I don't own HTTYD. They belong to Dreamworks and Cressida Cowell. They are awesome.

Ruffnut dares Astrid to avoid Hiccup for a week. If she wins, Ruffnut cleans Stormfly's cage for a year. If she loses, Astrid cleans up after the twins' Zippleback, Barf and Belch, for a year. Can she do it? This is a three part fanfic...no flames please.

The Dare

"Okay. One last dare." Astrid said after enduring a long hour of Ruffnut's whines. They were on top of a hill overlooking the village, and after Ruffnut started pulling her hair, she decided she can't take any more of Ruffnut's whines, hair tugs and pleas. Her mental constitution can't take that much abuse.

This morning, Ruffnut came up with a ridiculous idea. She and Astrid should play dares! Astrid was smart. And she knew it was a bad idea from the start, but at first the games were just so fun and easy. Like, "Climb up that tree and chop off the top without using your hands." or, "Kick Hookfang in the belly and NOT catch on fire!" At first she was okay with embarrassing herself for the fun of it, and Ruffnut did say that the loser gets to clean up after the winner's dragon for a year. But after Ruffnut's "Teeter on the edge of that cliff after banging your head hard against a boulder twice!" dare Astrid was ready to call it quits (Ruffnut had also judged if Astrid's head bangs were hard enough, so the head banging took long).

Who knows what crazy dare Ruffnut's planned for her next? Astrid knows it won't be easy; after all, this is the last dare, and that crazy Viking she calls a friend won't make it easy. Should she back out? Would it be too un-Viking of her if she refuses a dare from Ruffnut Thorston herself? Will she die a horrible painful death if she accepts?

As Astrid was thinking terrifying thoughts about what the next dare would be, a frowning Ruffnut was thinking. And this time, really thinking. Astrid had managed to do all the dares she thought up without even batting an eyelash. What would be the hardest thing for a manly, tough, and stubborn Viking girl like Astrid to do? It's obvious that she can take down a Monstrous Nightmare after calming down Hookfang earlier, so fighting dragons would be a walk in the fields for her. It's also easy for her to do dangerous and stupid dares after being almost knocked out by a boulder. Using an axe is not a big deal for her either, Ruffnut knew that from experience.

So what is the best dare to give to the toughest teenage Viking girl in the world?

And that's when Ruffnut's eyes landed on Astrid's one and only weakness and her frown turned into a terrifying smile.

"Hey Astrid," she said with an evil gleeful smirk. "Ready for your dare?" I'm so gonna win this. Ruffnut thought as Astrid put on a brave face and turned to look at her. No Zippleback duty for a year!

When Astrid raised her chin defiantly and said "Bring it on." Ruffnut raised her hand and pointed at the scrawny back of the only Night Fury rider on Berk, Astrid's boyfriend, Hiccup.

"Him." Ruffnut said at Astrid's confused expression. "Avoid him for a week. No talking to him at all, not even through letters, dragons, nothing. You're not going to see him for a week; you won't even be in the same table as him at the mead hall! Whatever happens, no contact." She gave a satisfied smirk as she saw Astrid's paling-by-the-second face. "Oh, and you're not telling him about this dare, nor anyone else."

"And if I refuse?" Astrid said while trying to keep her face from showing her growing panic. Ignore Hiccup for a week? She thought frantically. Not good! I can't just ignore my boyfriend! Not when it took him a stinking year and a half to get the guts to ask me out! Not when it took him another frustratingly long year to get enough nerve up to ask me to be his girlfriend. Not, when I finally just said yes!

"Then you'll be spending a lot of quality time with Barf and Belch." Ruffnut said with a sneer.

Oh great. Astrid thought.

Poor Hiccup.


Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III wanted to surprise Astrid with flowers. Yes, he knows it's kinda stupid to give a Viking girl flowers, but it was the best he can do on such short notice. Besides, he always liked seeing her smile when he does sweet little things for her (though she usually punches him on the shoulder to express her thanks). To him, getting a bruise on the arm was worth it if he gets to see Astrid remove her tough Viking girl exterior for a few moments to let him catch a glimpse of the girl inside.

And maybe, he thought, if I play it right, after giving her the flowers, maybe we could go on a little race on our dragons.

Racing with Astrid is always fun when you know that a Deadly Nadder has no chance of beating a Night Fury in a race. It's more fun if you know that Astrid won't give up trying to catch up to a Night Fury.

...At the docks...

"Hey Ast-!" Poor Hiccup was struck dumb when his girlfriend of four months and two days (he still can't believe it even now, and he's still counting the days) suddenly somersaulted off the docks (really, who does that?!) and swam away upon seeing him approach. That was definitely not normal Astrid Hofferson behavior. He groaned in frustration, it was probably that mysterious liquid Gobber sprayed – no, dumped, on him earlier when he said he was going to see Astrid. He should've known it was not the "ultimate man perfume that would attract the ladies like a dragon to a pile of fish" that Gobber advertised. He self-consciously sniffed his sleeve. He groaned, no wonder Astrid jumped off the docks. For all he knew, he probably did smell like a pile of fish to her. A pile of dead fish to be more precise. The stuff was nasty!

And so with a grimace Hiccup hastily jumped off the docks too, with only one mission in his mind; wash Gobber's "man perfume" off him. He'll find Astrid and talk to her later, when he could smell fresh air.


But, sadly, he won't be apologizing to Astrid any time soon. Immediately after changing to dry, warm clothes (he learned his lesson; swimming in the seas near Berk, in winter, is a bad idea) he went and looked for Astrid. He searched high and low, and sometimes even higher, in the skies, trying to find her. But all he could find of the suddenly elusive blonde Viking was the sight of her back running away.


After hours of trying to catch up to Astrid, he finally found her when he entered the Mead Hall. She was standing across the room with Ruffnut. It was obvious that they were talking (more like whispering heatedly) about something. And whatever it was, Ruffnut was smirking like a hyena and Astrid was beyond livid. Hiccup paled. After years of knowing Astrid, he found that she had a certain kind of lividness that only she could pull off, and it was perfectly terrifying. She both looked like she could kill and she would kill.

Fearing for Ruffnut's safety, Hiccup slowly approached the two girls. As he was nearing he heard snippets of their whispered conversation. "I had to swim! Swim! In a Berk winter sea that's freezing-your-butt-off cold!" Astrid said. Ruffnut said something with a grin, which only made Astrid angrier. "I spent the rest of the morning avoiding him! I had to crawl under my mom's laundry when I saw him flying above on Toothless!" She hissed.

Great. Hiccup thought. Astrid's avoiding me. Of course. It's probably because of that "perfume". I'm never following girl advice from Gobber again.

Astrid then turned around, obviously looking for something to hit Ruffnut with. Once she saw Hiccup she almost fainted when all the blood immediately left her face. At that moment she both swore at Ruffnut with all the curses she knew (and since she was a Viking, her swear word dictionary was more than extensive) and mentally prayed to all the Gods to let her spontaneously combust and disappear from where she stood.

But she was a Viking. A proud, tough, and strong Viking. She had to face this with all the pride and dignity she had.

Hiccup was only able to say "Astrid," before said girl pushed Ruffnut into his arms with a yelp and ran like lighting out of the Mead hall.

Poor Hiccup, he thinks Astrid's avoiding him because of Gobber's "perfume".
Poor Astrid, just when she finally got Hiccup as a boyfriend (yes, I like thinking that Hiccup dragged around for that long before he asked Astrid to be his girlfriend – and I also like thinking that she took her sweet time saying yes because of it), she has to ignore him for a week (oh the pain!).
Poor Gobber, his perfume isn't the problem.
Poor Hookfang (for those who are confused, that's the name of Snotlout's Monstrous Nightmare), she got kicked by Astrid Hofferson, it's gotta be painful.

Okay, so that wasn't much of a first chapter, but I promise there will be more in the next one.

Forgive me for any errors, but this is my first time writing a fanfic.