AN: Well, here's my first M fic. This involves Ice King(In the body of young Simon, you know, the guy in Holly Jolly Secrets) and Marceline. If you don't like the pairing, turn back now.

Disclaimer: I do not own the series Adventure Time, it belongs to it's legal owner.

The day was sunny, the sky was cloudless. Many of Ooo's inhabitants were living their lives: predators hunting prey, monsters guarding dungeons and heroes saving the day.

It maybe was a not-so-normal day, there was the smell of adventure in the air but it was not for our typical heroes, it was for one of the insane inhabitants of Ooo. He was the Ice King, his blue skin,white beard, unusually long nose and cursed golden crown made it clear that he was not to be trusted.

He was strolling through the wizard market, as usual, looking for something to aid him in impressing princesses or at least get him a princess. Ice King had troubles with getting himself a woman, he had absolutely zero social skills and his options in marriage were affixed to forced marriage, which usually requires kidnapping or sometimes aid of magical items.

Ice King was looking for the second requirement: a magical item, something that would help him seduce a princess for his mad deeds.

Conveniently, there was another madman, he goes by the name of Magic Man. He was just as crazy as Ice King but he was more sinister and had this act of angering other people for his amusement. He always dresses up as a cloaked man with a deep raspy voice to disguise his appearance. Magic Man was apparently at a stall, advertising and selling a potion to "magically" enhance someones appearance.

He fortunately has the item Ice King was looking for, a magical item that could help him with his looks.

Ice King strolled through the strange market, wizards of all kinds would be there and you would see different things going on such as fire randomly spewing, blasts of magic and sometimes conjuration of monsters.

Ice King walked through all this casually, to him, this was all normal. He then noticed a small wooden stall with a potion sitting at the center of its desk.

The sign of the stall reads:

"Potion for good looks! Only one in stock!"

Ice King quickly ran to the front of the stall, wishing to buy the potion. The man behind the stall was shady, he was wearing a cloak and his beard was evident but you can't see his eyes, only his mouth and beard which was dimly lit.

"Excuse me sir! I want to buy that potion you got there" Ice King stared at the potion, the liquid inside was bubbling and it would sometimes try to spark. Ice King pulled out a few gold coins and threw it on the desk.

The man chuckled, "There's no retail here, only exchange. What would you give for this thing?" The cloaked man rasped.

Ice King reached for his pocket but found nothing, he then reached for his beard. He found something and pulled it out.

It was glowing beans, they are said to make someones skin glow bright even under sun, he bought this awhile ago.

"How about this?" Ice King offered as he threw three glowing beans on the desk. The man nodded and gave the potion. "So, how do you use this?" Ice King inquired.

"Just pour it all over you then you will transform to a good looking guy" The man answered, he magically made the stall disappear by shooting the stall with a magic bolt.

"Oh and don't read whats under it or it won't work" The man reminded Ice King.

"This thing is really sparkly" Ice King looked closer into the potion, he looked back to the person on the stall but he was nowhere to be found. Ice King shrugged, placed the potion in his beard and decided to go home.

Meanwhile, faraway from the wizard's market, in the middle of a forest.

There was a shack in the middle of the forest, it looked like a ruin and it looked abandoned. It was the home of Magic Man, many strange things were inside, such as plants growing on boxes of dirt and bookshelves scattered and half-buried.

Out of nowhere, a figure flashed inside the shack. It was the cloaked man, he started to laugh and he pulled off his disguise. It was Magic Man, he was wearing his yellow patched up attire and his weird looking yellow hat.

"YES! That sucker's gonna be in bad shape, I bet he's an old guy who wants to turn to some hottie" Magic Man chuckled and it turned to a laugh, "HAHA! But he will actually be the fatty he was before he was a skinny old man!" He said to himself. "He's the fifth guy I fooled and all those fat selves come back for an antidote" Magic Man placed his hiker bag on the ground. "HA! There is no antidote and I would make one in a heartbeat!" Magic Man laughed and laid down on his bed.

"Suckers..." He whispered and he drifted to a sleep. The treacherous man has fooled yet another person, little did he know that Ice King could not remember the man he was and his looks before was more appealing to woman, it even got him a fiancé. The jester was fooled and an event that would lead to an epiphany was about to unfold...

All because of one simple prank.

Meanwhile, inside the Ice Kingdom of Ice King.

"Gunther, I'm home!" Ice King yelled as he entered his lair of ice. It was inside a huge hollowed mountain, the center was empty and most of the contents were at the edges and corners of the room. Gunther made his usual quacking sound. "Sorry honey but I didn't buy anything for you, I bought a good old potion that would help me with the princesses" Ice King went to his room and sat on his bed. His bed was made out of ice but was cushioned by pelts of bear and leopard for comfort.

He grabbed the potion from his beard and readied for his transformation.

"Oh this is gonna be so great!" Ice King exclaimed, he was excited. "Me and all those princesses all over my muscular body!" Ice King imagined him being kissed and hugged by all sorts of princesses. He giggled and blushed with the thought in his mind.

He took off his crown and placed it on his bed. He popped the potion and stood in front of a mirror. He was trembling with excitement.

"Here it goes!" Ice King poured the sparkling yellow liquid on his scalp, it poured down through his whole body and he started to feel his head shake. "Argh!" Ice King felt strong pain all over his body, as if it was to be torn apart. The transformation was beginning. His hair grew shorter and stopped to a longhair style, his beard grew back and was no where to be found. His body was gaining muscles and ended in a less skinny build. His teeth were growing less razor sharp until it was perfect human teeth, his nails grew shorter and his nose became normal. Ice King started to scream in pain, his eyes were no longer wizard eyes, they colored to a black iris. His skin turned to the color olive and it became smooth and he grew a bit shorter in height.

After the transformation, Ice King fell to the ground and was deemed unconscious.