She tried to ignore it, really she did. But after twenty minutes of watching her best friend fidget she couldn't stand it anymore.

Robin turned to Lily and grabbed both shoulders. "That's it Lily, just tell me whatever secret you have that you want to blab already" she instructed.

To her shock Lily shook her head. "I have to keep this one…he'll hate me if I don't…least he'll hate me even more" she mumbled.

"He? Are you talking about Ted?" Robin guessed. Lily nodded and bit her lip.

"This is huge isn't it?" Robin asked. Again Lily nodded still biting her lip.

"I doubt Ted will hate you" Robin pleaded. This time Lily shook her head frantically.

"He already does Robin…" Lily insisted. She sat down and nervously played with her bridesmaid dress. "I already left him stranded once seven years ago…now I'm taking Marshall and Marvin with me this time…" she said.

Robin sat next to Lily and rubbed her back. "Oh come on Lil…this is Ted we're talking about…he loves you" she said.

Lily just shrugged. "I know…I…I wish I could help him…I feel what he's about to do is a mistake…"

"Then tell me the secret…I'm his friend too" Robin prompted.

Lily turned to her. "No Robin…I'm his friend and always been just a friend to Ted" she told her.

"That…" Robin said and stopped. Her eyes widened. "Ted is moving out of New York isn't he?" she asked.

Lily nodded solemnly. "You can't tell him you know though…Ted wants you and Barney to be together and be happy…he just thinks it'll be easier if he isn't around to watch you be happy with him" she told her.

Robin shook her head. "Sorry Lily but…I can't hold that promise…I may be marrying Barney but…I still care for Ted…he can't just walk out of my life like this" she stammered.

Lily grabbed her arm. "Fine…but wait till after you're married…no need to screw up the wedding…Ted wants you to be married and happy"

"Does he? He keeps pretending Lily…I wish he'd stop being in love with me and find a woman who does love him…he's like a brother to me…and I think I known that for a long time" Robin told her.

Lily nodded. "Yeah…I had a feeling…but come on…we'll talk it all out after the wedding" she promised. Robin nodded and pulled herself together.

When the wedding began she actually did forget Ted and his problems for a moment. All her focus was on Barney and how much she loved him. Soon she was married and she saw Ted walking out.

She then ran out and all the way to him.

"You can't leave New York Ted!" she shouted. Lily followed behind Robin and gave Ted an apologetic look.

Ted turned and she grabbed his hands. "You're not leaving Ted Mosby…you're my best friend" she told him firmly.

Ted shook his head. "It's already done Robin…my stuff is on the way to my new place and I sold the house I bought…I don't belong in New York anymore" he told her.

"Is…is this really because of me?" Robin asked and a single tear fell.

Ted shrugged. "I don't know anymore…all I know is I am tired of waiting for someone to love me and watching everyone I know move on and be happy…its too hard and I'm too tired of it all" he said.

"Oh Ted…" Robin whispered. Ted hugged her gently. "Don't cry for me Robin…I want you to be happy with Barney…your married now and I know you love him and he loves you and I am so happy for you both" he whispered to her.

"Ted…" Barney stammered and Ted broke away from Robin. "Ted…I thought…I wouldn't have…" Barney stammered.

Ted only patted his shoulder. "It's okay Barney…I do want you and Robin to be together…I just….I just can't stay in New York and watch…" he told him.

Barney patted Ted's back shoulder. "Thanks Ted…for…for bringing us together but…I think…no…I know…I know your woman is here in New York…you have to let us help you find her" Barney stammered.

Ted shook his head. "I can't play the have you met Ted game anymore Barney…its too painful to keep trying with every girl we meet only to watch her leave me…I been abused mentally and psychically and…I'm done…" he told him.

Ted took Barney's hand and placed it with Robin's. "I really am happy for you two and I hope you enjoy your married life…goodbye guys" he told them.

Then Ted was gone. When he got outside he took off running with tears streaming down his cheeks.

"No! It can't end like this…" Barney muttered angrily. "I know…but how do we stop it?" Robin asked.