Me:I'm back! Again!Okay I know I have grammar problems and I'm trying to improve and thank you for your suggestions and reviews and well and Thank you for telling that Kashino is very OC type in my story sorry for that I'll change it in the next story!

Kashino:Why!Why!Why I thought you left FF!

Me: Oh so you don't want your kisses nor your money back?Okay then Ill leave...

Kashino: No fair !Btw how do you plan on the story?

Me: Well first Ichigo gets more hyperactive from the choco-wait don't worry you'll see soon :P

Kashino:Good cause that's one good thing in your story

Me:Oh so someone has a crush on Ichigo huh?huh?huh?

Kashino:-blushing- No no I don't!

Ichigo:Hey Sweet-chan!

Me: Hey Ichigo! We were just talking about you!

Ichigo: What about me?

Me: That Kashino has a huge cru-mmphmmph-

Kashino:-laughing nervously-nothing nothing hehe SweetPrincess101 does NOT own anything or any characters of YP just the plot!

Me:-biting Kashino- ENJOY!


Last chapter

This day is gonna be really long I hope I can resist her!

Chapter 2: Confessions? Maybe not

"Ichigo you okay right?"Kashino asked as Ichigo hugged him tightly as they were standing near the table.

"Never been better "She replied with a cute look on her face.

"U-Uh O-okay can we sit?"

"Okay" Kashino took her near the sofa and made her sit there while he sat in an closed his eyes and tilted his head back.A voice interrupted him from thinking what to do.

"Makoto?"Ichigo said as she stood next to the chair

"Yeah?"Kashino asked tiredly.

"C-Can I sit here please?" She said pointing towards the arm of the chair.

Kashino's eyes widened but then he remembered she was unwell, hyperactive and her mind was so not working."Sure" he said with a smile. "Thanks" She said returning the smile and taking a seat on the arm of the she would say something , she would lean forwards toward Kashino and this would make our deal blonde jump every time she did that.

"You okay right?"She asked leaning a bit too forward and falling.

"Yea-"He was cut off by Ichigo's eyes widened and kissed back

What the hell on Earth are you doing Kashino?!

Oh just kissing-wait who are you!?

I am Robert Pattinson you baka!

What are you doing in my head?

I am you conscience baka!(sorry if I spelled that wrong!)

Oh! You are that! You even exist?

Yea I do!


So back to my question! What are you doing you baka?!

Im not a baka and I am kissing Ichigo! Oh GOD! IM KISSING ICHIGO WHEN SHE"S HIGH!

That proves you are NOT the intellect Kashino...and well you like it don't you?

Well yea-No no!

Kashino broke from the kiss and found Ichigo to be sleeping on top of him.She's so cute when she's sleeping.He shook his head and whispered "and putting the blanket on her.

~Time Skip~Kashino POV~

Ichigo's eyes fluttered open."Kashino?"she asked while cuddling next to me.

I was relieved to see she was not so high to call me 'Makoto' but I was enjoying the hugs and cuddles well I did not get them every day by normal Ichigo right?(That will change soon Kashino!)


"Are you okay?"She asked in a worried voice.

"Of course! What could happen to me?"

"I dreamt that you... well nevermind"

"Okay now that your up and awake I'm going down to make you some soup okay? Be a good girl and sleep or you can play okay? I'll be right back"

~Ichigo's POV~~Not hyperactive anymore~

Kashino is behaving oddly? I wonder why?

"Vanilla? Come here please"

"Yes Ichigo" a small pink light came into view and there was a blonde lil' pink dressed fairy flying above Ichigo.

"What happened?When I woke up ,Kashino was acting a bit too nice to me"

"Oh that!You went hyperactive Ichigo...and well you confessed to him and he kinda..."

"What! How come you didn't stop me!"she asked

"He confessed back too"Vanilla replied calmly

"HE WHAT!"I response Vanilla just covered up her ears.

I heard footsteps coming upstairs in a hurry. Closer . Closer. Then I heard the door open. Kashino came in

"Hey how you doing?"

"just fine" I said with a small smile and tried to fake starry eyes

"I got you some soup, Ill get it for you now that your awake"

"..."After a few minutes he rushed in back with a tray of piping hot soup.


"U-Um Thanks?"Why do I have this feeling in my stomach this warm feeling what is it?

~Time Skip~

"I'm bored!"Ichigo wailed not trying to take his name so that he won't know.

"What do you wanna do?!"He snapped

Ichigo flinched slightly at the thought of an angry saw this.

'I-I'm sorry"

"No its not really your fault"

"Okay so what do you wanna do? He asked calmly

"Can we play truth and truth please?"It was a game Ichigo had made as she got bored by Kashino and Hanabusa always taking dares.










"Yay you said yes!"Ichigo ALWAYS, ALWAYS fell for this trick of he smiled at his always was this careless when with ?

"Okay truth what else can I take?"

"Whom do you love the most in this whole wide world?"

Kashino is taken aback by this question.

"Why do you want to know?"

"Just tell me already!"She said

"You "He whispered in a low 's eyes widened.

"Kashino? Is that true"

"Y-Yeah"He stammered up.

"Ican't take it anymore Ichigo!I just can't stand it that you just like me as a friend! I love you! I love you okay?!"He said before pinning her towards the wall next to her bed. He kissed her, at first the kiss contained all of Kashino's gentleness and kindness towards the brunette but then it became a passionate kiss.

"I-I'm sorry okay?"

"Why? Cause you didn't let me say anything? Well let me say it to you now Kashino Makoto, I love you" Ichigo said calmly brining their lips together again.

"Ichigo Thank you" Kashino said while embracing her as if there was no tomorrow.

~~~THE END~~~

Me: So how was it?

Kashino: give me my money back!

Me: Ichigo kiss him please?


-Ichigo and Kashino kissing-

Me: Please R&R! Free cookies for everyone!