Here is the last chapter!

Yep, definitely the last one this time, at least in this story. I would like to thank all of the people that
have read and reviewed this story and you get extra thanks and love if you enjoyed it c:

I love writing, but I wont be doing it too often because I don't like rushing myself if I am stuck. I prefer
role playing, as someone else is also helping with the story, either starting or finishing an idea for you.

Anyway, that's all. Please read and review! If you want to role play with me, feel free to send me a
message about it. I am open for all ideas and not picky!

"Fuuuu-sion-HA!" The two best friends say in unison, their bodies glowing and becoming almost translucent as
they morph together, becoming one in the same and creating the individual known as Gotenks.

Gotenks smirks as his figure becomes more clear, the light surrounding him fading to reveal that he has his
hands balled into fists, both of them at his hips.

"Well well well, looks like the star of the show has finally returned." He said, his tone of voice sounding like
both Trunks and Goten, but a bit more like the lavender haired male. The same could be said about personality.

Gotenks looks at Gohan, a smug expression plastered on his face. "Why are your panties in such a bunch? If
you're angry, then come over here and teach me a lesson. If you can, that is."

Gohan growls as he faces the fused teenager, all thoughts of his father leaving his mind. Looking at Gotenks
sickens him. Just the idea of Trunks and his brother morphing together like that makes his skin crawl.

"I can...and even if I have trouble, all I have to do is wait it out. You only have a half an hour until this fusion
is over."

"Okay...then stop talking and show me what you got already. You're boring." Gotenks said, pretending to yawn
before he waved his right hand toward himself in a taunting manner, telling Gohan to bring it on.

Gotenks readies himself as Gohan flies toward him, preparing for the attack. Right before the older male does
attack, he disappears and comes up behind the other, landing a blow to his back.

Gotenks is sent forward, but catches himself. He turns, wiping his thumb across the tip of his nose. "Cheap shot.
It wont happen again."

The two approach each other together this time. Gohan punches Gotenks in the face, the shorter of the two
doing the same thing back before he leaps up, avoiding a powerful force to the shins.

While hovering above Gohan, Gotenks sends his leg down over his back. He expects Gohan to get hit and sent
down toward the earth, but Gohan catches his leg, punching Gotenks in the gut.

The fused Saiyan is headed toward a cliff, his body getting embedded into the rock.

Gohan wastes no time in continuing. He goes in for the kill, but Gotenks moves, causing the other male to
punch his way right through the cliff, creating a hole in it.

As the battle presses onward, the two fighters become bruised and battered by their efforts, both of them still
standing, but breathing a bit heavier than when the event started.

Vegeta is growing very impatient, even more so than when this started. He knew Gotenks had little time left.

"He needs to stop playing around!" Vegeta says on the sidelines, getting Goku's attention. "What are you talking
about? They both seem to be trying hard."

"You idiot! Did you forget that while fused, they can reach Super Saiyan three?!"

"Oh yeah, that's right! Wow..they haven't done that in a long time." Goku said, his index finger and thumb
cupping around his chin, making him look like he is pondering over an idea.

"UGH! That's it, I'm stepping in."

"No, just wait! Give them more time, at least until the fusion wears off!"

"Rapid Missile Fire!" Gotenks screams, firing dozens of ki blasts, but they are stronger than regular blasts,
therefore doing more damage. While Gohan is stunned from the attack, Gotenks prepares his next move.

"Galactic Donut!" He says, creating a halo that wraps around the other male, trapping and constricting him
within it."

"JUST TRANSFORM ALREADY!" Vegeta screams, causing everyone around him to cringe.

"Alright, don't have to be so moody, old man." Gotenks says, making a vein protrude from Vegeta's

"Looks like our fun will be cut short. Don't worry, I'll still enjoy finishing you off." Gotenks says, beginning to
power up as he screams at the top of his lungs.

His muscles begin to enlarge, pulsating out as his hair grows all the way down passed his thighs. Electricity is
coming off of him, his ki spiking through the roof.

During the transformation, Gohan powers up to Super Saiyan two, now having enough energy to break free of
the halo.

"No use powering up. If I'm can't reach Super Saiyan three yet." Gotenks taunts, pulling down
the skin under his right eye as he sticks his tongue out.

"No need to. I'm a mystic..I'll beat you without ascending to the next level."

"Mystic, huh? Mystic my ass, we'll see about that!" Gotenks says, getting ready for his next attack.

Gohan charges at the fused warrior, pulling his fist back as electricity radiates from it. He swings his arm
forward, an explosion erupting in the air.

Gotenks manages to avoid this attack, appearing behind Gohan with both arms raised. He brings his fists down
on Gohan's back, hitting him like he would do with a jackhammer.

The older male is sent down, stopping abruptly as he powers up. He soon flashes in front of Gotenks, fists flying
and legs raised as the two make blow after blow.

Gotenks pushes himself away from Gohan, opening his mouth with his hands on his neck as he shouts, "Revenge
Canon!" A massive energy blast is soon released out of his mouth, hitting Gohan with such force that the young
demi-Saiyan is about to claim his victory when all of the sudden, the fusion wears off.

Trunks and Goten split away from each other, being separate beings once again.

"Huh..?" Goten blinks, looking over at his best friend. "'s over." Trunks says, not being able to remember
everything that happened. When the two become Gotenks, they don't have much control over his actions.

"YOU FOOLS! YOU TOOK TOO LONG!" Vegeta shouts at the boys, the smoke from the massive blast clearing to
reveal that Gohan is unharmed and not in his Super Saiyan two form any longer. His hair, back to ebony as he
looks like the regular Gohan, but his power level has skyrocketed, being even stronger than he was at Super
Saiyan two and may even be stronger than Gotenks was at Super Saiyan three. "This is my mystic form..also
known as my ultimate form. What do you two think?" Gohan asks with a pleased smirk dancing upon his lips.

Gohan flies at the boys in a fiery rage, singling Trunks out as he grabs onto his head, shoving him back into the
mountain. He smashes Trunks' head against the rock a few times, Goten going to help him until Vegeta stops him.
"No need, brat, it's my turn!" The Prince of all Saiyans says, firing an energy blast at the side of Gohan's head.

This causes Gohan to release Trunks as he is thrown to the left. "Leave my son alone, Gohan. Your fight is with
me now and I can promise you that you wont be able to push me around so easily." Vegeta says, going Super

"You don't know what you're getting into, Vegeta..." Gohan says, facing the prince as he bares his teeth. "Oh,
I don't? From where I'm standing, you don't look that tough. You'll have to show me, but I think you've been
slacking off since you defeated Cell." Vegeta says arrogantly, getting under Gohan's skin. "Actually..I think I'll
finish you off so quickly that I wont even transform farther. I'll stay a Super Saiyan."

"You'll regret that..." Gohan growls, his voice low and threatening as he shoots himself at Vegeta, his fist headed
right toward the prince's face.

Vegeta dodges the blow, but sends an energy blast back at Gohan who easily catches it in his hand, throwing it
at the proud Saiyan warrior.

Vegeta blocks his own attack, but instantly realizes that maybe this will be a tougher fight than he assumed.

"Not so arrogant now, are you, Vegeta? I can deflect anything you throw at me, sending it right back at you..
It would be a good idea to power up.."

"'s not needed. I said I would beat you like this and that's what I'm going to do!"

"Fine...then your stubbornness will be your downfall." Gohan screams, connecting with Vegeta in a test of power,
their fingers entwined with one another. Gohan slams his forehead against Vegeta's, doing it again and again
with more force than the last until Vegeta backs away and begins to conduct ki in both of his hands. The Prince
places his hands next to each other, combining the ki that forms into a stream of energy. "Final Flash!" He calls
out, the energy hitting Gohan head on, or at least seeming to hit him.

The next thing Vegeta sees is the destructive beam coming back at him, hitting him in the stomach which sends
him down and through a few trees, the prince of all Saiyans lying there bruised and injured.

"Father!" Trunks shouts, flying toward Vegeta to help him until Goku gets in his way, restraining Trunks. "I know
it's hard, Trunks, but Vegeta wants to do this alone. You know how he is, so just let him handle this for now."

"No! I know he's strong, but he cannot beat Gohan alone like this! If you wont let me help him then why don't
you get in there and do something about it? Gohan is your son!"

"I know, but.." Goku pauses, knowing that Trunks is right. He has to stop Gohan before this gets too out of hand.

The full-blooded Saiyan soon flashes from in front of Trunks and appears beside Vegeta, helping him up. "Vegeta,
we should both transform into Super Saiyan three and fuse. Super Saiyan three Gogeta can stop him!"

"Get away from me, Kakarot!" Vegeta scowls, pushing the other warrior off of him. "I am going to stop your son
by myself! I don't need you and I am definitely NOT going to perform that stupid dance with you!" The prince of
all Saiyans says, flying into the air to try this again.

"Triple Blast!" Vegeta shouts, shooting three ki blasts all at once out of his hand. The blasts split up into different
directions, but are all headed at the same person. Gohan.

The demi-Saiyan dodges two of the blasts, both colliding with one another and exploding on impact, but the
remaining one is still hot on his trail. Gohan stops moving to challenge it and hits it, making it travel for miles
and destroy something far off in the distance that the fighters cannot even see.

Gohan flashes out, appearing right in front of Vegeta, grinning widely. "Not good enough." He says, quickly
kicking Vegeta up into the air before flying up and attacking with a barrage of punches, sending the proud
prince up even farther still. Gohan continues after Vegeta, now sending him to the ground where he appears
in front of him, ready to finish the job. "Ka-me-ha-me-haaaa!" Gohan shouts, a Kamehameha blast headed right
toward Vegeta until Goku appears, protecting the other full-blooded Saiyan with an energy barrier.

"Have you had enough, Vegeta?!" Goku asks, the prince of all Saiyans getting to his feet slowly. "Shut up, Kakarot,
don't look down on me!"

"I'm not, I only want to help! Listen to me, Vegeta, Gohan is out of control. He is going to kill our sons! Is that
what you want? Are you going to allow Trunks to get killed because of your pride?!"

"Stop it..." Vegeta hisses, grinding his teeth. "There's no telling what he'll do afterward.. He may be so angry
from not getting his way that he starts to attack the rest of our families too like Chi-Chi and Bulma. We could
lose everything!" Goku finishes, knowing by Vegeta's expression that he has convinced him. "Fine! I'll do the
stupid Fusion with you!"

When Goku puts down the energy barrier, Vegeta quickly uses his Big Bang Attack. The attack does not harm
Gohan due to his level of power, but that is not the intention of it. The explosion blurs their surroundings,
making it a bit difficult to see for a short period of time. During this time, Goku and Vegeta power up to Super
Saiyan three and have a chance to fuse. They take that chance, getting into the right stances.

"Fuuuu-sion-HA!" Both men say together in perfect sync, soon fusing and becoming Super Saiyan three Gogeta.

When the air clears, Gohan's eyes widen at seeing the new opponent he has to face standing before him.
"What's wrong, cat got your tongue?" Gogeta inquires, the comment definitely coming from Vegeta's personality.

"All right, you go dad!" Trunks and Goten both cheer in unison, getting excited by their fathers fusing together.
It makes them feel like little kids again.

Gogeta soon gets into the Kamehameha stance, the younger male backing away a bit, preparing for the attack
when all of the sudden, the fused warrior fires confetti and streamers all over Gohan instead, humiliating him.

"W-what?!" Gohan shouts, his face turning red with anger. "Take this seriously!" Gohan says, rushing himself
forward and attacking the other with an uppercut. Gogeta blocks the attack, catching Gohan's fist.

The younger warrior kicks off him, unleashing a round of more kicks and punches, ending in kicking him away
and blasting him with a Kamehameha wave. The blast evaporates, getting blocked by a barrier. Gogeta shoots
himself at Gohan, both fighters going at it and seeming to be very evenly matched.

Off to the side, Goten and Trunks continue to watch, the lavender haired male keeping track of time. "Hey,
Goten, the hour is up."

"Hour? Why does that matter?"

"Because, we can fuse again now and help! We have every right to finish Gohan off and besides, he wont stand
a chance against Gogeta and Gotenks. That'll teach him."

"Okay, Trunks, lets do it!"

Gohan punches Gogeta with the back of his fist, stunning him and leaving him open for the next move. Next,
Gohan punches the fused warrior in the stomach which sends him into the air. He teleports behind Gogeta, kicking
him and then finishing off with a large energy wave, but before he can release the wave, something happens.

Super Saiyan three Gotenks is back. He flies in, giving a roundhouse kick to the back of Gohan's head, sending
him flying into the ground. "Well well, look who's back." Gogeta says, grinning at the other male.

"Of course. This party just wont be any fun without me." Gotenks replies, the same grin flashing across his face.

Gohan gets up, scowling with his arms crossed over his chest. "Two fused Super Saiyan threes against one..that's
hardly a fair fight.."

"Fair? Was what you were doing before fair?" Gogeta inquires, hinting at Gohan trying to kill Goten and Trunks.

The man with the raven hair has nothing to say, but he wont give up this fight yet. He screams, firing ki blasts
out of his hands in both directions, trying to hit his two opponents at once. Gogeta flies right through the blasts,
landing a super kick to Gohan's stomach. The kick is so powerful that it sends Gohan into Gotenks, the younger
male bringing his fist down over Gohan's head. Gohan is sent back and forth between the two, this battle turning
into a real ping pong game with Goku's eldest son as the ball.

"Gotenks, lets finish this now." Gogeta calls out, the younger fighter nodding his head, both warriors getting into
the Kamehameha stance.

"Kaaaaa.." Gogeta begins, Gotenks continuing along with him. "meeeeee.." They both say together, Gohan being
too battered to stop the attack. "haaaameeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Both waves of energy are released, hitting
Gohan at the same time. He falls, colliding with the ground, a humongous crater left where he lay.

The two remaining fighters think the battle is over, but then a hand draws out of the crater, Gohan pulling himself
up and crawling to the top. He stands out of the crater, taking a few steps and then collapsing on the ground,
losing consciousness and losing this fight.

Gohan awakens many hours later, feeling weaker than he has ever felt before. He looks around, seeing that he is
in a strange room, like a jail cell almost. The cell is located in Bulma's lab, the blue haired woman sitting in a chair
at the corner of her sanctuary, watching him. "Bulma, what's going on?" Gohan asks, getting up and walking over
to the bars. He thinks he can break out easily with his superhuman strength, but when he tries, they don't budge.

"You wont be able to get out." Bulma says, crossing one of her legs over the other, a smirk playing on her lips.
"I created this cell myself. I found out that you used ki-draining bands on my son I made these bars out
of the same substances in them. At this very moment, they are zapping your energy, making you no stronger than
a mortal. You're stuck here until I decide that you've learned your lesson.. Which is probably never... Have fun."
Bulma says, getting up from the chair and turning the light off as she leaves the room, Gohan left alone in the

Moans and heavy breathing filled the room as the two demi-Saiyans entangled themselves together on the bed

Goten, his body lying under Trunks', is glistening from the sweat that covers his ivory skin. Soon, the moans
get drowned out, covered up by the sound of their thighs clapping against one another as Trunks quickens his
pace, bringing his hand down on his lover's ass to spank him, which makes his insides even tighter.

Goten moans loudly, gasping with each and every thrust that wracks his body. He bucks his hips against Trunks
eagerly, his cock bouncing in time with the older male's movements.

Trunks reaches one hand between Goten's legs, grabbing hold of his manhood and pumping it in the same rhythm
as his strong strokes. His hand is a blur, moving quickly so that he can bring his Chibi closer to the blissful orgasm
that he deserves.

"Ahh! TRUNKS!" The ebony haired teenager shouts, throwing his head back in ecstasy as his eyes shut tightly.
His body begins to tremble, the younger male wrapping his legs around Trunks' waist and latching his ankles
together. Goten soon cums, the seminal fluid squirting on the larger male's hand and all over his own chest,
coating himself in it.

The tightness that came with Goten's orgasm took Trunks over the edge, causing him to explode inside of his
lover with his own climax, firing shot after shot of cum inside of Goten, filling him up completely.

During Trunks' orgasm, he leans in closer to Goten, licking his neck before digging his teeth down into it,
hard enough to break the skin and cause the younger male to bleed.

Subconsciously, Goten does it back, marking Trunks while the older teenager's teeth are still in him. When they
let go, they lick the wound one on another, getting rid of the blood. " you're all mine.." Trunks says, a
smile dancing upon his lips.

He couldn't be happier because now, he and his Chibi are mated for life.

The end! Sorry if the fight scene sucked. I am horrible at them in my opinion, but I tried.

Depending on how many reviews I get, I may write more as a different story. Something short about them
coming out to
everyone. You know that wont go well with Chi-Chi. She is going to go berserk XD

I cannot say it will be soon, though. It may take me a while to think about and type up.