(A/N): It's been...What, THREE MONTHS since I updated?! (Hehe, noticed that it's another Friday the 13th? :P I was going to update next week on Christmas break, but... Nevermind.) Feel free to hate me. I know it's been a long time, but honestly, time flies way too fast for me now. I know, my updating schedule is HORRID. I mean, this long for just a chapter?! You guys deserve better than that. I won't write anymore fanfics during the school year though, as much as I want to. It's a lot more busier than I thought. But, it's better if I don't. I hope you guys understand. :) I promise I'll devote almost all my time in the summer. It'll be my summer before high school anyway, so hopefully I'll get down most of the fanfics I've been thinking of.

And, a note about Forever and Always... it's been an eternity since I updated...And now that I look back at it, I honestly think it's absolutely horrible. I'm just starting to be really critical of my writing now, so yeah. Plus, it's been a long time since then... Should I even continue it? I really have to tell you the truth, do I? Basically, I'm not into the story as much as I was before. It's SO cliche, and after writing this story, I'm starting to lean more into making up stories that AREN'T cliche. New, original ideas. When I write those kinds, I feel like I can do anything with the story, instead of being confined to one ending with cliches. I'll try to continue F&A though; I know this probably seems horrible to you guys who still even remember what's happening. I'll try to finish it. I don't like leaving things unfinished. ;) But yeah, I'm SO, sew (homophones are starting to invade my brain...Not the right time...?), terribly sorry. :( I'm making this crazy goal to finish it before New Year's, so...Cliche or cheesy ending, I'm finishin' it! BAM!

So, I'm done with that ramble. Read on! I hope you guys like this chapter, despite the delay. The reason why I wrote this epilogue was because I had a slight hunch that some of you guys would be confused with the dream. Don't worry, I'll do my best to clear it up with this epilogue. If you weren't confused...Then great! You can just skip to around... The last half of the chapter, if you want. If you're still confused, I'll explain below, okay? :) Or send me a PM if you want. I'm not a monster, if you want to ask me something. XD No, seriously, you're not intruding or being rude or whatever if you want to ask me a question about... anything that has to do with Auslly/Raura/A&A/R5... I don't want any of you being nervous to talk to me, so yeah...I sound creepy...Oopsie... I know how it feels to be a silent reader for a long time, so... I love talking!... Just ask anyone who knows me. XD Like, this author's note... (O_O)

Disclaimer: I do not own Austin & Ally.

It's nearly twenty years since Austin gave me the last rose. And a lot has happened since then.

Austin and I became a couple again, and our relationship grew as the months went on. Soon, those months became years, and a few weeks after we both graduated from college, Austin proposed. We got married about a year later, and just as I thought life couldn't get any better, it did. A beautiful little girl came into our family. We named her Melody, as cliché as that sounded.

Right now, she's an amazing thirteen year old girl, and today was like no other. (1)

"Okay, so wait a minute, Mom, you and Dad got together because of dream you had?!" Her bewildered look made me laugh. When she devoted her time to being lazy, she tended to ask for a story, either fictional or something from my life. And today, I chose to tell her about the roses, because this day was special.

"A lot of people don't believe it, but yes, we did get together by a dream I had." I chuckled, remembering those days.

"So, how did the dream help you two become a couple?" She asked me, as she did her schoolwork. Since Austin often went around in tours, we homeschooled Melody so that we could bring her along. My near-perfect GPA in high school helped with that. (2)

"Well, to make it short, Austin, your dad, gave me thirteen roses, because they mean you have a secret admirer." She looked up.

"This was before you were a couple, right?"

"Yes, it was. With each rose, he would give me a letter. Each letter said what he liked about me, and it corresponded with the meaning of the rose color. Yellow meant friendship, red meant love, yellow and red meant friendship with falling in love, and a lot more."

"Whoa..." Melody put down her pencil, "You knew that Dad was giving you roses?"

"No, I didn't. He signed all the letters with 'Your Secret Admirer'." I smiled fondly as I thought of Austin. Melody nodded in understanding.

I continued. "Eventually, Trish had to go to Mexico, so she had to leave while your dad was still giving me roses." Trish and I still kept in touch, and she often came over to babysit Melody.

"What happened then?" By now, Melody propped her elbows on the counter, leaning forward. Her schoolwork sat beside her, unfinished.

"Well, I promised her that I would tell her how the roses turned out before she left. And then, the day after Austin gave me the last rose, we became a couple."

"So, that's the end? How does the dream fit in here?" I chuckled; we were only getting to the... more dramatic part.

"I was just getting there. It turns out that I dreamed about the roses. Meaning, Austin never gave me roses at all. He was still my best friend. Nothing more," I told her.

Melody's head jerked up. "The roses...Were only just a dream?!" I nodded. She gaped, her each hand on one cheek. "So, first, you tell me that Dad was so sweet giving all those roses, and then, it just turned out as a dream? When did the dream end? After you became a couple, or before the roses ended...? Did Dad know about the dream yet?"

"The dream ended right after the thirteenth rose, before we officially became a couple the next day," I explained. "And your dad didn't know about the roses."

"Ohh..." Melody sat back in her chair as she watched me fold the laundry. She sat up.

"Wait, since Dad never gave you roses, how did he react the next day? How long was the dream?" She peppered me with questions.

"Well, the dream ended just as Austin gave me the last rose. I went to school the next day, thinking that Austin really did give me roses. I didn't think it was a dream. I remember walking right up to Austin and telling him that I was his girlfriend." I sighed. I still wasn't over how embarrassing that was. Austin would only laugh and put his arms around me when we talked about that.

"So, he went along with it? That you were his 'girlfriend' and he didn't even know?"

"He accepted it, I think. I could tell he wasn't expecting it. I still didn't know it was a dream by then."

"And that's the end?" Melody asked. I shook my head.

"And how about Trish? If it was a dream, she wouldn't have gone to Mexico at all!" Even though I had insisted on making Melody call Trish, 'Aunt Trish', Trish objected. She said it made her feel old, so after that, Melody got used to just calling her Trish.

"That's my favorite part," I grinned, "Even though if Trish never really went on vacation, she actually did. Only this time, to Chicago."

"So, it was a coincidence that she really did go on vacation before your dream, and she came back when the dream ended," She looked at me. "That's a really long dream, Mom. It's like it lasted a week, when it really was only a night! Some dream you had!" She paused.

"So that's it? You and Dad got together? And Dad was a little surprised?"

"Not really. Later that day, I broke up with him." He eyebrows went up.

"You broke up?! Why?"

"Well, before we broke up, were in the practice room. We were making ideas for a song, and I said how we should write about roses, since he gave me them."

"But you only dreamed the roses. And that's when you realized you dreamed about the them!" Melody was bouncing in her seat with anticipation.

"That's right. It started coming together then. At first, I felt hurt because I thought Austin didn't remember that he gave me roses. I went home, and I noticed how I had no journal entries about roses. And I distinctly remembered that I wrote something about roses in my journal. But that was in the dream."

"Ohh..." Melody nodded for me to keep going.

"And then Trish came over, because she was suspicious why I thought that she went to Mexico, instead of Chicago. She helped me realize that I was only dreaming about the roses. We were both in Sonic Boom when I realized that."

"So when did you break up with Dad?" By this time, I finished folding the laundry. I got out a snack for both of us while we talked.

"Austin came over to see what was wrong with me. That's when I broke up with him," I explained.

"And that's it? How did you get together for real?"

"Well, the next day, I woke up to your dad hanging from my window," I chuckled, remembering how he clung on to the window.

"Why was he hanging from the window? Did he get hurt?"

"He was all right, thankfully. I helped him inside, and then he convinced me to get back together again. He gave me a red and yellow rose. He told me that a florist told him that a yellow and red rose meant friendship and falling in love. I think that was one of the most sweetest thing he did for me. Next time, maybe he'll tell you how we bungee jumped from a bridge," I looked expectantly at her.

"You bungee jumped from a bridge?!" I chuckled. She wasn't as shy as me, which I was glad for. Melody was more of an adventurous person, almost like Austin.

"Man, Mom, why did you marry Dad?! Not that I mind," She quickly said.

There were several reasons why I married Austin, and I couldn't even begin to list them all.

Then, I felt an arm circle my waist, and someone's chin on my shoulder.

"Dad! You're home!" Melody jumped up, and ran to hug Austin, who just came home from Starr Records.

"Hey, Mel!" Austin let go of me, and bent down a little to hug Melody. She then reached her other arm toward me, and I hugged both of them.

"Mom was telling me of how you and Mom became a couple! And she was about to tell me why she married you," Melody looked up into his eyes, smiling at both of us. Austin grinned.

"Oh, really? Do you know why she married me?" He glanced at me, and smirked.

"No, why?" She asked innocently.

"I'm Austin Moon, and part of being him means I'm incredibly hot, and, I can play a trumpet through a trumpet. I think your Mom would also say she married me because I am the one and only person who can make the best pancakes," He winked at both of us.

"The best pancakes? I thought Mom always made the pancakes!"

"No, Austin just burns the first batch of pancakes, and I make the ones you eat," I giggled.

"I did not burn them! They were...Special pancakes," He smugly looked at me.

"Special pancakes burned by Austin Moon, rather," I rolled my eyes. Melody giggled at both of us.

"Yeah, and Dad? How did you manage to climb up to a second story bedroom window? Not to mention without breaking any of your bones!" Melody let go, and waved her finger in the air as the talked.

Austin and I chuckled. He ruffled Melody's hair as he said, "Didn't I tell you that I'm Austin Moon? And I am also known for climbing second story windows," He pulled Melody close to us and patted her head.

He put another arm around me. "But anyway, do you know what today is, Als?" He leaned his forehead against mine. I felt my smile growing as I realized what today is.

Melody turned around and gasped as she looked at the calendar. "It's your wedding anniversary! Happy Anniversary!" She hugged us tightly.

Then, "Okay, I'm going to go before you get too mushy lovey; besides, I have a new book to read!" Melody scampered off to her room upstairs, leaving Austin and me alone.

"Happy anniversary, Als," Austin murmured as he brushed his lips against mine. I smiled into it, making no attempt to deepen it. He pulled away, but our faces were still close to each other.

"What do you think of going for a picnic today, just us two? We can call Trish and Dez to babysit Melody," he suggested. I nodded.

"I'll get something to bring along," I said, glancing at the clock. It was only two o-clock. Austin smiled and went to tell Melody.

I cleaned up our snacks and got the things we needed for our picnic. Then I felt Austin turning me around to face him.

"I love you so much I can't even begin to describe it," Austin kissed me again, and our food was forgotten.

"Mom, can you- Bleh..." I pulled back, and saw Melody turn her head away from us. Austin pouted, but said nothing.

"Yes, Sweetie?" Melody shook her head. "It's not important, keep doing your thing. Disgusting!" She shook her head as she walked out of the room.

"Wait," I called her back, "Your Dad and I are going for a picnic, and we'll drop you off at Dez and Trish's house. Be ready in 15 minutes, okay?"

"But I'm old enough to stay home, right?" I shook my head.

"Not for that long, Mel," Austin said, "You can when you're older," He smiled reassuringly at her, and she skipped away; she usually loved being at their house. Except when Dez got too... Dez-'ccentric, and when he and Trish had their squabbles.

"Come on Austin, let's go get our food ready," He frowned, and tried to lean in again, but I put a finger on his lips before he would kiss me. "Not now. Later," I turned around, and Austin frowned.

"I will kiss you eventually, right?"

"Possibly," I winked playfully.

"Isn't it beautiful here, Austin?" I set the basket of food on the grass, breathing in the fresh air.

It was a sunny day; after all, Miami is the Sunshine capital. Only a few cotton ball clouds were in the sky, and the huge oak tree provided a good amount of shade. It was the perfect inspiration for a song.

"Yeah, just like you," Austin smiled, and held my hand.

"You're more cheesy than a love song!"

"But you love it, right?" he bumped into me. I grinned in return.

Suddenly, I was hit with inspiration, and I dug through the basket for my songbook.

"Looking for this?" Austin held my book in the air, high enough so that I couldn't reach. How did he get my book?!

"Don't touch my book!" I jumped, but it only made him stretch higher.

"You're going to have to get me first!" And then, Austin ran around, making me chase him.

Austin ran around a huge tree trunk, and I tip-toed and peered around the other side.

I shrieked as I felt Austin's hands seize my waist. Soon, I was laughing, and he started to tickle me.

I squirmed from his grasp, and I tripped when I tried to run away. I stumbled back up and continued to run. I circled around the tree again. This time, it was my turn to surprise Austin.

"Umph!" I tackled Austin, grabbing my book from him. "Yes!" I scribbled down a few ideas for lyrics, and shut my book closed. Now that we married, I don't mind if Austin reads through my book, but even now, I was still in the habit of saying, 'don't touch my book!'.

"Aww, Ally! Can't you let me read it once?" He pleaded. "I let you read my book!" He still had the book I gave him when we were teenagers. He didn't write in it too often, and that was why it wasn't filled up yet.

I shook my head, saying, "Next time, Austin."

"Promise?" He grinned like a kid.

"Promise. Now come on, let's go eat!" I paused, "And I think I packed something really good in there..." That was it. Austin sprinted to the basket, and he found out what I was talking about. Pancakes.

Living with Austin meant eating pancakes. No matter what time of day it is, or what occasion.

"You brought pancakes!" Austin squealed. His love for pancakes only grew with the years.

Austin took one pancake, and stuffed it in his mouth.

"Aren't you going to eat it with anything? Syrup? Butter? It's in the basket," I started to grab the blanket we brought, and Austin helped me spread it out.

"You brought the syrup, butter, you got everything! Als, you're the best!" He started to eat more pancakes. He stopped. "Aren't you going to eat anything?"

I silently brought out a jar of pickles. "You never leave home without a jar of pickles, Austin!" He laughed. "Just save a pancake for me, please."

"I thought you could live on pickles alone?" I giggled.

"I would, but I like pancakes too," I snatched a pancake from him.

He stuck out his bottom lip. "You're lucky that you're my wife."

"I know," I giggled. It was true. Melody also inherited his love of pancakes, and when she tried to sneak a piece into her mouth, Austin gave her a talk about not stealing.

Not stealing pancakes, specifically.

"But anyway, I brought something a little special for today. Hold on," Austin ran to the car, which wasn't too far. When he stood in front of me again, his hands were behind his back. He pulled out something that took me back years ago.

A bouquet of roses.

There were thirteen roses in it, the same colors that Austin gave me in high school. Red, white, yellow, pink, lavender, orange, and my favorite, yellow and red.

"I thought of giving you just one rose, but I thought you might like this, Miss Ally Moon," He stood up and bowed dramatically. I grinned. Naturally, roses became my favorite flower.

As I looked at every rose, I remember the meanings I learned.

"Do you like it?"

"I love it," I grinned, and I gave him a side hug. I felt him press his lips against my forehead.

"All of my dreams already came true, I guess," Austin said, "I've got an amazing songwriter, who is a wonderful wife as well," he said as he looked at me. I blushed. "A daughter, my family, our music careers taking off...Pancakes," He added with a wink. "What else could we want for?" Austin sighed, and we sat at the base of the tree behind us.

"My dream came true too. Even though you didn't really give me the roses, I wouldn't have become your girlfriend any other way," I smiled, referring to that fateful dream years ago.

"Dreams really do come true, don't they?" He smiled lovingly.

"Yeah... They do. They come true in special ways."

(1): I picked that age because...One, 13 Roses... and two... Eh, personal reasons. :P

(2): Seriously, why wouldn't I let Melody not home school!? I love homeschooling. :P I really can't wake up on my own at 6 am anymore...

So, if you're still confused, here's what happened: The roses, which was basically everything from chapter 1 - chapter 15, was a dream. It ended as soon as the thirteenth rose was given. Ally dropped the hint to Austin that he gave roses to her, which he didn't know about, since the roses were a dream. And then Ally breaks up with him because she realizes it was a dream. Then, they eventually get back together at the end of chapter 17, so... I'm really sorry that I made some of you confused at the end of the last chapter. Idk if explaining it more makes it any more confusing, so... I'm a confusing person. :) Just sayin'. But anyway...

Man. It's done. It's finished, WHOO! NOW AYE DON'T HAVE TWO WHIRRY UHBOUT UPDATING! WHOOOO! (homophones, homophones! I knead my needed biscuits plane! #VeggieTaleLover [aka Veggie Tail Lover. XDEE!])

Okay, that's half of how I feel. Around the 12th chapter, I started getting tired of this idea (I know, I'll give a fair warning that the future fanfics I'll do will be less than 20, maybe shorter than this. Because I get tired too easily. :P), but even though it took me a while (A long while...) to finish this, I'm still going to miss this story. My first fanfic that I finished... :') It takes a while for me to just finish any multi-chapter story (I still haven't finished the play, "The Prescription Chase" I made in 4th grade...).

I remember when I first got this idea. I just read a fanfic related to HSM, Twenty-Five Roses by fallinrain.(You should check that out if you ship Ryan/Kelsi from HSM... You won't regret it! It's TERRIFICALLY WONDERFUL!) Then, for school a few weeks later, there was a question asking why the author used a white rose in the poem. I looked up the meanings for different rose colors, and BAM. Instant story idea. It didn't take long before I got it written down. I was especially excited for this fanfic, and I KNOW when a fanfic is going to be KA-BAM. First, I get really excited and insane and I start to jump around, just thinking of all the possibilities that exist for the story! And usually when I get a really good idea, random scenes start to pop in my brain, summary ideas, everything you could imagine. Then, I published it, and...Here we are! :D

I almost forgot; when I first started this fanfic, I didn't really expect it to be such a great story. I just expected it to be an average Auslly story, like F&A. I thought I would get no more than 200 reviews on this story, but I guess I was wrong. :P

And that's where you guys come in. I know this so cliche, and you probably get tired of reading this on every. single. author's note. on. the. last. chapter, but there really is no (r ;) Get it? Norway?) way I could make it without you guys. I know almost every author on this site knows how I feel. It feels great to know that your work is read and appreciated around the world. People, just like me, read this story and a lot more. And I want to thank you all. For all your support, your reviews, your time, everything. I know a lot of you are probably busy, and can't dedicate as much time to reading fanfics like in the summer, but I want to thank you for all that you've done. I just love the rush that I get when I see the load of emails I get for reviews, favorites, follows, and PMs. I can't even explain it. Ask any author, they might know how I feel.

So, about future fanfics...You probably won't see a multi-chapter from me anytime soon, not until spring or summer at least. But I do have a few one-shots up my sleeve, so you'll see those. :D But, a note about future multi-chapters...They are NOT going to go above 20+ chapters. I can almost pinky promise this. I get tired with just one fanfic in a pretty short amount of time, so yeah. :P But I promise to finish the fanfics I start. Pinky promise. :D (Yes, this will apply to F&A...I WILL finish, no matter how hard. I really wanna have it done by the end of the year [that would mean weekly updates.. O_O I don't know if I can handle that yet...], but we'll see!)

Also, remember that poll? Well, I have a new one up there, except it's all summaries. I just took out a few, or just combined the ideas, like, 'Hey Juliet'. I think I have a better idea for that, and it's probably going to be around 3-5 chapters. But OMC I am SUPER DUPER MUCHERS excited for all the upcoming stories, like, there's one that I think will have a BUNCH of humor you guys might like! Also, I just got a brand new idea (I know you guys will like it...I hope. I'm getting that same KA-BAM feeling that I got with 13 Roses that I mentioned above), and all I can say is that it's based on apples. Yes, I told you I like unique fanfics now, so that ought to be interesting. :P Auslly and Apples... Hm... ;) It's not only the alphabet I'm going to write about. Actually, I'll leave that up to you guys to wonder about. :P I'll post a little preview at the end though, so I know you guys will come back. XD

Wow, this it getting long...I hope you like long author's notes! :D

But yeah, just THANK YOU. It's all I can say now. I don't even know how to thank you guys for all this support you've given me. I mean, 609 reviews, 155 favorites, 205 alerts, and 40,000+ views?! What the cucumbers?! THANK YOU SO MUCH. Like, WOW. WOW. WOW. WOW. WOW. YOU WILL CRACK UP AT THE FACES AND HAPPY DANCES I'M DOING NOW. Well, I normally make sure I'm alone, so... XD

Any thoughts on the ending of this fanfic? My author's notes? (Feel free to complain about that...) For your reviews, tell me what you think. And don't be afraid to offer some suggestions or constructive criticism. Especially since this is the last time you might hear from me for a while, unless I'm PMing you (for those who do PM me, I'll get to answering them on Christmas break, which is coming up soon).You're not going to find an angry PM in your inbox from me, I promise! :D I want to improve my writing, of course. Who doesn't? :P

If you have any questions for future fanfics or anything...Just PM me. :) Remember that I'M NOT as scary as Big Mama! XD

So...Goodb- NO.

Until Next Time! :D

P.S.: Total word count for both A/N's alone - About 2,000 words... :P

P.P.S: If you're looking for a really good Christmas one-shot, I'd say Christmas Things by 4everawriter. I still have a bunch of Christmas one-shots to read, and I'm still writing mine, but that one-shot? AMAZING. So yeah, be sure to check that out if you haven't! :D

Preview of Possibly My Next Multi-Chapter So Stay Tuned! (It might come out somewhere in March, hopefully...I've got a lot of writing to do over winter break. XD):

Ally Dawson was like an apple. In fact, all girls are like apples.

Some apples were rotten. Some apples were okay, but not great either. But some apples were special.

And Ally was that special apple.

If he chose the cheesiest pick-up line, she'd laugh. If he says to her, "You're beautiful," she'd blush.

If he admitted that he was in love with her, she'd avoid him.

Because she loves him too.

And she doesn't know what to do about it.

So who said that she was beautiful? Who admitted he is in love with her?

Austin Monica Moon. (Hey, it wasn't his fault that he had a girl's name as his middle name!)

BAM! It's like leaving a mini cliffhanger! XD MWAHAHAHA! I am so evil. XD But awesome at the same time. XD Just kidding. All of you guys are awesome!

'Til Next Time, Everyone! :D