May 12, 2012

Today I strolled through the city park.

It was peaceful, with a calm breeze that carried the scent of roses. I sat at the park bench and was in deep thought. That captivating blonde. What was her name? Where did she study? How would I find her?

As I sat, thinking of ways to look for her, this petite girl in a pink tracksuit stumbled in front of me. She looked up me, and I felt my heart beat very fast. She had familiar chocolate brown eyes. As I gazed into her face I knew it was her. She laughed, stood and dusted herself off and flashed me a huge smile. "Hey, I know you." She took the seat beside me and stared into my eyes.

I could feel my cheeks redden. How embarrassing, I thought. But I couldn't stop.

What she said next only intensified my embarrassment, and sparked some anger.

"You're the guy with the stick up his ass."

"Excuse me?" I had hissed, flustered. The heady scent of her was distracting me. Roses.

She laughed, and wrinkled her nose. "Sorry. It's just that you looked really stern that other day. At the restaurant." She pulled out a stick of gum from her pocket. "Want some?" I shook my head, not knowing what to say. The girl that had dominated my mind since the moment I met her was here. Talking to me. I was sort of glad, even though she insulted me.

"You're Erik, right?"

"Cobra." I corrected her. My face didn't feel like it was on fire. Good, I don't want her thinking I'm a pansy, or something like that.

"Cobra..." She said thoughtfully, then she winked at me. "Kinda cute."

I felt my face begin to flame up again. "How do you know me?" I asked uncomfortably as she stared directly into my face. Such boldness...

"My boyfriend goes to your school." She popped some gum into her mouth. I cringed as she began to chew rapidly. "Gray Fullbuster, you know him?" I froze. Gray, the ice-obsessed, self-proclaimed intercourse god. She was dating him? I was surprised. But then again, she was the type to date him. I shook my head. Honestly, though, why him? He belonged to a group named Fairy Tail for christ's sake!

He had a pink-haired fool as a friend!

They almost destroyed a classroom once when they fought.

Gray Fullbuster... She must like him for his social status. Why else would she date a lout like that?

"Don't you wanna know my name, Cobra?"

I looked at her.

"What is your name?"

"Lucy Heartfilia."

Lucy Heartfilia... A pretty name, and I told her so. "Thanks!" She beamed. "You know what Cobra, I like you. You aren't like any other I guy I know, or ever met. You'd be a good best friend."

I nodded, and smiled. That sentence should have broken any normal man's heart. But it did't break mine. Being her friend was good enough for me... well, at least for now. Lucy stood up, and asked for my phone. "So I can give you my digits." She grinned, punching the numbers in. I smiled back, I rarely smile, but for her I could. This girl never seemed to stop smiling. She was so positive, so alive. I liked that about her.

She handed my phone back and waved. "Call me, Cobra." She mock glared. "Or I'll come after you."

I stared after her. This girl was so unusual. But I liked her. I really did.

After our encounter, I went for coffee in my favorite cafe. It was sort of a posh place, with dark lighting and jazz music on low volume. The kind of place "snobs" frequented, or so I'm told. I don't think it's a snobby place at all.

Anyway, I sat in a booth alone, and low and behold, Kinana appeared.

She was wearing a long-sleeved pink dress that came to her knees, the kind of thing she'd wear back then. Her hair was in disarray and her eyes were red. She held a handkerchief to her mouth. "May I join you?" She mumbled through the cloth. I gestured to the seat in front of me. I wondered what she wanted. Not to get back together, I hope.

"I'm sorry." She began. She paused, seeming to think of what she would say next. Then she sighed. "I don't know what I was thinking. I mean, you never wanted to have sex with me." I nodded, calm. Where was this going? "And you're so... well, uptight. You didn't want to have much physical contact." True enough. "And Zancrow was willing... He was so fun.. So alive."

Well then...

"And it was meant to a one time thing. But it escalated and..." She threw her hands up. "I'm sorry." She looked into my eyes. "It'll never happen again. I realized, Cobra. That I love you. I really do. I made a huge mistake. I'll wait forever for sex if you want me to." I stared at her, feelings mixed. I don't like her use of that word... Sex. I wasn't bothered by the whole Zancrow thing a few days ago.

But now... It sounded repulsive. She went to him for the sole purpose of mating?

Very repulsive indeed.

I'm still not hurt, merely disgusted. It was nice she loved me, but the thing is, I don't love her. I don't think I really did. I guess I was attracted to her "innocent" persona.

"Well, Cobra?"

"What do you want me to say?"

"Stop being so damn calm! I hate that stupid indifference you have!" She began to sob loudly. The other patrons of the cafe stared at us. "I think I'll go, Kinana." I pulled a couple bills out of my wallet and placed it on the table. She stood. "Wait, I'm not done with-"

I began to walk out the door. "Cobra!" She screamed. "You heartless bastard! Come back!"

I kept walking, back to my house.

So you see, I had a rather strange day. But I liked the first portion of it.

Hopefully, Kinana would stop being a nuisance.

And hopefully, I'd get close to Lucy Heartfilia.