Title: The French Reunion

Rating: PG-13 (for mild language and just to be safe)

Characters: Hermione, Gwen Granger, Harry, Ron and Lavender

Disclaimer: I don't own any of those characters except for Gwen Granger. She was out of my imagination like this story. The rest of the characters belong to the one and only J. K. Rowling.

Chapter 1: Introduction

'Finally I'm going to Europe. It's been eight long years and it's about time I came back,' Hermione Granger thought as she looked out the airplane window. Eight years ago Hermione left Hogwarts and England. She left England to go to America to get away from it all. She left even without saying good by to her two best friends, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. But now she was going to Paris for a nice vacation.

"Mummy, are we almost there yet? I want to get off this plane," said a little girl sitting next to Hermione. Hermione smiled at the little girl.

"We're almost there, Gwen. I think about one more hour and we're out," Hermione answered the girl.

Gwen was Hermione's five-year-old daughter. While Hermione was at America, she meet a muggle man by the name of Todd Parker. After about three years of dating they decided to get married. Then when he found out that Hermione got pregnant, Todd said good bye and left leaving Hermione the house they bought, a divorce paper and their daughter. Hermione was still upset about Todd leaving but really didn't care because she spent too much time with her daughter to think about it.

"I'm glad this fight is almost over Mummy. I want to breath some fresh air," Gwen said happily.

Hermione laughed. "I'll be glad to get out of here too, honey. Now, go back to sleep and I'll wake you when we land."

"Okay, mum." Gwen snuggled into her chair and drifted to sleep.

Hermione smiled as she stared at her daughter. To her, Gwen was everything a daughter should be. She was polite, sweet and always a big help to her mum. Gwen looked like her mother very much except for her eyes; they were blue just like her father's. After staring at Gwen, Hermione looked out her window again.

'Who could I possibly meet at Paris?'


Harry Potter was in his apartment when all of a sudden his best friend and room mate, Ron Weasley, came rushing in.

"Ron, what the heck is wrong with you?" Harry asked as Ron sat down to catch his breath.

"I-got-three-tickets-to-go-to-Paris...." Ron panted still trying to catch his breath.

"You did?!" Harry was so shocked that that was all he could say. Ron couldn't speak so he just nodded. Harry yelled happily and took Ron off his seat. Harry made Ron stand up and Harry started to dance with him.

"Okay, Harry, that's enough. Now put me down!" Harry let go of Ron and they both sat down on their sofa.

"How did you get three tickets to Paris?" Harry questioned Ron once they were seated.

"I won them. You know that contest they were having at work?" Harry nodded. "Well the prize was three tickets to Paris and so I decided to join the contest. Then, lucky me, I won the contest and we're going to Paris!"

"Well it's about time Aurors like ourselves take a nice break. But who's the third ticket for? Wait, let me guess. Would it happen to be for your girlfriend, Lavender?" Ron turned a shade of red and nodded. "Well I kind of figured that out. So when are we leaving, mate?"

"We're leaving tomorrow afternoon. We better start packing and I have to tell Lavender. I hope she not going to mind being out of work for two weeks."

The two friends got up and they went to their rooms to start packing for Paris.


Well how did you like that? Will Harry and Ron meet their long lost friend at Paris? Will Hermione be able to handle herself at Paris? Will romance bloom at the original city of love for our main characters? Find out on the next chapter of The French Reunion which will be coming soon. Remember to review! Thanks!

Love always, KrystinePotterLover

PS Smile! ^_^