I look forward to the deluge (heh) of post-Watershed fics, by far better writers than me. But watching and re-watching the episode, this just wouldn't leave me alone till I got it out on paper.


His name escapes her mouth with a whisper, winding along her breath, forcing its way out past her shock.

He waits on his knees, eyes dark, face solemn, ring held out in a pose of almost benediction, giving her the time she needs to process this, precious moments that jolt her brain, kicking back into the gear after it had frozen. Frozen at the thought he would be ending things, be ready to walk away from her. The fear that had clutched her spin, encased it in ice was now rapidly receding, but only replaced by trepidation. This was wild, a complete turnabout, and she felt unbalanced. Anchorless.

"I meant it Kate. Whatever you decide. I'm on board with it. With us." His voice cracks unsteadily, and she reaches out to him, can't stand it anymore, needs to touch him, to feel him, to bring herself back to reality, to bring him back from the brink that is etched on his features. The look on his face. The fear she might reject him.

Slim fingers encircles his wrist, and she pulls him up, standing up herself, drawing him to her, running her palms along his forearm and into the warm trunk of his chest, wrapping herself around him. His broad palms close on her back in turn, pulling her into his hug till they're clinging to each other in broad daylight in between the swings. Her breath exhales, one she didn't even know she had been holding in, and then she feels something release in him, a click she can almost feel through skin and muscle and bone, like a trigger inside him disarming, his shoulders relaxing just a fraction, his own breath escaping, warm against her hair and the side of her temple.

"Not…not like this, Rick." She whispers the words into the planes of his chest. Her throat clenches. She has forever been terrible at this. At letting the words escape. At letting herself open up.

"But not…no?" His voice is tinged with equal parts hope, and fear.

She pulls her head back, looks up at his eyes, then flicks her gaze down to his lips, before pulling him in and pressing her own lips against his. He relaxes another degree, sinking into the kiss, and she wraps her hands around his neck, runs fingers through his hair, desperately pulling him down more, her tongue urgently seeking his. But no…no. This always the problem. She draws back with a mighty effort, her eyes now meeting his slightly-confused ones.

"Not no. Someday, yes. Not today. Not before…we've talked about it."

"I don't need to talk about it. I love you, and if you want to go to DC, I want to be by your side. You don't have to choose between the job and me, Kate." His voice is low, but it's clear and it's strong. "I'll be with you. Always."

Goosebumps spring along her arms. That's their promise. Their word. Not one to be used lightly. Not that he's been in a light mood. This might be the longest he's even gone without cracking a joke in her presence. Trying to get her mood to lighten. To get her to smile.

"I believe you. I want…I want you to scratch and claw for every inch. I need you too. I'm done keeping one foot out the door. But I'm terrible at this." She waves one hand between them.


"Relationships? Being normal?"

"Oh Kate Beckett. You could never be normal. I would never want you to be. You're…magic." He gently kisses her temple, hands resting at the small of her back, unwilling to let her go. Good.

"But you know. You know what I mean. We never…talk. I've never talked about things. I always bail around the time the talk should happen."

"I vaguely recall something about wall, and a succession of loveless relationships and being a one-and-done kind of girl, yes." There is a teasing tone to his voice, as he returns to something resembling even keel, and the ice stops cracking under feet. She hasn't ever doubted the strength of their feelings for each other. He would die for her. She would kill for him. But what they've never discussed is their future. Together. Or as she had thought for one brief moment just minutes earlier as her world had threatened to crack into pieces, apart. But no. That nightmare had been avoided.

"Right. I want that. I want that with you. But first we have to figure…us out. Where we're going, how we're getting there. I'll even make you a…counter-offer."


"Move the Boba Fett statue out of the bathroom, and I'll bring the rest of my stuff over to the loft. All of it."

His eyes widen in surprise and delight, and she smiles warmly at how that makes her heart flutter. It's not much really, because unofficially she basically lives at the loft anyway. But it is a milestone, and it's a first step. But she has to bring up the Sword of Damocles hanging over their necks at the same time too.

"…if I stay that is."

"DC." He nods understandingly.

"Right. I got the offer."


She takes a pause, decision made…or unmade? She didn't know. Maybe she could make it all over again. After all, she no longer had to choose between him and the job. That changed the equation all over again. He was no longer a variable, but a constant. Her constant, her north star.

"Come on Castle. Let me buy you a cup of coffee. Tell you all about it. Let's figure it out." Together. "But first show me the ring."

"You doubt my taste?" She entwines her hand through his as they walk away from the swings, and he throws her an expression of mock disbelief.

"I'm just glad I didn't have to share the moment with Reggie the chopper pilot." This is familiar. This is their dance. But now…now she knows what happens when the music stops. That underneath the humour and the deflection and the jokes, he has a core- an unyielding bulwark of love for her that will not fade. Even if the music does.

"I can take a hint you know."

"Hah. You mean 5 minutes before you almost fell into the clutches of Natalie Rhodes."

"To be fair, she did do a very good…you." He ducks out of the way of her punch. "I do prefer the real thing though."

"Good." Laughter bubbles out of her, unbidden. "Because I have a gun. And you don't have a choice."

"No, I don't. I already chose. I chose you."

And I choose you Rick. I love you. She can't voice the thought yet, but she will one day. And he will wait for her too. She clutches his hand tighter in response. It's enough. For now.