The sun beat down on the Thousand Sunny. Sanji was once again noodling round the female crew members, tending to thier every need, swooning when deemed apropriate and throwing curses and insults at the resident anti-social swordsman. Nami and Robin were sunbathing, and although they would NEVER admit it. Admiring the view of Zoro's muscular back as he trained and threw choice words at the curly eye-browed chef. Luffy, Usopp and Chopper were huddled in a corner scheming something that the more intelligent members of the crew would surely question but be dragged into none the less due to the captains orders.. While Franky and Brooke were performing a duet on deck. Franky on his guitar with his sunglasses down as brooke danced as gracefully as he could for someone who had been dead for at least 50 years.
Luffy, Usopp and Chopper were under the mast, next to the spot that Zoro takes his naps on when he's not training. They were huddled up and Luffy was relativley quiet, which is enough to cause worry on its own.
"Ne, Why don't we play truth or dare?" Chopper quietly suggested.
At this the entire crew froze. Zoro halted his oversized dumbell mid swing and Sanji nearly dropped the tea he was serving, the older members of the crew looking at the captain in a silent plea;
'Oh please no!'
This indescreate action didn't go unnoticed by the young doctor, and realizing what he suggested. Went into a panic, also spotting the feral grin that shadowed Zoro's features, uttered many apologies. While steering clear of Zoro and his unnerving appearance. However, Chopper wasn't the only one who noticed the creepy facial expression.
"Everybody run! Protect your Children! The demon of dares has Surfaced! Oh we are all going to die!"
Yes, Captain Usopp himself had seen it and begun to freak out. Which confused Chopper. He was worried because he thought that Luffy was going to make him do something really stupid like shave sanji's eyebrows or steal Nami's money again (just the thought of what happened last time was enough to send shivers down the small deers spine). Of course the newer crew members also didn't have much of an idea as to what the long-nosed teen was pancking about. So Nami had to explain, to prevent keeping them in the dark any longer.
"Basically, Zoro is not only a demon with three swords, he's a demon when it comes to dares. The last time we played this, it was when Vivi was with us but before Chopper joined us. Hence why you don't know about... this. Be VERY carefull when accepting dares from Zoro, you'll lose more than you bargained for in forfeits than in alcohol durng this game if your not vigilant ."
In Alabasta, a young, blue haired Princess was conversing with her father when she sneezed. "Hmm. I wonder how Luffy and the others are doing... and why do I have a sudden sense of forboading?"
Chopper,Franky,Brooke and Robin were Stood silently as Nami finished her explanation. Each were somewhat doubtfull about Nami's statement but they wern't suprised at it either. Many people have questioned the humanity of Roronoa Zoro but none have come to solid conclusion on this. But The Demon Of Dares? isn't that just a bit much?
"Chopper, you saw the grin didn't you? He's thinking of the most horrible and craziest things for us to do. He knows exactly what gets to us and just how to use it. You know, after last time *shiver* i might not join in with this one."
Nami got her hopes up too soon. As soon as those words left her lips. Luffy declared that all members of the crew submit to captains orders and play the game. Because he was bored. True to Nami's word, Zoro stalked up to the deck, Feral grin back in place as he eagerly made his way up to the figure head where Luffy had parked his own rubbery backside.
Zoro's grin spread until it looked like his face would split in two, giving him the appearance not unlike a predator about to maul its prey. "well lets play the game."
the statement was met with the exited laughter of luffy and nervous glances cast between the rest of the crew.