Nom de Plume: Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed Nutty, though I'm not even sure what I'm even doing with him anymore in this chapter, his personality seems to be all over the place. xP

Thank you to everyone else who's reviewed/faved/followed too! cx


Lifty was so done.

The amount of games that Flaky went along with was ridiculous, and the amount of games that damn ball of energy wanted to play was beginning to wear on his last nerve.

It was already embarrassing enough that he had accidentally groped Flaky when he was trying to get Nutty - but then the sugar idiot had to make it worse by cracking up obnoxiously while the other two burned up, unable to look each other in the eyes.

But then the sugar freak eventually quieted down and suggested they play another game, thankfully defusing the awkward tension floating around much to the thief's relief.

That's the only time that Lifty didn't mind the addict and his games.

But that didn't last very long once the next game started.

He was back to being annoyed.

Lifty does not like to play childrens games - the only time he feels the need to expend energy was when he was stealing things, atleast then he gets something in return for the wasted energy.

But he strangely stuck around for Flaky's sake.

And even to this time while playing Simon says - he doesn't understand why he didn't just sneak off to go lay in his room.

Because what will he be getting in return from Flaky for his very much wasted energy and time?

He guesses that maybe dinner was a good enough payment.

"Simon says: touch your chin with your finger!" Nutty cries with his usual grin, his hand coming up to place the tip of his index finger against his chin.

The two in front of him quickly imitated his movement and he was about to move on to the next one when he noticed something off about one of the participants.

The bandit clearly had his finger on his chin - but it was which finger that he had up that bothered the leader.

"Hey!" Nutty growled, pointing at the bored green haired man with narrowed eyes, "Simon didn't say to use the bad finger!"

The bored eyes instantly lit up mischievously as that usual troublemaking grin made its appearance; Lifty kept his hand up in the same place, refusing to put it down as he released a chuckle. "Simon said to touch your chin with your finger - he didn't say which finger." He argued, watching the smaller male pout in defeat.

"But...but Flaky, he shouldn't be allowed to do that, right?" The addict asked, hopping up to the quiet redhead and sending her adorable puppy eyes with his bottom lip sticking out slightly in a cute pout that had her turning pink as she reached out to pat his head.

Lifty's eyes rolled at the display.

"H-he's right, Lifty. It's n-not appropriate and very r-rude to show the finger." She reprimanded, watching with amused eyes as her guest's shoulders slouch as he muttered a 'whatever' before burrowing his hands in his pockets.

The childish male squealed in delight when his friend scolded the meanie and jumped forward to lock her in his arms, he vaguely heard her muffled squeak when her face met his shirt.

Automatically, Nutty noticed the thief dart his narrowed eyes back at the two once he touched Flaky. Wrapping his arms tighter, Nutty laid his cheek on the top of her red strands so that he was facing the bandit.

Lifty felt his jaw clench at the freak once again holding his hostess for what must've been the hundredth time today - can't the brat keep his hands to himself for more than two fucking seconds?

He was starting to become worse than soldier boy in Lifty's eyes.

And gazing down at the redhead - who still had her face buried in the lime colored shirt - he saw her just sorta standing there, only holding loosely onto the boy's shirt and allowing him to just hold her hostage.

Maybe he should teach Flaky to be more assertive so that she doesn't just let everyone do what they want with her.

His eyes eventually drifted up to catch staring mismatched eyes and felt his own dark green eyes narrow in confusion. Why was that freak staring at him?

The arms around the redhead tugged her closer as the boy burrowed his cheek in her hair; his bi colored eyes kept on the thief as the corner of his lip drifted up in a smug smirk that had Lifty's eye twitching in irritation.

The yellow green eyes seem to twinkle in mischief as the tip of a pink tongue poked out from between smiling lips.

It seems the jackass is rubbing in the fact that he can just touch the petite woman whenever he wants while the bandit couldn't.

At that moment, all Lifty wanted was to wipe that smile off the addict's face.

With his fist.

That child-like freak is lucky that Flaky was around him the entire time.

"Ok," Nutty started, breaking their stare down to grab Flaky's hand and playfully twirl her around; gaining a cheerful giggle in return. "It's time to play another game!"

Have you ever had one of those moments where you just wonder what you are doing with your life?

Well, Lifty was having one of those moment right now as he stood frozen in a ridiculous pose - waiting impatiently for Flaky to say green light so he can start moving again.

This game was just plain stupid. He couldn't wrap his head around the fact that kids found playing 'red light, green light' fun. At all.

And it just pissed him off that when Flaky said red light again, Nutty - who was apparently still out for revenge - swiftly kicked Lifty's legs out from under him before freezing in place. Somehow, the redhead didn't even notice the foul play, either that or Nutty moved so fast that she didn't even catch the quick movement.

All she saw was the bandit falling ungracefully onto his ass and getting out for the remainder of that game.

Which didn't last very long anyways.

Not with Lifty sitting on the sidelines and throwing whatever he could get his hands on at the smaller male whenever his hostess called out red light.

Slipping off his shoe, the grinning man flung it at the yellow-green mop that Nutty calls hair before Flaky sees. Colliding with its targeting, Lifty realized that he might've thrown it with more force than he intended to once he saw the addict fall forward to land on his face.

Hearing the shocked gasp that he's gotten used to hearing almost everyday, Lifty whistled innocently and sneakily retrieved his shoe and slipped it back on his foot.

Listening to the muffled whimpers; the thief looked at the redhead and shrugged nonchalantly so that Flaky wouldn't suspect that her guest was the reason why her other guest had landed on his face.

Though he was pretty sure that the addict will probably snitch on him anyways.

"Flaaaaaaaky," the whiny voice sounded from where Flaky had placed his face on her legs so she could rub the back of his head. "That stupid head threw something at meeee."

With a scoff, the 'stupid head' in question rolled his eyes and decided to fess up once his caretaker turned to him hoping for an explanation. "It was an accident. My bad." He snickered.

"That was not an accident!" Nutty cried in frustration, sitting up and pointing at the grinning man with a scowl. "You deliberately threw whatever that was at me!"

"I'm surprised that you actually know long words," the thief mocked, quickly continuing when he saw the sugar boy's mouth open to begin complaining in that annoyingly shrill voice of his, "but yes, it was an accident; I lost my footing and my shoe went the back of your head."


"Hey, not my fault your big ass head happened to be in the way."

"Oh, well then, it shouldn't be my fault if my shoe happens to hit your ugly face!"

"My face is not ugly, you creepy little man-child thing!"

"C-can you please stop f-fighting!" Flaky cried, grabbing Nutty's arm to keep him from flinging his shoe that he's been holding up threateningly. Lifty most definitely does not bring out the best in her friend, she's never seen him get angry and violent so many times in just one day and most of them didn't even involve candy.

"C-can we play one g-game where you two d-don't fight...please?" She asked, gently tugging the shoe out of Nutty's grip and placing it back on his foot.

"Oh! I know a game we could play!" Nutty exclaimed with his usual bright grin, hurriedly hopping up and rushing to a candy covered bag that Lifty never noticed before. When did that brat bring that in?

The boy was giggling hysterically while digging; his fight with the thief once again completely forgotten. It weirded Lifty out how the addict switches moods that fast - it was like he was bipolar.

"Here it is!" Nutty screeched, excitedly holding up a white sheet thing covered in colorful spots.

"The fuck is that?" Lifty muttered with a raised brow.

"Twister!" He answered simply as he moved in front Flaky to lay the sheet onto the ground, he then pulled out something square that he was holding underneath his arm.

"I'll do the spinner first!" He announced before anyone could say anything, standing in front of the sheet, he flicked the little arrow and watched it spin. "Ok, right foot, blue!"

"Wait...what, I don't know how to play this shit." Lifty complained, staring at the board with narrowed eyes.

"It's simple," Flaky giggled, moving forward to place her foot on a blue circle then motioned him to do the same with a circle behind her foot. "You just h-have to do w-whatever he says."

"Ok, I guess," Lifty mumbled, already growing bored; what fun is this supposed to be?

He soon found his boredom disappear once he noticed how ridiculous the game is. How did he even end up in this position?

Somehow they had ended up with Flaky balancing herself on her hands and the tips of her feet, while Lifty was in the same position but directly above her. The redhead's bottom rubbing against his crotch repeatedly with her fidgeting did not help him at all.

Why was this mat so small?!

Oh that's right.

It's a game meant for kids not adults.

Couldn't Nutty find a bigger one meant for adults?

Lifty bit his lip; hormones going out of control as the woman's shaking bottom rubbed against him again. "Flaky...can you keep still?" He muttered, voice coming out strained.

It's miracle that he's been able to keep himself from popping a boner for this long.

"S-sorry," she panted, her whole body shaking with the effort of holding herself up; he really should think about getting Flaky to exercise. "It's j-just h-hard to s-stay up like t-this." Damn, even her stuttering is ten times worst when she's tired; this woman really needs to do some exercise for sure - he has yet to even break a sweat, the only thing that's been bothering him is the heat radiating from her.

"Left knee, green!"

Dammit, they both moved to the according color and now the green haired man was pressed fully to the female below with pink cheeks. He shouldn't be feeling as embarrassed as he is; he did use to tease her by pressing up against her. But now he only feels flustered whenever they make physical contact.

It was irritating, really.

It was almost like he was a dorky teenager with a crush.

Soon though, the thief noticed the woman's arms below him were trembling violently. "Flaky?"

He was quick to catch her once he saw her arms give out beneath her so that she doesn't land on her face.

"Ha ha, you're both out!" Nutty cried, drawing their attention back to him, "now it's my turn to play with Flaky!"

"Idiot," Lifty growled, releasing the petite woman so she could sit on the mat. "Can't you see she's tired?"


"No butts."

"That's not fair!"

"I don't give a fuck."

"It's f-fine Lifty," Flaky told him with a small smile to reassure him that she was okay. "I-I can play again."

"You sure?" He wasn't too convinced that she would have enough energy to even hold herself up.

"Y-yes." But Flaky can be stubborn when she wants to be so he decided to just let her do what she wants.

"Ok then." He nodded, helping her up before picking up the spinner that Nutty just left on floor.

Giving it a quick once over, the bandit figured this should be simple enough and flicked the small arrow.

One thing that Lifty noticed from observing the two on the mat; was that this game seems like that it was invented just to induce awkwardness from its participants.

Well, awkwardness on Flaky's side if the red color of her face was any indication. Nutty seemed to just be enjoying himself as usual with his constant grin.

And once again, Lifty doesn't understand how they got in this position. He doesn't understand why Nutty was even on his hands and feet with his back facing the board and his front facing Flaky who was above him.

What was he supposed to do if he had to place his knee on a color? He shook his head and flicked the spinner again, not enjoying how the redhead was practically laying on the boy to help hold herself up.

It didn't take long, however, for Flaky to once again lose her balance and drop completely on Nutty and take him down with her.

The boy automatically broke out into a fit of giggles once Flaky hopped off of him and apologized. Helping her up once again; Lifty handed her the spinner this time.

Looks like it's his turn with the idiot.

He hopes that this is the last game they'll be playing.


Fuck. His. Life.

Now this.


Was ridiculous.

Lifty had to practically strain his neck back to keep his face from the addict's ass below him and could feel that the back of the boy's head was dangerously close to his precious area.

"Why. The fuck. Is your ass in my fucking face?" He growled out, this position was not helping his mouth be any less dirty.

He didn't see it but he somehow knew that the smaller male was smirking below him. "...I have to fart."

Green eyes widened as Lifty pulled his face even farther back. "Don't you fucking dare."

"Ah, I think it's coming out."

"Hey numb nuts," Lifty snarled, wondering if he should hold his breath. "Did you forget that my ass is above your head?"

"If you fart, then I'll fart right back." He threatened.

"Y-you guys are so g-gross." Flaky giggled, able to hear their entire conversation.

"He's gross." Lifty grumbled, cheeks tinting at remembering that Flaky was sitting right there.

"And you're a stupid, ugly, meanie." Nutty teased.

"I'm not ugly, you piece of sh-"


The unpleasant smell instantly invaded his nostrils and Lifty's hands automatically flew up to cover his nose as he let out a cry of disgust, quickly jumping off to the side and far away from the grinning male.

"Oops, my bad, not my fault that your face happened to be in the way." He giggled with a shrug.

"N-Nutty!" Flaky cried incredulously, she turned to him with a frown. "T-that was really rude. Y-you should apologize to Lifty."

"I said my bad."


A shoe connected with the side of his head, causing him to fall down and clutch his once again throbbing head.

"Apology accepted." Lifty grumbled, picking up his shoe again and ignoring Flaky now trying to scold him.


It was now nighttime and that brat was still here.

When is he planning on going home?

Lifty just hoped that he wasn't planning on sleeping over.

But atleast the three of them were just sitting around watching movies now.

His eyes glazed over as he stared at the screen but not really watching it. Why the hell did they have to watch Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory?

He'd prefer to watch an action movie at the moment to keep him awake.

It was halfway through the movie when he felt something thump against his side and looked to see that Flaky has already fallen asleep with her cheek pressed lightly to his shoulder. The corner of his lip curled up slightly at the sight and was about to turn back to the movie when the nagging urge that one would get when they were being stared at pulled at him.

He felt his stomach twist uncomfortably at catching Nutty practically staring them down with hooded eyes. Well, this was uncomfortable.

"...What?" Lifty mumbled, uncharacteristically feeling himself fidget beneath the unmoving gaze.

The mismatched eyes darkened as the usually bright smile just seemed down right creepy in the dim lighting. "You know the reason that you're living so comfortably is because of Flaky, right?"

No shit. "Uh, yeah."

"So...I was just wondering..what do you do to help her out in return?" The fact that Nutty, of all people, was actually talking calmly was making Lifty even more uncomfortable. This is not normal.

"I've helped with chores around the house."

"Yeah, but very rarely," the unnerving smile seemed to grow. "I bet you mostly do nothing but sit on your ass all day."

Lifty's mouth opened to release a retort but found that he didn't have one.

"Are you even planning on getting a job one day? Or are you just planning to continue to use Flaky?" The boy giggled, before continuing, "I wonder who would even hire a criminal, anyways."

"You may be all fine and dandy for now but one day Flaky will end up struggling to have to provide for the both of you - she's always only ever needed to provide for herself," this time his smile evolved into a toothy grin. "To which point, she'll have to kick you out and make you live on the streets again like the dog that you are." Is this really Nutty he's hearing?

A small groan caught both of their attentions to see Flaky stirring from her cat nap. "Mmm, is the m-movie finished?"

Nutty giggled with a bright grin, "nope! But I gotta go Flaky!" He cried, tugging the drowsy girl into a breath stealing hug and jostling her fully awake. "It was fun!"

Hopping up from the couch, he practically skipped to the door, picking up his bag on the way.

"Bye Flaky! Bye ugly meanie!" Flaky waved bye, not having enough time to tell Nutty not to call names for he was already out the door.

Turning to her other guest, Flaky noticed he was strangely quiet. "...Lifty?...Li-oh!" She gasped, jumping from the couch and looking at the clock on the wall. "I-I forgot to make dinner! I-I'm sorry, you m-must be so hungry by now!"

She was about to hurry off to the kitchen when a large hand wrapped around her wrist to stop her in her tracks.

"Wait," she looked back in confusion to see Lifty sending her a minuscule smile. "I'll help you make dinner."


Thanks for reading! :D