This is it! Thank you all so much for reviewing and reading this story. Especially the handful of people who reviewed every chapter, you guys are the best! I really enjoyed writing this story. I hope you enjoy this last chapter.

Wade was driving about 20 miles an hour over the speed limit down the highway. He was in a complete panic. Zoe woke him up screaming and he barely had enough time to throw on some clean clothes as they rushed to the car. It was 2 am and he was lucky not a lot of cars were on the road. The ones he did see, he would quickly swerve around them and proceeded down the highway. He was clenching the wheel so hard his knuckles were white and he was sweating bullets. Zoe was next to him, letting out small squeals of pain and that just made him drive faster.

"Wade, slow down. I would actually like to make it to the hospital in one piece." she reached over and put her hand on his knee. Her touch seemed to calm his nerves immediately and he slowed down to a steady legal speed. He pulled into the hospital parking lot and ran to help her out. They quickly made their way to the front desk for directions.

"Can I help you?" The nurse asked

Zoe was calm so she spoke up "Labor and Delivery?" she smiled and rubbed her stomach

"You're in labor?" the nurse stood up

"Yes. I already talked to my doctor and she is here." Zoe answered

Wade was just standing there, not saying a word. His mind was a million different places right now. The nurse wheeled over a wheel chair and motioned for Zoe to sit. She tapped Wade on the shoulder. "Are you Daddy?" she asked sweetly

He shook his mind clear and smiled down at the little old lady in front of him "Uh, I think so" he joked

"Wade!" Zoe yelled but couldn't help but laugh, "He would make a joke now" she thought

The nurse laughed. "Alright" she waved over a nurse who was walking by "Nurse Gina will bring you guys up to Labor and Delivery where your doctor should be waiting for you. Good luck" she smiled

Once they got settled in a room and Zoe's doctor checked her out and ordered the epidural that Zoe demanded, they were resting. Wade was in a chair by her side, looking around the room.

"What's up?" she smiled over at him

"Nothin, just seeing how it is to be on the other side of the bed. Not much better than being in it."

Zoe smiled again "Yeah, but at least this is for a good reason. Not like the two times you almost died on me."

"Hey, I didn't do it on purpose. I can't believe that was 2 years ago." he joked "Oww, what the hell women?" he yelled at the sudden pain in his hand

"Oh I'm sorry, do you have a tiny child trying to push itself out of you?"

"Nope, squeeze all you like." he smirked and gave her his hand back

"Good answer"

"Knock Knock" a nurse gently knocked on the door and pushed it open

Zoe looked over at the women coming into her room "You have got to be kidding me?" she scoffed and threw her head back onto the bed.

Wade looked up and started laughing "Are you assigned to us or something?"

Nurse Sarah just laughed with Wade "Sorry. How are you feeling?"

"Have you had a kid?" Zoe snapped

"Actually, I had twins last year." she informed her as she took notes of everything that was happening on the monitors

Zoe's mood immediately changed "You did? Oh my gosh, I'm having one and it's already getting unbearable, you had two?" she rampled

"Yeah, I envy you right now." Sarah laughed and finished checking the vitals. "I'll be back in a little bit."

A few hours later, after Earl, Lavon and Annabeth arrived Zoe was finally ready to push.

"Are you ready to meet this baby? Because she's coming." the doctor told her "It's time to push."

Wade held his hand out for her to take. "You ready to meet our baby girl?" he smiled kissing her head

"No, but I don't really have a choice." she chuckled

"Alright Mom and Dad. Zoe I need you to start pushing and Wade, start counting back from 10." she told them

They both nodded, Zoe started to push and Wade started to count. "10, 11, 4, 9" he joked and Zoe shot him a death glare. He smirked and then corrected himself "6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1"

They did this ten more times and then the baby was out.

"It's a" the doctor paused and Wade looked down at the screaming baby.

His face turned pale and his jaw dropped. "Um, that's a boy" he said with as giant smile formed on his face

"WHAT?" Zoe asked trying to see for herself

"Yes it is, surprise" the doctor said, shocked herself and placed the baby on Zoe's chest

"Oh my gosh" she started to cry "Wade, look at him."

"I see him" he smiled and wiped his own tears away "Good job Baby. You did so good." he said kissing her head and then stared down at the baby with a head full of blonde hair.

"Well, seeing as we thought he was a she, I assume he doesn't have a name?" The doctor asked. Zoe and Wade both looked up at her and shook their heads no. "That's fine. Baby Boy Kinsella it is"

They cleaned up the baby and got Zoe situated in her room again. Wade was pacing the room.

"What are we going to do? His room is pink, his clothes are pink, his everything is pink." he said

"Baby, relax. All we have to do to the nursery is paint it. The monkey's will be fine for him. He won't be in there for at least a month or two anyway. His clothes well, AB will have a whole wardrobe for him by time the day is over." she laughed "His car seat and stroller will be fine as well, its green plaid. I always thought it was more boy anyway but you wanted it."

"Yeah I guess" he sighed still pacing the length of the room

"Now, maybe we should be worrying about naming him instead of his room." she looked down at the perfect baby boy in her arms and smiled "Oh and letting our friends know he's here."

"I want him to have a name first. I texted Lavon saying, the baby is here and doing great and I will be out to get them in a little bit."

"Alright" she smiled "Now, come over here and help me name this little guy. I simply don't think he'd like Jacqueline." she laughed

Wade sat on the edge of the bed and pulled the blanket away from his sons face. "I have a son" he said still in shock

"I know" she smiled again. Those smiles didn't seem to be going anywhere for a long time. "In a way I am so glad because when they told me the baby was going to be almost 9 pounds and he turned out to be 9 pounds and 8 ounces." she emphasized the 8 ounces "I was a little scared that our little girl was going to grow up to be the size of Uncle Lavon." she laughed

Wade laughed with her as he played with the tiny hand wrapped around his finger. "That's my boy. Future linebacker for the Alabama Crimson Tide"

"And so it begins" she laughed "You haven't held him yet, have you?" she asked

"Uh, nope."

"Take him" she held the baby towards Wade

"Uh, I don't want to break him." he said backing away a bit and holding up his hands.

"Wade, he won't break. Just hold him like a football." she explained

Wade hesitantly took the newborn from her and did what she said. He held him like a football. As the moments passed he got more comfortable and his grip loosened a bit. He brought the baby closer to his chest and was soon relaxed. He looked down at the baby and noticed he was looking back at him. "Hello Son" he smiled down at him and then looked at Zoe "Now I sound like Earl" he scoffed

"No, now you sound like a Daddy." she leaned her head on Wade's shoulder and took the baby's hand in hers "I say we keep the middle name the same. Harley obviously still works for a boy as it was my father's name" she laughed

"Alright, now a first name" Wade studied the baby in his arms. He noticed he had a birthmark on his shoulder. He started running his thumb over it with a smile.

"What's that?" Zoe asked looking where Wade was rubbing

"Birthmark. My Mama had one in this exact spot." he smiled over at Zoe "Jackson"

Zoe smiled "I love it, it's perfect. Jackson Harley Kinsella"

"Hey Jack" Wade smiled rubbing the baby's cheek with his thumb. "I guess it's time to introduce you to Paw Paw, Aunt AB and Uncle Lavon now." Wade handed the baby back to Zoe and walked out of the room and towards the waiting room. He poked his head in "Hey guys. You ready to meet Baby Kinsella?" he asked with a giant smile

"Yeah, we've only been waiting here for over an hour for you to come get us." Lavon smiled standing up and taking Annabeth's hand

"Congrats Son! Is she as pretty as her Mama?" Earl asked shaking Wade's hand

"Something like that." he smirked and led them towards Zoe's room

"How's Zoe?" Annabeth asked

"She's great, she did so good" he smiled proudly as he opened the door and led them in

Zoe looked up at everyone and smiled as Wade made his way back to the side of her bed.

Earl, Annabeth and Lavon smiled at the sight in front of them.

"Well, let us see her." Lavon said

Zoe turned the baby so they could see him. "Guys, meet Jackson Harley Kinsella. Your new grandson and nephew." she smiled at them waiting for their reaction

"Jackson? Nephew?" Lavon asked

"You said it was a girl" Earl said very confused by the situation

"Well, that's what we were told." Wade laughed "Turns out everyone was wrong. Believe me we were as shocked as you are."

"Well, can I hold him?" Earl asked

"Of course you can" Zoe smiled handing the baby to his grandpa

Wade walked a little closer to Earl and pulled the blanket down passed the babies shoulder. He pointed to the birthmark. "Look familiar?"

"You're Mama had one just like that."

"Yeah she did"

The baby got passed around to Lavon next who told the little guy all about how he was going to be a football player like his favorite Uncle. Annabeth quickly took him away.

"You're already pressuring our 12 week old fetus about that. You don't need to pressure his cousin as well."

"You better double and triple check your ultrasounds when it's time to figure it out. Obviously they can't see everything." Wade joked

"Nope, we are having a boy. Lavon Hayes knows that for sure." he smiled and rubbed Annabeth's belly

"AB, he has no clothes." Zoe told her friend

"Oh don't you worry, He will have plenty of clothes by the time y'all get home. Between me and everyone in Bluebell." she laughed

"Thank you. I don't know what I'm going to do with all those girl clothes."

"Save it for the next one."

"HaHa Not anytime soon. Good luck to you when your pushing Lavon's baby out of ya."

"I still have plenty of time to worry about that, don't scare me now. Now is when I get to enjoy my little nephew."

The three of them left a couple hours later, Zoe called her mom to tell her the news and after that she talked to Rose. Then it was just the three of them.

"Wade, look at what we did. We made this." she smiled down at the baby in her arms

"I know we did" he laughed "We're pretty good at it. He is one handsome little man."

"He looks like you."

"Ya think so? I know he's got the blond hair and all but how do you even tell, he's still all scrunched up and stuff."

"A mother knows, plus I've seen your baby pictures. He looks like you and that means we are in trouble in 15 years." she laughed

"Maybe he'll find a pretty New York doctor earlier on in life and then he won't follow in my Casanova ways."

"A mother can only dream. Thank you." she kissed him on his cheek

"For what?" he smiled

"For him, for us and everything else you have done. I honestly don't know where I would be if I didn't have you."

"Well I think I can say for a fact that I would be dead if I didn't have you so thank you for sticking with me through everything I have done."

"I love you Wade." she smiled leaning her head on his shoulder

"I love you too Doc." he kissed the top of her head and stared down at the sleeping baby in her arms. "Life doesn't get much better than this" he thought

Again Thank you all so much for reading this story! I really hope you enjoyed this last chapter!.