Cold as Ice- Separated

Author's Note: ...Why an Amarant/Freya fic? Because I thought that the sheer ridiculousness was enough to carry the entire humour of a story. Ever notice how they're always hanging together in the game? That's where I got the idea. Anyway, stardard disclaimer-y stuff, I don't own FF9, I don't even work for Square, and damn I WISH I coulda created these characters. But I didn't. Hey. Whatever. Just enjoy.

"The Ice Cavern is so cold..." Eiko shivered. "Are you cold, Vivi?"

"U-um...yeah..." the shy child stuttered back, adjusting his floppy hat on his head.

"The 'Ice' in the name would imply it was cold," Amarant said, his tone as cold as the air around them.

"We won't be here long," Dagger said cheerily. "We're just delivering that letter to Mois so we can help the Moogles get Mognet back up."

"Could we hurry, please," he responded with his arrogant tone, as if he had more pressing matters to attend to.

"Chill out, Amarant!" said Zidane with a grin. Eiko and Vivi giggled at the intended pun, as he continued, "Mois isn't too far. Nothing's gonna happen."

Amarant didn't respond. Freya stepped forward and glanced about. "Where's the path, Zidane?"

"Just across that thin, unstable-looking ice bridge!"

They all stared at him, but he ignored that and started across the ice bridge. One by one, the others follwed. The ones that had been to the cavern previously realized that the layout was totally different, possibly due to Author's Creative License.

They made it across with no incident, and ran to find Mois, the Moogle that had been trapped in ice. (Fooled ya, didn't I? You thought they'd fall.)

Zidane skidded suddenly to a stop, and everyone stopped (or attempted to) behind him.

"What is it now?" Steiner demanded, agitated as usual.

"The ice here doesn't look like solid ground," the thief answered, kneeling beside the ice patch in question.

"The ice where?" Eiko asked. "It all looks solid to me."

"It looks almost like it's on top of just...air..." he mused.

"Who cares?" The interruption came, of course, from Amarant. "Let's just forget the ice and deliver that damn letter to that damn mog."

Zidane shrugged jovially while Dagger threw a glare at the tall red-haired Amarant. "Fine, we'll just go," and Zidane walked across the ice by which he'd been so captivated. The others followed, Amarant and Freya last, as they usually were.

With a sudden crashing thud, something dropped from the ceiling, and the impact shockwave caused the ice that wasn't actually over ground to shatter.

The group fought the beast that had falled from the cavern ceiling and defeated it after a long-ish battle. The battle may have just seemed longer because of Quina's constant, "It good to eat?" Once it was defeated, Zidane turned to the group to congratulate them on the fight.

He hesitated. "Where did Amarant and Freya go?" he asked, looking around.

"That ice you were talking about is gone..." Dagger pointed out.

"Wh-what if they...f-fell...?" Vivi stammered, adjusting his hat nervously.

Zidane stepped up to the edge of the rift caused by the ice's collapse and looked in. "...Sure is deep..." he muttered. "If they did fall in, they're probably long gone..."

"Throw a rock in to see how deep it is!" said Eiko. Without awaiting a response, the blue-haired child picked up a large rock and chucked it into the hole.

They all waited in perfect silence for what seemed to be twenty minutes, at least. In truth it was only five minutes or so, but the anxiety had a way of getting to them. You know how it is.

Thereafter, they decided that the pit must have no bottom. Zidane, nonetheless, volunteered to climb down and save the two teammates he'd just lost, but Dagger forbade it. Besides, the sides of the hole were smooth as silk, and he wouldn't have been able to climb down anyway.

So, reluctantly, they went to finish their initial mission, giving up Freya and Amarant both for dead. Or at least for a later plot point.