December 24

He woke up tired. He read the numbers on his clock. "Five. A. Fucking. M." He muttered. He got up and went downstairs to get something to eat. He grabbed a simple banana from the fruit bowl and headed upstairs.

He was quite used to waking up this early. But it didn't mean he had to like it. He entered his room and was almost hit with a fist. He grabbed it and twister their arm so that his attacker was turned with their back face to him. His attacker flipped and tried to kick him in the stomach. He grabbed their foot and lifted them up by their ankle. His attacker groaned. "Butch, put me down."

He gave a low chuckle. "Not until you surrender." He smirked. She groaned.

"I surrender." She mumbled before he dropped her. "Damn you." She said getting up. She still had on her uniform.

"You couldn't use the front door?" He asked.

"I was feeling old school." She countered. She opened his dresser and got some of his night clothes out. "I need a shower. Can't sleep?"

He nodded. "When are you going to your place?" He asked.

"Trying to get rid of me?"

He laughed. "Yes. I would like to sleep alone."

"Ass hole." She said smirking. "Fine, I'll take the bed and you take the floor."

"Take a shower fist and then we'll talk." He said.

She smirked and did as told. She came back and slithered her way into his bed. He made sure she was comfortable before slipping into sleep.

"I'm not going in there. You can't make me." He said from outside the bedroom.

"Just go." Brick said impatient trying to push him in.

"No, I don't have a death wish!" He screamed in a whisper. "Who knows what the army did to her. They probably turned her into a skilled assassin. She probably killed Osama."

"Boomer, go wake them up." Brick ordered.

"No, I have to make a good impression at the dinner today and I'm pretty sure Bubbles would like her boyfriend not in pieces."

"Butch won't hurt you."

"But she will!"

Buttercup groaned. "Go shut them up before I get my gun." She demanded Butch. Loud enough for Boomer and Brick to hear. As soon as Boomer heard those words he ran faster than road runner.

Butch sat up and stretched. Brick walked in the room. Butch checked the time. It was nine thirty. "Boomer made breakfast."

Hearing that. Buttercup sat up and ran a hand through her short hair. She felt Butch leave the bed. She finally opened her eyes. "Long time BC." Brick stated. She smirked.

"Indeed." She stated. She stood up and stretched.

"You look…good." He stated.

"Wish I could say the same." She stated back. They all shared a laugh. Knowing BC. She should be infuriated. This bastard broke his sister's heart. But she was over it. She hasn't heard from Blossom in a while. She left for training after the twins were born. She was sure Blossom should be over the break up too.

After they had a laugh she went downstairs when the scent of bacon filled her nose.

"Okay! He's coming! All I have to do is—"

"Bubbles! Calm down. It's noon. Dinner doesn't start until seven. We have seven hours left to prepare." Blossom said calming her sister down.

"Okay you're right." She said taking a deep breath. Blossom watched her kids play. "Blossom can you run to the store? We need some spices and vegetables."

"Sure." She said. She walked to the door and put her jacket on. She felt someone latch on her leg. "Do you want to come?" She asked and in sign language. It was Brianna. Brianna didn't respond but her lack of movement told Blossom she wanted to go. She got Brianna dressed and combed her auburn hair. She put on her hat and gloves and scarf before leaving. The snow was really thick. She put Brianna in her car seat before driving to the super market.

She held hands with Brianna until she put some things in the cart which Brianna refused to sit in. She never liked feeling restricted. She went into the spice section and was debating on getting brands. Her eyes left Brianna which quickly returned when she heard the running of feet. Brianna was out of sight. Dammit.

She didn't call after her. It would be pointless. She searched. She found somebody holding her. A very familiar person about to hold her hand. "Do you know where your mommy is?" He asked.

She babbled something that he couldn't understand. Blossom walked closer hesitating with each step. Brianna caught her walking. She snatched her way out of the mans hands and ran to her mother. Blossom picked her up ready to walk away but Butch stopped her.

"Long time no see." Butch said. "Is she yours?" He asked. Blossom just nodded. He walked closer.

"How's the army?" She asked trying not to be akward. He hadn't suspected anything. Yet.

"Good. Got back a couple days ago."

"Do you know if Buttercup's coming back. I haven't heard from her in a while." Blossom asked hopeful.

"Nah. I can't be certain." He said. "What brings you to the market?"

"Just some things for dinner." She replied casually.

"What's your name?" He asked the little girl. She didn't answer.

"She can't…she can't hear you. She's deaf." Blossom said scared of Butch's reaction. He stood a little shock but got over it. The girl laid her head on her mother's chest and yawned. He observed her.

He just nodded. "Can you…"

"I won't tell Brick. He doesn't need to know you've moved on. But she is cute. See you around Blossom. Stay sexy." He said. He waved to Brianna and moved on. Blossom smiled. Same old Butch. He looked good. She held Brianna as she got the rest of the stuff.

She ended up home in the next fifteen minutes. Bubbles quickly grabbed the bags and started to cook away. She was so focused on her legendary pasta she almost missed what Blossom said.

"I said I saw Butch?"

"How is he?" She asked lightly. Her voice a low murmur.

"He looks good. He said he wouldn't say anything to Brick. But it was weird seeing him after all these years you know?" Blossom shrugged.

"Yea, I know what you mean." Bubbles said looking into the deep pot while stirring.

"Blossom!" The professor shouted from upstairs. Blossom dashed up the stairs as fast as she could go.

"What's wrong dad?"

"Brandon has a fever." He said taking the thermometer out of his mouth.

"Mommy my tummy hurts." He cried.

Blossom crouched down and rubbed her baby's stomach soothingly. "I'm gonna ask aunty Bubbles to make you some toast okay?"

"If his fever gets higher we'll take him to a doctor." The professor stated.

Blossom nodded soothing Brandon to sleep again. His soft red hair going through her fingers. As soon as Brandon was asleep Blossom heard a small crash and Brianna's cry. She made sure Brandon was still sleeping as she dashed downstairs and saw Bubbles trying to calm the little girl down.

"She just got scared of all the glass flying." Bubbles informed. "It's okay Brianna." Bubbles signed. Blossom gently rocked the toddler back to a whimper and wiped her eyes. Bubbles wiped the glass.

Blossom gently put Brianna down on the couch as she had a thumb in her mouth and her eyes closing. Afterwards she closed her tired eyes and wished for sleep.

AN: It's not a great chapter. Just wanted to give you something. Next chapter is Christmas Eve dinner