Like a Bird
Summary: Bonnie asks Damon a curious question about his nickname for her and she's a little surprised by the way he answers.
A/N: This, to me, is not as good as some of the other drabbles in this series but I think it's cute...and it's a conversation that I would like Damon and Bonnie to have one day lol.
It was one of their lazy mornings...but Bonnie didn't mind in the slightest. In fact, she found that mornings such as these made the oncoming day even more brighter.
The little redhead let out a sleepy and content yawn as she leaned her head against her vampire boyfriend's chest, feeling absolutely blissful in her current surroundings. She and Damon had been together for about a month now and their new, young official relationship had been leaving Bonnie in a happy cloud of peacefulness. She would have never dreamed that a relationship with Damon could be so simple and easy and yet, here they were.
"You look as though your mind is racing," Damon commented, his silky voice somewhat raspy due to it still being a bit early in the morning. Bonnie let out a soft giggle when she felt him lean forward to kiss the top of her head.
"I'm just so happy," she replied honestly. And then her cheeks turned a very pink color as she said her next words. "Um...did you know that tomorrow will be our one month anniversary?"
She knew that Damon most likely wouldn't be the type of person to keep track of things such as one month anniversaries but she personally felt too joyful about it to not mention it at least once.
But then, Damon's response actually surprised her.
A happy-looking glint appeared in his dark eyes. "Indeed it is. Perhaps we could find a...interesting way to celebrate it, my little redbird."
The pink hue on Bonnie's pale cheeks brightened even further, knowing exactly what his words were referring to. But for some reason, despite the delicious thoughts now running through her mind, there was something else that was dominating her current thought process. Something that she had been wanting to ask him for a while now.
"Damon...why do you call me little redbird?"
It wasn't that she didn't like the nickname. In fact, she actually loved it. But she couldn't deny that it was slightly on the strange side...and random.
Damon's sultry smirk disappeared and was replaced with an expression that looked like surprise. And then...a a certain look crossed his face that Bonnie rarely ever saw from him...a look of...embarrassment? It was a long-shot, considering it was Damon, but it was the only thing that Bonnie could interpret it as.
Eventually, after an uncharacteristically long pause, he began to answer her question. " was a name I coined for you after the first day I met you."
Bonnie knew which day he was referring to. It was the day he had recently helped her remember...the day he had saved her form those werewolves. It was also the day they had their very first kiss. Despite the initial shock Bonnie had felt towards the recovered memories after Damon removed the influence he had previously placed over her, she couldn't help but also feel a little relieved by it. A goodbye kiss on a porch seemed much more romantic than a seductive, blood-seeking kiss in a field.
Still laying her head against his bare chest, she continued questioning him in a curious tone of voice.
"Really? How did you come up with it?"
She had a feeling that Damon was actually having a hard time coming up with an answer for the question. Another long pause passed before he spoke again.
"It was mainly because...well, your petite form gave me the impression that your body was as fragile as a little bird's," Damon confessed in a low, unsure voice. "And your red hair contributed to the 'red' part, of course. But other than that, I..."
He trailed off and began to fumble through his words and thoughts, as if he wasn't sure how to continue with them. Instantly, Bonnie felt a little guilty for ever bringing up the subject. Although it was kind of cute to see Damon of all people being awkward for once, she didn't like the fact that she had possibly made him feel uncomfortable.
"Damon, it's okay. You don't have to explain anymore," she said in what she hoped was a comforting voice, smiling at him softly. "You already told me enough and I...i'm sorry for asking. I was just a little curious."
Bonnie hadn't meant to make anything...awkward between them. She hadn't thought the subject would end up being such a sore one for him.
"It's alright," Damon said soothingly. Bonnie could tell that he had relaxed a bit now that the conversation had drifted away from his fumbled explanation. "The question only took me by...surprise is all. I know that the name may seem fairly strange..."
"No, it's not that," Bonnie quickly reassured. "I like the name...I love it actually. I just always wondered why you started calling me it because I...well, you've never actually told me before. But I know now." She ended the sentence with a playful giggle.
Damon shot her his 500 kilowatt smile and pulled her back into his arms and buried his face into her curls. "I'm glad to hear that."
Bonnie closed her eyes, feeling that sense of peace wash over her again as they continued to lay in bed together...the excitement of what was to come for their one month anniversary ringing through her mind.
"I love you," she suddenly whispered.
"I love you too, little redbird."
The End
A/N: And before anyone asks, I AM working on the update for Arranging Love. I'm not making any promises and i'm not going to explain myself since i'll no doubt sound like a broken record but it is in progress.
Until next time! :)