( A/N: Okay so this is set after the Heroes of Olympus series- the 7 have defeated Gaea, though Hazel stayed behind to close the Doors of Death, Frank's stick burned *and he burned bright, his sacrifice was vital to stop Gaea* the Roman attack on Camp Half-Blood had few deaths and now both camps are connected through portals Carter *from Kane Chronicles, if you read Son of Sobek you'll understand, Percy called him* set up. It's recommended you've read up to MoA. This is my first story pls be nice)

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Percy Jackson unfortunately (◡︿◡✿)

The day I found the iPad was also the two-month anniversary of my grandfather's death.

It's a hurtful, horrible thing, as he didn't die from old age- he was murdered. My grandparents lived in México, close to the border, where it's most violent with the drug cartel wars and everything- he was a casual victim in a shootout of one of those cartels.

They didn't even mean to kill him, he was just there at the most wrong time he could have been going to the store or something. Point is he was shot and dead before he even reached the hospital. My dad and I- we live in San Antonio, Texas, so there's not much we could do about it but attend his funeral and bring my grandmother over to live with us.

Being a half-blood means facing death on a daily basis- if someone dies on a quest, gets killed by something nasty going for a walk or is blown up at their school- monsters are a threat for us 24/7- less so now, that the second great prophecy is over and most of us made it... two of them didn't, two half-bloods from the prophecy- Frank Zhang a son of Mars and Hazel Levesque a daughter of Pluto.

I don't want to get into much detail, because that's still very fresh in the mind of both camps- Jupiter and Half-Blood- but those two gave their life to stop Gaea before she could fully wake and sent her back to sleep for millions of years- hopefully even more.

After Olympus had somewhat settled down and both Camps were more at ease, Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, set up two portals with the help of some "magician dude" he didn't share many details about, just that his name was Carter. Anyway this Carter set up the portals so Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter were connected- yep, just step into the swirling vortex and you go from Long Island to San Francisco in seconds. Percy says it's very important that we work together and stay close with the Romans, we are all children of the gods or their legacies or whatever and we should have each other's back if we are again faced with a common enemy.

I'm getting off track- death. I've endured my share of death, not counting my grandfather. I lost friends in the Titan War, another half-sister on a quest- but nothing broke me up more than Joey's death. His death is probably more unfair than my grandfather's.

Joey had been my friend, and was the only killed when Camp Jupiter attacked, egged on by the crazy Augur Octavian and a reluctant praetor Reyna. Nobody will admit the spear that ended Joey's life was theirs- how could they? Of course some Romans tried to justify it, "we lost two of our campers on the quest- at least you only lost one!" Reyna had the grace to be very ashamed of what one of her little "soldiers" had done. I guess that's why they agreed to make peace between camps- since Leo, one of ours, had unintentionally attacked their camp starting all of this.

But I wasn't satisfied with that- where was the justice for Joey? He really did not deserve what happened to him, and there are at least 5 people-including Octavian himself- who could be responsible, but of course nobody can prove anything and that makes me seethe with rage.

And that very elaborated memory came to my mind as I walked the edges of the forest at Camp Half-Blood, reaching a clearing where the forest met the beach. I'd just got off the phone with my grandmother (phones were usually not allowed but Chiron made an exception) and the conversation ended with her crying so hard I had to hang up, so I figured I'd take a walk to try and calm myself too.

My family is really small- it's just my grandmother, my father and my aunt (but she still lives in México, by herself) and, well, my mother. Athena, goddess of wisdom. It's going to sound really arrogant but- I'm clever. Maybe not in the ace-everything-with-perfect-grades kind of clever, but for other things yes- or at least that's what I try to convince myself of, because at times I don't really feel like a daughter of Athena at all.

Honestly sometimes I think the giant owl claiming thingamajig above my head years ago was a lie because I see myself more a daughter of Nemesis or even Themis- I share way too many things in common with them than I'd like to admit.

Again my thoughts are interrupted by my sneaker stepping on something flat that's not soft earth. At first I figure it's a stone or something but I'm very surprised when I step back and see the iPad facedown.

It's not a normal iPad, either. It doesn't have the Apple logo on the back- it has the Greek letter omega Ω. When I pick it up it weighs like a normal iPad, sleek and pure black. And then I press the home button and the screen comes to life.