Epilogue: The Shining Road


I lean on one arm and watch my sleeping hero.

He's so cute when he's asleep. The voice in my head said.

"Yes, yes he is." I quietly whisper to myself with a small chuckle. I look up to see the X-Tornado start coming this way, but quickly shake my head. Tails gets the message, and turns back home. The wind begins to pick up again, and the rose petals float gently around. In my mind, I think it's a sign that Sonic, the wind, and I, the rose petals, belong together. I lay down on my side.

"When we're alone, tomorrow, we will sneak away and secretly meet. Up on top of the hill where our futures will unite and we shall start our journey. And on that day, I'll hold your hand, as we vanish into the morning mist. And the bright shining road, will stretch on ahead, before our eyes, till the end of time." The voice and I quietly sing together. A small smile appeared on my sleeping hero's face, causing me to smile in return. The breeze in my ears became my lullaby as I close my eyes, falling asleep right next to my hero.

Short, but I figured since I started with Sonic, I'll end it with Amy. At the Begging With You is from Anastasia. The Shining Road is the second ending theme song for the Japanese version of Sonic X. What Amy sings is actually the last verse of an English translation I like on YouTube. The Hidden Flare, you didn't ruin any of my headcannons, in fact, you reminded me of the parts I forgot. Since this is the last chapter, let me try to explain this better. Sonic SATAM, Sonic Unleased, Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog and the Genisis Games have already happened before Sonic X. The Sonic Adventure Duo happen when they show it, and all of the other games besides Black Knightand Secret Rings happen after Sonic and co. get back to Mobius but before Chris shows, because over a year passes in the events of Sonic X, and since Sonic is 15 at the start of the series, he has to celebrate his 16th birthday sometime during the series, which is when Sonic Generations happens. The story book ones happen after the series is over, since there is no level from either in Generations. In case anyone is wondering about the Prussia thing, I was writing about Hetalia before I wrote the chapter. So goodbye everyone! May we meet again! Happy Memorial Day!