I Fell in Love With My Apprentice: Chat Room A

A/n - Hello! This story is written all in chat log format. I've read books like this before like TTYL and TTFN, all in IM. Please don't harp on me and threaten to report me... it's not like those dumb ones like fIreStaR1833933333: hayyyguurl. It's a serious story, in a different format. With your favorite characters from I Fell in Love With My Apprentice!

I hope you likes

Wednesday September 4, 4:46 pm

Lilypaw has entered the conversation

Talonstrike has entered the conversation

Talonstrike: Well, well, well. Look who finally got a MSN

Lilypaw: I always had it. It just never worked

Talonstrike: what did you do to it?

Lilypaw: deleted all my old movies that were clogging up all my memory. Then I reinstalled it and viola. MSN.

Talonstrike: cool. Now the entire fearsome four can chat

Lilypaw: No doubt. I always felt so left out when you three were having conferences without me

Talonstrike: if we talked about anything important we always called you after.

Lilypaw: yeah but still

Lilypaw: I just felt left out

Talonstrike: ah, well not anymore

Lilypaw: I'm always on the outs of everything. I hate that I have to go to school while you three are all graduated

Talonstrike: lol maybe you should stop hanging with old men then

Talonstrike: jk

Lilypaw: whatevs

Lilypaw: I'll be done in a few months anyway

Talonstrike: I know

Talonstrike: it'll be fun

Lilypaw: Jaystorm just went online

Lilypaw: I don't know how to add him in

Talonstrike: I'll do it. Hey let's do something funny

Lilypaw: ?

Talonstrike: he doesn't know you got MSN yet, does he?

Lilypaw: no

Talonstrike: don't say anything then. It'll be funny

Lilypaw: what? What are you gonna do?

Talonstrike: sh

Jaystorm has entered the conversation

Talonstrike: faggot

Jaystorm: u r the fag!

Talonstrike: lol what's up buddy

Jaystorm: just got home from my moms house. It's good to be back

Talonstrike: no kidding. You were gone forever

Jaystorm: it was three days you idiot

Jaystorm: did anything new happen while I was gone?

Talonstrike: Lilypaw finally stopped dressing like a boy

Jaystorm: finally. I bet she looks super hot

Talonstrike: oh ya?

Jaystorm: well she's cute in her baggy clothes she wears. But damn she's got a smokin body. I bet she looks fucking sexy

Lilypaw: oh

Jaystorm: wait what

Jaystorm: LILYPAW what are you doing in here?!

Lilypaw: I got a MSN

Jaystorm: oh well I didn't mean what I just said

Talonstrike: hehe

Jaystorm: talonstrike you're a dumbass

Lilypaw: I do not dress like a boy

Talonstrike: I know, Lilypaw. I was kidding

Jaystorm: well this is awkward

Jaystorm: hey where's Darkclaw?

Lilypaw: he probably won't be online till later. He had to cover Gingertails shift at the restaurant.

Talonstrike: shit

Talonstrike: I didn't know he worked today. I was gonna go over to his house in a bit to mooch some dinner

Lilypaw: come to my house

Talonstrike: eh, idk. It's a school night and your mom probably wouldn't let me stay very long.

Lilypaw: u sure? My mom just made sweet and sour meatballs

Talonstrike: OMG

Talonstrike: I'll be over in ten minutes

Talonstrike has left the conversation

Lilypaw: I should go set the table

Jaystorm: k wait before you go

Jaystorm: wanna get drinks later?

Lilypaw: drinks as in, root beer and iced tea?

Jaystorm: yeah

Jaystorm: if you wanna get really crazy we can have some pepsi

Lilypaw: lol yeah sure as long as im home before 9

Jaystorm: 9?! Really?

Lilypaw: its school tomorrow

Jaystorm: lol I know. Im teasing you. When will you be done dinner?

Lilypaw: probably around 6:30

Jaystorm: kay, I'll pick u up then

Lilypaw: k. bye!

Jaystorm: see you soon

Thursday, September 5, 12:04 pm

Darkclaw has entered the conversation

Talonstrike has entered the conversation

Talonstrike: hey there. I didn't hear from you yesterday

Darkclaw: I know. I had to cover Gingertails shift at the aspen, and I still pissed about it

Talonstrike: do explain

Darkclaw: fucking bitch told me it was a 3 hour shift. I was literally there for like nine hours

Talonstrike: and this is a fine example of why we do not do Gingertail any favors

Darkclaw: ugh never again. That's the last time

Talonstrike: why did she need her shift covered anyway?

Darkclaw: she said she was sick. Which is total bullshit. I saw like four facebook updates about the party she went to.

Talonstrike: that really blows

Darkclaw: yeah well it's done. what's new with you?

Talonstrike: waiting for Jaystorm to get here

Darkclaw: what are you 2 doing?

Talonstrike: we're gonna go to the pool and sit in the hot tub

Darkclaw: I want to go to the pool :(

Talonstrike: then come!

Darkclaw: can't. Lilypaws coming over to watch a movie

Talonstrike: aw just bring Lilypaw to the pool! It's the middle of the day, you can watch a movie later!

Darkclaw: good idea. I'll call her and then drive over to your house.

Talonstrike: k

Talonstrike: hurry!

Darkclaw has left the conversation

Talonstrike has left the conversation

Thursday, September 5, 7:43 pm

Lilypaw has entered the conversation

Jaystorm has entered the conversation

Talonstrike has entered the conversation

Darkclaw has entered the conversation

Talonstrike: so um

Talonstrike: are we gonna talk about it?


Lilypaw has left the conversation

Talonstrike: yeesh

Darkclaw: add her back in

Talonstrike: idk

Talonstrike: she's too embarrassed

Jaystorm: so ... I'm still not clear what happened

Talonstrike: darkclaw you explain it

Darkclaw: fine. Lilypaws all freaked out and embarrassed because she dived off the diving board and lost her swimsuit bottom

Darkclaw: then the lifeguard thought she was struggling under water when she was trying to find it, and dived in and yanked her out. With no bottoms


Talonstrike: I think you were trying to steal goggles from the lost and found

Jaystorm: shit

Jaystorm: I wouldn't have minded seeing that

Darkclaw: don't tease her, jaystorm. She's so embarrassed.

Jaystorm: I wont

Jaystorm: so... why are we trying to talk to her?

Talonstrike: to get her to calm down

Talonstrike: besides, Blackclaws party is tonight and Lilypaw won't come if she's not speaking to us

Darkclaw: alright. I added her in

Lilypaw has been added into the conversation

Lilypaw has left the conversation

Talonstrike: oh for gods sake

Darkclaw: maybe we should just call her

Jaystorm: or we could just imagine her without her swimsuit bottoms until she comes around

Jaystorm has been removed from the conversation

Talonstrike: jaystorm is such a man slut

Darkclaw: I know. But he's our man slut

Talonstrike: I'm gonna try calling Lilypaw

Darkclaw: I'll try texting her

Talonstrike: bye

Darkclaw: ttyl

Thursday, September 5, 11:38 pm

Jaystorm has been added into the conversation

Lilypaw has been added into the conversation

Jaystorm: ur up late

Lilypaw: I cant sleep

Jaystorm: aw

Jaystorm: something on ur mind?

Lilypaw: it sounds stupid

Jaystorm: today I knocked over an entire display of watermelons

Lilypaw: how is that relevant?

Jaystorm: idk. I was just trying to make you feel like the thing you were gonna say wasn't as stupid as my watermelon story

Lilypaw: lol

Jaystorm: hey Darkclaw just came online... must have just got home from work. Want me to add him in?

Lilypaw: no

Lilypaw: I just feel like talking to you

Jaystorm: :) :)

Jaystorm: oops I didn't mean to send those

Lilypaw: ur silly

Jaystorm: so why can't you sleep?

Lilypaw: I had a bad dream

Lilypaw: You, Darkclaw and Talonstrike all moved away. All I was left with was Amberpelt and Gingertail

Jaystorm: ha!

Jaystorm: that would suck so bad... they're terrible

Lilypaw: lol

Lilypaw: you'd never do that though, would you? All move away and leave me here?

Jaystorm: if we moved we'd kidnap you and take you with us

Lilypaw: haha...

Jaystorm: don't worry, Lilypaw. we're not going anywhere.

Lilypaw: Thanks. that's what I needed to hear

Jaystorm: glad I could be of assistance

Lilypaw: lol yeah. Now I'm gonna go to sleep... goodnight

Jaystorm: goodnight, Lilypaw

Friday, September 6, 3:46 pm

Lilypaw has been added into the conversation

Talonstrike has been added into the conversation

Darkclaw has been added into the conversation

Lilypaw: hey guys

Talonstrike: Lilypaw! How was school?

Lilypaw: same old. I hung out with Moonpaw at lunchtime

Darkclaw: oh

Talonstrike: you took a while to go online... is everything okay?

Lilypaw: oh yeah everything's fine. I just had to do some homework

Talonstrike: you always do your homework. I remember when I was in school, I did like, one assignment a year.

Lilypaw: lol

Lilypaw: I just don't wanna fail. I'm struggling with my math

Talonstrike: I'm not good at it either, don't feel bad

Lilypaw: ugh it just makes me so frustrated

Talonstrike: only a few months to go :3

Lilypaw: thank god

Darkclaw: moonpaw huh

Talonstrike: darkclaw that's very off topic

Darkclaw: what did you 2 do?

Lilypaw: smoked weed behind the fences

Lilypaw: I'm kidding! Jeez

Darkclaw: lol

Amberpelt3 has gone online

Lilypaw: why did I get a notification for that? I don't have her on my friends list

Darkclaw: its not me

Talonstrike: ah. That would be me... since we're all in a chat room we get notifications for everyone

Talonstrike: I thought I deleted her but I guess not

Amberpelt3 has been added into the conversation

Darkclaw: talonstrike, why did you add her in?

Talonstrike: I need to quickly ask her for my hoodie back

Talonstrike: Amberpelt, can I please have my hoodie?

Amberpelt3: what one?

Talonstrike: the only one you've ever borrowed? My black and blue checkered one with the lime green zipper

Amberpelt3: idk

Talonstrike: don't be difficult. You've had it for weeks

Amberpelt3: well maybe I'm not done with it

Darkclaw: talonstrike, why didn't you just IM her in a separate conversation?

Talonstrike: I can only have one IM going or it freezes

Talonstrike: amberpelt, I need my sweater back. It was expensive.

Amberpelt3: I kno. That's why I'm not giving it back.

Amberpelt3: lol!

Lilypaw: amberpelt, just give him back his sweater

Amberpelt3: oooh, Lilypaw. I didn't know you were in here. How was school sweetie?

Lilypaw: fine

Amberpelt3: hang out with your little friends at lunchtime?

Lilypaw: yeah, it was fun

Darkclaw: lilypaw stop. She's making fun of you

Lilypaw: oh...

Amberpelt3: I am not.

Amberpelt3: Lilypaw, did you remember to pack a lunch today?

Amberpelt3 has been removed from the conversation

Talonstrike: good riddance

Darkclaw: she's such a bitch. Who deleted her?

Jaystorm: that would be me

Darkclaw: jaystorm... how long have you been in here?

Jaystorm: long enough

Jaystorm: talonstrike, what about your sweater?

Talonstrike: I'll drive over to her house later and if she doesn't make me give it to her I'll talk to her mom

Darkclaw: oh yeah, she still lives at home

Jaystorm: yeap. Yet she has the nerve to make fun of Lilypaw

Lilypaw: I feel lousy now

Darkclaw: aw don't let her get to you :)

Talonstrike: yeah she's just jealous, Lilypaw.

Talonstrike: and btw, Jaystorm why doesn't your name show up on the top of the chat box?

Jaystorm: I'm on my phone. I have a ghost app that blocks my name

Lilypaw: and it lets you go into other peoples conversations?

Jaystorm: no. I clicked on Talonstrike to IM him but your guy's convo showed up.

Talonstrike: that would be my bad

Talonstrike: my computers so glitchy, I must have hit enter and didn't even notice

Darkclaw: jaystorms just gonna be creeping our conversations from here on in

Lilypaw: oh god

Lilypaw: btw Jaystorm why are u on ur phone? Are you at home?

Jaystorm: nope. I'm picking up a few groceries in town

Talonstrike: then how are you replying so fast?

Jaystorm: I'm waiting in line for the checkout. It's taking a zillion years

Darkclaw: that sucks. Anyways, I'm gonna go. Gotta make dinner and whatnot. Ttyl

Talonstrike: bye!

Darkclaw has left the conversation

Talonstrike: I should probably header too. My computers starting to do that weird glitchy thing when it gets used for a long time

Lilypaw: you've only been on for 20 minutes...

Talonstrike: I know. That's the pathetic part

Talonstrike: see ya!

Talonstrike has left the conversation

Lilypaw: weird. It say's I'm in a conversation by myself

Lilypaw: Jaystorm, are you there?

Lilypaw: I'm gonna take your silence as a no?

Lilypaw: wanna come over and make out?

Jaystorm: serious?!

Lilypaw: lol I knew you we're tricking me!

Jaystorm: so does the offer still stand, or ...?

Lilypaw: -_-

Lilypaw: I'm gonna go now. Call me later

Jaystorm: can I come over and do inappropriate things?

Lilypaw: !

Lilypaw: GOODBYE!

Lilypaw has left the conversation