I know that I haven't really updated this story since last June. Stupid Writer's Block... Anyway, I hope the Father-Son Heart to Heart here makes up for it. Don't forget to review!

Same day...

Ari was sitting in English Class, doodling on his notes, not even listening to his teacher delivering a half-assed lecture on the meaning of the Ayn Rand novel Anthem. He'd been tempted a few times to tell his teacher that he was wrong, but he bit his tongue. At least until his phone buzzed in his pocket.

"We need to talk when you get home. - Dad."

Ari was about to text Tony back when his teacher spoke again.

"What Ms. Rand is saying, Mr. Turner, is... Mr. DiNozzo, would you like to add something to this discussion? Perhaps before you send another message to your girlfriend?"

Gritting his teeth, Ari replied, "Mr. Cloherty, your summary of Anthem is more inaccurate than the movie based on the book. And why would I text Sara when she's sitting in front of me?"

The class laughed, irking Mr. Cloherty more than slightly.

"Please explain your opinion of my summary," Mr. Cloherty growled.

"Alright. Anthem takes place in a dystopian future where individuality has ceased to exist. The constant use of pronouns such as 'We,' 'Me,' and 'They' illustrates this quite clearly, Sir. The words 'I' and 'Ego' are illegal in the setting of the novel, further stressing the illegality of individuality..."

"You've made your point, and I would like to talk to you after class."

"Jawhol, Herr Cloherty."

"Smart ass."

Ari chuckled to himself and turned back to his phone, sending Tony a quick reply. ("Ok.") The rest of the class passed without another incident, and Ari managed to avoid a post-class lecture by biting his tongue and not sticking his foot any further into his mouth.


Football practice ended up running later than expected, so when Ari got home, it was about 1830, and all he wanted to do was pass out. He was halfway to the staircase when Tony called him into the kitchen.

"Ari, we still need to talk."

Muttering under his breath, Ari limped into the kitchen, each step a new adventure in pain. Finally, he made it to the kitchen.

"What's up, Dad?"

"Sit down," Tony replied, waiting for Ari to sit before continuing. "Ari, I'm a little concerned about how fast you and Sara are moving. I understand that you only have until Graduation, but-"

"Dad, you don't have anything to worry about," Ari interrupted. "Yes, we're moving a little fast; I'll admit that. But we aren't having sex-"

"That was my next question. If you two aren't having sex, what are you doing?"

Ari answered Tony with a look, one of mixed embarrassment and anger. "I can't believe I'm having this talk with you right now, Dad. I'm tired, I'm hungry and feel like I was run over by a steamroller. And you want to have a sex talk." Head-slap.

"Don't get smart, Son," Tony snapped. "I'm your father and I love you, but I'll still kill you. Earlier today, McSenior and I had a talk about you two, and an hour later, I got a very angry phone call from a certain Mossad Director, demanding to know what my 'demon spawn' is doing with his goddaughter."

"Demon spawn," Ari repeated, stifling a laugh. "I like the sound of that. What did you tell Malachi?"

"I'll kill you before he can if you do something stupid."

"Dad, you're always telling me to live like it's now or never," Ari replied. "But I could use some advice on this."

"Question first. Why did you send whatever it was you sent to Sara during the P.O.S.H. lecture?"

Now Ari started laughing. "I was bored. I had the same lecture a week earlier in my MCJROTC Class. Same slides and everything. So about that advice..."

"Just slow it down some. I don't want a Mossad Officer knocking on my door at 0300."

"Sounds like that's happened to you before," Ari replied, taking another whack on the head. "Can I eat now?"

"Is that all you think about?"

"One of three things," Ari quipped, hobbling to the fridge. He opened it and grabbed the first thing he saw: Cold pizza.

"You gonna share that?"

Ari flipped open the box, piled four slices on top of each other and started eating. "Not likely."

Now it was Tony's turn to laugh. "È poco malandrina." (You little smartass.)

"Meglio che essere un idiota," Ari joked in return, with his mouth full of pizza. (Better than being a dumbass.)

"Did you just...?" Tony asked.

"I admit nothing." Ari finished eating and chucked the box in the trash. Before he went upstairs, he said, "Hey, Dad. I'm glad we talked."

Remember to Fave/Follow and review! Toda!