"By the way Mana-chan~"

"Yes?" Mana turned to the wizard.

"What happened with your arms and legs?" Fai asked.

"Oh this? Hmm... Accident." Mana said, not wanting to elaborate more.

"YO! You guys finally woke up." Everyone tensed up when a man slid the door open nad greet them. "Don't be so alarmed! You came from Yuuko-san's place right?" The man asked. Mana saw he came with a woman who's carrying blankets behind the man.

"Yuuko-san?" Syaoran asked.

"Yup the witch of dimensions. She is called by many names."

The woman moved over to Sakura and handed Syaoran some blankets. "By the way my name is Arisugawa Sorata." The man said.

"I'm Arashi." The woman said.

"By the way this is my lovely wife, honey. So people… engrave that in your minds." He put his hands on Kurogane's shoulders. "If you flirt with her you will die horribly." Mana laugh at the statement making Fai looking at her. Mana then stared back innocently at Fai. Fai only smile widely and Mana returned the smile.

"WHY THE HELL IS IT ONLY ME!?" Kurogane shouted.

"Hahahha I'm just joking…." Then Sorata paused. "But I am serious." He gave the thumbs up.

"I WON'T FLIRT!" Kurogane yelled. Sorata picked Mokona.

"Didn't Yuuko-san give you this?" he asked.

"Mokona Modoki at your service." He said.

"Aww nice to meet you." Sorata said

"Yuuko-san has told me the situation. For one thing, you are lucky."

"Why is that?" Fai asked.

"Because, this is the first world you have arrived at, and there is nothing but happiness. Here it is." He said and opened the apartments screen door. "This is the Hanshin Republic." He announced happily.

"Wow…" Mana looked outside in awe. It such a big place and full of high buildings. She has never seen this kind of scenery before, this world is so much different from Her world. Arashi looked at the girl. The girl looks so innocent, like she hasn't experienced how cruel the world is.

"So Mana –chan, have you done enjoying the view?" Fai asked. Mana snapped out of her mind and look at Fai. "Well... the town is so beautiful! I just mesmerized by it." Mana said honestly. "Of course it is!" Sorata said happily.

Sorata then began to explaining about this world, and it seems only Kurogane who doesn't pay any attention. "Umm… what's baseball?" Mana asked timidly.

"You don't know baseball!?" Sorata asked incredulously. Mana just nodded. "Baseball is one of the sport in this world! And a good one too! "

Mana remembered Yuko mentioning something like that but she never actually saw the real thing.

"Ehem! Anyway as I was saying…" Sorata said. He then spotted Kurogane sleep peacefully. "Hey! Don't sleep when I'm still explaining!" Suddenly something hit Kurogane's head from the back.

"WHAT THE HELL!? YOU THREW SOMETHING DIDN'T YOU!?" Kurogane yelled at Sorata.

"If he did the angle of effect would be different. It was from the top." Fai said seriously.

"I just used my Kudan." Sorata said.

"Kudan?" all of them asked.

"Ah that's right! You're from different dimension, so you don't know about this." He said.

Sorata then write Kudan in Kanji. "Ku..dan…" Mana read out loud. "Oh you can read it?" Sorata asked. Mana nodded.

"I can read it." Kurogane said.

"I can't" Fai said.

"I can read it a little." Syaoran said.

"What is this Kudan?" Kurogane asked.

"Even if you are from a different dimension, you will still inherit a 'Kudan'" Arashi explained. She then sat next to Sakura. "Can I call her Sakura-san?" Syoran nodded. "You don't know where the fragments of Sakura-san's memories could be. In that case, they could get into anyone's hands. You don't know if a conflict will arise from this." Syaoran stared at Arashi with worried expression.

"How do you know?" Fai asked.

"My wife used to be a Miko. She has six sense… But she retired because she married me. She looked so beautiful in her Miko outfit."

"You must have given the witch your power right? Or your skill to fight?" Arashi asked.

"I gave the witch of dimensions my power" Fai said.

"I gave that bitch my sword"

Arashi then looked at Mana. "I gave her my mark." Mana said. Arashi stared at her.

"Mark. As in the symbol of your power, right?"

Mana nodded. "But I still have my own weapon." Though her "power" is gone now, she still can do a little bit of magic and summoning her weapon is one of it.

"Alright..." Arashi said. "Kudans can also be used as weapons." Arashi smiled.

"What it is and how to use it, that's something you have to see for yourself. To understand what a Kudan is, you have to see it with your own eyes." Sorata leaned down to Mokona in Syaoran's hands. "Is there a feather in this country?"

Mokona glowed, "Yes. There is a feather but it's far away." Syaoran smiled. "That is good enough."

"Okay I'll take care of you guys until you depart." Sorata took Arashi's arm. "This is our hotel, you can stay here until you can go to another world." Sorata said cheerfully. The group (except Kurogane) thanked them. "I'll assign the rooms! Kurogane, Fai, and Mana will share a room." Sorata said.

"Okay~" Mana said happily. "This is so much fun! We're going to be a roomates~" She said. Sorata smiled and give a thumbs up. "Oh and don't even try to seduced Mana-chan please." Sorata said seriously.

"I WON'T! WHY DO I HAVE TO SHARED ROOMS WITH THEM ANYWAY!?" Kurogane asked incredulously. He maybe can live with the girl, but with the mage? No way in hell!

"That's a payback for looking at my honey. Plus if you got into another argument, Mana-chan will be there to stop you!" Sorata said cheerfully.

"I DIDN'T-" He got cut out as Sorata pushed him out of the door.

"Use this rrom." Arashi suggested. "And I said it again, don't seduce her." She said venomously.

"I WON'T!" Kurogane yelled.

"Fine… Get rest then all of you."


"Well it wasn't that bad right? Sharing a room?" Mana said as she moved closer towards Kurogane who still wide awake while Fai has already fast asleep.

"Well at least that stupid mage has already asleep." He said. He got annoyed when Fai and Mokona called him with stupid nicknames. Though the girl is not any different, at least she only called him with just "Kuro-papa", no other silly nicknames. Also, he didn't really mind with that nickname.

"By the way, You.." Kurogane looked at Mana.

"What?" Mana asked as she prepared to sleep.

"Where do you come from? I mean which world did you come from?" Kurogane asked.

"Me? I came from a world called Terra Sanctam." Mana explained. "I'm a priestess there."

Kurogane lift an eyebrow. This girl doesn't look like a priestess at all. With all those bandages she looked more like a fighter who has gone through a lot of fighting instead of a priestess.

"I know what you're thinking~" Mana said. "You're thinking that with all these bandages I'm looking more like a fighter than a priestess right?"

"How did you know?" Kurogane asked.

"I got that a lot and I can't deny that fact... And I did got these wounds from a war." Mana explained simply.

Kurogane stared at her.

"Ah I'm going to sleep now." Mana said, yawning. "You should sleep to Kuro-papa." Mana said, pulling her blanket and sleep peacefully.

"Stop calling me that." Kurogane grunted before going to sleep himself.


"Wow... You're a real angel!"

"Uh yeah..."

"That's amazing! Hey, why don't you come down here so that we can chat?"

"Uh... I'd love to but..."


"My wings' stucked.

"... You're pretty stupid huh?"

"I-I'm not! Well maybe but that's not the problem here you know..."

"Okay, I'll help... Oh by the way tell me your name first. Mine is Kurogane."

"... I'm ... Cherubiel... Now please help me."

"Fine, fine..."


"Uh... Sorry to trouble you but I'm always got pretty sick during cold days."

" It's okay...It's always cold here... Are you sure you're going to be okay?"

"Well... If Yuui smile for me then I'll be fine!"

"... Why are you talking like Ashura-ou?"

"Oh? Ashura-sama said something like that before?"

"He said if I smile more than his heart will be healed."

"Ah! That the same as me! Besides, Yuui's smile is the most beautiful smile I had ever seen!"

"Uh... R-Really...?"


"Thank you—"


"Mana-chan~ It's already morning~" Mana yawned and open her eyes to see Fai smiling brightly at her. She returned the smile. "Morning Fai-san… " She said sleepy. "Now go get dressed! We're going to search for Sakura-chan's feather!" Fai said cheerfully. "Ha'i, Ha'i…" she said. When Fai gone out of the room she rubbed her eyes and sleepily wore the clothes that has been given to her.


"Where the hell is that girl!?" Kurogane yelled. Syaoran, Fai, and Kurogane had been waiting for Mana like 10 minutes and Kurogane's patience began to worn out.

"Now, now Kuro-Puu don't be like that, Mana-rin is a girl after all of course she wanted to look beautiful.." Fai said, smiling widely.


"Oh, there she is." Syaoran said.

Mana is hiding behid the door, making the three frowned. "Mana-rin! There you are! Why are you so shy? Come on now Kuro-poo won't bite you he just in a bad mood." Fai said.


Mana then shyly go out of her hiding place. Syaoran and Kurogane had faint blush when they saw her. She's wearing a white tank top covered by purple cardigan and a very very short pants, it's not even coverinh her thigh she also wearing a pair of brown boots. "Aww… Mana-chan is so sexy.." Fai said happily. Mana ducked her head and blushed brightly.

"I gave them because you had long legs. It looks good on you." Arashi said.

"Uh thank you..." Mana said. But isn't this to short? She thought. She has never wore such a short pants before so it's making her uncomfortable.

"Now, you are ready to go. Don't worry I'll look after Sakura." Arashi said.


"Do we have to bring this white thing with us?" Kurogane grunted.

"Mokona is not a white thing! Mokona is Mokona!" He punced on Kurogane's face. Mana giggled a bit. Fai smiled at her. Mana looked at him. "What's wrong?" Mana asked. "No, you just so cute when you giggled." Fai said, smiling widely. "Hontou? Arigatou. (Really? Thank You.)" She said, smiling sweetly. Fai then stared at her, he no longer smiling. No one has ever smiled that sincere to him. Even his own smile is not that sincere.

Mana looked at him with questioning marks floating above her head. Now what is it that she does that made him staring at her like that?

"Here take this with you." Sorata held out a frog-shaped coin purse and placed it in Mana's hand. "There is money inside, you five go eat together."

"Why does the girl hold it?"

"Because she looks the most trustworthy" Sorata flashed another thumbs-up.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kurogane yelled. Fai and Mokona laughing really hard while Syaoran just sweat drop and Mana was cheering up because she's being called more trustworthy.


As they were walking through Hanshin Republic, Fai pointed out, "It's crowded! Tall buildings, right next to small ones!" he gave another goofy smile "Has Syaoran-kun seen any kind of scenery like this?"


"How about you Mana-rin?"

"No I haven't…" Mana said.

"And you Kuro-tan?"


Syaoran began to become all nervous again. Syaoran then looked at Mana and decided it's the time to asked. "Mana-san."


"Well Yuuko-san hasn't really told us why you came to her shop other than that your world is dying... I was just wondering... maybe it's something we can help you with?" Syaoran asked carefully.

Fai and Kurogane stopped their bickering and looking at Syaoran and Mana. "Oh that? You see… I'm the high priestess in my world… my world's source of power is a tree called Selphia tree. That tree is… withering right now and if that tree withered so does my world… It will disappeared without the tree…" She said. "Oh I see…" Syaoran said sadly. "Don't worry Mana-rin Mokona and the others will help you find this antidote!" Mokona said cheerfully, hoping to Mana's head. Mana smiled. "Thanks."

"I will also try my best to help." Syaoran said kindly.

"Thank you Syaoran-kun~" Mana said happily, hugging the younger boy, making the boy blushed in surprised.

"Me too~ I will help Mana-rin in any way possible~" Fai said happily, hugging the bothe of them, making Mana giggled and Syaoran blushing even more.


They then walked again and passed a fruit stall. Mana look at the red fruit. She takes it and look at it in awe. "Welcome! You want some apples?" A street vendor said. Syaoran looked puzzled at the sight of the apple.

"That is an apple?" he wondered.

"Of course it is!" The street vendor said, Mana keep looking at the apple. She is mesmerized by the sight of the beautiful red fruit.

"Apples in your world don't look like this?" Fai asked.

"The shape is the same but the color is yellow." Syaoran said.

"Hmm…" Fai then looked at Mana who still looked at the apple. "Mana-chan? How is the apple in your world?" Fai asked.

"I don't have apple there… Only Paopu fruit" She said.

"You haven't seen an apple before?" Fai asked. Mana nodded.

"Hey kid, the yellow fruit is a pear." Kurogane said to Syaoran.

"No, pears are redder with stalk at the top."

"Isn't that a Raki fruit?" Fai asked.

Mana began to get confused there's no such thing as that in her world.

"Hey don't you want it or not?" The vendor asked.

"Want it.~" Mokona and Mana said together.

Mana then paid the vendor for five apples and they started eating them on a bridge, however Mana hasn't eating it she just gazing at the apple. "It's beautiful~" She said. She then felt someone stared at her and turned to see a little girl. That girl eyeing the apple she held. The three boys looking at the scene. Mana smiled then handed her apple to the girl

"Here you go~" Mana said cheerfully. The girl beamed at her and take the apple. "Thank you!" the girl said. Mana nodded and the girl ran off to her friends.

"Mana-rin is so kind!" Mokona said. "Here, you can have Mokona's apple, Mokona has eaten them though but it's only a half." Mokona said, handing her the apple. Mana thanked Mokona then eat the apple.

"How is it Mana-rin?" Fai asked.

Mana smiled "It's delicious!" She said.

"Yes they really do." Syaoran said.

"By the way Mana-rin how is the Pao.. fruit tasted like?" Mokona asked.

"Well... I haven't eat one actually." She said.

"Huh? How come you've never eaten that fruit if it's exist in your world." Kurogane said.

"Well... Because there's a legend about this fruit. They say if two people shared Paopu fruit then they'll be together forever." Mana said, excited.

"Ooh~ that sounds romantic Mana-rin!" Mokona squaeled.

"It is! So I promise myself not to eat it until I found myself someone who I can share the fruit with."

"Ah, so Mana-rin is waiting for her special person before eating that fruit." Fai teased.

"Precisely~" She said.

"Oh, I forgot to ask." Fai suddenly said. "How did you get to the dimensional witch?" He asked.

"The high priest in my country send me." Syaoran said.

"The priest must really be something. It's not easy to transport even a single person, yet he managed two at once!" Fai said excitedly. "What about you Kuro-rin?"

"Stop calling me that wizard! I was sent away forcefully by the princess of my country."

Fai laughed. "You must have done something bad, so you were punished."

"What about you?" Kurogane asked.

"Me? I went there my own."

"Then you didn't have to asked that witch for help. You could've traveled yourself." Kurogane grumbled.

"I can't. Even with all of my power I can only transport myself to another world once." He smiled then turned to Mana. "How about you Mana-chan?" Fai asked.

"I went there myself but my friends help me." She said.

"He… But even if the people who sent Syaoran-kun and Kuro-rin also Mana-chan's friend who helped Mana-chan used all of their power, I suppose that they could only transport someone to another world once." Fai said.

Suddenly screams and shouts were heard above and all of them spun around to face a gang of men in goggles and scarf's standing on top of a building.

"We'll get you for sure this time! This territory belongs to us!" A different gang yelled to the first one. The leader of the first gang gave them a thumbs-down.

"Hyuu~" Fai tried to whistle.

Both gangs then jumped down and charged with their Kudans ready.

"So that's a Kudan?" Kurogane asked.

"So that's why Mokona didn't scare anyone even though she could move around." Fai concluded. Mana only watched in awe.

"It's cool!" Mana said, making Kurogane and Syaoran sweatdropped while Mokona jumping up and down, agreeing with her.

A large stingray materialized above the gang leader and attack an on-coming Kudan. Some of the powers got out of control and headed straight for a kid that had fallen and the girl that Mana met earlier.

"LOOK OUT!" Mana called, he ran over the little girl and hugged her to protect her from the impact. She heard all of her friends yelling out her and Syaoran's name. She waited for the impact but it never came, she opened her eyes and look at her back. A purple colored huge Phoenix appeared before her, making out some kind of sound wave when it opened her mouth, making out nosy sounds.

Everyone there stared at her Kudan in awe. "Heh, looks like this girl has a special Kudan." The gang leader who introduced himself as Shougo smirked.

"Wow... suggoi!" She said.

The Phoenix let out another sound wave again, pushing back the other Kudans from Mana and the girl. Mana then looked at the girl "It's dangerous here, go back to your parents." She said softly. The girl looked at her with confused look but nodded anyway and run.

"A Kudan that manipulates fire and a Kudan that manipulates sound huh? Well I'm water and you are fire and sound… This should be fun." Shougo smirked. His Kudan opened its mouth wide and shot a blast of water. The Phoenix let out another sound wave and Syaoran's kudan blast out a ball of fire and the two blasts and the sound wave collide, making a huge explosion in the air. "Oh you two haven't told me your names." Shougo said.



"I like your styles kids." Suddenly sirens wailed just around the corner.

"Shougo! It's the cops!" One of the men said.

"Damn. This is bad timing. You guys know the drill, split up!" Shougo looks at Syaoran and Mana one more time before fleeing. "I can't wait to see you two again."

The fire wolf become smaller and disappeared inside Syaoran, and Mana's kudan done the same. Fai and Kurogane ran up to them. "You two were great!" Fai said.

"So that was a Kudan." Kurogane said, more to himself.

"I don't really know, but my body started getting hotter… What about you Mana-san?" Syaoran asked. "Umm… I don't know… it feels like there are so many sounds inside of my head, kind of the sounds of a ringing bell..." She said before making her twin axes dissapeared. He then looked at the two boys. "Are you both okay?" The first boy shook his head. The second one bow and vanished into the first boy.

"It disappeared!" Syaoran shouted.

Fai pounded his fist on his hand. "So that was a Kudan too!" He put his hand over his eyes as if searching for something. "By the way where is that 'Kudan' of ours?" He asked.

"Who?" Mana asked timidly. Seems that no one heard her voice because Kurogane's answering Fai. "Ah isn't it squished somewhere?" Kurogane said with a small hopeful tone. Mana pouting but didn't say anything. Once again she was ignored. Well there's nothing she can do about it. Even though she's the high priestess she didn't get much attention if nothing's important going on back in her world, of course the same is happening here too. But that doesn't mean she has to like it.

Mana then spotted Mokona who is surrounded by a group of girls. "Sorry to break your hope Kurogane-san, but she's over there." Mana said, pointing at the group of girls. All of them turned around to see all of the girls were surrounding Mokona, hugging and squeezing him. Mana let out a small laugh which makes Fai turned to see her again. He likes it when she laughed or giggled… For some reason Mana reminds him of someone but he doesn't know who. He just know she reminds her of someone really close to him.

"MOKONA IS SO POPULAR!" He squealed with delight.

"Where were you Mokona?" Mana asked.

"Mokona was on top of Kuro-rin but then he threw Mokona off." he jumped onto the archeologist's head. "And also, Mokona went like this! Mekyo!" he opened her eyes really wide.

"One of Sakura-hime's feathers is nearby?" Syaoran asked.

"It was there before, but now Mokona doesn't feel it anymore."

"Do you know who has it?"

"No, Mokona doesn't know." Mokona said sadly.

"Don't worry Moko-chan, we'll figure it out sooner or later." Mana said positively.

"Aww Mana-rin is so kind to Mokona! Hug~" Mokona said, hugging Mana.

"Ah let me join in the hug too~" Fai said, hugging Mana as well.

"Excuse me! Thank you very much!" The boy said all of a sudden. "I'm Saito Masayoshi. I want to do something to thank you." Mana then whispered to Fai. "Umm..Y- I mean Fai-san can you let go of me now?" Mana said. 'I almost said his real name." Mana thought. "Oh sure thing Mana-rin!" He then let go of her.

"Mokona wants to go eat at a good place!" Mokona suggested from atop of Syaoran's head. Masayoshi nodded and smiled.

They then followed Masayoshi except Mana. She just stand there and stared at Fai with a small smile plastered on her face. "Aww it kinds of remind me of our childhood… But as the contract said he wouldn't remember me…" Mana said, smiled sadly. Yes, she was stupid. She thought by acting all positive and happy as if something never happen between her and Fai it could erased her feelings for the blonde wizard, but how could her? She had known him and likes him for a very long time after all... Her feelings won't be easy to erased just like that.

Fai then stopped at his track as he realized someone's missing. He then turned around and find Mana is still standing at where she was and smile sadly as if she wanted to cry. "Mana-rin is sad puu… Mokona doesn't like it when Mana-rin sad puu…" Mokona said sadly, landing on Fai's shoulder.

Fai also didn't like it when Mana is sad like that, he likes it when she smiled sincerely and innocently at them. "Mana-rin! Hurry up or you're gonna miss the food!" Fai said, waving his hand. Mana looked up and smile again at Fai, even though this smile is… kind of... look like a fake smile. "Okay!" She then catches up with the others.


Noodles began to sizzle on the table. It filled the air with delicious scent. Mana stared at the food in awe. She has never seen any food that smelled so delicious and looked so good.

"It looks delicious..." She said dreamily, drooling at the food. Fai smiled at her, glad that she's back to her normal self. Syaoran and Masayoshi sat on one side while Kurogane, Fai and Mana sat on the other side. Mana sat between Kurogane and Fai.

"Stop drooling kid." Kurogane said even though he can't help but thinking the same. The food indeed looks delicious.

"What is this?" Mana asked curiously.

"Okonomiyaki." Masayoshi answered. "I like this Okonomiyaki the best it's quite good." Masayoshi shyly looked down. "It looked delicious…" Mana said again. "Umm… Mana-san not to be rude but… What kinds of food you usually eat there in your world?" Syaoran asked curiously. "Huh oh… there's a Paopu fruit, Any types of vegetables, and Manna bread and there is many more, but I doubt you have seen it in your world, my world is a bit... unique." Mana said. "Manna bread?" Syaoran asked. "Uh huh that's a very small bread but very delicious." Mana said. Syaoran nodded in understanding. "I wanted to see your world Mana-san I hope we can get there soon." Syaoran said. "Mokona too! Mokona wants to go to Mana-rin world!"

"Uh… so all of you come from outside Hanshin?" Masayoshi asked.

"Well you could say that…" Fai rested his chin in his hands. Kurogane didn't bother talking, he was too busy staring at the food.

"Shougo is amazing!" Masayoshi's voice broke through Mana's thought. He stood up in the booth, with side glances directed towards him. He sat back quickly with an embarrassed expression. Mana giggled. "U-um… Am I that embarrassing?" Masayoshi asked. "No… You just remind me of someone I know…" Mana said. "Your friend?" Syaoran asked. Mana nodded. "Yeah… I wondered how he is now…" Mana said, thinking about her best friends Tenma. Fai then coughed to break her from her thoughts.

"What do you think about Syaoran-kun's Kudan?" Fai asked.

"I also admired him" he beamed , "The top Kudan is with you, that's a great thing."

"What's that?" Syaoran asked.

"The best Kudan ; 4th level is at the bottom. 3rd level, 2nd level, 1st level and it goes up. The top is the best. Having the best Kudan was stopped by the countries a long time ago, but people still used it. But Mana-san's kudan is amazing as well! It looks huge and I can feel a great power emitting from it! It must be a Celestial Kudan!" Masayoshi said.

"Celestial?" Mana asked.

"It's the highest level as well. It usually takes form of an animal in a myth." Masayoshi said.

"Oh..." Mana began to feel uncomfortable with all the staring from Masayoshi

"Well let's just forget about this because Mana-chan seems very uncomfortable with this." Fai said, tapping her shoulder.

"WAIT!" a voice yelled, causing Mana and Kurogane to jump. Two figures appeared, one man with dark hair and another with silver hair and glasses.

"KING! AND HIGH PRIEST!?" Syaoran exclaimed jumping out of his seat.

"Huh? I think you're mistaken… I'm not a king." The dark haired man said. "And sir, please wait so you don't knock anything over." It seems that Kurogane tried to flip his Okonomiyaki. The dark haired teen then look at Mana who still unsure of what she's going to do with her Okonomiyaki. "You haven't eat anything like this before miss?" he asked. Mana looked at him and shook her head. "Ah… well please hold on a moment." The teen said, smiling at her. She gave back the smile.

"So, he was a king from your country?" Fai asked looked over his shoulder at the men who just stopped by. Syaoran nodded. "And the other one was the high priest? It's exactly like the witch of dimensions said, You might meet someone you know from a different world but in different worlds they have different lives."

"So those are the king and the priest from the kid's world?" Kurogane asked.

"They are the same and not. Because, they have different lives. But at the same time, their connections are the same aren't they?"

"Connections?" Mana asked confused.

"Their names, appearance and heart." Fai said.

"He… so does that mean we can meet another one of ourselves?" Mana asked curiously.

"Hmm… I hope so ne~ If there's another Mana-chan I hope she's the same as the Mana-chan here." Fai said. Mana looked at him confused. Kurogane and Syoran sweat drop at her innocence and child like attitude.

Everyone then began to eat. Mana however was having trouble using chopsticks. Kurogane looked at her and stopping his tug-a-war with a piece of food with Mokona. "You have never used a chopsticks before?" Kurogane asked. Mana nodded. Kurogane then teach her how to, she actually understand it pretty fast and able to use it now.

"Aww Kuro-poo please teach me too!" Fai said. Kurogane glared at him. "DON'T CALL ME THAT AND NO, I'M NOT TEACHING YOU!" Kurogane yelled and continue his tug-a-war with a piece of food with Mokona. "Do you want me to teach you?" Mana asked. Fai smiled widely. "Aww thank you Mana-rin, you're much kinder then Kuro-tan." Fai said. "I SAID STOP CALLING ME WITH THOSE FREAKIN' NICKNAME!" Kurogane yelled. Mana then teach him how and surprisingly he understand fast too so she has no problem teaching him.

"Mana-rin is good at teaching people" Fai said, Mana blushed at that compliment. 'Stop blushing Mana! Get a hold of yourself!' she thought. In the end they eat peacefully… well Kurogane and Mokona still on the tug-a-war with a piece of food though.


"That was delicious!" Mokona said happily.

"So, what do we do now?" Fai ondered.

"How about we look around more?" Syaoran suggested. They all agree.

Masayoshi then waved and told them he needed to call his parents, to show them around.

"He sure does look up to you." Fai grinned.

"About my dream last night, the thing that came from me was also in my dream about a fire beast." Syaoran said.

"Me too, but it appeared in a form of a little light ball." Mana said.

"I had a strange dream with a beast in it as well."Kurogane projected from in front of a Piffle Store window. Fai nodded, agreeing.

"HEY!" A fat man with a Mohawk came up. "Are you Syaoran? The boy that Shougo said he liked?" he questioned.

"What if I am?" Fai teased.

"Fai-san, that question wasn't meant for you." Mana said.

"I'm Syaoran." Syaoran said.

"You? You're just a kid. And the girl? Are you the one named Mana?" The Mohawk ask again, pointing at Mana.

"Huh? Yes I'm Mana." Mana said.

The Mohawk guy tapped his chin. "Are you two going to join Shougou's team?"

Syaoran and Mana looked at each other.

"Team?" They both asked confused.

"Don't play dumb! If you join Shougo's team I will never forgive you!"

"We don't intend to." They said in unison.

"Then join us!"

"We don't want to."

"Ha ha, Syaoran-kun and Mana-chan speak so firmly" Fai chuckled.

"Do… DO YOU PLAN ON MAKING YOUR OWN TEAM!?" The fat man screeched.

"No, we don't have any intention to make our own team nor do we have any intention to join anyone's team." Mana said innocently.

"Why You! I'm going to break you to pieces!" A large fish Kudan appeared above the man.

"Umm… did I offend him or something?" Mana asked Fai. "Nah, he's just got an anger issue." Fai said, patting Mana.

"We don't plan to fight!" Syoran protested. The fish swung its tail directly at him. Mana put her hands together and mumbling something then she pulled out twin axes from thin air between her palms and blocked the tail, preventing it from hitting Syaoran."

"Are you okay Syaoran-san?" Mana asked. "Yes, thank you." Fai then decided to help them but Kurogane stop him.

"This is getting boring. What are you doing to my friends?" he said, smirking.

"Kuro hasn't been having fun up until now." Mokona said.

"Yes he's so happy to be in Republic Hanshin." Fai replied happily.


"But Kurogane-san, that person still has your sword." Syaoran said.

"It was special, it had a cursed blade, I needed it to cut spirits back in the country of Japan. This Kudan is not a spirit." Kurogane explained.

"What grade is your Kudan?" The fat man yelled.

"Don't know and don't care. Stop rambling and attack." Kurogane said confidently.

"W-Will Kuro-papa be okay?" Mana asked worriedly. "Don't worry too much Mana-chan I'm pretty sure Kuro-tan will do his best since he hasn't have much fun hyuu~" Fai said grinning from ear to ear.

Mana nodded, tried to be positive but she can't. She really afraid whenever anyone is in the verge of death or in some dangerous situation. Even a small thing could cause death and she didn't like it.


"Syaoran-kun!" They turned to see Masayoshi run panickly towards them.

"Ah Masayoshi-kun perfect timing, do you know this man?" Fai asked, pointing at the fat man.

"That team hits our neighborhood. They fight Shougo-san for territory." Masayoshi explained.

"I wonder if that man is strong." Fai said, still smiling like an idiot.

"He has a first grade Kudan! That man himself is umm… big but the Kudan is very quick!" Masayoshi informed.

"Look at how my first grade Kudan move! HOT CRAB ATTACK!"

The Kudan swung its blade directly at Kurogane, but Kurogane dodge it. The blade hits one of the pillar there and it broke.

"It broke!?" Syaoran said, shocked.

"That Kudan's body is completely covered with sharp blades!"

Mana gasped as the Kudan begin to overrun this place. "Umm… should we maybe…stop them?" Mana asked. "Nah no need… He's trying to help you and Syaoran-kun." Fai said calmly.


This time, it hits Kurogane. "KUROGANE-SAN!"

The fat man laugh and saying that Kurogane is weak… Oh how wrong they are.

"Annoying… Your constant talking is annoying." Kurogane said, smirking.

"My Kudan is first grade, it is very strong!" The fat man said.

"But it still has a weak point. If I had my sword I can end this quickly."

Suddenly a blue water dragon appear behind him.

"You are… from my dream."

The dragon then transform itself into a sword.

"I can use this eh? So you want to fight?"

"Is that your kudan? Well it looks like it's going to fall! This attack will stop you! GUNSHOT CRAB ATTACK!"


Kurogane easily defeat that man's kudan with one blow.

Syaoran watched the scene in awe, while Fai only smile. "Wow… Kurogane-san is so strong…" Mana said in awe. Fai looked at Mana and he feels a bit pang of jealously. "What's wrong Fai-san?" Mana asked curiously. Fai only smile then patted her head. "It's nothing Mana-chan."

The rest of the group then flee, taking their boss with them.


Gianti: And so today's rewriting process went smoothly again, Mana still having part of her shyness yes, but her too cheerfull and careless self will be seen more and—

Mana: Don't call me careless *pouting*

Gianti: -and her spoiled and childlike attitude too. Perfect.

Mana: *Pouting again* fine, do what you like then. Meanie author

Gianti: Please read and review *smiles* thank you for reading this re-writing version and I'm really sorry for those who likes the original story because I had to change it *bow*