Kensi was so happy to be back on the job with Deeks, even though things had been tense between the two of them for a while. She was frustrated with him for not coming out and saying that he had feelings for her, so much so that she was actually getting worried that it was because he didn't. Perhaps she was delusional, and he really was attracted to Monica. That would explain why he kept looking at her so seriously. Maybe he was just dreading telling her that he only saw her as a sister, and that he thought she was a fool for clearly acting so flirtatious, and maybe just a little jealous.

They watched as Michelle passionately kissed Sidorov to legitimize her cover. Deeks mentioned that they should never say anything about it to Sam because he would be jealous. She knew that Sam had no reason to worry, and that Michelle loved him to her very core. In that moment, she made no connection to her own behavior towards Deeks regarding Monica.

"It's not like she had a choice. She was protecting her cover," she said.

His answer surprised her.

"Oh, that's interesting. Kind of like me, when I was undercover with Monica?"

She felt threatened by his insinuation of her jealousy, and tried to cover it with a comment that ended up making her look like more of a desperate idiot.

"Undercover?"she asked, "Or under the covers?"

She really couldn't believe that had slipped from her mouth, but at the same time, she was angry, and did not care about consequences. All she wanted was to hear him say that she had nothing to worry about. That he was all hers. She wanted to provoke a reaction out of his beautiful lips.

And react, Deeks did.

"And, there it is again. The little green-eyed monster makes an appearance."

His words, said more harshly than she had heard him speak to her in a long time, stung as if they had physically reached out and slapped her. She knew what he meant by them, but she asked anyway. Then he shut down, saying that he hadn't meant anything by his hurtful, but embarrassingly true words.

Her pain and frustration bubbled to the surface and she reacted angrily as she stomped away.

"Like I said, poor communication skills."

She continued to berate him about never saying to her what he was truly feeling. It was Deeks' personality to hide beneath his humor, but their unspoken "relationship" was getting ridiculous and she couldn't take it anymore. She had to get out of there, fast, so she got on her bike.

In the middle of her rant, he silenced her. With. His. Lips. He was kissing her, roughly, gloriously kissing her. It was a statement, and an answer to so many of her questions. There was no joke on his lips, or humor in his eyes when he pulled away all too soon.

"How's that for communication?" he asked

She was speechless, stunned, and breathless. She searched for words and none came. He looked into her eyes and suddenly she was panicking. There was no reaction that seemed appropriate for the moment, so she decided that until she had a clear head, she needed to get away from him.

Heart racing, she made up a quick excuse and zoomed away, glancing back once to see him looking after her, with an expression of concern and confusion.