It wasn't long before Marie and I reached the trailer park where she and her sisters lived. Although Marie was pretty much by herself here since her sisters had moved out of state, leaving her behind. Marie didn't like the idea of leaving all of the friends she had made in Peach Creek. She preferred to just find a job somewhere in town, and live out her days with the rest of the people who stayed behind as well. Someone had to stay behind on the land that her ancestor once won off of Eddy's family.

The trailer had not changed much over time and is still in the fair condition it was all those years ago— although the rancid barrel sitting just outside the door has since then vanished.

"Here we are, Marie." I smile and put the car's stick into park, "I had a wonderful night."

"Home sweet home, I guess." Marie places her hand on the door's handle nudging it halfway open, "You could come in if you want. It kind of get's lonely being in here by myself." Marie's smile quickly fades into a frown. I kind of feel bad for her, and to be honest a little terrified at the idea of coming in. With my luck, I'll probably never be able to leave. She'd probably shackle me to the bed, or a radiator, or something else. None the less, I guess it'd be kind of silly to think that, especially after all that we did.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to come in for a little. My parent's won't be home until next week anyway." Marie's frown turns into a wide smile. She leans over and gives me a kiss on my cheek. My face turns red from the softness of her lips touching me. My heart flutters again.

"Why ya turning so red, dweeb?" Marie punches the side of my arm.

"Ow," I shout, "that hurt's you know? I bruise like a banana!" I rub it trying to soothe the pain.

"I didn't hit you that hard, so don't cry on me." Marie giggles.

"I'm not crying, it just hurt," I scold her and sigh, "hopefully it doesn't leave a bruise." Marie opens the door and gestures with her finger to follow.

"Are you gonna come in or not?" Marie slams the door shut.

I get out of the car and lock it, "I don't know if I should now." I tease.

"Well you'll be missing out if you don't. I was gonna make it up to ya." Marie runs up to the door of her trailer and unlocks it.

"Ladies first," Marie opens the door.

"Very funny, Marie."