Collecting Jewel Shards - chapter 5

Yes, the next chapter, finally. Sorry for the long wait, damn wordblock. Though it did give me more time to flesh out the story in my mind. And you're actually going to meet a very important character to this story in this chapter. But I'm not going to tell you who they are.

Another thing, I just want to remind everyone that this story is rated m, for mature content. I'm going to warn you all right now that this is a very dark fic with themes that 'cross the comfort line' in such a way it becomes a dot. If you don't think you can handle the content then don't read. It's also a very long fic and it'll end up having a sequel (i'm not going to talk anymore about this for awhile though). Again, just be careful with the content in this story and don't scream at me in a review when you come to this content as I did warn you adequently.

Now, onto the story!

"This one too. According to Harry's notes." Ginny said while pointing at a charms spell in Idonia's spell book.

"Thanks Ginny." Idonia said as she wrote it down with the rest on a piece of paper. All the notes for the classes she had missed. Besides Ancient Runes that is. She would have to ask for them from a classmate tomorrow seeing as it was already getting late. "For everything." She added turning to face her friend who looked sheepish. "I really appreciate it. You and everyone else for making the announcement easier."

Ginny smiled back, "You're welcome. Sorry for the way Ron kept asking about your father."

Idonia felt her composure crumble a bit at the mere mention of her father. When it looked like Ginny was about to apologize she swiftly shook her head. "No. It's okay. It's just that... he was murdered, and his killer is still walking around free. It just bothers me is all."

There was a small "oh," from Ginny and then, "I'm sorry. We can look into things to see where the Death Eater is and have the Ministry put up a hearing." Death Eater. The Ministry seeking justice for her Death Eater father? It was almost funny, because they would never do such a thing. They wouldn't see it her way. That he had been taken from her life before it even started. That she had missed out on having someone who would have been a great father if the picture she had seen him in with mother was anything to judge him by, and she thought it was. Her hands curled into fists and she squeezed her eyes shut to stop any tears from flowing. It only served to remind her that she hadn't cried yet, and she really, really needed to. To get it out of her system. A hand lay across her arm. "Are you okay? Did I say somethi-"

The door slammed open causing the two to jump and Idonia opened her eyes to see Parvati Patil standing in the doorway. "I just came up to tell you that everyone's heading to the Great Hall. Dumbledore will be announcing the champions." Parvati turned and walked back out swiftly as is realizing she had intruded on a personal matter.

"Thank you." Idonia called after her and a muffled, no problem floated up the stairs in response. "Come on Ginny, we better get going." she rubbed at her eyes briefly before getting up. Save it, she told herself.

The two hurried down the stairs into the now empty common room. Passing through the door Idonia called back to the moving picture to have a good night. "You as well, Miss Rosier. Enjoy the Tri-Wizard champion selection." She smiled at the use of her name. The news would surely spread like wildfire throughout the school. Though she was sure her night wouldn't be enjoyable with her current plans.

When they got to the Great Hall everyone had begun to sit down and the two Gryfindors hurried towards Harry and the other Weaselys to sit among them. Dumbledore began to speak once everyone in the room was seated, "The moment you have all been waiting for has come: The Champion Selection." The fires along the room were brought down one by one to a flicker of flame with a wave of his hand. Idonia blinked at the darkness such a simple action caused, it made the room feel forebiding. Dumbledore remained silent now, walking to the Goblet of Fire with a single hand raised, fingers shaking in what she guessed to be anticipation. The emotion filled the whole room already. You could have heard a quil hit the floor. Resting his hands on the Goblet briefly Dumbledore took a step back. The flames that previously glowed a bright blue turned red, looking like a light shade of purple closer to pink. It flared and a piece of paper flew out to be caught in Dumbledore's fingers. The flames went to back to their orginal blue glow.

"The Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum." He announced to the cheers of the Durmstrang students. She watched as the named champion got up and stepped down from the stands to be directed towards the backroom. The fire flared up once again, spitting out a fan made of paper. It was obvious which school this champion came from, "The champion for Beauxbatons... is Fleur Delacour." Clapping and cheering filled the table where the school sat. Fleur got up to shake Dumbledore's hand before going straight to the backroom. With another flare the final piece of paper was caught, "The Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory!" Idonia raised her hands to clap along with the rest of the school before settling back in her seat once Diggory had exited the Great Hall in the same manner as the other champions.

"We now have our three champions!" Dumbledore announced with a wide display of his hands. He brought them back together as he spoke again, "But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions," she could see Barty Crouch carrying something to the main table with a sheet draped over it, "this vessel of victory, the Tri-Wizard Cup!' Turning to point at what Crouch had set on the table the sheet flung up and away to reveal a silver chalice with light blue glass of some mystical element. The letters, W I Z carved into the surface. The handles were shaped like dragons with no wings to speak of. At the bottom she could see a leaf reaching up onto the glass. Everyone was looking at the Cup besides the Professors and Ministry member that stared beyond Dumbledore. Severus took a few steps forward stopping just at the last rung of the stairs. Moody was looking curiously at the same spot as the rest.

She turned her head watching as Dumbledore did the same to have all the eyes in the room rest on the Goblet of Fire. The fire was flaring up once again, larger than before. Dumbledore approached stopping short when it sprung to that purple-pink to cover his eyes as the flames danced up. It grew smaller before shooting up with a sudden flare for a piece of paper to fall through the air while the Goblet went back to the blue hue. Reaching up, Dumbledore caught it between his fingers, looking down to read what was on the burnt paper. "Harry Potter." The name of her friend was whispered under the breath of the Headmaster who looked up to survery the room and call out in a louder voice, "Harry Potter?"

Idonia leaned forward for a moment to settle back on the stand where she sat behind Harry. Who had still not risen at the call of his name. She could hear Hagrid muttering, "No. No." from the front of the room.

"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore shouted, and this time she swore there was a tint of anger in there, but perhaps it was something else entirely.

Idonia leaned forward when the others around him didn't to nudge his shoulder. "Get up, Harry." She waited only a second and when he didn't her grip tightened on him to drag him up muttering, "Go on." Pulling Harry to his feet she momentarily stood as well before sitting back down after making sure he walked forward by giving him an encouraging push. She couldn't help wondering though, why was his name called?

She watched silently as he walked up to Dumbledore to have the paper pushed into his hands, though not roughly. There was a clear disapointed yet concerned look on the Headmaster's face as he motioned for him to go towards the door. While Harry walked forward shouts carried throughout the room,

"He's a cheat!"


"He's not even seventeen yet!"

The hall became bustling with energy when the door closed behind the Headmaster, Professors, and Barty when they went into the room where the champions were waiting. Everyone was talking so fast that it made it hard for Idonia to even catch on to what was being said. She stumbled on the steps when a Professor shouted for everyone to go back to their dormitories and somone had pushed against her in the tide.

A hand laid on her arm to balance her before she could fall sprawling to the floor. She looked back over her shoulder, "Thanks." she told the person before stepping off the stands when another nudge from the flow of students sent her forward. Her eyes barely caught onto the black haired girl covered in black robes with a light and dark blue scarf wrapped around her neck before she was pushed forward in the rush of students.

She made it to the Gryfindor tower in one piece and cut ctraight through the commons room where everyone seemed to be, chatting up a storm of what had just conspired in the Great Hall.

"Can you believe it? Potter cheated to get into the Tournament!"

"I know. How could someone even do that? It's unfair to the other players."

Idonia stopped short to whirl on the pair speaking and raised her voice so everyone could hear it, "Harry didn't ask to be chosen!" She knew it was the truth because of how shocked he had been, plus he hadn't had a look of glee on his face when he went up. It had been the exact opposite of any happy emotion. Turning away once again she hurried up the stairs to leave the commons that had grown silent for a few seconds before the accusations flew around and the name calling started again. Pulling the door to her dorm open she slammed it behind her before going to sit on her bed, falling back into the comforter.

She sighed. Hoping for a normal school year it seemed was never going to work. Of course, she knew the news of her being a Rosier would be a front topic with the school even with the Tri-Wizard Tournament going on. Though it would take a bit longer to spread after that fiasco with Potter.

It was so weird. She sat back up, leaning against one of the bed posts. For Harry to be picked as a champion. Someone must have charmed the Goblet of Fire to take the paper with his name. It couldn't have been Harry besides the obvious reasons. He simply wasn't skilled enough to cast a strong Confundus Charm on the Goblet. It was the only thing she could think of that would work on such a strong magical object.

And what did that mean? That someone else that could cast one had? Or used other means to put Harry's name in the Goblet? It couldn't have been an older student, could it? Then again, there was the new students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. But what could any of them possibly have to gain from doing this? That and the fact that they were still students and she didn't know any of them very well to make the assumption that one would know to cast the charm or had the power to put behind it.

The door swung inward and she glanced up to see Ginny there. Standing up Idonia moved to her drawer to get out her pajamas and toiletries. "Idonia-"

"I'm taking a shower." She cut her off now holding the items to her chest. Ginny opened her mouth like she wanted to say something but ultimately stepped aside after a few seconds and Idonia walked past her out of the room to go down the hall to the showers.

Locking the door behind her she stripped her clothes off then stepped forward into the shower, turning the tempature to hot water. She dipped her head down beneath spray of water surrounding her. Grabbing the shampoo she had previously set nearby with all the other necesities she clinked it open, letting the liquid gather in her palms before running her fingers through her hair. She bit her lip while her hands worked not letting herself think about the Tri-Wizard Tournamet.

Instead her thoughts moved back to this morning. She let out a shaky breath, putting out a hand to steady herself as a tremor went through her body. Her fingers tightened on the stone and she dipped her head down, water rushing through the wet mass of curls dropping off the ends in streams. She closed her eyes, just to hold it back a little longer. Reaching out she grabbed her wand to cast a muffliato charm before setting it back down. With the place secure she finally let the tears run down her face to mix with the streams of water.

Various images flashed through her mind; her parents telling her she had been adopted, the news of her real parents being dead, the mystery behind her father's death, finding out he was a Death Eater, changing her name back in an effort to keep the Rosier family alive and perhaps bring honor to them, Mad Eye of all people telling her what the Ministry had done, the undeniable rage of anger that overcame her at the news. She cried out, breaking down into sobs that racked her body. Idonia fell to the floor with her fingers splayed on the stone. Her whole body shook as she cried her frustration out to swirl down into the drain.

Idonia got up slowly long after she had stopped crying. She didn't know when or how but one day she wanted to get back at the Ministry for tearing the remains of her family apart. A shaky hand reached forward and turned the water off. She gasped at the cold air that assualted her bare skin.

Turning and grabbing for the towel, she dried off quickly so she wasn't shivering. Grabbing for her clothes she tugged them on, swiping at her face before stumbling out from the bathroom. The flames flickering low along the walls told her it was late and she moved slowly down the hall of the Girl's Dorm to the room she shared with some other fourth years. Namley; Parvati Patil, Lavender Brown, Fay Dunbar, and Kellah. It was a good thing Ginny wasn't there or else she most likely would have been questioned for being late.

Speaking of names... her own nicknames her father had used for her, 'Nia was obviously just a shortened version of her name. The other one though, Gemeum still perplexed her. It almost sounded latin, but she knew it wasn't a word. Not a series of words either. She could only guess that it had to mean something.

She opened the door and slipped into the room to go to bed, rubbing once more at her eyes before falling asleep.

Upon waking up she started getting changed into her school robes. None of the other girls spoke a word to her while they got changed, rather chatting amongst themselves. She moved over towards a mirror pointing her wand at her mess of a hair to charm it into being brushed, following it with a second charm to tame the curls slightly. Unfortunetly those two were the expanse of her knowledge on hair charms. She did another small charm with the wand pointed at her lips, making them a lighter pink with a thin shine. Satsified she drew away from the mirror to head out to the Great Hall to break her fast.

After slipping out of the swinging door she hurried down the stairs catching little bits of conversation from the other students she passed. Idonia only paused in the first floor hall to glance at the boards where the houses points were showed. She had looked at them before, multiple times yesterday, and of course her house always talked about when they lost or gained points. Granted the latter was spoken with pride the former in more of a joking matter. Her footsteps stopped short infront of the Gryfindor house score.

She distinctly recalled all the added points and subtracted ones from the house score. Her brain seemed to keep track of it and calculate on auto-pilot afterall, and the numbers were wrong. She quickly went back over the math in her head, which there wasn't a lot since school had just started. It barely took her any time at all to go and recalculate the numbers.

There was more points then what she had come up with. Actually, there was five more. She blinked at it recalling what people had gotten five points taken away and why. All of them were for a good reason and by teachers that... Moody. It clicked in her mind quickly. He had said he would take away five points, but here they were. Why hadn't he taken them like he said? Didn't it change whenever a teacher said the words?

Idonia turned slowly from the score board and heading into the Great Hall. She swung her legs over the bench and sat down picking up some bread and dipping it absently in some sauce before taking a bite. Her nose twitched at the spicy aroma and she set it back down glancing along the table. Ginny was settling in next to her laughing a the expression she had made from taking a bite of the toast.

"Not quite awake yet are you?" Ginny giggled while Ron sat opposite of the two girls. "That's only suppose to go with that soup stuff." Idonia stuck her tongue out while making a short, bleh sound. Which only seemed to fuel Ginny's laughter.

"What type of person has soup for breakfast?"

"I've had pancakes for dinner before. Why would it be weird to switch the two up? I think it's a good idea."

"You think anythings good if there's food involved Ron." At his frown she laughed softly reaching out for her goblet and draining half of the apple juice within before turning to Ginny. "I am awake. I was just distracted by my thoughts."

"What thoughts?" Ginny asked while bringing a fork that held scrambled egg to her mouth.

"Eh," she took a moment to think it over. It's not like it was a big deal or anything. It just bothered her as to why he wouldn't have taken the points off. It almost felt as if she had been given a special liberty or something, as if he just said that for show. Was it because she told him he was a Rosier? But he killed her father why would he be slack with her? If anything she expcted him to take away points from her the way Snape took from the Gryfindor house for the smallest of things. Granted it would be childish of him considering what she heard about the auror before the last few days and the passing events. "it's nothing important. Just stupid stuff. Maybe I am still waking up and just came to the wrong conclusion." she answered Ginny's question by saying her final thoughts out loud. That had to be it.

"Where's Harry?" Ron asked apparently having gotten over her food jibe.

"I heard he's with the other champions to be reviewed by Rita Skeeter today." Idonia said while picking up a new piece of toast to lather some jam on before taking a bite. So much better then that spicy sauce. "They'll be in class when we get there. It probably won't take to long."

The table fell silent as they focused on eating after the mention of classes. They started in twenty minutes and the castle was large. Ginny said her goodbyes and ran off to go to Divination, located in the far tower. Idonia tapped Ron's arm a minute later and they took off toward the dungeons. The first class being Potions. She sent a silent thank you to Ginny for taking Harry's notes to tell her about the essay that was due today. Just because she hadn't been there yesterday didn't mean Snape wouldn't expect her to have the paper. That she could be sure of. Unlike most things right now it seemed.

She had sat herself down and took out the scroll containing the essay along with some loose paper and her quil for any notes. Seeing Harry sit down next to her with a slightly angry look she smiled and nudged his shoulder. "Didn't enjoy your interview I take it?"

"Rita Skeeter is full of herself and a nasty piece of work. Her quick-quotes quil was writing down ridiculous things while she questioned me about my motivations for putting my name into the goblet. She called me a, 'rebel' for it even after I told her I didn't enter, and kept saying I was twelve." She smiled at the obvious eye roll. "I'm just going to avoid the Daily Prophet tomorrow. It's a bunch of codswallop anyway."

"That would probably be for the best." Idonia said while glancing over her essay smiling at the fact that the name at the top was now really her true name.

The door swung inward as a student hurried in being followed by Professor Snape who snapped at them for being late and took five points from their house without any hesitation whatsoever. "Why are the rest of you sitting around chatting? Get out your essays and bring them to my desk."

A few students jumped up at this command. Idonia just stood slowly, checking the length of her essay once more. Ron had hurried past to place his essay on the table with Harry walking after at a more relaxed gait. She started down the aisle passing the two on their way back to their seats. She stopped infront of the desk and reached her hand out to extend the essay to the professor. He took it from her opening it for a second like all the others-probably checking that no one had copied off someone else-but paused for a second longer and glanced to her. "You forget your name Miss Granger?"

She raised her eyes to meet his probing gaze. "No. That's my name Professor. The one my father gave me. He did go to this school, I'm sure you remeber." then she smiled simply, "I changed it back."

Idonia had become aware of the class going silent around her. There had been a snicker at first when Snape questioned her but had disapeared at her answer. All students besides the ones from her house confused as to what she was saying. For now she was focused on Snape so she clearly saw the flash of disaproval in the eyes. "Go back to your seat Miss Rosier." She practically beamed when he said that even if it was in a tone that held no emotion.

Turning on her heel she walked back to her seat giving a small glance over to the Slytherins to see Malfoy just staring at her with a shocked expression on his face, his hands had curled into the wood of the table and from the way his veins stood out he had a death grip on it. He was glaring at her as she passed, throwing a smirk his way. She walked with a new found confidence to sit down in her seat next to Harry.

Malfoy sneered from his seat, "If you're a Rosier then what's your full name? Just some distant half-blood cousin I suspect. Forgotten by the family." His cronies snickered.

The words hit her deep like Malfoy must have known they would. She could hear Harry whisper softly to ignore them but she shook her head and looked to them. "If you must know Malfoy my full name is, Idonia Trind Ula Rosier. And I'm no half-blood cousin either. I'm pure-blood." She made sure to put special emphasis on her blood origin. It was worth it, watching Malfoy recoil at the thought of a mudblood actually being a pure-blood, though there was a slight flash of recognition that she didn't understand.

The class was silent for the rest of it's duration. As she left she noticed snape giving her a pointed look. She blinked as she walked out the door. It was as if in that look he had said, you've made a big mistake.

Shaking her head she dismissed the idea. Though the thought lingered as to why if that was indeed what the look had met. She was quite literally slammed out of her thoughts seconds after turning down a hall she had thought not to be occupied by anyone that would have led her almost directly to ner next class. It was a sort of short cut. Her back hit the rough stone hard and she opened her mouth to snap at the person only to stop short when she recognized the blue eyes and blazing red hair.

"What the hell was that?" Ron practically shouted.

Her back straightened and she shoved the hands that held her away. "What was what Ronald?" she snapped, using his full name as always when she got angry or was being serious. Right now she was very much both.

"That." He repeated and waved his hand in the general direction the two had come from, the Potions classroom. "Acting like some snooty pure-blood and practically sticking your nose up in the air." There was a pause and his eyes narrowed for a moment she thought he was glaring but then she realized she was being scrutenized. "Since when do you wear make up?"

"Lipstick alone isn't what I would consider make up Ronald." she stated with a roll of her eyes, keeping her voice calm at the random question. Though she knew why that probably bothered him. "There's nothing wrong with me looking nicer."

He threw his hands up a second later, his eyes no longer narrowed. "Looking nicer because you're a pure-blood now?" His hands lowered back to his sides and he frowned at her. "Just because you found out you're a pure-blood doesn't mean you have to suddenly act like them Hermione."

"My name is-"

"I know what your name is! I'm trying to make a point! I'm a pure-blood and I don't act all snooty about it so why should you have to?"

She sighed understanding that anger. Of course, the Weasleys were a good pure-blood family that had respect for not being the way the more rich ones were. "That's not what that was about. You saw Malfoy, all I did was tell him off the way he normally does to us. I don't know if you saw his expression but it was amusing to say the least."

Idonia looked to Ron seeing the resolve in anger across his face breaking. "Well, yeah. It was funny. It's just you seemed so caught up in it, and honestly as if you liked it." He shuffled his feet slightly suddenly seeming almost guilty. "Also I didn't mean to... push you up against the wall it just kind of came over me."

She relaxed more now that he seemed back to normal again. "That's fine Ron." she grinned a second later. "Just don't let Fred catch you doing that or he might think you're trying to seduce me."

His face reddened slightly. "I would never-Lavender would have my head on a spike!"

She burst into a fit of laughter at his exclamation. Once she got control of herself again she managed out a simple, "I'll see you in Magical Creatures." He nodded his head still looking ashamed and ran off in the direction of his next class. Idonia took off to her own.