"Be careful, Granger, I'm cursed." Draco whispers hoarsely. Draco has a dark secret. Draco is cursed. A curse that is capable of not only destroying everything Draco loves but it also puts his life on the line. He knows that he shouldn't fall for her, but She is a risk he is wiling to take. Can Hermione find the cure or will Draco meet his untimely fate? Post war. 8th year

Disclaimer: Harry Potter does not belong to me, it rightfully belongs to J K Rowling.

Chapter Three

"Are you okay, Hermione?" Ginny asked the older witch before her. It was lunch time and the Great Hall buzzed with chatter and the clatter of cutlery.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Hermione snapped out of her reverie and smiled at Ginny but it never quite reached her eyes as she tugged at her sleeves. The red-haired witch quirked an eyebrow up in disbelief but Hermione no longer paid attention to her and went back to pushing food around her plate rather than eating it.

"You just seem preoccupied, Hermione." Ginny voiced although she knew that it was fruitless as Hermione's face as closed in thought and her brown eyes looked past everyone, her thoughts drifting away.

It has been a week since Hogwarts once again opened its doors to students after a year of being under magical repair. To the First Years who were quietly getting confident roaming around the castle, it looked majestic and ancient being a symbol of the Light and able to withstand the Dark. To them the worn out flagstone floors their forefathers once walked on and the cold stone walls were eerily welcoming. But, for the older students, despite the magnificent work that had gone into the restoration of Hogwarts, the Castle was no longer the same. The wooden bridge was new and it stuck out from the old Castle, Hagrid's humble hut was also new and even the Whomping Willow looked slightly wilted. It wasn't the same, the walls of the Castle still retained permanent scuffs and scars from the Great Battle and the floors had cracks and dents in them that weren't there before. The stained glass windows in the Great Hall looked clean and even the old House tables had been replaced. Everything was new, and the older students didn't know whether they liked the change or not. But they pushed it to the back of their mind and focused themselves to fall back into the old routine as the teachers shoved a boatload of homework upon them. That, the older students were silently thankful, never changed.

"Hermione! Eat up, so we can go down to the Lake. Seamus and Dean are going to lure the Giant Squid to the shore." Ron exclaimed enthusiastically as he stuffed food into his mouth hurriedly, and the other just laughed. The Eight Years had Friday afternoons free and it's supposed to be used as a study hours but since it was only the first week, most felt that it can be used as a free afternoon.

"How exactly are you lot going to lure the Squid out?" Ginny leant forward to look at Seamus and Dean who merely smirked and both tapped their noses in a you'll-see-soon-enough manner.

"George sent us a trap we could use, dear sister." Ron laughed with the last spoonful of syrup pudding on its way to his mouth. He then turned to Seamus and Dean to talk about the trap with is mouth still full.

"It's not going to work." Ginny turned her delicate nose up at Ron's table manner.

"Well, you're not going to be there, are you?" Ron huffed as he gulped the last of pumpkin juice before he leant back, satisfied with his food. Ginny glared at him venomously for reminding her that she had an afternoon full of lessons whilst the Eight Years had a free afternoon. Harry merely laughed and planted a kiss on her cheeks. At that Ginny grinned broadly before she swivelled over the bench and went to find Luna.

"So, Hermione, are you done?" Ron turned his attention to Hermione but the latter just played her food. Ron looked at everyone in confusion at the unresponsive Hermione. Seamus and Dean shrugged and continued to whisper to themselves, Lavender and Parvati looked at each other for they too noticed that their room mate had been quiet all day before flashing Ron a not-so-helpful look, Harry furrowed his eyebrows and Neville nudge Hermione gently. Hermione dropped her fork with a sigh and looked Neville expectantly.

"Are you alright, Hermione?" Neville looked at her, his handsome face pinched into a concern look.

"Yes... Just preoccupied." Hermione sighed deeply once more, unable to snap at Neville for breaking her train of thoughts. Hermione caught a glance of a blond Slytherin just behind Harry, and Hermione felt her stomach twist into an uncomfortable knot. She knew that her upcoming meeting with the blond would be disastrous. She could feel it deep in her bones and just the way Draco Malfoy gave her a cold look this morning over breakfast when they received their post. Hermione got a note from the Headmistress to remind her that she would be meeting Malfoy in a designated classroom an hour after lunch. Hermione knew that he too got a note from McGonogall as she watched Malfoy lazily skim through the note, crumpled it into a tight ball and wandlessly set it on fire, he then glared at her before leaving the Great Hall, his breakfast untouched.

"So are you coming or not?" Ron quizzed and Hermione noticed everyone turn and look at her.

"No, I've got things to do." Hermione shook her head softly as she tried to avoid their eyes.

Ron huffed and made a clicking noise with the inside of his cheeks. "But I know you've already done your homework and I know you don't have Head duties because Nev is coming too!"

"I've got things to do, Ronald." Hermione snapped, gathered her belongings and stormed out the Great Hall angrily whilst being unaware that a pair of silver grey eyes followed her every move.

"What you doing this afternoon, mate?" Blaise asked as he twirled his wand through his fingers and watched as Draco's cool eyes followed an angry Head Girl loudly storm out the Hall. Draco's right hand unconsciously fiddled with the ring on his chain whilst his left continued to stir his now cold pea and ham soup.

"Fancy a game of wizard chess?" Blaise nudge the blond and he just merely shook his head.

"Not this afternoon, mate. I've got something to do." Draco said vaguely as he dropped his spoon in his bowl with a splatter, gathered his belongings and strode out the Great Hall without a second glance leaving Blaise sighing deeply at his friend's odd behaviour.

Draco had been behaving oddly, and Blaise at first thought it was just the fact that he was forced back into Hogwarts. But as the week passed, Blaise noticed that the blond was getting more fidgety the closer they got to Friday. Blaise has never seen Draco so restless and uneasy for as long as he had known the latter. Draco has always been the epitome of calm, his movements graceful and posture perfect, but recently Blaise had caught Draco looking almost anxious, his movements clumsy and his shoulders hunched ever so slightly. And he kept throwing glances at the Head Girl when he thought no one was looking. Blaise wouldn't know to notice, if wasn't for the Draco's odd behaviour. Also, thinking about it Draco rarely touched his food; he played with his food rather than eating it. And the fact that Draco was rarely seen in the Slytherin Common Room and Dormitories, more than once Blaise noticed that the blond's bed had not been slept on. It was as if, Draco would come in when everyone is sleeping and would leave before anyone is awake.

When Draco went around the corner, Blaise swiftly stood up to his full height and hurriedly followed the blond. Draco would kill Blaise for following him being one for personal privacy. Draco wouldn't think twice to avada Blaise's arse, but Blaise mused it'll be worth it as long as he finds out the reason behind Draco's odd behaviour.

Blaise kept a safe distance away from the blond, and Draco showed no sign of slowing down. He had his hands stuffed into his pockets but he would occasionally tug at the cuff of his left sleeve, a habit he never had before and Blaise had an inkling as to why Draco picked up such a habit. They just descended up the fourth floor when they heard a girl's defiant voice and the boisterous laughs of boys.

"Piss off, White, and give me back my books." The girl's irritated voice called out and echoed in a deserted corridor. Upon closer inspection, Blaise noticed that the girl was a fellow Slytherin, maybe a fifth year. She was a pretty girl, short and petite with tanned skin and dark, long, almost perfect, ringlets. She had striking bright blue eyes but Blaise couldn't step in to end the trouble that was brewing without blowing his cover.

Although he didn't need to because it seemed that Draco slowed down and watched as the scene unfold, and Blaise could tell that he was intending to step in if it gets out of hand. There's one thing Slytherins must never do and that's to butt in into other people's fight.

"What if I don't want to, Ru-by!" The one Blaise assumed as White dangled the book just out of the girl's reach and taunted her with a sing-song voice, dragging out the last syllable of her name. White was atleast two feet taller than the Slytherin girl, and has messy brown hair and freckled skin. He had three other boys with him and they were pretty similar in height and build. White's companions laughed loudly and one of them turned around briefly, but not seeing Blaise or Draco, and Blaise caught sight of a Gryffindor tie. Ah so it's the old rivalry.

"Give it here now, or I'll hex you so bad you'll end up rammed so far up in your ancestor's arse, you can control his mouth like a fucking puppet." The girl, Ruby, threatened, her blue eyes narrowing and pressed the tip of her wand against White's throat. Blaise felt a sense of pride for the young Slytherin who stood her ground and did not attempt to jump for the book. Even Draco looked impressed as a small smirk graced his features.

"Tsk. Tsk. You have a dirty mouth for a pretty face, Ruby. I think you have to wash that filthy mouth with washing up liquid. What would Daddy dearest say, if he hears you speak like that?" White smirked, unthreatened by the wand pressed against his neck. In fact he tilted his head and one of the boys disarmed the girl quickly.

A small gasp escape Ruby's lips and at this White's smirk had gotten wider as for a moment Ruby looked like a rabbit cornered at wand point.

"That's right, he won't know he's rotting in Azkaban like the rest of his Death Eater friends." White smirked, throwing the book over his shoulder and sauntered towards Ruby in a way a predator stalks its prey.

"Fuck you." Ruby retorted, not backing down as she stepped backwards only to find herself backed against the hard wall.

"Wouldn't you love to." White said silkily, his face hovering so close to the slightly frightened girl trapped with White's arms pressed against the wall either side of her. The other boys whooped and cheered, egging him on.

"That's enough. Fun's over lads, let the girl go." Draco called out, startling the offending boys and the girl. Draco's eyes had darken into charcoal grey, his face hardened and a muscle in his jaw began to twitch, as soon as White backed up the girl against the wall.

"Well, well, if it isn't Draco Malfoy, Death Eater extraordinaire. A cowardly scum." White whipped his head around with a frustrated huff and when he saw who was in front of him, he pulled himself away and a malicious smile began to form on his face.

"Watch your mouth, White." Draco stiffened at being called a coward, but he never showed it. He simply stood in front of the Gryffindors, his head held high and looked down on them with an intense glare.

"What you gonna do, Malfoy? Attempt to kill me then back out and let a professor do it for you instead. Maybe Slughorn, better yet that squib of a caretaker, Filch." White laughed as he took step forward so he was only a foot away from Draco, his friends forming a line behind him defensively. Draco being taller than them, White and his friends had been forced to tilt their head up slightly to match his gaze.

"No, it'll be McGonogall. The old flea bag would love to kill one of her precious, Potter-loving, Gryffindor students. I suppose I can get my hands dirty and kill you myself, but where's the fun in that?" Draco smirked humourlessly, boredom almost radiating off him as he looked down and checked his perfectly cut nails. He rubbed them against his robes before he glanced at them with an arch brow.

"You think you're all that, Malfoy. Walking around the Castle like you own it. Well, no one wants you here so why don't you go back to what ever rock you were hiding under." White growled which amused Draco more than feeling threatened by it. As if a Fifth Year could scare him.

"Change the record, White."

"Death Eater scum!" White scowled and spat on Draco's shoes. Draco simply looked down and rolled his eyes as if to say not again. Blaise let out a snort of disbelief, White's friends looked impressed at his bravery and started to laugh, whilst Ruby gave a loud gasp.

"Just piss off, White." Ruby muttered, her pretty eyes focusing on Draco's face for a moment before she stepped up and gently nudge the sleeves of one of White's friend intending to make them walk away, but the boy harshly pulled his sleeves making Ruby lose her balance and landed on the floor with a thump. The boy scowled at being touched by a Slytherin and began to pull out his wand when Draco stepped in between the girl on the floor and the boy.

"You heard the girl, White. Piss off, and go back to licking Potter's arse or whatever you Gryffindors do in your spare time." Draco locked his glare on the boy in front of him but addressed White. White looked slightly flabbergasted at the accusation and his scowl had gotten darken, a flash of uncertainty as to why Draco was actually helping the girl. Normally, it's a man is his own island when it came to the Slytherins. They only fend for themselves, self preservation a key priority, and would only group if it suits them, but even then they had ulterior motives.

"You piss off, Malfoy."

"Great comeback kid. Now pick up her book, give it back to her and be on your way like a good little lion cub you are." Draco laughed and began to talk down to White and his friends.

"No." White said defiantly, infuriated by being talked down to like a child.

"Pick it up. Now." Draco's stony glare came back and White narrowed his eyes at him before he summoned the said books and landed next to the girl's feet.

"Good!" Draco praised in a mocking way, as if he was talking to a child or an animal. "Now, apologise."

"What?! I'm not apologising to a filthy Death Eater scum like her!" White bristled, glaring at the girl on the floor.

"Apologise. Now." Draco commanded, his voice suddenly gotten louder and echoed around the silent corridor.

There was a pause of silence, White was still trying to stand his ground but then he clicked his tongue and muttered through clenched teeth "Sorry."

White glared at Draco with venom once more before he turned on his heels and stomped away, his eyes lingering on the girl with a promise that this was no where from over and he was not sorry at all.

"Are you alright?" Draco picks up her book up and handed it back to her.

"Y-yeah." The girl stuttered, her eyes flitting around the corridor, left, right, centre but not into Draco's eyes.

Draco merely hummed his reply and held his hand out. The girl looked at it for a moment, as if it was curious object before she took with a crimson flush on her cheeks and let herself be pulled up by Draco. Draco steadied her on her feet, before he walked off in silence, side stepping the girl's wand on the floor.

"T-thanks, Malfoy." Ruby called out followed by a soft sigh of admiration, but Draco never responded and carried on walking.

The girl stared at Draco's retreating back and when he turned a corner, Ruby sighed once more and picked up her wand.

"Zabi-" Ruby began when she saw Blaise quietly coming towards her direction but the latter shushed her by pressing against his lips firmly before he passed her without another word.

Blaise followed Draco's trail and hid behind an armour when he saw the blond suddenly stop in front of a inconspicuous looking wooden door. Blaise had to rake his mind to try and remember if there was such a door on the fifth floor before. As far he could remember there was none and so he was confused as to why Draco was slowly phasing in front of it, tugging on his left sleeve. Draco kept looking at the door, reaching his hand out towards the door knob, but as his hand made contact with the cool metal he retracted his hand as if it burned it. He did it a couple of times and upon the fifth try, Draco let out a frustrated growl, turned sharply on his heels and stalked off angrily.

"What in Merlin's name?" Blaise muttered under his breath and watch Draco walk away but this time he didn't follow the blond

Hermione let out a frustrated growl, her fingers drumming on the arm on the leather couch she was sitting on. She glanced back at the clock on the floor and noted that she had been waiting for at least an hour for the person she was suppose to meet.

"Where the hell is Malfoy!" She muttered for the umpteenth time. He was suppose to meet her in this room as McGonogall instructed. But in the back of her mind, Hermione was not surprised by his no show. It's so typical of Malfoy to push the boundaries and see what exactly he could get away with. Well, he's not getting away that easy! McGonogall was sure to roast her backside and she'll drag Malfoy in because it's all his fault.

Hermione stood up and gathered her belongings and looked around the room once more. It was a small room, but it was comfortable small. There was a large window that looked over the Black Lake and two comfortable looking sofas in front of it with a wooden table in between. To the left was a roaring fire place and to the right was a large bookcase with a collection of both magical and muggle books. Hanging from the wall opposite the windows hung a wooden Hogwarts crest and just below it was a portrait of the Founders.

When Hermione first entered the room, she had to shift through her mind to try and remember if there was such a room on the fifth floor but she couldn't quite remember.

With a sigh she turned on her heels and left the room, with a soft click of the locks behind her. Just as she was going to turn around the corner, she threw a glance over her shoulder and gasped as the wooden door was no longer there.

Now with a soft smile gracing her features she made her way to the Black Lake to join her fellow students since they had asked her even though she shot them down initially.

As she got nearer, she could hear their gleeful laughter and Seamus and Dean splashing around in the middle of the Lake still trying to lure the Squid onto the shore.

"Come on, you dozy Squid, come get this lovely tuna." Seamus dangled an actually fillet of tuna in front of the Squid but it just simply swiped it off him and disappeared into the lake. Seamus swore and Dean laughed.

Hermione shook her head and was about to descend as join the group when she spotted platinum hair in the corner of her eyes. Sure enough, there was Malfoy, leaning against a tree, partly hidden from sight. He had his eyes closed and one of his knees were bent and he rested an elbow upon it. He had stripped off his robes and jumper along with his tie and they were haphazardly strewn around him. His leather bag was beside him and he held an untitled velvet bound book with his finger in to remind himself where he was.

Out of impulse, Hermione marched towards him and cleared her throat loudly to declare her presence. But Malfoy never acknowledge her presence and for a minute she really considered that he was asleep but a shuffle of his feet told her otherwise.

"Malfoy!" Hermione nudge his shoulder but he swiftly caught her hand with a tight grip and kept his eyes closed.

"Let me go, Malfoy." Hermione found her patience wearing thin as she pulled away from his tight grip.

"Go away, Granger." Malfoy drawled out lazily and sharply let her arm go, momentarily throwing Hermione of balance but she caught herself and steadied herself with a triumphant smile. Hermione plopped beside him defiantly and scowled at him.

"Don't you understand the words go away, Granger? Or do you enjoy shoving your insufferable presence where it's clearly unwanted?" Draco cracked an irritated eye open and arch a questioning eyebrow at her.

"Why didn't you come?" Hermione ignored his irritated tone and stared at him expectantly.

"How do Potter and Weasley stand you?" Draco closed his eyes once more and leant his head back against the tree.

"Answer my question, Malfoy."

"Just go away, Granger. I'm not going to tell you once more."

"Malfoy!" Hermione huffed loudly. "You need to cooperate or you'll end up you know where."

"Azkaban?" Draco hissed, jumping up to his feet so quickly that Hermione knew if she attempted it she'll be dizzy.

"Yes. The Wizengamot are waiting for you to muck up, were just trying to look out for you." Hermione informed, repeating pretty much what McGonogall's intentions were.

"Never assume you know what's best for me, Mudblood." Draco leant in, his nose pretty much touching her small button one, his eyes were so cold Hermione unconsciously shivered. Hermione twitch at the horrid word Draco used and scowled at him more venom.

"You're a prick, Malfoy." Hermione growled, resisting the itching urge to slap him so hard he'll see stars in his eyes.

"Jog on, kitten." Once more he looked bored as he lowered himself in the same position, lazily telling her politely to fuck off. Hermione stomped her foot stubbornly before she turned around and walked off, muttering under her breath about annoying Slytherins.

A/N Sorry for the late upload, I got a bit caught up with things :3 Review! Review! Review!