaru mustered up a smile before wishing her goodbye. "I hope you have a good year too Kagome. Hopefully we'll stay in touch?"

Kagome who was still angry after her thoughts last night barely spared him another glance and shot down the hand he held out. If he thought she wanted to stay in touch with him after the crap he pulled yesterday he had another thing coming. She was only happy that he had graduated early in December and she wouldn't have to see him ever again if she could help it.

"I'd rather die than shake your hand Sesshomaru. I hope your year is hell after all the crap you just pulled." She didn't even wait to hear his response instead walking into the station and boarding the train that would take her to Tokyo. Sango was her first priority right now.

The start of the school year brought with it some nice surprises for Kagome. Ayame had gotten together with Hojo over break and the two were currently an item. Kagome didn't know how to feel about the relationship. While she wanted to be accepting of the relationship, she knew for a fact that Ayame didn't care that much for Hojo and it hurt her to see Ayame throw away all their ideals of finding the right man to settle for someone like Hojo. She felt betrayed by Ayame and wondered when Ayame had become who she was. She didn't have to dwell long on it however and in between trying to help Sango get out of her funk and avoiding Ayame she'd met Inuyasha Taisho. Inuyasha Taisho was a new transfer who Kagome had met in one of her classes. He had easily charmed her and she found herself hanging around him quite a bit. He also had shared with her some valuable information about Sesshomaru.

She'd been slightly suspicious about why Inuyasha had been so intent on learning about Sesshomaru but had found out why within a week of meeting Inuyasha. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru had grown up together- they were half-brothers and even though Inuyasha was illegitimate, Mr. Taisho had taken care of both boys as though they were brothers and equal. When the elder Taisho had died Sesshomaru had taken control of his father's will and had it rewritten so that Inuyasha didn't get a single cent even though it was written in his inheritance. He'd basically left an orphaned Inuyasha penniless and had even made it so that Rin- Sesshomaru's sister- and the only one who cared about him- could never contact him again by holing her up in England. For Kagome, this was the final nail on the coffin. She'd always wanted reasons to hate Sesshomaru and she had finally gotten the one that solidified all the hatred she had towards him. How could be so cruel as to cheat someone out of the money that was rightfully his for no reason whatsoever? And so therefore, she had finally decided that she was going to hate Sesshomaru Taisho for life.

Miroku was a taboo subject between her and Sango. As a result, Kagome had kept her suspicions about Sesshomaru's presence in the break-up a secret. She had also refrained from mentioning much about Inuyasha to her friend. All that Sango knew was that Inuyasha knew Sesshomaru and was good friends with Kagome. She had a feeling that something was off about Inuyasha but Kagome absolutely refused to hear any information about it and thus she had let it slide. Sango had finally been able to move on with her life after a month of post-break up sadness and while she still wasn't in dating mode she had been able to enjoy herself again and slowly let go of Miroku. It was now just after Spring Break and Sango was more than ready to get back to school. Kagome had disappeared over break to visit with her brother Souta in Kyoto with Inuyasha and Ayame had brought Hojo home every day resulting in a surprise engagement. Now she was in the coffee shop escaping both of her good friends and happy that she wasn't there when Kagome found out the news.

"What did you say?" Kagome asked unable to believe what Ayame was saying. Ayame was her friend and they lived together but Kagome had come back from Spring Break to see Ayame beginning to pack a little bit of her clothing away.

"I'm engaged. I'm marrying Hojo in July and we're moving to London. He got accepted into the master's program at Kings College so we've decided to move there. I've already started looking at jobs in London." Ayame noticed Kagome's silence and sighed as she caught the unhappy expression. She put the winter coats she was packing away and crossed the three steps to Kagome.

"Look Kagome, I know you don't like Hojo and I know that you don't see things the way I do but please all I'm asking for is your support. You've always wanted to be an idealist and marry for love and I want that but I can't just depend on it. Let's be real Kagome- I'm going to graduate with a degree in international development- a degree that won' t really get me anywhere here but will land me jobs in London. I have to make a living Kagome and if moving to London helps then I'll do it."

"So you're using Hojo to get a job?" Kagome asked incredulous.

She was beyond pissed at Ayame currently. Why would Ayame throw away a chance at an awesome independent lifestyle to be with someone who would constrain that independence? And why would she give up on love? Hadn't they decided long ago that they were going to live meaningful lives and marry for love not for convenience?

"I'm not using Hojo!" Ayame yelled angry and hurt by Kagome's words. "I'm doing what I know is best for me. Yes Hojo and I don't love each other but we can grow to love each other Kagome! And am I not allowed to find a job? So what if it's in London? I want to help people for a living Kagome- I want to work in International Development and I swear I will do so even if you won't be there to support me! I'm moving in with Hojo this weekend and if you don't want to support me then that's fine!"

Ayame stormed out of the apartment and Kagome sat down on the sofa of the shared on-campus apartment. Ayame was getting married and moving to London. And she, Kagome, was being left alone. She didn't know what to do at this point. On one part, she wanted to be there for Ayame but the other part wanted to slap some sense into her friend and convince her to leave Hojo. She shed silent tears as she looked around the apartment. Soon, it was going to be empty but as she looked around, she realized that just because Ayame was leaving the apartment it didn't mean Ayame had to leave her life. Mind made up Kagome decided to reconcile with her friend. While she wasn't happy with Ayame's decision, she'd do what she could to support her as a friend. For the moment, she knew that she and Ayame needed some time to cool off so she decided that she could at least talk to Sango.

"What is it Kagome?" Sango asked walking into her apartment twenty minutes later. She had heard Kagome's tears earlier on the phone and knew that her earlier avoidance tactic might have been a bad idea.

"I said some terrible things to Ayame. Do you think she'll ever forgive me?" Sango's eyes softened and she gently held her friend in her arms.

"I think she will, just give her some time to cool off. The two of you are quite infamous for your tempers after all." Kagome cracked a smile glad that her friend was able to diffuse some of the tension in the room. Still, she knew that she owed Ayame a well-deserved apology.

"I just don't want her hurt. And well, I guess it's just a lot of things getting to me right now. Remember how Inuyasha went to visit my family with me over break?" Sango nodded making a face that Kagome luckily didn't see. She didn't trust Inuyasha for some reason.

"Well, anyway, you all know how we thought he was finally going to ask me out or something? Well, guess what- he's with Kikyo now. I don't know what to do. Mom doesn't want to hurt Kikyo but she worries that her daughter is dating someone at least seven years older. And Souta hates him. I don't know what to do. Do I side with my sister and Inuyasha or do I tell Inuyasha to break things off with Kikyo."

Sango sighed; she knew all about Kagome's little sister Kikyo. When Kagome and Kikyo were little Kikyo was spoiled. Sango considered that normal simply because she knew that younger siblings- of which she was one- often got away with more things than their older counterparts. However, Kikyo had become more and more of a rebel over the past few years. Mrs. Higurashi tried to rein her in but she was so lost on what to do. She tried to give Kikyo the same amount of freedom she had given Kagome but it seemed Kikyo was always involved with the wrong crowd and Mrs. Higurashi had given up on exerting full control over her errant daughter. When Kagome and Souta had been in the house it had been easy but with Souta having just returned a few months back from his overseas studies it had become harder for her to control Kikyo and run a shrine by herself.

"Look Kagome, I think you should at least try to warn Kikyo and Inuyasha about what they are getting involved in. And you said your mother and Souta are watching the two of them right? So I wouldn't worry too much because they obviously are watching over them. Okay?" Kagome nodded and Sango smiled before pushing her friend out of her arms.

"I say tonight should be dedicated to chick flicks, ice cream, and cheesy pasta? I'll call Ayame over and it'll be a fun girl's night!" Kagome smiled and nodded feeling much better already.