Harry smiled manically at the man in front of him. He and Draco had managed to corner Remus in one of the multiple rooms of Grimmauld Place. They were in a part of the house that was rarely used. Nobody would interrupt them. The blond standing by his side was wearing his usual sneer.

"Harry?" asked Remus suspiciously. "What did you want to tell me? And why is Malfoy here?"

Harry laughed evilly as he watched the tawny man take a few steps backwards.

"Remus, it's really too bad it has come to this." said the raven haired boy taking his wand out.

"W-what are you doing?" asked the werewolf with panic in his voice.

Malfoy laughed coldly.

"What does it look like?" he asked taking pleasure in the man's downcast expression. "We are going to release you from the sorry life you have been leading. Aren't you grateful?" he asked with a sadistic gleam in his grey eyes.

"Enough. Let's get this over with." said Harry coldly.

"As you wish." said Draco taking a step backwards.

The emerald orbs fixed themselves on the pale man. Harry slowly raised his wand. The young boy's face was expressionless while the werewolf was visibly panicking.

"Avada Dementra!"

A brilliant red light erupted from the tip of Harry's wand. The scarlet beam hit the werewolf squarely in the chest. For the first few seconds, nothing happened. The werewolf simply stood, his eyes glazed. Then, Remus fell to the floor clutching his sides.

"P-please…" he choked. "M-make it stop…"

Tears were running down his cheeks. He cried and rolled on the wooden floor. At time he would gasp for air.

The two boys watched him with evil smiles. They chuckled while the man fought to breathe and clutch his sides with more force.

Suddenly, the door burst opened. Sirius Black entered the room. He had probably been alerted by the cries that punctually escaped the werewolf. The dark haired man glanced at his best friend and then at the two boys.

"What did you do to him?" he asked, his eyes narrowing.

The two boys turned to him with sly grins.

"It's nothing much, just a spell we invented recently." said Malfoy causing the older man to raise an eyebrow questioningly.

"It's a very interesting spell." said Harry. "It brings out one's funniest memories and makes the victim 'die from laughter'. It's guaranteed to be better than any cheering charm."

Sirius gave one more glance at his once depressed comrade, who was rolling on the floor laughing like there was no tomorrow, and burst out laughing. His laugh, which actually sounded a lot like a bark, joined Remus' and filled the room with hysterical laughter. The boys decided it was best to leave the scene of the crime and walked out of the room with extremely satisfied grins.