Disclaimers: Naruto don't belong to me.

This story is about Sakura, Ino, Hinata, Tenten, Temari, Matsuri, Karin as best friends doing the craziest of things that friends would do together. Couples are Sasuke and Sakura, Ino and Sai, Naruto and Hinata, Tenten and Neji, Shikamaru and Temari, Gaara and Matsuri, Karin and Suigetsu.

A/N: Well guys hope you enjoy. This idea had been swimming around in my head so here it is.

(all corrections done, I hope I got all, I'm so sorry you had to read those chapters with my silly errors)

The reason I wrote 'Years from the time they got separated' and not a specific day is because I'm not sure how long of a time skip I wanted, it is some time after they graduated from college and they are in their mid twenties.

(Years from the time they got separated)

Sakura got up extra early this morning; it's a Saturday so she didn't have to go to work today. Sasuke was also home today, but he was still asleep in bed. After what went down last night he must be tired, after all they hardly got a wink of sleep.

She walked over to his side of the bed and leaned in to kiss his forehead. He was cuddling her pillow; he did this every time she left him in bed. She wasn't one to talk though because she did the same when he wasn't there.

She couldn't believe it's been two and a half years since they got married and moved into their very own home. But what she only discovered four almost five weeks ago was a big surprise and joy in her life. She was pregnant, when she told Sasuke his reaction was priceless, she was happy to get it on camera.

When he had come home from work, which was at the Uchiha's electronic company, he had complains to tell her about Itachi being an asshole, he and Itachi were partners and owned the company together.

Right after that she brought him into the kitchen and made him open the oven which had a bun it. It was cheesy but it was all she could have thought of at the time.

Sasuke's jaw literally dropped open that day, followed by allot of, 'for real, don't fuck with me Sakura.' Then he picked her up and spun her in circles until she felt like she would throw up. Ever since that he had been treating her even more special than he usually does.

He'd do whatever she asked him to without a grumble or complaint. He'd give her massages whenever she asked for it and he'd drive to the minimart at 3:00 in the morning to get her sweets when she felt like it.

He took care of her and sometimes he treats her like a kid. But she wouldn't complain when he did this, no, she would simply laugh at this because no one saw Uchiha Sasuke doing these things and acting this way but her.

It was so sweet of him. She knew he was just as excited about this like she was.

But today she was going to tell all her girls about the exciting news. For today was 'girls day out', they didn't have 'girls night' anymore. That was because Hinata was pregnant as well, seven months now. Not to mention the fact that Tenten recently gave birth to a healthy baby boy.

He was now a month old and his name would be Tenji. Sakura and Ino worked at the hospital but they were not the ones to help Tenten give birth. Though Karin being a nurse got to help the doctors out and be in the room with their friend during delivery.

But all five girls were in the waiting room prying for her, they were not allowed in the delivery room because it would have been overcrowded.

Sakura made her way into the kitchen to make coffee for Sasuke and for herself some chocolate tea with marshmallows. Her body had already begun craving sweets and she couldn't stand the sight of pizza, it made her puke and feel sick to her stomach.

She knew this was only the beginning of it. There was a total of three trimesters to go through as a pregnant woman.

But on the positive side she notice her bobs was already getting bigger, Sasuke had notice it as well. Then again when they were alone she grabs a hold of them and asks him whose boobs were on her chest. He'd just roll his eyes at her but a smirk was always present when she did so.


Hinata sat on the toilet seat for what felt like forever, being pregnant, she notice her bladder got full faster and she constantly have the need to pee. Naruto was downstairs making her breakfast and he promised to be upstairs to help her wash up.

She needed help with the little things she use to do by herself, because her stomach was so huge. When she was finish peeing, Naruto was there in front her ready to help her get up. She was sort of enjoying this treatment because she knew when the baby was finally here she'd be up all day and night taking care of him/her.

Not that she minded, she was extremely excited to greet their child into the world.

"Ready to bath?" Naruto asked, Hinata nod, she liked showering as soon as she got up on mornings, well at least a few minutes after. She missed taking nice long baths, she couldn't do this anymore, it wasn't good for her baby to be in the hot water she usually liked laying in for long period of times.

Hinata could properly do these things on her own; it was really Naruto being a over-protective-husband-soon to be father. He'd tell her that he had to be there before she slipped and fall in the shower and what not. One thing she enjoyed was time-off from work, her boss Mrs. Hitoy, insisted she took time-off from the office.

Hinata is an accountant at a big company and she thought art on a Friday evening at their old high school but she couldn't do that now. But she was planning to leave soon; she wanted to be at home with her baby. Pulse Naruto's job at the police station brought in allot of money, so they didn't have to worry about money.

"Yea but Naruto, I think I can handle this one, you go make breakfast." She offered sweetly only to get turned down.

"No, Hinata I insist let me help you out, besides I won't see you all day today." Naruto whined, Hinata gave in, she couldn't wait it's been a while she and the 'girls had their girls day out'.

"Ok, ok but I hope you didn't leave anything on in the kitchen like last time." She warned and Naruto's eyes went wide.

"Shit! I'd be back Hinata_chan!" He took off in a speed heading to the kitchen. She let out a little chuckle at her husband.


Tenten shut up from bed and looked to her side, Neji wasn't there. At this time she'd usually get up and cheek on Tenji but it seem Neji had beaten her to it. At the corner of the room near a window she saw Neji on the rocking chair with Tenji in his arms. A smile spread across her face, ever since Tenji came home with her from the hospital Neji had been like this.

Actually before he even came out of Tenten, Neji had been ready to be a father and she knew he'd be a wonderful one. "It's me and you today buddy, mommy's leaving us today, but we don't need her don't we." Neji was speaking softly to the little one, Tenten giggled at the sight.

Being a house wife was the best; she got all the time to be with her baby and even got some time for herself. She knew if Neji could help it he'd be a house husband but he had to work at the police department with Naruto to bring in the money for his Tenji and for her.

Tenten got up and walked over to the two quietly. "Hey there, did daddy wake you?" Tenten looked down at the little guy in Neji's arms, his pearl eyes staring up at them.

"Hm, no more like he woke daddy up, didn't he." Tenji let out a little squeak of a laugh at Neji's statement.

"Awe, you're so adorable." Tenten playfully pinched the boys face only to have her fingers grabbed by his little hand.

"Someone doesn't want you to go anywhere today." Neji looked up at his wife for a second then his attention went back to the baby.

"That's because your making it sound like I'm not coming back, ever. Hunny I'd be back later, I would have taken you with me but daddy wants to spend time with you." Tenji let out another squeak and let go of his mother's hand and smiled.

This made Tenten melt, like she always dose around her baby boy.


Temari cuddled in with Shikamaru a little more, she knows she had to get up and get ready for her meet up with the girls. But truth be told she didn't want to get out of bed, she just wanted to cuddled in with Shika for the rest of the day.

Being a Saturday both of them would be home, but Shika made plans with Choji. He only made plans because she had plans. Or he would have gladly spent the day with her in bed. Being the lazy ass he is, but she would have made him be active, even in bed. She glanced over his shoulder and saw that it was 4:00 am and she had to meet up the girls at 5:30 am.

So she had to get up now. "Shika, Shika."


"You got to let me go I got to get up and make breakfast and get ready." Shika just let go and rolled over from the middle of the bed to his side so she won't wake him up any further. Temari laughed at his laziness and got of bed still feeling a bit sleepy.


Ino walked into the mall and began searching around for anyone of her friends. They said they'd meet up in front the mall but Ino couldn't wait outside, it was too darn hot out there. She guessed the others would think the same and came in the mall like her.

And she was right, she spotted red and next to her was a brunet. She quickly walked over to the two girls and announced her arrival cheerfully. "Good morning my sun-shines, early much."

Karin and Matsuri turned to look at the blonde woman. "Ino you're cheerful as always aren't you." Matsuri wrapped her hands around her friend, Karin did the same.

"Better than being bitter isn't it." Ino grin at the two.

"How you're so early?" Karin asked after they took a seat on the bench near the entrance, so that they'd see when the others arrive.

"Sai had to leave early this morning to go to the museum they had an urgent meeting or something, so I got up early." Ino explained, and then she turned her attention to Matsuri. "How's that new job of yours going Matsy?"

Matsuri slumped down in her chair. "Well honestly it's tiring, but Kiba has been going easy on me." Matsuri works as a vet's assistant and the veterinarian was none other than Kiba. Matsuri had just started off at the Inuzuka animal clinic.


Soon after all seven girls were together in the food court having a nice time catching up, while sipping on their drinks and enjoying their food. "OMG Sak's congratulations!" Sakura had just told them about her being pregnant and Ino was the one to loudly congratulate her.

"I was surprise when I found out, I mean wow being a mum, I'm so happy but I'm so nervous. Hinata, Tenten I need advise here." Sakura looked at the two girls expectantly.

"Wait, I need to pee, someone help me up." Hinata dropped her muffin on the napkin on the table and looked around.

"Sure thing." Temari got up and helped the raven hair girl up, being the closes to her, it'll be easier.

"BRB girls." Temari lead Hinata to the wash-room.

"Don't worry Sak's it's a joy being a mother and I'm sure Sasuke would be there to help you out so don't worry. Besides you have months to plan and prepare and I'm always here when you need me." Sakura smiled at Tenten's advice and support.

"Ok seriously guys stay away I think your pregnancy-thingy is contagious, I'm not ready." Ino joked, but really she was willing to try but first she wanted to make sure everything was ready at home.

"Oh yea Sari sent me a picture of her, Kankuro and their dog bunbun." Matsuri reached into her purse to get the pictures.

"You know I thought Sari liked Kiba, who would have thought she and Kankuro would have found love." Karin propped her head on her hands and sighed dreamily.

Sari and Kankuro had quit a romance story to tell. "Here they are, they seem so happy together, I think it was bound to happen, Sari told me she thought he was sexy the first time she saw him." Matsuri handed the girls a bunch of pictures.

"Oh my, is that Sari?" Hinata snatched some pictures out of Ino's hand and sat down.

"Hey I got some like these as well but I forgot to bring them." Temari also took her seat and leaned over to Hinata's side to look on.

"Isn't it nice, now she has someone to travel around with and even better her dad gave him a job so his job takes them all over." Temari looked at Matsuri as she spoke and thought it was indeed nice, having someone by your side every step of the way.

"Yea it is, she was so sad about having to leave everyone behind but now Kankuro's got her smiling like this." Sakura looked at the picture in her hand with the two kissing in the water of a beautiful waterfall.

"Here's to happiness, long marriages, love between friendship and all the memories we share." Tenten raised her glass bottle of cola and proposed a toast.

"Cheers!" The other girls clicked their drinks together.


"Hey get back here!" A security called out to a blonde girl on a skateboard riding through the mall.

"In your dreams old man!" The blonde yelled back at the man, then six other girls joined her all on skateboards.

Temari turned to look at the girls passing by and smiled.

"Remember when that use to be us." The other girls looked out the shop window and beam.

"Yep, how I wish I could do that now but my large stomach will get in the way." Hinata laughed, this made them all laugh. They were in a baby store looking at cute clothes and assessors.

"We're still fun, oh that reminds me, I'm having a back yard bar-be-cue tomorrow, you all are invited." Sakura suddenly announced, she and Sasuke wanted to have a little celebration for their new member of the family even thought he/she wasn't in the world as yet.

"Yeaaa, I've been feeling like bar-be-cue." Hinata cheered.

"Gosh Hina, you eat more than Naruto." Ino teased and Sakura snorted.

"Hey unfair, I'm eating for two you know, what's you excuse...pig." Everyone bust out in laughter, it's been a while since anyone called Ino that.

It had died down after she got married to Sai. "Oh no you didn't." Ino laughed, she was actually happy about this, it brought back memories.



"What do you want Sasuke?!"

"Chieri's here."

"Oh, I'd be down in a second."

"I thought I'd come by and help Sakura prepare everything for later. Itachi said he'd come by in a few hours, he has to run some earns." Chieri walked into the house when Sasuke moved aside for her to come in.

"Thanks, for coming by. You didn't bring Chiedi?" Sasuke asked referring to Itachi and Chieri's four year old daughter. He always looked forward to seeing the little one, he wouldn't admit it, but he liked playing with her, even the little tea parties she liked to have. But he didn't have to say anything everyone could see that he loved her very much, as if she was his own.

"I'm afraid not she wanted to go with her daddy today." Chieri smiled as she walked into the kitchen, Sasuke was close behind. She knew her way around because she and Sakura would often make visits to each other's homes.

After all they only lived a few houses away from each other. "I bought some stuff over." Chieri motioned to the bag in her hand.

"Thanks ah bunch sis, any help is accepted." It was Sakura who side this; she came in with a grin on her face as she hugged Chieri. She had just finished taking a shower so her hair, which he had grown out all the way to her waist, was let out and damped.

"No probz Saku, any way let's get started, there would be allot of mouths to feed." Chieri began empting the contents of the bag onto the counter.

"Yea let's do that, Sasuke would you go set up outside for me please." Sasuke nod and left the girls in the kitchen to do their stuff.

"Oh Sakura, I know it's early an all but how are you feeling?" Chieri asked out of concern, she was so excited when Sakura told her the good news. She felt special when she found out she was the first one Sakura had told. Well besides Sasuke, she was the first and Sakura told her she was like a big sis as well.

"I'm fine Chier, just some morning sickness now and then is all, but it's all good." Chieri smiled at the pinkette and resume her job of unpacking the items from the bag.


"Heyyy, Temari how's it going, so you still work at the bank?" It was Shiho, Temari and the girl made piece after Temari got married to Shika. The two of them even worked together at the bank, but Shiho left to be a house wife after she got married to Jugo.

"Yea, I get lonely at home when Shika has to go to work, so I'd stick with that job for now." Shikamaru's job was being a lawyer, Temari was surprise that Shiho had moved on with Jugo but she was happy for the two.

"Oh, well I'd see you later at Sakura's right?" Temari nod and waved goodbye as she entered the grocery store, she wanted to buy a bottle of non-alcoholic wine for Sakura, for the little party.


Matsuri, Gaara, Karin and Suigetsu met up at Sakura's front door. "Hey man what's up?" Suigetsu exchanged a friendly bump on the shoulder hand shake while Karin and Matsuri gave each other small hugs.

"Same old." Gaara answered while Suigetsu knocked on the door twice.

"Coming." A faint voice answered from behind the door. Then Sakura came running out and literally jumped onto them. "Ohmegod! It's been so long we did something like this, come in guys." The girls left their husbands sides and walked in when they saw Tenji and Chiedi with Mikoto and Tenten.

"Congratulations." Both boys said and placed their hands out to give Sakura a little token.

"Oh thanks guys come on in, don't just stand there." Sakura took the two bottles of non-alcoholic champagne and ushered the guys in.

Now everyone was here.

All her friends and their significant other and all the parents were also there. "Everyone's out back man, Sasuke's going to start bar-be-cuing lets go they got the pool full and all that!" Naruto called out to Gaara and Suigetsu, he and Hinata was heading there themselves.

Itachi, Hidan, Deidara and Kisame were helping Sasuke bar-be-cue and the three guys had dates with them, the girls were trying to make friends with everyone.

The music buzzed lightly in the back ground as the woman set the table with all the delicious food Chieri, Mikoto and Sakura had prepared. And all the wine and champagne that everyone had brought was also set out on the table.

"Food's all done guys come and get!" Chieri announced, of course Hinata and Chiedi was the first two at the table. Everyone gathered around to eat including Rocklee and his fiancé Shion, Suigetsu sister. Now that was a big surprise to everyone.

The girl came back a completely different person and fell for Lee. Kiba got married to Amy form High School and Choji to Chinu also form High School. Shino and Ayame were dating, Naruto was happy about that now he got discounts from the Ramen shop.

And everyone was happy to be together again. "Here's to us forever one big family!" Sakura tossed.

"To one big family! Everyone lifted their glasses and tossed, even Chiedi did this. This made everyone laugh and the young Uchiha girl blushed and hid being her daddy.

It was then Sakura got a strong feeling as if she was going to have a baby girl as well. She couldn't wait to tell Sasuke about this.

A/N: About the time capsule, let just say they dug it up after Sakura got married to Sasuke and buried it once more.

Well guys this is officially it, I still have some corrections to do but this is it no more chapters after this it's kind of sad huh. Well all that's left to say is thanks a lot, I love writing and you guys made it a whole lot better by reading and reviewing. You guys made my day :)

I hope you enjoyed this.

Please leave reviews for me to know what you think.

Have a bless day/night

Love ya all!