"Thanks," Viola said after a few minutes, wiping the tears from her eyes.
"Don't mention it. What I don't understand is why you went out with a jerk like Justin in the first place?"
"He was the Captain of the boys soccer team, I was the captain of the girls - and he was so charming to begin with. Candlelit dinners, walks on the beach. Then suddenly, he erupted. I was flirting with one of Paul's friends at Cesarios, seeing if he would give me a free haircut, and Justin saw. After, when we'd sat down for our date, he went crazy, saying I was his and how if I still wanted us to be together, I...I" A few more fake tears rolled down Viola's face.
Duke took the tissue from her and wiped them away. "Couldn't you have told Sebastian?"
"Sebastian would have gone at him guns blazing and gotten himself beaten up in the process," she reasoned, for the first time telling the truth; Sebastian was always trying to protect his older sister.
"Listen, if Drayton ever bothers you or hurts you again - if he even looks at you wrong - you tell me straight away. Understand?"
Viola nodded weakly.
'Wow' she thought. Duke had always been the loser from Illyria who was her boyfriend's nemesis and couldn't talk to girls, but here he was, offering to defend her. Maybe he wasn't the typical jock she thought he was after all?
'Focus, Vi. You are here to make him lose so you can score that goal. The winning goal that you need to score for Cornwall.'
"So," Duke began, "what do you want to do for the rest of the day?"
"I don't know," Viola replied, eyeing up a soccer ball on the table.
Duke's eyes followed her gaze. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Are you ready to lose?" asked Viola, stretching her arms across her body, warming up.
"You are from Cornwall, you must be used to losing. Seeing as we beat you every year," Duke retaliated.
"Now you are going to lose, if its the last thing I do," Viola fought back, though smiling as she said it.
Starting with the ball in the middle of the empty pitch, they both dived for it. Duke first made contact with the ball, flicking it behind him and chasing after it then dribbling it back around towards his goal. Just over the half way line, Viola swooped in, taking the ball from Duke with speed and ease. She turned back around and headed to her goal. Behind her, the bewildered Duke finally realised what had happened and began to attempt to steal the ball back. Despite being quick, Viola had already had a head start, and Duke had to flat out sprint to try to catch up.
By the time he did, Viola was near enough to shoot, and the out-of-breath Duke couldn't stop her from scoring one-nil.
Striding up to him, Viola asked: "So, ready for round two?"
Half an hour later, Duke had finally caved, using tiredness to convince Viola to play penalties. He was adamant that it had nothing to do with the fact that she was beating him seven to three.
"Fine, but you are in goal first," insisted Viola.

I am really sorry to all the fans of Friends Close Enemies Closer. I have decided to discontinue the story but I feel like I owe you an explanation. For a while, She's The Man was my favourite film and I watched it about three times a week. When I stopped the story was fresh in my mind and I still felt I could continue. I now have ideas for other stories I would like to pursue and I am starting at my new school soon so I would like to focus on that. I hope I will pick Friends Close Enemies Closer back up - maybe around Halloween or Christmas - so keep an eye on my profile for other stories and updates. SORRY! Love you guys. Indigofrog.