Disclaimer: i do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters. i do However own Characters such as Larissa.

A/N: Btw my name isnt Larissa i just really like that name. Some people might not understand why i ship Sirirus and Bella, so if you would like me to do a fanfic explaining why then i will.

Please Enjoy!

Sectrets & Lies


'Lucius?' Narcissa whispered as she had just put Draco down for a nap.


'Yes?' He replied

'I'm going to visit my sister,' she stated


'No, of course not!'

'But no one has any idea where Bellatrix is!'

'Well, i have an idea'


Bellatrix Black looked over to her left in suprise and saw her sister right next to her.

'Narcissa!' She exlaimed. Most people would have been pleased to see their sister that they hadn't seen for six months, but Bellatrix had her reasons for not letting anyone discover where she was.

'Bella' Narcissa sighed in relief

'How did you find me?'

'I just thought of you when i disapparated and here i am.' Narcissa looked around what had to be Bella's bedroom, it looked as if no one had lived there for years, when Bella had lived there for six months.

As Bella sat up more in bed, the duvet fell down to only cover her stomach. Narcissa frowned, Bella's brests were swollen, and that only happened when you were-

'Get up' She comanded her sister

'No' Bella refused

'Why not?'

'Why should I?'

'Well, why shouldn't you if you have nothing to hide?'

Bella turned her head, she couldn't bare to lie to her sister when they had always been so honest with eachother as children. Narcissa ceased the opportunity and walked over to the bed while her sister wasn't looking and pulled her up.

She gasped 'You're pregnant!'


'But why did you postpone your marrage to Rodolphus if your- Unless, Whose child is that?'

'Mine' Bella replied unhelpfully

'Yes, but i mean who is the farther?'

'I'll decide who i want to tell and when i want to tell them, thankyou Narcissa' Bella said coldly

'Your right, i'm... Sorry'

'It's okay, i'm just tired'

'Being pregnant is hard work'

'How'd you? You had a baby?'


'But that means that when i left you must have been three or four months'

'That is true' She replied thoughfully. She thought to end the conversation there but Bellatrix was looking expectantly up at her. 'Draco, his name is, he's so handsome- just like his father.'

'You really love Lucius don't you' This was more of a statment than a question

'I really do'

'Your life is so easy.'

'Oh its not that easy'

'Oh yeah? The man i'm irrecovably in love with hates my guts, i'm carrying his daughter, and i'm being forced to marry a selfish pig' She finished dramatically. 'And you are married to the man of your dreams, have his child, and your life isn't easy?'

Narcissa was silent for a minuet. 'Come on, you need to rest,' she said pulling the duvet over her sister.

'The only other time i've seen you look this sad is when Sirius left'

'Yeah, well i'm over that now. Blood Traitor'

'Yes. If you like, i could come and visit again tomorrow?'

'Um, yeah, that would be nice'

Narcissa turned to leave

'Cissa?' Bella called and watched her sister turn and start to walk back

'Dont tell anyone, anything. Okay?'

'Not a soul' Narcissa smiled and POP! she was gone.

Narcissa returned almost everyday until the birth of Bella's daughter. Bella liked the company, and it also meant that she kept up to date with happenings in the world.

Soon the day of the childs birth arrived and Narcissa insisted that she take Bella to a private word in and she would obliviate the healer so no one would no of Bella's child.

So Bella was rushed to on the 12th May and three hours later craddled in Bella's arms was a tiny little girl wrapped up in her blankets sleeping peacefully. Bella's heart really went out to this little girl who she would only have until she was three months old, and then would have to be side-along apparated to her fathers house.

Bella wrote a note to the father of her daughter on the day she had to let her go. Narcissa hadn't come today, as she thought that Bella would rather be alone.

This is your daughter. She is three months old and her birthday is on the 12th of may. Please look after her well and when she is old enough tell her that i love her all in the world and that it breaks my heart that i am not able to be the mother she deserves. I hope to see you both again some day. And i just want you to know that even though right now you don't know who i am, i love you.

Bella read over her note and added a few important details, like her name. And then wrapped the child up. put her in a basket full of toys, blankets and other essentials that people do not normally have. And so with tears streaming down her face she apparated at the front door of the fathers house and put her daughter down on the doorstep. She gently kissed her daughters head and was pleased that she was asleep. Bella rang the doorbell and quickly apparated into a bush outside the house. She had to make sure that her darling daughter wasn't left outside.

Moments later the door opened and the sleeping baby was taken indoors.

A/N: So i hope you enjoyed the Prologue, the next chapter will be 10 years later, hence this is the prologue.

please review thx

-Lissa(also not my name XD)