So, yeah, I'm sorry about the ridiculous amount of time that it took to update this series. It suddenly got a bunch of views this month, not sure why since it sucks but thanks guys, I appreciate your interest in my work. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter. It's pretty straightforward and bland, but that's because I'm still getting back into things. I finished it like two days ago but I haven't had a chance to publish it until now. So, enjoy and review please!
Chapter 8: The Almost Perfect Time
Castiel abandoned any hope of rational thought as he departed from his physics class. His teacher must be the guardian of Underworld kept locked in human form, walking around with an intellectual swagger and egotistical complex that made him forget his students were real humans. Prepping for a final for an incredibly difficult class in a week when you haven't even covered all the material yet was physically and mentally impossible.
Castiel pretty much flipped his lid when his professor informed them of their imminent doom.
As he dashed out of his classroom, with his face buried in his textbook, angrily muttering under his breath, he suddenly collided with a firm object that he obviously had not seen coming.
"I am so sorry-" Castiel started as he looked up and met a familiar pair of emerald eyes.
"You look a little flustered there, Cas," Dean with a rumbling chuckle, looking down at the now flushed Castiel.
Castiel's eyebrow quirked up as he regained his composure. "How did you find me here? I do not recall telling you that my physics class was here."
Dean was now the flushed one. "I, uh, I asked your, um, brother," Dean stuttered, scratching the back of his neck, embarrassment emanating from his frame.
Castiel smiled brightly up at him. Dean trying to show that he cared about Castiel without abandoning his masculinity was so...cute.
"Thank you for your consideration, Dean," Castiel said, softly, bending down to pick up his textbook which he had dropped when he collided with Dean, snapping it shut and holding it to his chest with his binder. Castiel then met Dean's gaze once more and asked, "Shall we go meet Sam and Gabriel then?"
Dean grinned and nodded with a sparkling glint in his eyes. The walk from the science department to the main building where the coffee shop was not that long, but Castiel wanted it to last as long as possible. Walking side by side with Dean, complaining about idiotic professors, nosy brothers, and laughing about the random quirks that they had made Castiel's heart swell in his chest. Dean was one of the few honest men that Castiel had met as of late and he didn't ever want to let him go.
Sadly, Castiel was suddenly pulled out of his pleasant reverie by a daunting reality.
"Dean-ie bear!" a loud, screeching voice called out as the two men approached the café.
Gabe came running out, arms spread out wide with a cake pop balanced between two fingers. While Dean was attacked by Castiel's pest of a brother, Castiel saw Sam jogging up to him from the direction of the English department, the building neighboring the main science building.
"Castiel, I thought you had library work!" he huffed when he reached him. His hair was slightly glazed back from the breeze and his cheeks were tinged pink from the sudden exertion of energy.
"You walked away before I could tell you that Anna takes my shift on physics lecture days," Castiel rolled his eyes at the gargantuan pouting child that stood before him. "Oh well, we're all here now so let's-"
Castiel was suddenly cut off by Gabriel throwing his arms around his neck. "Cassie baby, we never see each other anymore! Give your big brother some love!" the short, floppy haired boy shouted into Castiel's ear.
Castiel pushed the parasite from him with a disgruntled huff, glaring at Dean, who was chuckling at the two. "Gabriel, honestly, you are not five years old anymore. You should no longer require my presence to move along with your daily life," Castiel lectured. Before Gabriel could whine about mean he was being to him, Castiel turned Gabriel around to face Sam, who had not taken his eyes off of him throughout the whole brotherly interaction. "Gabriel, this is Samuel Winchester, Dean's brother, and my best friend."
The two men stood silently, gawking at each other like they had never met another human in their lives before this moment. Suddenly, Sam stuck out his hand and plastered a sparkling, dopey grin across his lips. "Hello, Gabriel. It's a pleasure to finally meet you," Sam said in a voice that seemed a little too husky for Castiel's liking.
Gabriel took the hand in his own and a familiar expression flooded his face. Castiel had seen this one too many damn times when they had gone clubbing together and Gabriel had found his latest victim. Poor Sam, Castiel thought with a grin.
"Hello, Sammy boy. It most definitely is a pleasure," Gabriel said with a charmingly disgusting smirk and a wink before dropping his hand and turning to strut back to the café, shouting over his shoulder as some form of demand, "Let's eat!"
Sam followed like a loyal little puppy and Castiel kept by Dean as they slowly began to follow as well.
"You planned this didn't you?" Dean said to him in a soft, stunned voice.
Castiel simply grinned up at the green-eyed angel who was staring down at him and continued after Sam. Dean chuckled, looking down at his feet as they walked, muttering under his breath in an amused voice, "You're amazing."
Castiel felt heat flush his cheeks and he immediately looked down at the ground.
"Come along, ladies! Moose and I want to eat sometime today," Gabriel shouted at them from where he stood in the outdoor seating area of the café.
The two men walked in and quickly ordered their coffees before joining the two floppy haired boys that were excitedly discussing Gabriel's next art project. It seemed that the moment they had sat down, they had not pulled their eyes off of each other and were beginning to remind Castiel of his first date out with Dean at this same coffee shop. Castiel glanced over at Dean who was sitting next to him at the cafe's small table. He was beaming at his brother and Gabriel, joy spread across his lean features and broad grin as he watched the two interact. Castiel's eyes turned to watch his brother, whose hands flew about in wild gestures as he described the complexities of sculpting to Sam in great detail. He had never seen his brother get this excited about discussing any form of art other than sex, and he had never seen someone so enthralled with the discussion that wasn't an art major.
Sam watched Gabriel with wide, sparkling eyes of admiration, laughing at every punch line and asking all the right questions to show that he was really paying attention. The two seemed almost perfect for each other. It was so gross. The conversation gradually calmed down as their coffees arrived and Dean began to glance between Castiel and Sam.
"So," Gabriel suddenly piped, eying Dean carefully. Castiel groaned internally. This was going to be painful. "You seem very interested in my baby brother, Dean."
Dean calmly returned Gabriel's stare and retorted, "I could say the same thing about you, Gabe."
Sam spluttered and nearly spat out his coffee while Castiel restrained a large burst of laughter. Gabriel glared at Castiel before returned a softer gaze to his friend.
"Hey, you're my best friend so let's make a deal. You hurt my brother and I'll tear off your sack. I hurt your brother and you can do the same to me," Gabe propositioned, sticking his hand out across the table. Both Castiel and Sam stared wide-eyed at Dean. This was so not happening right now.
Dean simply grinned and took Gabriel's hand in his own in a firm shake. "You got a deal, short stack."
They both let go of each other's hand and stood. Dean turned to Castiel and asked in a soft, suddenly embarrassed voice. "Um, can I walk you home, Cas?"
Castiel looked from Gabriel up to Dean and nodded, standing with his bag in hand before following Dean out of the café and leaving Gabriel and Sam behind. They walked in silence side by side for about five minutes before Castiel sighed, This silence was going to kill him.
"So, what was that all about back there?" he asked, looking up at the now blushing man.
"Oh, what, the thing with Gabe?" Dean asked. When Castiel nodded, he stumbled over his explanation. "Oh, uh, it wasn't really anything, ya know, just sort of a little thing, I mean, promise, 'cause we're friends and stuff..." he trailed off when Castiel rolled his eyes.
"You do not have to explain yourself or be embarrassed, Dean. I also have feelings for you," Castiel stated nonchalantly. What was the point in lying about how he obviously felt? It would be highly illogical.
Dean let out a soft "oh" in response before they were once again submerged in silence. They continued towards Castiel's apartment in silence, the two men seemingly being pulled closer and closer towards each other in the chill of the night air. Suddenly, Dean reached out and wrapped an arm around Castiel's waist. The smaller man looked up at Dean, stopping when he realized that they had reached the black door to his humble abode.
"Thank you, Dean," Castiel said in a soft voice, leaning into his body's comforting warmth.
"Of course, Cas. I hope that I wasn't too awkward for you today, with your brother and all." Dean mumbled into his hair as they embraced tightly.
Castiel leaned his head back a little so that he could look Dean in the eye with a light smile playing at his lips. "Dean, honestly, I do not think there is such a thing as too awkward when you are involved with my brother," Castiel said and the two men chuckled. Dean's eyes seemed to explore Castiel's mind as he gazed into his pearly blues before leaning into the small body. Castiel's eyes fluttered shut and their lips pressed together delicately, innocently embracing each other in the cold night.
As they parted, Castiel nodded gently and turned to walked up the steps to his front door. Just as he turned the key in the rusty lock of the door, Dean slipped a small piece of paper into his pocket and dashed back down the steps, walking backwards towards his own apartment. Castiel took the paper out and glanced down at it, a smile forming. On the small scrap of paper was Dean's cell phone number, with a small winky face and a message doodled at the bottom. Figured you might as well finally get my number.
Castiel waved goodbye quickly before stepping inside and locking the door, then turning around and pressing his back to the door. He exhaled a gentle, content sigh. Never before had he felt that things could be as perfect as they were now. It was like nothing in this world could stop the great Winchester force from flooding his life and setting him on a more perfect course for life.
As Castiel tossed his things to the floor and collapsed onto his bed for a nap before beginning his school work, he could only think one thing: Nothing could stop Dean Winchester from giving him a truly perfect break of happiness.
I hope you guys enjoyed this update. I really tried to make it interesting. But, what do you think? Doesn't everything seem a little too perfect? Don't you think there needs to be some...feels? Muahaha, review review review until the next update~