Author note:Because I thought the story needs improvement, I decided to search for a beta. For editing, special thanks to AuroraSkye79.

Summary: The young little girl tapped her tiny feet on the floor, hoping for the tall man to hear her. Annoyed by the sound he spared her a look. The small girl defiantly returned his glare, her soft voice reverberating into the elevator: "Mister Foot, you stepped on Ruri's scarf and dirtied it. Ruri wants it back." The story of a little girl who can melt even the heart of the coldest demon alive.

The Magic of Children

by ayamechin

Chapter one


People were talking about him, even more than usual. They were saying how he got soft because of that human female who could wrap him around her little finger. They said she tamed the beast. The thought disturbed him.

He had met her a year ago at a party. She, the woman they said tamed him, was a close friend of his half-brother's fiancée. He found out she was an intern for his company. One thing led to another, and later he had her into his arms.

She was like no other woman.

They say he changed. They say her word was valued more than his.

Sesshomaru Taisho loathed the thought.

The thought of becoming the subject of gossips, these lowly beings talked about him like he was worthless. Day after day he thought about how to shout their mouths, to bring silence upon his once quiet company.

It was her fault; that woman's fault.

Harada Rin.

They said he would have a half-breed as his heir. They were laughing at him. the great Sesshomaru Taisho was at the mercy of a mere human.

That would never happen. He would get rid of her before the human would bear his offspring. He would show them no one could tame him, certainly not a weakling like that human woman.

Knock knock

He already knew who it was. It had been only thirty minutes since he called for her, for Rin. He would get rid of her today.

The tiny woman opened his door's office when his voice reached beyond it, closing the door softly behind her. His eyes fell on her frame, thoughts of loathing filling his mind. This was the woman others say tamed him; a woman no taller than 1,65m. So tiny and thin he thinks she would be crushed if embraced tight enough.

Today, this woman, whose eyes have a vivid color of chocolate, will learn no one plays with him. No human woman will bear him his heir. Today she will learn how unworthy she is of his person.

"Sesshomaru." Her soft, melodious voice reached his ears, and he almost fell for her tricks.

"We need to talk Rin."

His cold voice brought her with uneasy feelings. With shaky steps she allowed her feet to move forward, where the leather couch was. He didn't even sit beside looked into his eyes again and froze. His clear amber eyes held nothing of their warmth. He scared her. If he was going to be like this she had no idea how would be able to tell him.

"Rin, do you know about my reputation?"

"What do you mean?"

"What people use to say about me, or used to say?"

"You mean what they said before knowing you?"


"They said you're a ruthless business partner and demon. Also they said you dislike humans and half-breeds."

"Exactly. I do dislike humans and half-breeds." She's a human; are his words meant for her too? Will he hate his unborn child as well? "So, a demon like me who loathes humans should be with you?"

No she was screaming in her mind. He cannot leave me and our baby. The baby needs a father.

"You're saying you hate me? You're breaking up with me?"

"This Sesshomaru has decided you're unworthy of his person. Someone like you cannot have my name, nor have my offspring. Yes, I am breaking up with you. a human like you should be happy this Sesshomaru spared his time to look at you."

His world started spinning at her words. The wench was pregnant. She says with his child. Impossible. I was always careful to not impregnate the wench. She must have slept with another.

"You wench," he snarled at her; automatically his hand wrapped around her fragile neck. "Do you think you can deceive me with your words? Weren't you the one who wanted to use protection during sex? Weren't you the one who didn't want a baby? Didn't we use protection every time?"

"I know what I have said. But I am pregnant with your baby, so it didn't work."

The hand around her throat fell to his side; however her words unconvincing.

"Remove yourself from this one's presence, wench. If you're pregnant, I assure you, you won't bear this one's child. Not even once my seed filled your womb. I see that you're like any other whore. To make your way to the top you have a child with another man, and pretend that it's mine. It might have worked with a worthless human, but not with me."

"I am not lying. The baby is yours." He was not the man she grew to love. The Sesshomaru she knew will never say such words to her. he would have known she would be unable to be with a man other than him.

"Woman, leave before my claws tears your flesh apart! Even if you bear my child it doesn't matter. I will never recognize, nor love a half-breed." He was not the man she came to cherish, to love.

"I – " words were unable to come out. For the last time, her eyes locked with his, attempting to find something; hoping that he was not serious, that he would not hate the unborn infant. But he was serious; he loathed her, he loathed the innocent creature inside her womb.

Rin didn't wait for him to throw her out. She left not shedding a single tear – a man like him wouldn't have the pleasure of seeing her crumble to pieces.


five years later

The woman's lips were planting soft kisses upon his chest. His golden orb opened, falling on a black curtain of hair.


Her whispered name made her look at him. a playful smile graced her lips, her body moving upward, her lips seeking his. They met for a brief moment before he stopped, and left the bed. "Unfortunately I have no time for such activities in this morning. In an hour I have an important meeting. Also, don't you have something to do, too?"

Last night, when he made love with his fiancée, the face he had seen before his eyes didn't belong to her but to that human woman. He didn't stop thrusting into her when he hallucinated seeing her writhing and moaning beneath him. he fell asleep with her face in his mind, and it was unknown to him why he felt disappointed when the lips he wanted weren't the one he was seeking for when he woke up.

It was the first time in five years.

Two weeks after the break up, he had left to go to the US. The branch there had serious financial problems, and his presence was needed there. Two months later he had met Kagura, a demoness. Shortly after, he decided to live there. She was his longest relationship. A year ago he proposed to her. and two days ago they returned to Japan for the wedding.

"Well, I need to meet with the wedding planner. The wedding is in three months from now on, and lots of things need to be done."

"Good to hear something will keep you busy. Not having all your friends here I thought you would get bored."

"I am too busy to miss them; the wedding up takes all my time.

"I will call you for lunch." He kissed her lips and left.


Rin settled at the table, proud of her work. Day by day she left a little better. She watched the clock: it was 7:30 AM. Her little squirrel should have been awake already. Rin smilled thinking of the little bundle of joy sleeping in the nearby room. She came into the world a little more than four years ago, her simple presence filling the empty space that man left behind.

She wouldn't say his name. A man who hates his own child is unworthy of name calling. Truth to be told she barely thought of him. she never saw him since then. She felt relief when she heard about him leaving the country. The day when she fled his office, after he declared his loathing for the life inside her, Rin promised to herself to never take him back into her life even if he begged.

She wouldn't let that man around her child. She wouldn't allow him to show his hatred towards her child.

In the beginning she thought she would crumble, knowing nothing about children, nor how she would make a living. She was lucky to have good friends, who stayed by her side, leading her towards the right path.

Day by day, Rin became a stronger woman; her child gave her the strength.

Without making a sound for the human's ears, Rin opened the door, stepping inside the small pink room. Her little bundle was sleeping softly, the blankets tossed aside. Rin's fingers lightly touched her daughter's face, while her lips descended to kiss her forehead. Her ears twitched, her eyes opened. The little child cuddled into her mother's hand, her mouth opening to speak.

"Ruri is still sleepy. Ruri wants to sleep a little more."

The mother however didn't listen the girl's plea but took her instead into her arms. "Ruri will wash her hands and come to eat breakfast. Later, Ruri will wash her teeth and get dressed for kindergarten."

Arrived in the bathroom, Rin put the child down, and looked at her pouting face. Her angel was adorable. When she begged to be left to sleep a little bit more, Rin almost gave up. Your father has no idea what he gave up. What an idiot he is.

"Now show mommy how Ruri does her morning routine." Prideful, the little girl turned towards the sink.

"Ruri will show mommy she's a big girl." The child turned the tap on, moistened her small hands with water, and took the soap and rubbed her hands with it. "After Ruri rubs her hands with soap, she washes the soap bubbles away and turns the tap off." The little girl turned around, facing her mother, her now-washed hands lifted in the air for her mother to see. "Now Ruri waits for mommy to dry her hands with the towel."

Rin laughed.

"Don't you think Ruri forgot something?"

"Ruri thinks not. Ruri did what mommy told her to do."

"And what about your face?"

"Ah – " the little girl dropped her gaze, ashamed to see her mother. Yesterday she forgot; and the day before yesterday as well. "Ruri forgot. Ruri won't forget tomorrow."

"Why don't you show mommy how you wash your face? Mommy will give you something good if you do it right." The girl's eyes lit up with happiness, bad feelings forgotten.
