Dougie's POV:

I woke up, bright lights shining in my eyes and in a bed that felt unfamiliar.

I lay for a couple of moments before a kind of hot feeling rushed through my body and I sat up and threw up everywhere. I blinked a few times, to focus my eyes, and saw the faces of Danny, Harry, Tom and Danny's parents. I sat up further when I felt myself about to be sick again and Danny quickly pulled out a small cardboard pot which I could throw up into. He rubbed my back as I was sick and attempted to make me feel a little better. I looked down into the bowl and noticed that what I was throwing up was black.

'W-What's h-h-ha-happen-ning?' I stuttered out, before being sick into the container again.

'Don't try to speak Dougs. You've had your stomach pumped, this is just how it works.' Danny said soothingly, still rubbing my back as I was sick.

'W-Why?' I asked, not remembering any reason why I should be in this situation.

'You... Erm... You tried to.. Um.. You tried to kill yourself by swallowing some pills... This is the only way to get them out.' He replied quietly, with a bit of a stutter. I couldn't believe what I'd just heard. I had tried to end my own life and I couldn't even remember doing it. I began to cry as I sat on the bed, not just small cries escaping my mouth occasionally, but loud sobs, racking my body and a flood of hot tears flowing down my face.

'You're okay Dougie. Please stop crying, we're here for you and you're okay now. Once you've stopped being sick we'll take you straight back home.' Harry said soothingly, coming over to the bed, followed by Tom.

'Yeah and if you want, we can just have a big film day. Ask these two, well... Ask anyone... I'm a Disney addict!' Tom laughed lightly to me. Even though me and Tom had never spoken before, I instantly felt that with that single sentence, we were now best friends and we had an amazing connection. I smiled at Tom and nodded.

'I-I think I'm better now. Are we allowed to go? I'm scared of hospitals..' I muttered to them all. Danny's parents nodded and left the room, returning around 10 minutes later.

'Right Dougie, we've managed to persuade them to let you go, but you have to promise that you wo-' Danny's mum managed to say before I cut her off.

'Shit! Danny!' I said quickly. Danny knew what was happening and so he pulled out another cardboard dish and thrust it under my chin. I was sick once more before nodding at Danny's mum to carry on.

'So he said we could take you home as long as you promise not to go out or mess around too much for a day or two, just because you're going to be a little weak and ill and we don't want you passing out again. Okay?' She continued. I nodded and so she smiled at me.

'Well we'll go and wait outside while you get that gown off and then we can take you back home.' Danny's dad said kindly before him and Danny's mum left the room. I went to stand up, causing me to vomit again, before attempting to get my gown off. As I reached my arms above my head, I felt a sudden shooting pain in my stomach, causing me to double over in pain.

'Dougs? Dougs just take it slow, your stomach must be burning. Do you want us to help you?' Danny said quickly, running over and holding onto my arm to give me support.

'Y-Yes please.' I muttered in reply. Danny just nodded in reply and began to slowly pull the gown off over my head. Once it was off, he got Tom to hold me up while he pulled my shorts up my legs and put a fresh t-shirt onto me. Once we'd finished, he walked me slowly out of the room, sneaking a few of the cardboard pots out under his shirt.

'You ready to go boys?' Danny's mum asked happily, receiving nods from us all in reply. We walked out and got into the car, when Tom suddenly spoke up.

'Oh Dan! I forgot to tell you! I came up with a tune and melody kind of thing for I Wanna Hold You so I was wondering when you wanted to hear it?' He said happily.

'Awesome mate! I've been waiting ages for this... Why don't we run round yours before we go to mine and you can pick up one of your guitars and then you can come back to mine and me you and Haz can play Dougs a few songs?' Danny replied excitedly.

'Thats a great idea!'

'But Dan, I've not got my drum kit? And there's no fucking way that's going to fit in the boot.' Harry laughed slightly.

'Oh.. Crap! Well... I kind of.. Erm... Well for your birthday.. I know it's ages away.. But I erm.. I finally got the money saved up and I.. I erm.. I kind of bought you a drum kit... And it's at mine... Sorry for spoiling the surprise.' Danny stuttered, suddenly becoming nervous and blushing slightly.

'Aw Dan! You're the best friend ever! I love you so much!' Harry grinned widely, planting a small kiss on Danny's cheek, causing him to blush further. I smiled at how close they were.

'Mum? Please can we drop off at Tom's before we go home? Just so he can pick up his guitar?' Danny asked his mum.

'Yeah sure! Got a new song?' She replied happily.

'Yeah! I wrote it all by myself!' Danny grinned widely and his mum and dad both replied with big smiles and congratulations. We dropped round at Tom's house and when we got home, Danny helped me up to our room. I lay down in my bed as Danny and Harry carried the drum kit through from the closet in the corridor. They were all sitting around practising when I felt a sudden rush of nausea hit me.

'Crap! Guys I feel sick!' I said quickly, sitting up in bed. Harry stood up and ran over, grabbing one of the spare cardboard bowls from Danny's bed in the process, before sitting with me as I was sick and soothing me.

'You sure you're feeling alright Dougs?' He asked gently once I'd finished. I nodded weakly and he laid me back in the bed.

'Do you want me to get you anything Dougs?' He asked softly, tucking me under the quilts.

'No thank you. Please can you play me some songs?' I asked, smiling up at Harry.

'Sure Dougs! What should we play him boys? Bit of All About You? Or what about Surfer Babe... He'd love that!' Harry replied happily, going and taking his place at the drums.

'I'd say Surfer Babe then 5 Colours and then All About You. Oh and then after that Tom can play us I Wanna Hold You! Is that okay?' Danny said with a smile. The other two nodded before they all started playing. I couldn't believe that Danny had never told me about their band. They were amazing! When they finished I clapped them madly and they all burst out laughing at my little fanboy attack.

'You guys! That was seriously amazing! Why did you never tell me about this Mr Jones?' I said happily, but calming down a little as I was beginning to feel sick again.

'Thanks Doug. And I don't know.. It just never crossed my mind I guess.' Danny laughed back at me, looking carefree, sitting down beside me on the bed. I cuddled up to him slightly, the sick feeling growing in my stomach, and feeling like I needed to be close to someone. Danny wrapped his arms around me and hugged me close.

'You okay Dougs?' He asked quietly, looking down at me.

'Not really.. I still feel a bit ill. Will I have to go back to the hospital? I really don't like it in there.' I mumbled to him.

'You don't have to go back there, don't worry Dougs. And you'll feel better in a couple of days, you just have to rest for a while and let your stomach get it all out.' He said comfortingly, rubbing my forearm and bringing the cardboard bowls over to my bed so that they were there for if I felt ill.

'Thanks Danny. And Harry and Tom as well... Thank you all.'

'Its okay Dougs. We're all here for you, always. Now how about we hear that song these two little writing angels have been working on!' Harry replied, grinning widely at me.

'Yeah, sounds awesome!' I said happily, wriggling down into the bed between Harry and Danny while Tom perched on the end with his guitar. He began playing and got about half way through another amazing song before I sat up, feeling myself about to throw up.

'Danny! Bowl!' I said quickly, leaning over towards the bowls. He quickly grabbed one from the pile and held it under my chin. I was sick a couple of times before I lay back down in the bed.

'I'm really sorry Tom..' I mumbled, still feeling weak and ill.

'Don't be silly Dougs, it's not your fault. Are you okay?' He replied with a small, comforting smile.

'I think so, yeah.' I replied, getting back into my previous position. Tom nodded and carried on with the song from where he left off. When he'd finished, we all clapped him and Danny cheered.

'Mate that's amazing!' He smiled happily to Tom.

'Well you wrote it!' Tom giggled in reply. Both Tom and Danny went silent then, both just kind of blushing, obviously feeling a little awkward and overwhelmed by the other saying how talented they were. I managed to kill the cute moment by leaning over Danny and being sick into a cardboard container. Danny quickly began stroking my hair to calm me down.

'Are you okay Dougie?' He asked once I'd finished. I nodded weakly, not too sure of my own answer. He laid me back down in the bed and tucked me in again.

'I think you should probably sleep for a little while Dougs. You must be quite tired and sore, and your stomach might feel bit better after a sleep.' He said quietly. I nodded and so he placed a light kiss on my forehead before walking to the door.

'Night Dougs!'

'Goodnight Dougie!'

'Have a nice sleep Dougs. Hope you feel better in the morning.' I heard Harry, Tom and Danny shout to me before the door clicked shut and I fell into a heavy sleep.